Work to develop and test methods for changing the type of GVC in AGRIF nests
conda env create -f pyogcm.yml
conda activate pyogcm
cp ref_cfgs.txt ${nemodir}/cfgs
cp -r VORTEX_GVC cfgs
source ${nemodir}/ukmo_utils/
./makenemo -r VORTEX_GVC -m XC40_METO_IFORT
To run the VORTEX_GVC cd cfgs/VORTEX_GVC/EXP00
. An example submission script is here: ../
git clone
. ./VORTEX_GVC/env/gnu-mpich
git clone nemo
svn co xios
cd xios
export XIOS_DIR=$PWD
cp ../VORTEX_GVC/arch/xios/arch-archer2-gnu-mpich.* arch/
./make_xios --full --prod --arch archer2-gnu-mpich --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par --job 10
cd ../nemo
git checkout aafd62a791c3377cf4395ca940a057d74223f1a0
cp -r ../VORTEX_GVC/VORTEX_GVC ./cfgs/
cp -r ../VORTEX_GVC/ref_cfgs.txt ./cfgs/
cp ../VORTEX_GVC/arch/nemo/arch-archer2-gnu-mpich.fcm arch/
sed -i "s?XXX_XIOS_DIR_XXX?$XIOS_DIR?" ./arch/arch-archer2-gnu-mpich.fcm
./makenemo -r VORTEX_GVC -m archer2-gnu-mpich -j 14
To run the VORTEX_GVC cd cfgs/VORTEX_GVC/EXP00
. An example submission script is here: ../runscript.slurm