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210 lines (166 loc) · 8.94 KB


Hello and welcome to the Advanced Web Vulnerability Scanner project!

This description is intended to provide a detailed overview of our project’s architecture, core functionalities, and contribution guidelines. Whether you’re planning to fix a bug, add a new feature, or simply learn from our codebase, this document will help you understand how the project is organized and how everything fits together.

1. Project Overview

The Advanced Web Vulnerability Scanner is a modular, Python-based tool designed to scan websites for common web vulnerabilities. At present, the project implements scanners for SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), but its architecture allows for easy extension to include additional vulnerability types such as NoSQL injection, LDAP injection, SSRF, and more.

2. File Structure Breakdown

Adv web-vulnerability-scanner/
├── core/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── attacks/
│   ├──
│   ├── injection/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── xss/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── authentication/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── access_control/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── file_handling/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── advanced/
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── payloads/
│   ├── sql_injection.txt
│   ├── xss.txt
│   └── command_injection.txt
├── results/
│   └── .gitkeep
├── config/
│   └── scanner_config.json
├── Website/
│   ├──
│   └── test.db
├── requirements.txt
  • core/

      Contains the abstract BaseScanner class, which serves as the foundation for all vulnerability scanners. It manages HTTP requests (with rate limiting), logging, and the overall scanning workflow.

      Houses utility classes and functions such as URLUtils (for URL normalization and validation) and RequestUtils (for HTML form extraction using BeautifulSoup).

  • attacks/
    Contains the vulnerability scanning modules grouped by category:

    • injection/:

        Implements the SQL Injection scanner using various techniques (error-based, boolean-based, and time-based) to detect potential SQL injection vulnerabilities.
      • Other files (e.g.,,, are placeholders or for future implementation.
    • xss/:

        Contains the logic for detecting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities by injecting various payloads into forms and URL parameters.
    • Additional directories like authentication/, access_control/, file_handling/, and advanced/ are structured to support scanners for other classes of vulnerabilities and can be extended as needed.

  • payloads/
    Stores text files with attack payloads (e.g., sql_injection.txt, xss.txt, command_injection.txt) that can be used or extended by the scanners.

  • results/
    Holds the output of scans (e.g., scan_results.json) and logging information (scanner.log).

  • config/
    Contains configuration files such as scanner_config.json which defines parameters like maximum threads, request delay, timeout, and the user agent string.

  • Website/
    A test web application (using Flask) that serves as a controlled environment to test our scanners. It includes:

      A vulnerable web application with forms susceptible to SQL injection and XSS.
    • test.db:
      An SQLite database used by the test application.
  • requirements.txt
    Lists all Python dependencies required to run the project.

    The main script that ties everything together. It:

    • Loads configuration.
    • Instantiates the scanners (currently SQL Injection and XSS).
    • Executes the scans concurrently using a thread pool.
    • Saves the scan results.
    Provides a high-level introduction to the project. (This issue complements the README with in-depth details.)

3. Key Components & How They Work

  • Core Scanning Framework:

    • BaseScanner (in core/
      Defines the scanning interface and common behaviors (like making HTTP requests with proper error handling and logging). All specific vulnerability scanners (SQL injection, XSS, etc.) inherit from this class.

    • Utility Functions:

      • URLUtils: For URL normalization and validation.
      • RequestUtils: Uses BeautifulSoup to extract forms from HTML pages, simplifying how scanners process web pages.
  • Vulnerability Scanners:

    • SQL Injection Scanner (in attacks/injection/

      • Uses several types of payloads to detect vulnerabilities:
        • Error-Based Injection: Looks for database error messages in responses.
        • Boolean-Based Injection: Compares responses from true and false conditions.
        • Time-Based Injection: Measures response delays to infer vulnerabilities.
    • XSS Scanner (in attacks/xss/

      • Injects various XSS payloads into form fields and URL parameters.
      • Checks if the payload is reflected back in the response, indicating a possible vulnerability.
  • Configuration & Concurrency:

    • Configuration File (config/scanner_config.json):
      Sets parameters such as maximum concurrent threads, delay between requests, timeout settings, and user agent.
    • Concurrency Handling:
      The project uses Python’s ThreadPoolExecutor in to run multiple scanners concurrently, improving performance on larger scans.

4. Contribution Guidelines

  1. Getting Started:

    • Fork and Clone: Fork the repository and clone it locally.
    • Install Dependencies: Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
    • Run the Test App: Start the test web application with python Website/ This will launch a Flask server at
  2. Understanding the Codebase:

    • Review the and this issue to get an overview of the project.
    • Examine the files in the core/ directory to understand common utilities and the base scanner structure.
    • Explore the various modules in the attacks/ directory to see how specific vulnerabilities are tested.
  3. Adding or Modifying Features:

    • New Scanners: Create a new module in the relevant subdirectory (e.g., attacks/xss/ or attacks/injection/). Inherit from BaseScanner and implement your scanning logic.
    • Updating Existing Scanners: If you improve a scanning technique or add new payloads, ensure to update both the logic and any related documentation.
    • Tests: Use the test web application as a sandbox. Write tests if possible and verify that new contributions do not break existing functionality.
  4. Coding Standards:

    • Follow PEP8 guidelines for Python code.
    • Write clear, descriptive comments, especially in areas involving complex scanning logic.
    • Update documentation as needed when changes are made.
  5. Submitting Changes:

    • Create an issue if you find bugs or have suggestions.
    • When ready, submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes, referencing any related issues.

5. How to Run the Project (Simplified):

  1. Install the requirements in your python venv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the following command to start the test flask site (running on port: 5000) open it in your browser (optional):
cd Website
pip install flask
  1. Run the following command to test the vulnerabilities
python --url --config config/scanner_config.json --output results/scan_results.json
  1. Find the vulnerability results in the scan_results.json file in you results/ folder in the root directory.

6. Conclusion

This project is built to be modular, extensible, and only for educational purposes at IIIT Sri City @2025.

7. Team details:

The team for this Internet Security project consists of:

  • AJ Harsh Vardhan
  • Akshat Mathur
  • Sushant Kuril
  • Anuroop Reddy

Project Evaluator: Dr. Kamalakanta Sethi