School Tool is here for you!
Major releases are numbers that have a 0.1 increase in difference or more
Version 2.0 is the modern version of School Tool. It contains 7 updates
We feel that it is time School Tool had been basically completely finished. Any bugs are to be reported in issues and they will be patched, but for now this will be the final release.
- Updated Gradient
Version 1.3 has a variety of updates
V1.3 has 19 updates
8 New Fonts for better icons
Apps for iOS and Android are now out!
Download page is now available
Grade Checker is now available
All pages have the latest Navbar
Resources are now available
-Preset now available for faster creation of pages
Minor releases are releases that are like [Main version].[Sub version].[Minor Version]
A quick improvement of the code
- Messed up code
- Formatted code
A quick improvement of user experience
- GEMS Phoenix Classroom had an incorrect target
- GitHub redirect had an incorrect target
- GEMS Phoenix Classroom target set to blank on navbar across all pages
- SCT GitHub redirect target set to blank on navbar across all pages
Version 1.3.0 had issues:
- Dead Links in index
- Index.html was not up to date
- Dead Links in index removed
- In index.html, School Tool info had incorrect flexbox settings that were fixed
- Index.html had the latest features added in hero
Version 1.3.1 had minor issues
- Spelling errors in the menu in all pages
- Spelling errors corrected