an archive of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) V, D, and J genes identified by IgDetective tool (
The archive includes the following species:
Latin name | Common name | Source | Source accession number |
Balaenoptera musculus | blue whale | VGP | mBalMus1 |
Callithrix jacchus | common marmoset | VGP | mCalJac1 (maternal) |
Choloepus didactylus | southern two-toed sloth | VGP | mChoDid1 |
Gorilla gorilla | western gorilla | Kronenberg et al., 2018 | GCF_008122165.1_Kamilah_GGO_v0 |
Lemur catta | ring-tailed lemur | VGP | mLemCat1 |
Lutra lutra | European otter | VGP | mLutLut1 |
Lynx canadensis | Canada lynx | VGP | mLynCan4 |
Molossus molossus | Pallas's mastiff bat | VGP | mMolMol1 |
Mustela erminea | stoat | VGP | mMusErm1 |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus | platypus | VGP | mOrnAna1 |
Pan troglodytes | chimpanzee | Kronenberg et al., 2018 | GCF_002880755.1_Clint_PTRv2 |
Phocoena sinus | vaquita | VGP | mPhoSin1 |
Phyllostomus discolor | pale spear-nosed bat | VGP | mPhyDis1 |
Pipistrellus kuhlii | Kuhl's pipistrelle | VGP | mPipKuh1 |
Pongo abelii | Sumatran orangutan | Kronenberg et al., 2018 | GCF_002880775.1_Susie_PABv2 |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | greater horseshoe bat | VGP | mRhiFer1 |
Sciurus carolinensis | grey squirrel | VGP | mSciCar1 |
Sciurus vulgaris | Eurasian red squirrel | VGP | mSciVul1 |
Tursiops truncatus | bottlenose dolphin | VGP | mTurTru1 |
Zalophus californianus | California sea lion | VGP | mZalCal1 |