USB Audio Class Device with STM32G431CB and TLV320ADC6120
The PCB is working, but not fully verified since the I2C + I2S driver for TLV320ADC6120 haven't been written yet.
Some changes needed to be made to the STM32 board, for revision B:
- Move all components to the top of the board, so it could be reflowed at once
- Change the USB-C connector to a more popular and cheaper one
- RST button have the wrong footprint, missing the positioning hole
Software development:
Task | Status | Finished? |
Setup STM32G431 as a USB Audio Class Device in STM32CubeIDE | in progress |
TLV320ADC6120 I2C Control | ||
TLV320ADC6120 I2S transfer with DMA |