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Releases: JNechaevsky/international-doom

International Doom 7.0 (2023-07-07)

07 Jul 06:12
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This is a next major version, a total refresh. Whole project has been reassembled almost from scratch, as well as most of functions and features were either rewritten or replaced with better implementations. I have entirely removed all resource dependency, including translation and beta/jaguar game modes. Uncanonical UNM skill level, bloat "features for features, not for functionality" and unsafe quirks in game mechanics were also removed (with few optional exceptions, which are sill safe for demos/multiplayer).

I'm also leaving any farther development of Heretic and Hexen, as well as previous resource-dependent codebase. It was a good time and practice, but later was giving me nothing more than headache with compatibility and double amount of work, so neither I would like to keep nor maintain it, preferring to keep things clean and simple, just like it was done in my CRL experience.

Please note, this version is not compatible in any ways with previous ones, so yet another clean install is needed.


  • Added optional True Color rendering, a Masterwork written by @fabiangreffrath for Crispy Doom. However, I'm kindly asking to carefully read the first paragraph in Crispy Doom Wiki, as everything applies here as well.
  • Toggling video options no longer require restart of the program.
  • Additional optimization to visplanes drawing.
  • Replaced "Loading" screen wipe effect with "Fast".
  • Gamma-correction levels OFF-4 now equals to vanilla Doom.

My subjective recommendation for True Color render: try to disable fake contrast and enable smooth diminished lighting in Gameplay Features. This will probably provide best looking, and if game feels brighter than it should, adjust gamma-correction via F11 key.


  • Changing music playback system no longer needed for playing tracks in MP3/OGG/FLAC/IT/XM/MOD formats.
  • Added FluidSynth support. There is no sample bank included, but I highly recommending to check out Trevor0402's SC-55 soundfont. Just provide a file name or full patch to sound bank in fsynth_sf_path config file variable (thanks @rfomin and @mikeday0).
  • Upgraded Windows MIDI code (thanks @ceski-1).
  • Added support for Chocolate/Crispy Doom compatible music pack folder (music_pack_path config file variable).


  • All automap colors/schemas now more friendly with heavily modified custom palettes.
  • Added ReMood/CRL-inspired IDDT cheat monsters highlighting.


  • Port now compatible with Chocolate/Crispy Doom and Woof (in vanilla complevel) source ports multiplayer.
  • Setup executable is back as multiplayer launcher, on same manner as in Woof source port.


  • Port now using actual version of Dehacked parser. Notably, BFG2704 is working.

Chocorenderlimits/CRL features

  • Spectator mode - allows to fly around as spectator (thanks @RestlessRodent).
  • Freeze mode (cheat shortcut: FREEZE) - freezes whole game world except player.

Shortcut keybinds are available in keyboard bindings / special modes section.


  • Added support for drag-n-drop of iwad/pwad/deh/bex files and demo lumps onto executable.
  • Added support for Chocolate/Crispy Doom compatible directory based autoload folder (autoload_path config file variable).
  • Default port values now matches up vanilla Doom (exception: hires rendering).
  • Upgraded SDL library to version 2.28.1.