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Multithreading components

Single thread bounded queue

Ring buffer implementation.

Single thread unbounded queue of polymorphic objects

Store polymorphic objects of dynamic types that are derived from some base type, using pointers to base type.

push member function should be explicitly specialized with dynamic type to construct. It uses single allocation for queue control structures and constructed object.

MPMC bounded queues

Multiple producers, multiple consumers ring buffers implementations with and without mutexes.

Reusable resources pool

Multiple consumers bounded pool of reusable resources. Its main purpose to reuse resourses that are expensive to create each time its needed. e.g. locked (pined) memory buffers

Thread pools

Fixed signature thread pool, allocation free.

Arbitrary signature thread pool, single allocation per task.

Including into project

All components are header only so to use its in project you can include needed header files and everything will work.

Also you can utilize add_subdirectory(...) CMake command, e.g.:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_subdirectory(path_to_multithreading_dir multithreading)
target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE multithreading)


Run group of tasks and wait until all are finished

#include <iostream>
#include "thread_pool.hpp"

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    const auto n_workers = 4;
    thread_pool::thread_pool_v3 pool{n_workers};
    std::atomic<int> counter{0};
    //callable to run by pool worker
    auto f = [&counter](auto n){
        for (;n!=0; --n){
    thread_pool::task_group group{};    //create object to wait on group of tasks
    //run tasks
    group.wait();   //wait until all three tasks bounded to group complete
    std::cout<<std::endl<<counter;  //6000000

    return 0;

Next example shows how to retrieve result from worker

#include <iostream>
#include "thread_pool.hpp"

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    const auto n_workers = 4;
    thread_pool::thread_pool_v3 pool{n_workers};
    //callable to run by pool worker
    auto f = [](auto n){
        int counter = 0;
        for (;n!=0; --n){
        return counter;
    //run tasks
    auto future0 = pool.push(f,1000000);
    auto future1 = pool.push(f,2000000);
    auto future2 = pool.push(f,3000000);

    std::cout<<std::endl<<future0.get()+future1.get()+future2.get();  //6000000

    return 0;

Build tests and benchmarks

Catch framework is used for testing.

To build and run tests:

cmake -B build_dir -DBUILD_TEST=ON
cmake --build build_dir

To build and run benchmarks:

cmake -B build_dir -DBUILD_BENCHMARK=ON
cmake --build build_dir


This software is licensed under the BSL 1.0.


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