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Tic Tac Toe

Tic-tac-toe in its purest form is well known and loved game. There are not too many people in the world who have not played this game at any point in their past.
 Usually played with paper and pencil between two players. The game is played on three-by-three grids with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner. It is a solved game, with a forced draw assuming the best play from both players. You can play this game on any network-connected device, from mobile phones to large desktops, this game is fully responsive. Also has the option to play against the computer if no friend is available at the time. 

Good luck!

The link to the live website can be found here.

Image to show page responsiveness on smaller screens.

User Stories

User who is not familiar with the Tic-Tac-Toe game.

  • I want to play a game that is fun and easy to master within seconds.
  • I want to see clear rules and/or instructions for the game.
  • I want to be able to play this game regardless of my device screen size, power or network speed.
  • I want the site to be visually pleasing and have good colour contrast.

Returning user who is familiar with Tic-Tac-Toe game.

  • As a returning user, I would like to find a classic game that I have played many times before.
  • As a returning user, I expect all game controls to be familiar to me.
  • As a returning user, I would like to see external links in case I want to learn more about Tic-Tac-Toe.

Site owner objectives

  • As a site owner, I want to provide users with a well-loved and fun game.
  • As a site owner, I would like to tell users about the history of the game and all the different variants.
  • As a site owner, I want to make it very easy for a user to pass away time, sitting on a train or a bus or waiting for something etc.


Look and feel

  • Main background images for this game were chosen to give the game a very familiar to most people, chalk and blackboard feel. Although the white text on the green background was not the most visible, added just a slight text-shadow. This makes the text pop off the screen, adds more contrast and is now very easily readable.


Colours for this game are picked very close to background images and are fallback in case pictures fail to load. Slightly off-white #F5F5F5 is used for all the text and game symbols to give the game blackboard and chalk feel.



Selected Caveat Brush font style from Google Fonts. Playful and close to handwriting style of this font suits this game very well. The font is used both in text and in-game symbols.

  • The fallback font is cursive, sans-serif.


Wireframe for larger screens.

Created the original wireframe very early on in the development process. Later on and after talking and getting advice from my mentor I changed the design slightly from what was originally planned. I have decided to show and hide certain elements as needed. This makes the look and feel of the game not as distracting, much cleaner and more responsive whatever the screen size.

Main Game Page

Home page wireframe

Wireframe for smaller mobile screens.

Home page wireframe

Tools and technologies used


  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Other tools and programs.

  • Balsamiq was used for wireframing.
  • Visual Studio Code. Did all of my coding and synchronizing with GitHub on VS Code.
  • Git for version control.
  • GitHub for hosting and deploying repositories.
  • Font Awsome for icon images.
  • free online tool to pick the colours from the background images.
  • Google Fonts was used to import the fonts
  • Grammarly was used to double-check spelling mistakes.
  • Responsive website mockup screenshot generator.
  • Features

    Existing Features

    Header of the page

    • Displayed throughout all the game modes. Header text is also a "home" link to navigate back to the main game page.

    Options Area

    • This screen is loaded first when the user loads up the page first.
    • The user has to decide who they want to play against and with what symbol.
    • Once the selection is made, the user presses "play" to start the game.

    Game Board

    • The game board consists of nine clickable squares that are filled in by JavaScript when the user or computer makes its move.

    Game end and result confirmation

    • Displayed after all squares are filled or when there is a winner.
    • "Play Again" button at the bottom of the screen re-loads the game.


    • In case that one person who knows nothing about Tic Tac Toe happens to visit this site, there is a big and visible rules button after the options area and before the footer.
    • Once the "Show Rules" button is clicked, it opens a dark but transparent full-screen window with game rules. The button itself remains in the same place but the button label changes to "Hide Rules".

    The Footer

    • The footer is featured on both pages. Includes three links that open in a new window.
    • Links are to Wikipedia, the GitHub game repository and the author's Linked In page.

    The Error 404 Page

    Read more about it, GitHub custom 404 page

    • This page will be displayed if any user manages to navigate to a page that does not exist.
    • Mistakes happen, this page is very valuable for the user as it shows their error whilst still keeping them on the page with easy navigation back to the home page.

    Features Left to Implement

    • While developing this game I discovered many interesting history and facts about tic tac toe. It would be great to have some of it displayed on the site.
    • Add more levels of difficulty. At the moment the computer is too smart and the best possible outcome is a draw. It would be nice to dumb it down a little.
    • Given enough time and know-how, would like to add more game modes. Tic tac toe is quite an easy game to master but there are many more challenging variations out there. For example Misère, Wild tic-tac-toe, Number Scrabble and many more.


    This website was tested on as many different devices as I was able to find. Including a Dell Windows 10 laptop and desktop pc. Using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Also iPads 6th and 10th generation, iPhone SE, iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. Also used a program called Grammarly to check for any spelling or typing errors. Detailed actions are listed below. Additionally conducted Google lighthouse, jsHint and W3C validator testing, results for them are below. Made sure that the website is clear and clean looking and easy to use and valuable for the user.

    User Stories Testing

    Expectation Result Images
    I want to play a game that is fun and easy to master within seconds. Not many games are easier to master than tic-tac-toe. Although can't test the fun element. I have tested it on my teenage daughter and she got hang of it within a game or two
    I want to see clear rules and/or instructions for the game. Clear "show Rules" button always displayed on the screen
    I want to be able to play this game regardless of my device screen size, power or network speed. Game tested with Google inspect tool. Using iPhone SE and throttled down to the lowest available setting. Some minor delay in click responses as expected but still very playable.
    I want the site to be visually pleasing and have good colour contrast. Adding black text shadow to on-screen text makes it very easy on the user's eyes as been tested by my friends and classmates on Slack
    As a returning user, I would like to find a classic game that I have played many times before. Tic-Tac-Toe is as classic as they get and this version has only original rules and game modes.
    As a returning user, I expect all game controls to be familiar to me. Game is played mouse and a single mouse button click. As an option game can be navigated and played using the keyboard Tab and Enter keys.
    As a returning user, I would like to see external links in case I want to learn more about Tic-Tac-Toe. Game has a footer at the bottom with links that will open in a new window. One of them is Wikipedia where everything about the game can be learned.
    As a site owner, I want to provide users with a well-loved and fun game.
    As a site owner, I would like to tell users about the history of the game and all the different variants. All the history and game variants are well documented on the tic-tac-toe Wikipedia page.
    As a site owner, I want to make it very easy for a user to pass away time, sitting on a train or a bus or waiting for something etc. Game has no large images or complicated content, perfect for areas with lower network speeds.

    Link testing

    Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Click on website url: Open 'Home Page' of the website Working as expected

    Header text link testing.

    Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Click on the header text "Tic-Tac-Toe". Reload page or move to 'Home Page' Working as expected

    Options area testing.

    Action Expected Result Actual Result Image
    User clicks on the "play" button without selecting any option Required opponent options to turn red and message "PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR OPPONENT" with red background is displayed. Working as expected
    User selects opponent Red message disappears and a flashing arrow is displayed. Working as expected
    User has opponent selected but no symbol then clicks on the "play" button Required symbol options turn red and the message "PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR SYMBOL" with red background is displayed. Working as expected
    User selects symbol Red message disappears and a flashing arrow is displayed. Working as expected
    Once the user has made both selections and clicks the play "button" Main game board is loaded. Working as expected.

    Game area testing.

    Action (Opponent: Computer, Symbol: X) Expected Result Actual Result Image
    Blank game board loads and the user always has to make the first move. Working as expected
    The user clicks on any of the nine game board squares Square is marked with a chosen symbol and the computer makes its move Working as expected
    The user tries to click on the square that is already played Nothing happens, the box is un-clickable. Working as expected
    When all nine squares are filled and the user or computer did not get three in a row Display the game over window with the "It's a Draw" text and "Play Again" button Working as expected
    The user clicks on the "Play Again" button Page reloads and opens back to the options area Working as expected
    When the computer manages to get three of its symbols in a row. Display the game over window with the "The Winner Is" text and the computer's current symbol. Working as expected
    NB: It's not possible to win a game with a computer Computer is too smart.
    Action (Opponent: Friend, Symbol: X) Expected Result Actual Result Image
    Blank game board loads and the user always has to make the first move. Working as expected
    The user clicks on any of the nine game board squares Square is marked with a chosen symbol and when a friend clicks on one of the other remaining squares, it's marked with other symbol Working as expected
    When all nine squares are filled and the user or a friend did not get three in a row Display the game over window with the "It's a Draw" text and "Play Again" button Working as expected
    The user clicks on the "Play Again" button Page reloads and opens back to the options area Working as expected
    The user or a friend manages to get three of their symbols in a row Display the game over window with the "The Winner Is" text and current players symbol and "Play Again" button Working as expected

    Rules area testing.

    Action Expected Result Actual Result Image
    In any stage of the game, when the user clicks on the "Show Rules" button Open game rules full-screen window. Working as expected
    Once game rules are open button label text changes to "Hide Rules" Button text changes but the position does not and it is the only button available for the user Working as expected
    The user clicks on the "Hide Rules" button Rules window closes revealing the game in a previous state Working as expected

    Footer at the bottom of the page and social media links.

    Action Expected Result Actual Result Image
    Click on the Wikipedia icon (first from left) Open the Tic-Tac-Toe Wikipedia page. Page opens in a new window Working as expected
    Click on the GitHub icon (second from left) Open the game author's GitHub page. Page opens in a new window Working as expected
    Click on the LinkedIn icon (Third from left) Open the creator LinkedIn page. Page opens in a new window Working as expected

    404-page testing.

    Action Expected Result Actual Result Image
    on 404.html Page click anywhere on the text "Click here to go back to the home page" Main game page or "Home" page reloads Working as expected

    jsHint Testing

    Testing with jsHint

    Very new to JavaScript and jsHint and could not figure out a way to test multiple javaScript files connected to the same website. Having JavaScript in three separate files made it manageable for me and also makes it clearer for a future maintainer.

    • rules.js
    • jsHint reporting that there is one unused variable. showHide() is a function that is called when the user clicks on the "show rules" button

    • options.js
    • Missing '()' invoking a constructor - adding () will brake the game. Init is the game initializing function that is called in main.js. gameOverElement is called in main.js after the game is completed.

    • main.js
    • Had trouble with jsHint loading this file. It would only load when I delete the first line of the code making the following warnings somewhat questionable.

    Validator Testing

    • HTML

      • Some errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator. Thirteen occurrence's of Info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values. All errors were immediately fixed.

    • CSS

      Valid CSS!

    Google Lighthouse testing

    • Testing was performed in private browsing mode.



    Interesting bug or problems.

    • This whole project has been one interesting learning curve.
    • Was suggested by my mentor to display some error message when the user did not make a selection. It took many many hours to figure out how to do this. There are two sections to the options and two buttons each. My challenge was to figure out how to display the correct message when any of the buttons is selected or not selected.
    • As recommended by one of my classmates on slack. The computer made its move too quickly. After a bit of research and a lot of trial and error managed to add a small random delay to the computer's responses. Using math.random function computer now has a 0 - 1 second delay. It makes the game look like the computer thinks for a moment before the move is made.
    • Wanted to make this game more accessible. Decided to make the game so that the user can navigate and play with the keyboard only. After spending more hours on this I'm very happy with the outcome. Now everything, including all individual boxes are selectable and clickable using a keyboard only and have a very clear focus around them.

    Unfixed Bugs

    After rigorous testing with various online tools and my testing with different devices and browsers, all known warnings and errors returned were rectified.


    Deploy with GitHub Pages.

    The steps to deploy are as follows:

    • On my GitHub profile page, top centre of the screen click on repositories.
    • Click on tic-tac-toe-pp2
    • In the tic-tac-toe-pp2 repository, navigate to the Settings tab.
    • Menu list on the left of the screen, navigate to the pages tab.
    • From the GitHub pages, branch section drop-down menu, select the main Branch and hit the save button.
    • Once the main branch has been selected, the page will be automatically refreshed with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment.

    The live link can be found here -

    Local Deployment

    The steps to deploy are as follows:

    • On my GitHub profile page, top centre of the screen click on repositories.
    • Click on
    • In the tic-tac-toe-pp2 repository, click on the 'Code' button.
    • Menu that opens make sure you are in the "local" tab, copy the link in "HTTPS".
    • on a Windows machine, open the command prompt (press windows+R to open the "Run" box. Type "cmd" on then click ok).
    • In cmd type "git clone" and paste the link you copied earlier (ctrl+V). Example: git clone

    Fork repository

    • To fork a repository that is not yours
    • Click on the 'Fork' button on the top right of the screen
    • On the 'Create a new fork' page you are given the option to rename that repository and then click on the green 'Create fork' button at the bottom of the form.



    Royalty-free images were taken from Pexels

    • Background image (green board) - green board
    • footer background (wood) -  wood


    Would like to say thanks to all for the support throughout the project.

    • Code Institute for pointing me in this interesting direction.
    • Slack community and my classmates for tips and tricks and entertainment.
    • YouTube user Code Explained whose explanations really suited me and he made things much clearer for me.
    • My mentor Dick Vlaanderen who is continuously very supportive of me and very knowledgeable.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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