Spider Bug Tracker is Web application for tracking the bugs during software development period. It has a clean and user-friendly GUI with great functionality.
- ReactJS - Frontend framework
- Redux w/ hooks - State management library
- Redux Toolkit - Toolset for efficient Redux development
- React Router - Library for general routing & navigation
- React Hook Form - Library for flexible & extensible forms
- Material-UI w/ lots of CSS customisations - UI library
- date-fns - Library for manipulating/formatting of timestamps
- Node.js - Runtime environment for JS
- Express.js - Node.js framework, makes process of building APIs easier & faster
- MongoDB - MongoDB is an open-source document database and leading NoSQL database.
- JSON Web Token - A standard to secure/authenticate HTTP requests
- Bcrypt.js - For hashing passwords
- Dotenv - To load environment variables from a .env file
-Login and register for admin and developers.
-Project Lead can add, edit or delete the projects.
-Project Lead can add developers in a particular project.
-Project Lead can assign a bug to a developer.
-Project Lead can assign bugs to the developers and discuss in a particular bug section.
-Developer can see all the bugs related to that project.
-Developers can see how many total bugs are assigned to them.
Contact us for env via email - spiderbugtracker21@gmail.com.
npm run client
npm run server