Pull changes then in cmd type following commands:
composer install
npm install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
- Use following: Laravel 7, Vue.js 2, SCSS
- Do not use Bootstrap or jQuery
- Image and other relevant assets have to automatically load in higher resolution on 2x and 3x retina screens.
- Use BEM methodology for class naming.
- The popup has to appear when the button on the main screen is clicked.
- Implement basic email validation that is triggered on the form submit.
- The design has to perfectly match the provided design on desktop and iPhone 11 Pro. However, it also has to look great on other screen resolutions such as iPad and other phones.
- It should be fully cross-browser compatible (latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge) and properly work and look good on all iOS 13 and iPadOS supported Apple devices in both portrait and landscape modes as well as on the Desktop.