A curated list of free resources to learn programming, covering various languages, frameworks, tools, and areas of interest like web development, data science, and more. Perfect for beginners and experienced developers looking to expand their skills.
- General Programming Courses
- Language Specific
- Web Development
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud Computing
- Tools and Editors
- Contributing
- MIT OpenCourseWare - MIT's Free Course Material on various topics.
- Harvard's CS50 - Harvard University's Introduction to Computer Science.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical programming for total beginners.
- JavaScript.info - Modern JavaScript Tutorial.
- Try Ruby - A 15-minute interactive tutorial.
- The Odin Project - A full stack curriculum that includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby.
- Kaggle - Kaggle offers micro-courses that cover various data science topics.
- Google's Machine Learning Crash Course - A fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning.
- Cybrary - Free courses in cybersecurity, IT, and other related fields.
- AWS Training and Certification - Free digital training to learn the basics of AWS.
- Visual Studio Code - A free, open source code editor.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md for how to propose additions to the list.