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Plot flags

NotMyFault edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 27 revisions

Flag system


The extensive flagging system allows you to do all sorts of things such as setting the plot weather.

Setting a flag is easy, just use /plot set flag <flag> <value>. For a boolean flag, the value would either be 'true' or 'false'.

As an alias, you can also use /plot set <flag> <value>

To bring up a list of flags use /plot flag list

You can set default flags per world in the /plugins/PlotSquared/settings/worlds.yml. Default flags will be present in each claimed plot unless a different value is manually set for that plot. The following is an example of setting the use flag to allow interaction with doors, and trapdoors, levers, gates, pressure plates, buttons and trip wires:

      use: "oak_door,iron_trapdoor,lever,acacia_fence_gate,light_weighted_pressure_plate,oak_button,tripwire"

*where <world> indicates the name of that plotworld. (The example list is truncated in size here due to length issues)
*Each variant of an item will need to be added separately, as before, but now the full name must be used.

Flag types:

Accepts true or false

Accepts any letter, number, space, color codes, and a few symbols.

Accepts commands with multiple parameters, e.g /gamemode creative

Two sets of numbers e.g. 53 6 or 7 93

Accepts the gamemodes survival, creative, adventure and spectator alongside their numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3

A list of blocks, supporting both legacy numerical IDs and new string IDs e.g.

  • grass_block for grass blocks
  • 7 for bedrock
  • 7,3 for bedrock and dirt
  • 35:14,35:15 for red and black wool The block list does not accept block names, only id and data.

- Long

Accepts a positive whole number (can be large)

Accepts the weather types rain and sun

Accepts any positive number

Accepts the plot tiers trusted, members, nonmembers, nontrusted and nonowners

Accepts possible full numbers

Flag Permissions

The following tables do not declare explicit flag permissions, because flag permissions follow the same scheme always again. To give a player access to a flag, you need to assign the following permissions, and exchange the value if wanted.

Or assign plots.permpack.basicflags to cover the following permissions and lots of the basic flags.

  • plots.set.flag
  • plots.flag
  • plots.flag.add
  • plots.flag.remove

Flag specific permission: plots.set.flag.<name>.*, e.g.*
The asterisk covers the values of the flag, if it's a boolean flag you cover true and false, if it's a Long flag you cover all positive numbers and so on. Make sure to decide whether you need it or not.


The following tables contain phrases covering certain stances of plot member inheritance. We will explain the phrases used below.

  • Player: The player, as in user of the server.
  • Guest: Person who is not added to the plot (Check Plot Rank Tiers).
  • False: The flag intended behavior is not enabled by default.
  • True: The flag intended behavior is enabled by default.
  • Null: The flag intended behavior is not set by default.
  • Infinity: The flag is not bound to an amount and allows infinite types of the flag.



Name Description Default Value
redstone Set to false to disable redstone on the plot True
fly Set to true to enable flight upon plot entry Null
notify-leave Set to true to enable leave notifications to plot owners False
notify-enter Set to true to enable join notifications to plot owners False
titles Set to false to disable titles within a plot True
hide-info Set to true to hide plot information Null
server-plot Set to true change a plot owner to "Server" False
explosion Set to true to allow explosions inside a plot False
grass-grow Set to true allow grass to grow Null
vine-grow Set to true allow vines to grow Null
mycel-grow Set to true mycel to grow Null
kelp-grow Set to true kelp to grow Null
instabreak Set to true to allow blocks to be broken instantly False
disable-physics Set to true to disable block physics False
liquid-flow Set to false to disable liquid flowing True
snow-melt Set to true to enable snow melting Null
snow-form Set to true to enable snow spawning on top of blocks False
ice-melt Set to true to ice melting Null
ice-form Set to true to ice forming Null
block-burn Set to true to enable block burning Null
block-ignition Set to true to ignite blocks Null
soil-dry Set to true to allow soil to dry Null
device-interact Set to true to allow guests to work (pressure plates e.g.) False
vehicle-break Set to true to allow guests to break vehicles (minecarts e.g.) False
vehicle-place Set to true to allow guests to place vehicles (minecarts e.g.) False
vehicle-use Set to true to allow guests to use vehicles (minecarts e.g.) False
hanging-break Set to true to allow guests to break hangings False
hanging-place Set to true to allow guests to place hangings False
misc-place Set to true to allow guests to place miscellaneous items (item frames e.g.) False
misc-break Set to true to allow guests to break miscellaneous items False
misc-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with miscellaneous items False
villager-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with villagers False
player-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with other players or NPCs False
tamed-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with tamed mobs False
tamed-attack Set to true to allow guests to attack tamed mobs False
animal-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with passive mobs False
animal-attack Set to true to allow guests to attack passive mobs False
hostile-interact Set to true to allow guests to interact with hostile mobs False
hostile-attack Set to true to allow guests to attack hostile mobs False
mob-place Set to true to allow players to use spawn eggs False
mob-break Set to true to allow mobs to break blocks False
forcefield Set to true throw back Guests getting close members False
invincible Set to true to give players godmode False
drop-protection Set to false to stop Guests from dropping items True
pvp Set to true to allow PvP False
pve Set to true to allow PvE False
no-worldedit Set to true to disable WorldEdit usage within the plot False
deny-exit Set to true to deny players to leave the plot False
untrusted-visit Set to true to allow Members to teleport if the teleport flag is denied False


Name Description Default Value
music Set to a music disk ID (item name) to play the music disc Null
description Set the plot description. Supports '&' color codes Null
greeting Message sent to players on plot entry. Supports '&' color codes Null
farewell Message sent to players when leaving the plot. Supports '&' color codes Null
done Mark a plot as done Null


Name Description Default Value
blocked-cmds Any command added to this list cannot be executed within the plot Null


Name Description Default Value
feed Feed a player a certain amount at an interval whilst inside a plot Null
heal Heal a player a certain amount at an interval whilst inside a plot Null


Name Description Default Value
gamemode Set players' gamemode is set upon plot entry according Null
guest-gamemode Set guests' gamemode is set upon plot entry according Null


Name Description Default Value
use Contains a list of blocks allowed to be interacted with inside the plot Null
break Contains a list of blocks allowed to be broken within the plot Null
place Contains a list of blocks allowed to be placed within the plot Null


Name Description Default Value
time Whilst on the plot, a player will experience the time (in ticks) set by the flag Null


Name Description Default Value
weather Whilst in the plot, a player will experience the weather set by the flag Null


Name Description Default Value
price If set a plot can be bought for this price using /plot buy. Requires economy to be enabled and lists plots under /plots list forsale Null


Name Description Default Value
deny-teleport If set blocked players can no longer teleport to the plot. Supports the following groups: trusted, members, nonmembers, nontrusted, nonowners Null


Name Description Default Value
misc-cap Limits the amount of paintings, item frames and signs within the plot based on the flag value Infinity
entity-cap Limits the amount of entities allowed to be spawned within the plot based on the flag value Infinity
mob-cap Limits the amount of creatures allowed to be spawned within the plot based on the flag value Infinity
animal-cap Limits the amount of animals allowed to be spawned within the plot based on the flag value Infinity
hostile-cap Limits the amount of hostile mobs allowed to be spawned within the plot based on the flag value Infinity
vehicle-cap Limits the amount of vehicles allowed to be spawned within the plot based on the flag value. This includes all minecart types and boats Infinity
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