This application uses the OpenFoodFacts API to find a better product for your health than the one that you planned to eat (or drink). So, to stay healthy :
!!! maybe you have to install PostgreSQL !!! Connect to PostgreSQL client, create database and new user with privileges:
$ sudo su - postgres
postgres@somewhere:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER "pur_beurre_web_app";
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "db_pur_beurre";
postgres=# ALTER USER pur_beurre_web_app WITH PASSWORD 'Hummm';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE db_pur_beurre TO pur_beurre_web_app;
postgres=# \q
Clone the folder, go inside, create a virtual environment for Python with virtualenv (!!! maybe you have to install virtualenv !!!), use it, and install all necessary dependencies (django, django-debug-toolbar, django-registration-redux, psycopg2, sqlalchemy, openfoodfacts-python, django-fixture-magic):
$ git clone
$ cd PurBeurreWebApp
$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
ONLY if you want to start the application without product in database and request the OpenFoodFacts API for each search, use the branch 'without_product_in_db':
(env)$ git checkout without_product_in_db
Make migrations to create the tables:
(env)$ cd pur_beurre_django_app
(env)$ ./ makemigrations
(env)$ ./ migrate
ONLY if you use the branch 'master', insert datas of products:
- Option 1 : fastest one, with a dump file* (.json) and the django loaddata command
(env)$ wget -O products.json ""
(env)$ ./ loaddata products.json
- Option 2 : slowest one, with the script that imports datas from the OpenFoodFacts API
(env)$ python
(env)$ ./ runserver
NOW, with your favorite browser, go to this url and enjoy to use application.
Install selenium...
(env)$ pip install selenium
... and maybe you have to install ChromeWebDriver to use Chrome or GreckoWebdriver to use firefox and set it in all app's line 2:
from import WebDriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import WebDriver
During the tests, a temporary DB is creating, so you need to update the role of application:
$ sudo su - postgres
postgres@somewhere:~$ psql
postgres=# ALTER USER pur_beurre_web_app CREATEDB;
postgres=# \q
Run the tests:
(env)$ ./ test
Create a "superuser" account, start the server ... :
(env)$ ./ createsuperuser
(env)$ ./ runserver
... and login to the admin site : and enter your new superuser name and password.
- If you use the branch 'without_product_in_db', there is a button to update the database (delete all products that not used in favorite).
* The default language setting is french, if you want to change, you have to choice the second one, and modify france and fr with an other available languages
- with the branch 'master' in line 21.
- with the branch 'without_product_in_db' in line 15 and 61.
** If you want access to the custom 'error 404' page, you have to set DEBUG = False in line 26, and run the server in insecure mode:
DEBUG = False
(env)$ ./ runserver --insecure