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PIOF-iast - PHP Open Iast Agent based on PIOF project

PIOF-iast PHP Open Iast Agent based on PIOF project


PIOF-iast - Is a IAST ( Interactive Application Security Testing ) Agent for PHP language based on PIOF Project.


It is build on top of PIOF Project with the aim of create a IAST Agent useful to identify Web Based vulnerabilities using instrumentation technique.


Tested on:

PHP 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (cli) (built: Sep 13 2018 13:45:02) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies


Alessandro - - rakkapriccio [ $placeholder_at ] gmail [ $placeholder_dot ] com

Martino - - mlessio6 [ $placeholder_at ] gmail [ $placeholder_dot ] com

Quick Start


How it works

The Agent is a PHP Extension that could be loaded as module in a web server setup, such as Apache server, as shown in the docker testing environment. Moreover the Agent support request and response custom header X-PIOF-IAST.


With following command, containing a X-PIOF-IAST custom header, it is possibile to choose which functions should be hooked by the Agent:

curl -I --header "X-PIOF-IAST: custom_function,mysql_query,md5" http://localhost/index.php 

In the above example, following functions: ..* custom_function() ..* mysql_query() ..* md5()

Are going to be hooked during the execution of the page index.php.

Below an example of raw request containing the custom header.

> GET /index.php HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
> Accept: */*
> X-PIOF-IAST: md5,custom_function,mysql_query


The header X-PIOF-IAST it is returned by the Agent enabled in the server containing the stacktrace and parameters details related to the hooked functions. Below is shown an example of response containing the custom header filled with the stacktrace of the hooked function executed.

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2019 19:37:19 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
< X-Powered-By: PHP/7.2.15
< X-PIOF-IAST: W3sACQkiZnVuY3Rpb25fbmFtZSI6CSJtZDUiLAoJCSJzdGFja3RyYWNlIjoJW3sKCQkJCSJib2R5IjoJImFycmF5IChcbiAnZmlsZScgPT4gJy92YXIvd3d3L2h0bWwvbWQ1LnBocCcsXG4gJ2xpbmUnID0+IDEsXG4gJ2Z1bmN0aW9uJyA9PiAnbWQ1JyxcbiAnYXJncycgPT4gXG4gYXJyYXkgKFxuICAgMCA9PiAnYWRtaW4nLFxuICksXG4pIgoJCQl9XQoJfV0
< Content-Length: 0
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

In details the Base64 custom header contains:

 $echo "W3sACQkiZnVuY3Rpb25fbmFtZSI6CSJtZDUiLAoJCSJzdGFja3RyYWNlIjoJW3sKCQkJCSJib2R5IjoJImFycmF5IChcbiAnZmlsZScgPT4gJy92YXIvd3d3L2h0bWwvbWQ1LnBocCcsXG4gJ2xpbmUnID0+IDEsXG4gJ2Z1bmN0aW9uJyA9PiAnbWQ1JyxcbiAnYXJncycgPT4gXG4gYXJyYXkgKFxuICAgMCA9PiAnYWRtaW4nLFxuICksXG4pIgoJCQl9XQoJfV0" | base64 -d

[{              "function_name":        "md5",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/md5.php',\n 'line' => 1,\n 'function' => 'md5',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 'admin',\n ),\n)"

Above stacktrace was returned by following source code executed by hooked md5 function.

$ cat /var/www/html/md5.php 
<?php md5('admin');?>

Useful commands


$ cat /var/www/html/test.php 

function testFunc1(){
    testFunc2(9,2,"ciccio", true);


function testFunc2(){

function testFunc3(){

//testFunc1("test 1");
testFunc2(1,2,"asf", true);
testFunc3("test 3");


$ curl -I --header "X-PIOF-IAST: testFunc1,testFunc2,testFunc3,md5" http://localhost/test.php --silent | grep -Fi X-PIOF-IAST  | cut -d " " -f2 | base64 -d
[{              "function_name":        "testFunc2",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 11,\n 'function' => 'unknown',\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 18,\n 'function' => 'testFunc2',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 1,\n   1 => 2,\n   2 => 'asf',\n   3 => true,\n ),\n)"
        }, {
                "function_name":        "testFunc3",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 14,\n 'function' => 'unknown',\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 19,\n 'function' => 'testFunc3',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 'test 3',\n ),\n)"
        }, {
                "function_name":        "testFunc1",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 5,\n 'function' => 'unknown',\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 14,\n 'function' => 'testFunc1',\n 'args' => \n array (\n ),\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 19,\n 'function' => 'testFunc3',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 'test 3',\n ),\n)"
        }, {
                "function_name":        "testFunc2",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 11,\n 'function' => 'unknown',\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 5,\n 'function' => 'testFunc2',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 9,\n   1 => 2,\n   2 => 'ciccio',\n   3 => true,\n ),\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 14,\n 'function' => 'testFunc1',\n 'args' => \n array (\n ),\n)"
                        }, {
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 19,\n 'function' => 'testFunc3',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 'test 3',\n ),\n)"
        }, {
                "function_name":        "md5",
                "stacktrace":   [{
                                "body": "array (\n 'file' => '/var/www/html/test.php',\n 'line' => 20,\n 'function' => 'md5',\n 'args' => \n array (\n   0 => 'admin',\n ),\n)"


3-clause BSD license (BSD-3-Clause)