Releases: InjectiveLabs/sdk-go
Releases · InjectiveLabs/sdk-go
- Regenerated all compiled proto types based on the definitions for Chain v1.14 and Indexer v1.14.1-RC.6
- Updated all queries and messages for the Permissions module to support the new module version.
- Updated unit tests
- Fixed tests failing because of new fields in other gRPC queries and messages
- Implemented Amino-based packaging of gogoproto.Message cosmos messages.
- Added a unit-test with a fixture to ensure that the output matches the expected output.
- Added support for all Indexer Explorer endpoints. Added example scripts for the new supported endpoints.
What's Changed
- Feat/sync dev with v1.54.0 by @PavelInjective in #262
- Feat/sync dev with v1.54.1 by @PavelInjective in #267
- Feat/sync dev with v1 55 0 by @aarmoa in #273
- Feat/permissions module support by @aarmoa in #268
- Fix: EIP712Wrapper v1 by @maxim-inj in #276
- Feat/add missing explorer endpoints by @aarmoa in #274
- Add missing consensus types by @maxim-inj in #283
- Add missing mint types by @maxim-inj in #284
- f/add permissions events init by @danidomi in #286
- Feat/release v1.56 by @aarmoa in #288
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.55.1...v1.56.0
What's Changed
- Add missing consensus types by @maxim-inj in #283
- Add missing mint types by @maxim-inj in #284
- f/add permissions events init by @danidomi in #286
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.56.0-rc2...v1.56.0-rc3
- Implemented Amino-based packaging of gogoproto.Message cosmos messages.
- Added a unit-test with a fixture to ensure that the output matches the expected output.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.55.0...v1.55.1
- Implemented Amino-based packaging of gogoproto.Message cosmos messages.
- Added a unit-test with a fixture to ensure that the output matches the expected output.
- Added support for all Indexer Explorer endpoints. Added example scripts for the new supported endpoints.
What's Changed
- Fix: EIP712Wrapper v1 by @maxim-inj in #276
- Feat/add missing explorer endpoints by @aarmoa in #274
Full Changelog: v1.56.0-rc1...v1.56.0-rc2
- Regenerated all compiled proto types based on the definitions for Chain v1.14 and Indexer v1.13.117_RC1.
- Updated all queries and messages for the Permissions module to support the new module version.
- Updated unit tests
- Fixed tests failing because of new fields in other gRPC queries and messages
What's Changed
- Feat/sync dev with v1.54.0 by @PavelInjective in #262
- Feat/sync dev with v1.54.1 by @PavelInjective in #267
- Feat/sync dev with v1 55 0 by @aarmoa in #273
- Feat/permissions module support by @aarmoa in #268
Full Changelog: v1.55.0...v1.56.0-rc1
- Updated OFAC filename
- Refactored the TX broadcasting logic.
- Added a new function to allow using the Sync broadcast without passing though the SDK mechanism to ensure the TX is included in one of the next blocks
What's Changed
- Fix: update OFAC filename by @PavelInjective in #266
- feat/tx_broadcast_refactoring by @aarmoa in #272
Full Changelog: v1.54.1...v1.55.0
What's Changed
- Fix: update OFAC filename by @PavelInjective in #266
Full Changelog: v1.54.0...v1.54.1
What's Changed
- Feat/sync dec with master v1 51 1 by @aarmoa in #233
- (feat) Add OFAC list check by @PavelInjective in #236
- feat: new cosmos keyring helper for injective client by @maxim-inj in #235
- Fix/sync dev after v1.52.0 by @aarmoa in #243
- Fix/sync dev after v1.52.1 by @PavelInjective in #245
- Remove duplicate error handling in authz_vote.go by @meetrick in #241
- feat: add GetStatus to tmclient by @proofofze in #247
- Fix/sync dev after v1 52 2 by @PavelInjective in #250
- Fix/sync dev after v1 53 0 by @PavelInjective in #252
- Feat/sync dev with v1.53.1 by @aarmoa in #257
- Feat/refactor markets tokens initialization by @aarmoa in #255
- Release/v1.54.0 by @PavelInjective in #258
Full Changelog: v1.53.1...v1.54.0