- Server routers, HTTP request to database
- How many routers to I need?
- What are my HTTPs going to look like?
- emotions.router.js
- Will have all sorts of HTTP requests
- Ones for the process log
- I might also put the data request for the charts here. Might be better for them to have their own though... hm...
- POST to Database to insert new log into the "emotion_logged" table
- INSERT INTO "emotion_logged" ("user_id", "primary_emotion", "intensity_emotion", "intensity_level", "how_feel", "why_feel") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- radar.router.js <- like this or just a /radar
- emotions.router.js
- Index.js ->
- Holds Sagas and reducers
- I will need to make a home page
- Material-ui Multiple step Dialog component
- Button
- Dialog
- Stepper
- Stages/Steps
- Primary Emotion Stage
- Primary Emotion Intensity Stage
- Primary Emotion Questions Stage