- Ivan, Noga, Aisha, Max
- Minimum viable remuneration for Ivan and Noga is £3k/m [?]
- Minimum viable remuneration for Aisha and Max is £2k/m [?]
- This will all be reviewed again in 3 months
Other costs (in order or priority):
- Jen and Mavis (January)
- Joe's time (4 hours/week) - £300/month
- FAC 10% - only if there is a surplus after other expenses are paid
Other income:
- Aisha CF for 8 weeks in Jan/Feb
- Ivan at CAST until Jan 21[?]
- Are any of you going to apply to CF on FAC13?
Minimum viable income:
- Jan: £6.65k (Noga, £3k, Max: £2k, Ivan: £750, Aisha, £800)
- Feb: £8.8k (Noga/Ivan: £3k, Max: £2k, Aisha, £800)
- Mar: £10k (Noga/Ivan: £3k, Max/Aisha, £2k)