Page can be view here
The google maps key is currently restricted to my github domain and local file system. You should be able to run this locally but if you encounter any issues let me know.
- My Location to get the weather at your current location
- Location saving, when you reload the page it will show your last location
- Cache clearing, if you want to clear your cache and start fresh
- Click to get weather at any location
- Drag the marker to get weather at any location
The "My Location" button can be a little slow the first time you click it. A little loading screen could be added here so that the user doesn't this the application stalled.
- Bootstrap 4
- Jquery
- Awesome Font Icons
- Google MAPS API
- Open Weather Map
Your assignment is to create an app that displays a map. When you click on the map the application uses The latitude and longitude of the location of the mouse click to query a webservice to get local weather information and display that information on the page. You can use the resources to help you:
Add map tutorial:
Current weather:
Jquery ajax:
Or you can do your own thing and make the app work with other tools, but it must be able to run in the browser without any additional libriaries to be downloaded. If your solution requires multiple files, please zip them up.