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   /                /      record collector's toolbox

DiscoDOS is a set of command line tools for DJ's and record collectors.

DiscoDOS is a command line tool, though parts of it provide a TUI - a text user interface. DiscoDOS is written in Python and runs on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Viewing Marketplace stats, editing listings, fetching videos

dsc ls full screen

Selling a record

dsc sell

Viewing mix details, searching and adding track

demo gif 1

Updating track information from Discogs and MusicBrainz/AcousticBrainz

demo gif 2

The latter two videos are slightly outdated. DiscoDOS' main command now is called dsc and AcousticBrainz as an actual website not existing anymore (API-only, which DiscoDOS makes use of).

Video Tutorials

