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Plot flags

NotMyFault edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 27 revisions

Flag system


The extensive flagging system allows you to do all sorts of things such as setting the plot weather.

Setting a flag is easy, just use /plot set flag <flag> <value>. For a boolean flag, the value would either be 'true' or 'false'.

As an alias, you can also use /plot set <flag> <value>

To bring up a list of flags use /plot flag list

Default flags

PlotSquared (and generally all updated plugins) for 1.13+ require the use of Item ID names. The old ID numbers are valid only for 1.12.2 and older. Please ensure you update your PlotSquared configs as needed!
A full list of item ID numbers and current names for manual conversion can be found at:

You can set default flags per world in the /plugins/PlotSquared/settings/worlds.yml. Default flags will be present in each claimed plot unless a different value is manually set for that plot. The following is an example of setting the use flag to allow interaction with doors, and trapdoors, levers, gates, pressure plates, buttons and trip wires:

      use: "oak_door,iron_trapdoor,lever,acacia_fence_gate,light_weighted_pressure_plate,oak_button,tripwire"

*where <world> indicates the name of that plotworld. (The example list is truncated in size here due to length issues)
*Each variant of an item will need to be added separately, as before, but now the full name must be used.

Flag types:

- String

Accepts any letter, number, space, color codes, and a few symbols.

- String (restricted)

Usually only accepts a few specific values (See in game documentation)

- Boolean

Accepts true or false

- Long

Accepts a positive whole number (can be large)

- Interval

Two sets of numbers e.g. 53 6 or 7 93

- UnsignedInteger

A positive whole numer, e.g. 43

- BlockList

A list of blocks, supporting both legacy numerical IDs and new string IDs e.g.

  • grass_block for grass blocks
  • 7 for bedrock
  • 7,3 for bedrock and dirt
  • 35:14,35:15 for red and black wool The block list does not accept block names, only id and data.






Boolean protection

Block protection (list based)


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