Users should have functionality to register themselves or login to our website. Acceptance Criteria:
Given - I am a shelter and I am on FurreverHome's landing page
When - I am a new user and I click on register option
Then - I should be prompted to add shelter details & upload documents eg. Identification & contact information, documents like shelter license (shelter license is an important field to submit in this form).
Given- I am a shelter and I am on FurreverHome's landing page
When- I am registered and I click on login option
Then- I put in the details and am able to successfully login
Given: I am a shelter & my verification is pending
When: I am trying to login
Then: I should see a message indicating that verification is pending.
Given: I am a shelter & my verification is rejected
When: I am trying to login
Then: I should see a message indicating that verification is rejected.
Given- I am a pet lover/adopter and I am on FurreverHome's landing page
When- I am a new user and I click on register option
Then- I should be prompted to add my personal details eg. ID & contact information, email, etc. After registering I should get a verification email on my email id
Given- I am a pet lover/adopter and I am on FurreverHome's landing page
When- I am registered and I click on login option
Then- I put in the details and am able to successfully login
Given- I am a pet lover/adopter and I am on FurreverHome's landing page
When- I click on recover/reset my password
Then- I should be able to reset my password through email verification
There should be a user profile section for user to check his profile details or even modify them. Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: A User Profile Section link/button on the user home page.
- When: User/Shelter clicks on the user profile link/button.
- Then: A profile page with all my details is visible, I can edit those details except the registered e-mail. If I have adopted any animal, I should be able to see all my adoptions.
User visits our website base url, and should be routed to landing page. Acceptance criteria:
- As a user, I should get some information about our website and the services that we provide.
- As a user, I should have an option to register myself or login on to our website from the landing page.
There should be home page for shelters after loggin in. Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: I am a shelter & I have been successfully verified
- When: I am logged in
- Then:
- I will be routed to home page
- I should be able to see all the pets currently registered in my shelter.
- I should be able to update a pet status (adopted, in shelter), edit pet’s description, delete a pet, register new pets (The actual functionality is not expected in this story - these are the features available in from these pages, but should be implemented in other stories).
- I should be able to click and open my profile and add/edit profile photo, details and descriptions about my profile except registered shelter id.
There should be home page for adopters after logging in. Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: I am a shelter & I have been successfully verified
- When: I am logged in
- Then:
- I will be routed to home page
- By default, I should be able to see I should be able to see shelters in the city that I am present (this info can be taken from user profile).
- I should be able to click on any shelter to go to the shelter's individual page.
- I should be able to click and open my profile.
- I should be able to search for pets/shelters from home page
There will be two search bars: Search pets, Search shelters. User can search based on locations, pet type, etc. The tiles will change according the type of search (pet/shelter). Acceptance Criteria:
Given: An adopter is on home page
When: Adopter doesn't add any search criteria on top search bar
Then: Adopter should see shelters within 10 Km default range and/or updated results based on filters.
Given: An adopter is on home page
When: Adopter searches on animal type, location , breed, etc
Then: Adopter should see latest results in the tiles based on the search.
This feature is for shelters to register pets Acceptance Criteria:
- Given: I am logged in as a shelter
- When: I click on register a new pet
- Then:
- I should be able to add all details corresponding to that pet . Details like - What Animal , breed , color, weight, age, vaccination , description ,images, etc.
- I should be able to modify the details if needed or even delete a registered pet.
Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: User is on homepage and sees the default searched shelters.
- When: User clicks on a specific shelter.
- Then:
- Adopters should be routed to the individual shelter page where they can see shelter details & all the pets registered in that particular shelter.
- Adopter can click on any pet to route to that specific pet's page
- There should be a page for viewing individual pet.
- This can be opened through shelter home page (for shelters) or individual shelter page (for adopters).
Given: I am a shelter
When: I click on a pet tile on shelter home page
Then: I should be routed to individual pet page
Given: I am an adopter
When: I click on a pet tile on a shelter's page
Then: I should be routed to individual pet page
Given: I am an adopter
When: I click on a pet tile on a search page results (pet tiles)
Then: I should be routed to individual pet page
Acceptance Criteria :
- Adopters should be routed to the individual shelter page where they can see shelter details & all the pets registered in that particular shelter.
- Adopter can click on any pet to route to that specific pet's page
- As an adopter & shelter, I should be able to click on a pet image and route to individual pet page where all the information related to pet is mentioned.
- As a shelter, I should have extra features like modifying or deleting this pet listing
- I can add vaccination details for the pet and medical background.
- I can add specific instructions on caring for this pet.
- As an adopter, I should be able to see the shelter details on the right side.
- As an adopter, I should be able to send queries to the shelter for adopting pet.
- As an adopter, when I adopt a pet from a shelter, this pet should be added to my profile. [Note: How the adopter should contact the shelter is not clear, it would be great if the development team could come up with a solution.]
User should be able to contact Shelter via chat
Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: I am a User
- When: I click on a shelter’s page
- Then: I should see a button to chat with shelter I should be able to send a message to the shelter. Shelter can see you msg and respond I can send images in chat as well
There should be an admin role who can accepts or reject the shelter register request. Acceptance Criteria :
Given: Admin visits the login page.
When: Clicks on login from landing page.
- Admin can see all the pending shelter registration requests.
- Admin can see view new registered shelter details to verify.
Given: Approves the shelter registration request.
When: Admin click on approve button.
Then: Shelter registration request would be verified.
Given: Rejects the shelter registration request.
When: Admin clicks on reject button.
Then: Shelter registration request would be rejected.
User should get vaccination reminders on emails Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: I am a User
- When: I have adopted a pet from a shelter
- Then: I will receive timely reminders on my email that my pet’s next vaccination is due on this day This reminder will be received a week before the vaccination due date
There should be a lost and found section for user to search for lost and found pet. Acceptance Criteria :
- Given: A Lost & Found Section link/button on the adopter home page.
- When: Adopter clicks on the lost and found link/button.
- Then: A lost and found page, where there are options to search for a lost pet, and register a pet that was found.
- Given: A search section on the Lost & Found section.
- When: Adopter searches based on the characteristics.
- Then: All the similar pets results will be shown to the User.
- Given: A register lost pet section on the Lost & Found section.
- When: Adopter registers a pet.
- Then:
- Adopter should be able add the pet's features and their own personal details (phone number, email).
- Adopter should be able to edit the pet's features and their personal details.