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A summary about Personal / Internship / School Projects

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this ReadME FILE is a summary about Personal / Internship / School Projects that i worked on .


Web Developer For ALTEN Morocco,Fez 1st July->1st August 2021

Data Analyst For Expertise Data Morocco,Casablanca 1st July->1st September 2022

Internship at ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER , Morocco-Fez

The project that i worked on was about managing employees and their tasks with the project that they are working on. this web application is developed by : Python , Django Framework, Bootstrap, ReportLab, AnyChart.

Filtering Data

A query with Context Processors that is used to filter employees Data to see the Managers and Staff.

Filterting By Role

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Filterting By Team

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Filterting By Category

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This is The Home Page unfiltered

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Here you can see the Managers

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Here you can see the Staff members

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Here you can see more info about the employees and their tasks assigned to

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User Pages

Profile DropDown

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This is the login Page

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A user can see his profile

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A User can update his profile

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Adding Data

a List that a manager can add data to

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A Manager can add staff members

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A Manager can add teams

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A Manager can add Projects

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A Manager can add Category

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A Manager can add Tasks

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Managing Projects

A project can be managed only by a manager , and the tasks can be managed by the Developer . I used a gantt graph using AnyChart to see the developement of a project and its tasks. A developer can't update other developers tasks.

Project Home Page

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Tasks of a Project

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Data Summary

To summarize our data , i used ReportLab a python library that generates PDFs .

Profile Data

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Tasks Data

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Projects Data

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Other Features

Only a manager can see the other employees details.

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You can't access the web application without login-in.

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You can't access the old data of an employee that left the company.

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A task can be only updated by its own Developer.

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Internship at EXPERTISE DATA , Morocco-Casablanca

i worked as Data Analyst , and used Power BI to create my report and analysis.

Since as intern they can't give you the data , i used a public Dataset and worked on

This Analysis is certified by DataCamp :

Dataset is from Databel, a company suffering from customer churn , so to understand why the customers are churning , i m gonna analyse the Dataset .


Before starting my analysis , i checked if there errors or Empty values , and as we can see our data is valid .

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Transform Data

To make our data simple to run , we transformed some columns to make it easier for queries to read it Here we transformed Churned Column from 'Yes' 'No' to '1' '0'

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Categorize the Data

Our Data is so detailed ,so make it simple and easier to analyse , i created new columns with DAX queries to categorize the Data .

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Using DAX , I created measure that will help me in analysis and calculations .

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Churn Demographic As we can see the majority of the customers that churn are Seniors .

The Churn Rate in Total is 26,86% due to 2 Main Reasons , The Competitor has better offers and devices

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So as solution to Senior Customers Churn , we can make special offers for them to keep the trust with our Senior Client.

Groups And Categories

We can see that the main reason for our customer churn is the competitor with 44,82% of the reasons listed as category.

the churn rate is high in the monthly contract with 46,29%.

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As i said in the first dashboard , we need to make better offers by analyzing our competitor's offers , and to understand why our monthly subscription is working right we gonna analyse it later with more details.

Unlimited Data Plan

The highset churn that we have are people who uses unlimited data with less than 5GB and also subscribe/ not subscribers customers that using between 5 and 10GB or more are not satsified with offer.

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so as solution we can make the internet speed much faster and more reliable and make it worth for an unlimited plan.

International Phone Calls Plan

We see that 71.19% of the customers who have a Premium international call subscription do not have active international calls, and 40.34% are active but not Premium so we can make an new subscription plan that can make us win the trust of this customers.

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Contract Type And Churn

We can see the longer the subscription the more customers churn for monthly subscription. we can make monthly rewards for those customers that can make us win their trust each month .

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A summary about Personal / Internship / School Projects






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