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This project is a WEB SERVICE for Capability Manager (CM-WBS) that allows a POST request and return a Capability token.

This project contains:

  • Source files & folders.

    • Run the component.
    • config.cfg file: Contain the configuration of the component.
  • Folder to ssl.

    • certs folder: Contains the certificates needed to ssl.
  • Files & folder to generate the Capability Token.

    • CapabilityGenerator.jar: Java aplication (validate Capability Token process).
    • config folder: Contain the certificate paths.
    • local_dependencies folder: To allow run the java process (CapabilityGenerator.jar).
  • Files to deploy.

    • Dockerfile file: Contain the actions and commands to create the Docker image needed to run the component.
    • file: To create the component Docker image using Dockerfile.
    • docker-compose.yml file: To deploy the component container.

Configuration config.cfg file

Before launching the CM-WBS, it's necessary to review the config.cfg file:

cd projectPath / Py_CapabilityManagerWebService
vi config.cfg
  • Params to CM-WBS's endpoint.

    • host: No change admittable (always
    • port: If change this param, it's necessary to review Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files. By default 3030.
  • Params to the keyrock's endpoint (authentication).

    • keyrock_protocol=Keyrock protocol. Admitted values: "http","https"
    • keyrock_host=Keyrock host.
    • keyrock_port=Keyrock port.
  • Params to log KPIs info

    • logginKPI=Admitted values: "Y","N"

Configuration docker-compose.yml file

We need to define the PDP endpoint, review PDP_URL environment variable.


To run this project is neccessary to install the docker-compose tool.

Launch then next components:

  • PDP component running.
  • Keyrock component running.

Installation / Execution.

After the review of config.cfg file and docker-compose finle, we are going to obtain then Docker image. To do this, you have to build a local one, thus:

cd projectPath / Py_CapabilityManagerWebService

The file contains docker build -t iotcrawler/capability-manager ./ command.

Finally, to launch the connector image, we use the next command:

cd projectPath / Py_CapabilityManagerWebService
docker-compose up -d


  • To test if the container is running:
docker ps -as

The system must return that the status of the Capability Manager WEB SERVICE container is up.

  • To show the CM-WBS container logs.
docker-compose logs apicapabilitymanager

CM-WBS functionality.

CM-WBS is waiting a POST request with an specific format data body.

curl -X POST \
  https://<CM-WBS_host>:<CM-WBS_port> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"token": "<idmToken>","de": "<device>","ac": "<action>","re": "<resource>"}'
  • token: idmToken, Keyrock token obtained when the user is authenticated.
  • de: Device, endpoint of the resource’s request (protocol+IP+PORT).
  • ac: Action, method of the resource’s request ("POST", "GET", "PATCH"...).
  • re: Resource, path of the resource request.

To create a Capability Token CM-WBS follow the next steps:

  1. Send request to Keyrock API to validate and obtain Keyrock Token info.

  2. Try to create a Capability token accessing to PDP component to verify the user has autorisation.


Capability Manager Project source code files are made avaialable under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0), located into the LICENSE file.


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