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A C++ project that creates a smooth, safe trajectory for a car on a highway

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Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

How to Build and Run

cd build
cmake ..

On Generating Paths for the Self-Driving Car

The Environment and Setup

Future Way Points or FWP is a list of X and Y global map coordinates that is given to the simulator. The ego car in the simulator is internally programmed to drive through each of these waypoints sequentially through time. This project focuses on the path the car needs to plan rather than or in addition to how the car shall execute its steering, throttle, and braking controls. Taken from Udacity's description of the ego car's 'perfect controller':

"The car uses a perfect controller and will visit every (x,y) point it receives in the list every .02 seconds. The units for the (x,y) points are in meters and the spacing of the points determines the speed of the car."

Previous Path Points or PPP is a list of X and Y global map coordinates previously given to the simulator but not yet executed by the car.

The ego is given this list of all previous points passed to the planner multiple times a second.

Connecting Path Points from Previous Path Points

We begin constructing the FWP list by taking X and Y points from the PPP that are not yet executed within the simulator and using these points as the beginning or our FWP. This allows for a continuous transition from PPP to FWP.

Extrapolating New Path Points

Using Frenet Coordinates we add three 30m evenly spaced points along the S Frenet coordinate. The spacing was chosen empirically since a projected length for the car to drive that is too short may induce sudden changed in steering and velocity while a long projected length may quickly become inconsequential within the ever-changing highway environment. At this point we have constructed a rough-looking line of points ahead of the ego car composed of X and Y coordinates. These points consists of some of the points gathered from PPP and some points incrementally extrapolated 30m ahead in the S direction. With these points established ahead of the vehicle, if the car were to execute these points, that is, sequentially drive over these points the car would most likely incur dramatic changes in velocity and even extreme changes in acceleration -- imagine a car driving the shortest possible path between each point as that would invoke a zig-zag driving behavior). To remedy these problems and produce a comfortable ride a C++ Spline Helper file is utilized in order to construct a smooth function that intersects all the points.

C++ Spline Helper File

The spline creates a 'smooth' transition between each point by constructing piece-wise polynomials that intersect each point while matching the first derivative for the end and beginning of each polynomial.

We now have established a spline function that smoothly connects all the points a total of 90 meters ahead of the ego car. Next, we add points along this spline so the car knows how to pace itself and thus execute an allowed velocity and acceleration. To do this, we need to 'break-up' the spline so the car travels the desired speed. This portion is executed in src/main.cpp, lines 316 - 322. The points that break-up the spline are added to the FWP as shown in src/main.cpp, lines 324 - 340.

Finally, the points that now exists in FWP are sent to the simulator for the ego car to follow.


You can download the Term3 Simulator which contains the Path Planning Project from the [releases tab (


In this project your goal is to safely navigate around a virtual highway with other traffic that is driving +-10 MPH of the 50 MPH speed limit. You will be provided the car's localization and sensor fusion data, there is also a sparse map list of waypoints around the highway. The car should try to go as close as possible to the 50 MPH speed limit, which means passing slower traffic when possible, note that other cars will try to change lanes too. The car should avoid hitting other cars at all cost as well as driving inside of the marked road lanes at all times, unless going from one lane to another. The car should be able to make one complete loop around the 6946m highway. Since the car is trying to go 50 MPH, it should take a little over 5 minutes to complete 1 loop. Also the car should not experience total acceleration over 10 m/s^2 and jerk that is greater than 50 m/s^3.

The map of the highway is in data/highway_map.txt

Each waypoint in the list contains [x,y,s,dx,dy] values. x and y are the waypoint's map coordinate position, the s value is the distance along the road to get to that waypoint in meters, the dx and dy values define the unit normal vector pointing outward of the highway loop.

The highway's waypoints loop around so the frenet s value, distance along the road, goes from 0 to 6945.554.

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./path_planning.

Here is the data provided from the Simulator to the C++ Program

Main car's localization Data (No Noise)

["x"] The car's x position in map coordinates

["y"] The car's y position in map coordinates

["s"] The car's s position in frenet coordinates

["d"] The car's d position in frenet coordinates

["yaw"] The car's yaw angle in the map

["speed"] The car's speed in MPH

Previous path data given to the Planner

//Note: Return the previous list but with processed points removed, can be a nice tool to show how far along the path has processed since last time.

["previous_path_x"] The previous list of x points previously given to the simulator

["previous_path_y"] The previous list of y points previously given to the simulator

Previous path's end s and d values

["end_path_s"] The previous list's last point's frenet s value

["end_path_d"] The previous list's last point's frenet d value

Sensor Fusion Data, a list of all other car's attributes on the same side of the road. (No Noise)

["sensor_fusion"] A 2d vector of cars and then that car's

0 car's unique ID,

1 car's x position in map coordinates,

2 car's y position in map coordinates,

3 car's x velocity in m/s,

4 car's y velocity in m/s,

5 car's s position in frenet coordinates,

6 car's d position in frenet coordinates.


  1. The car uses a perfect controller and will visit every (x,y) point it recieves in the list every .02 seconds. The units for the (x,y) points are in meters and the spacing of the points determines the speed of the car. The vector going from a point to the next point in the list dictates the angle of the car. Acceleration both in the tangential and normal directions is measured along with the jerk, the rate of change of total Acceleration. The (x,y) point paths that the planner recieves should not have a total acceleration that goes over 10 m/s^2, also the jerk should not go over 50 m/s^3. (NOTE: As this is BETA, these requirements might change. Also currently jerk is over a .02 second interval, it would probably be better to average total acceleration over 1 second and measure jerk from that.

  2. There will be some latency between the simulator running and the path planner returning a path, with optimized code usually its not very long maybe just 1-3 time steps. During this delay the simulator will continue using points that it was last given, because of this its a good idea to store the last points you have used so you can have a smooth transition. previous_path_x, and previous_path_y can be helpful for this transition since they show the last points given to the simulator controller with the processed points already removed. You would either return a path that extends this previous path or make sure to create a new path that has a smooth transition with this last path.


A really helpful resource for doing this project and creating smooth trajectories was using, the spline function is in a single hearder file is really easy to use.



A C++ project that creates a smooth, safe trajectory for a car on a highway







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