Currently, GSW-Rust do not implement all functions already available in GSW-C or GSW-Matlab. This document gives an idea of what is missing. If interested in some specific function, please check our official manual as the best reference for what we have already done.
We organized the functions in modules following the toolbox card from TEOS-10 main document. The functions unchecked are missing in GSW-Rust. The goal is to implement all functions described in TEOS-10, but the priority is to do it right.
- gsw_deltasa_from_sp(sp,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sstar_from_sp(sp,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sr_from_sp(sp)
- gsw_sp_from_sr(sr)
- gsw_sp_from_sa(sa,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sstar_from_sa(sa,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sa_from_sstar(sstar,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sp_from_sstar(sstar,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_pt_from_ct(sa,ct)
- gsw_t_from_ct(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_ct_from_pt(sa,pt)
- gsw_pt_from_t(sa,t,p,p_ref)
- gsw_pt0_from_t(sa,t,p)
- gsw_z_from_p(p,lat,geo_strf_dyn_height,sea_surface_geopotential)
- gsw_p_from_z(z,lat, geo_strf_dyn_height, sea_surface_geopotential)
- gsw_entropy_from_ct (sa, ct)
- gsw_ct_from_entropy (sa, entropy)
- gsw_entropy_from_pt (sa, pt)
- gsw_pt_from_entropy (sa, entropy)
- gsw_entropy_from_t(sa,t,p)
- gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_from_ct(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt
- gsw_t_from_pt0
- gsw_t90_from_t48()
- gsw_t90_from_t68()
- gsw_z_from_depth
- gsw_depth_from_z
- gsw_abs_pressure_from_p()
- gsw_p_from_abs_pressure()
- gsw_t_from_entropy()
- gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_from_t()
- gsw_molality_from_sa
- gsw_ionic_strength_from_sa
- gsw_t68_from_t90()
- gsw_grav(lat,p)
- coriollis_parameter()
- gsw_distance()
- gsw_sp_from_c(c,t,p)
- gsw_c_from_sp(sp,t,p)
- gsw_sp_salinometer(rt,t)
- gsw_sp_from_sk(sk)
- gsw_sp_from_r
- gsw_r_from_sp
- gsw_spiciness0(sa,ct)
- gsw_spiciness1(sa,ct)
- gsw_spiciness2(sa,ct)
- gsw_SA_CT_from_sigma0_spiciness0
- gsw_SA_CT_from_sigma1_spiciness1
- gsw_SA_CT_from_sigma2_spiciness2
- gsw_specvol(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_alpha(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_beta(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_alpha_on_beta(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_specvol_anom_standard(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_rho(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_sigma0(sa,ct)
- gsw_sigma1(sa,ct)
- gsw_sigma2(sa,ct)
- gsw_sigma3(sa,ct)
- gsw_sigma4(sa,ct)
- gsw_cabbeling(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_thermobaric(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_enthalpy(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_enthalpy_diff (sa, ct, p_shallow, p_deep)
- gsw_dynamic_enthalpy(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_sound_speed(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_kappa(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_internal_energy(sa,ct,p)
- gsw_ct_from_enthalpy (sa, h, p)
- gsw_sa_from_rho(rho,ct,p)
- gsw_ct_maxdensity (sa, p)
- gsw_specvol_alpha_beta
- gsw_specvol_first_derivatives
- gsw_specvol_second_derivatives
- gsw_specvol_first_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy
- gsw_specvol_second_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy
- gsw_specvol_anom
- gsw_rho_alpha_beta
- gsw_rho_first_derivatives
- gsw_rho_second_derivatives
- gsw_rho_first_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy
- gsw_rho_second_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy
- gsw_enthalpy_first_derivatives
- gsw_enthalpy_second_derivatives
- gsw_internal_energy_first_derivatives
- gsw_internal_energy_second_derivatives
- gsw_ct_from_rho
- gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height (sa, ct, p, p_ref)
- gsw_specvol_sso_0(p)
- gsw_enthalpy_sso_0(p)
- gsw_hill_ratio_at_sp2(t)
- gsw_gibbs(ns,nt,np,sa,t,p)
- gsw_gibbs_ice (nt, np, t, p)
- gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_ice (t, p)
- gsw_alpha_wrt_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_alpha_wrt_t_ice (t, p)
- gsw_beta_const_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_chem_potential_water_ice (t, p)
- gsw_chem_potential_water_t_exact (sa, t, p)
- gsw_cp_ice (t, p)
- gsw_cp_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_ct_freezing (sa, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_ct_freezing_poly (sa, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_ct_from_enthalpy_exact (sa, h, p)
- gsw_ct_from_t(sa,t,p)
- gsw_deltasa_atlas(p,lon,lat)
- gsw_dilution_coefficient_t_exact (sa, t, p)
- gsw_enthalpy_ct_exact (sa, ct, p)
- gsw_enthalpy_ice (t, p)
- gsw_enthalpy_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_entropy_ice (t, p)
- gsw_entropy_part(sa,t,p)
- gsw_entropy_part_zerop(sa,pt0)
- gsw_fdelta(p,lon,lat)
- gsw_gibbs_ice_part_t (t, p)
- gsw_gibbs_ice_pt0 (pt0)
- gsw_gibbs_ice_pt0_pt0 (pt0)
- gsw_gibbs_pt0_pt0(sa,pt0)
- gsw_helmholtz_energy_ice (t, p)
- gsw_internal_energy_ice (t, p)
- gsw_kappa_const_t_ice (t, p)
- gsw_kappa_ice (t, p)
- gsw_kappa_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_latentheat_evap_ct(sa,ct)
- gsw_latentheat_evap_t(sa,t)
- gsw_latentheat_melting(sa,p)
- gsw_melting_ice_equilibrium_sa_ct_ratio (sa, p)
- gsw_melting_ice_equilibrium_sa_ct_ratio_poly (sa, p)
- gsw_melting_ice_sa_ct_ratio (sa, ct, p, t_ih)
- gsw_melting_ice_sa_ct_ratio_poly (sa, ct, p, t_ih)
- gsw_melting_seaice_equilibrium_sa_ct_ratio (sa, p)
- gsw_melting_seaice_equilibrium_sa_ct_ratio_poly (sa, p)
- gsw_melting_seaice_sa_ct_ratio (sa, ct, p, sa_seaice, &
- gsw_melting_seaice_sa_ct_ratio_poly (sa, ct, p, &
- gsw_o2sol(sa, ct, p, lon, lat)
- gsw_o2sol_sp_pt(sp, pt)
- gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt_ice (pt0_ice)
- gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt_ice_poly (pt0_ice)
- gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing (sa, p)
- gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing_poly (sa, p)
- gsw_pot_rho_t_exact(sa,t,p,p_ref)
- gsw_pressure_coefficient_ice (t, p)
- gsw_pressure_freezing_ct (sa, ct, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_pt0_cold_ice_poly (pot_enthalpy_ice)
- gsw_pt0_from_t_ice (t, p)
- gsw_pt_from_pot_enthalpy_ice (pot_enthalpy_ice)
- gsw_pt_from_pot_enthalpy_ice_poly (pot_enthalpy_ice)
- gsw_pt_from_pot_enthalpy_ice_poly_dh (pot_enthalpy_ice)
- gsw_pt_from_t_ice (t, p, p_ref)
- gsw_rho_ice (t, p)
- gsw_rho_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_sa_freezing_estimate (p, saturation_fraction, ct, t)
- gsw_sa_freezing_from_ct (ct, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_sa_freezing_from_ct_poly (ct, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_sa_freezing_from_t (t, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_sa_freezing_from_t_poly (t, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_sa_from_sp(sp,p,lon,lat)
- gsw_sa_from_sp_baltic(sp,lon,lat)
- gsw_sa_p_inrange (sa, p)
- gsw_saar(p,long,lat)
- gsw_sound_speed_ice (t, p)
- gsw_sound_speed_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_sp_from_sa_baltic(sa,lon,lat)
- gsw_specvol_t_exact(sa,t,p)
- gsw_t_deriv_chem_potential_water_t_exact (sa, t, p)
- gsw_t_freezing(sa,p,saturation_fraction)
- gsw_t_freezing_poly (sa, p, saturation_fraction)
- gsw_t_from_pt0_ice (pt0_ice, p)
- gsw_util_interp1q_int (x, iy, x_i) result(y_i)
- gsw_util_linear_interp (x, y, x_i) result(y_i)
- gsw_util_sort_real (rarray) result(iarray)
- gsw_util_xinterp1(x,y,n,x0)
- gsw_specvol_ice (t, p)