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IMP - Indaxia Modules & Packages

A simple package and module management for apps written on Lua, AngelScript and other dynamic-typed languages.

Brings package management and es6-like Lua modules to your project without copy-paste pain and dependency hell. Able to include remote AngelScript dependencies.



IMP consists of a Package Manager and a Module Manager with it's own Lua or AngelScript part of the code.

A new way to install packages: imp install A new way to work with lua dependencies: IMP Module Manager📡

Package Manager Features

  • Works with offline directories and online repositories
  • Own package config format in JSON
  • Install packages with dependencies from Github and Bitbucket
  • Install single files directly from Github, Bitbucket or other hosts (allowing them in config)
  • File and directory watcher (sources, config, target)
  • Dependency version resolution
  • Setup your language or sourceExtensions to use with other programming languages

Module Manager Features

  • Include custom user directories as advanced sources
  • Right dependency order in the target file
  • ES6-like imports and exports in the Lua script
  • AngelScript #include of your and remote packages
  • Really fast target builder on-the-go (C# watcher)


IMP for Windows x64

IMP for Linux x64

Quick Start

  1. Install IMP
  2. For game modding (especially Warcraft 3 Reforged follow the special steps)
  3. (for Linux) create a symlink /usr/bin/imp -> (imp directory)/imp
  4. Open any terminal window (press Win+R and enter "cmd")
  5. enter cd <your project directory>
  6. For lua enter imp init src build.lua where src can be any sources folder name in the project
    • For AngelScript enter imp init src packages where src can be any sources folder name in the project to auto-include
  7. imp watch and now you are free to write code and build on the go

To initialize your package enter imp init build.lua. It will create imp-package.json and .imp directory with the dependencies. If you use git (mercurial/svn/...) add .imp to your ignore file (.gitignore).

To add new dependency enter imp install <package> <version>

Quick start for modding Warcraft 3 / other games

  • create a project folder with the "src" subfolder
  • save your map in "map as a directory" mode into this folder
  • Open any terminal window (press Win+R and enter "cmd")
  • enter cd <your project folder>
  • enter imp init src war3map.lua
  • install all the deps you need
  • imp update
  • imp watch

Now create source files in "src" or save your map to build and test it on the go.


imp install

We don't recommend to use "any" version in public projects. Some scammers or stolen accs may update the code and make it malicious.

Specific version example (retrieve from git tag):

imp install 1.0

Use imp watch to let watcher notify PM and MM if something changed and perform download new packages and/or rebuild modules. The watcher waits when one of the following changes:

  • any directory from config "sources"
  • file from config "target"
  • config file itself

To get help about module management refer IMP Module Manager documentation.

Advanced Usage

Including files

You can include files directly (Big Integer in the example):

imp install * file

Clean init

If you don't want to use MM on the client (Lua) side you can disable it by removing it from dependencies or init the project with init-clean:

imp init-clean target.lua

With this option IMP just includes code of the dependencies without the MM

Executing a command before/after building

It's possible execute a terminal command when the building process starts and finishes:

  "beforeBuild": "cmd /C echo \"BEFORE BUILD!\"",
  "afterBuild": "cmd /C echo \"AFTER BUILD!\" ",

You can also add a wildcard to replace it with the target file:

  "beforeBuild": "cmd /C echo \"BEFORE BUILD! The target file is: %target%\"",
  "afterBuild": "cmd /C echo \"AFTER BUILD! The target file is: %target%\" ",

The result will be something like:

"BEFORE BUILD! The target file is: C:\Local\My project\build.lua"
"AFTER BUILD! The target file is: C:\Local\My project\build.lua"

Execution works for root projects only.

Adding extra watchers

If you want to rebuild the target file on some extra files change add them to the "watchExtra" section:

  "watchExtra": [
    "my extra file 1.w3n",
    "my extra file 2.w3x",

Publishing Packages

If you want to publish your package folow these steps:

  1. Create a git repository at Github or Bitbucket
  2. Create imp-package.json in the repository root
  3. Add the "dependencies" and "sources" parameters. Refer the full config example below.
    • (AngelScript) Add the "entryPoint" parameter with your main file relative path
  4. (optional) add git tag to the repository
  5. Now this is an IMP package!

Please refer the imp-demo structure for better understanding.

Full config example (imp-package.json)

    "title": "IMP - Demo Package", // (optional) your package or root project title
    "language": "lua", // (optional) your package language
    "author": "ScorpioT1000 /", // (optional) author information
    "license": "MIT", // (optional) source code license
    "dependencies": { // list of packages and files required by your source code
        // github repository from a master branch
        "": "*",
        // github repository from the release tagged as "1.1.1"
        "": "1.1.1",
        // bitbucket repository from the release tagged as "1.0.0" in an object format
        "": { "type": "package", "version": "1.0.0" },
        // inserts a file directly from the repository
        "": { 
            "type": "file", 
            "topOrder": true  // omit this option or set to false to insert the file after repositories' sources
    // (optional for root project) where your sources are stored. It's important for the package, but can be omitted for root project (it watches "target")
    "sources": [
    // (optional) where to store compiled build. It works for root project only. You can specify different extension for another language
    "target": "build.lua",
    // (required for AngelScript dependencies) your main file to include in the dependant projects
    "entryPoint": "",
    // (optional) your remote packages folder (default is ".imp/packages")
    "remoteSources": "my/packages",
    // (optional) extra file list to trigger rebuild on their change (one relative file name per element)
    "watchExtra": [],
    // (optional) execute this command before build, e.g. "cmd /C echo \"Hello!\"". Placeholders available: %target%
    "beforeBuild": "",
    // (optional) execute this command after build, e.g. "cmd /C echo \"Hello!\"". Placeholders available: %target%
    "afterBuild": "",
    // (optional) allow more hosts for direct file dependency (allows and by default). It works for root project only.
    "allowHosts": []
    // (optional) set custom file extensions to use another language (e.g. "*.js")
    "sourceExtensions": "*.lua",


  1. It doesn't support partial version placeholders like 1.* because it doesn't use package registry
  2. It performs full re-download on any config requirement change (planned to fix in the future)

How to build the source code


dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained --runtime win-x64 /property:Version=VERSION_HERE
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained --runtime linux-x64 /property:Version=VERSION_HERE

Then use Inno Setup for windows and open Setup\win-x64.iss with it to build the setup file.

P.S. What WLPM? Didn't hear about it...