Description/Motivation: This is a basic full stack app that manages state and UI with React (and bootstrap), API calls with Express, Node as webserver and mongodb as data store. It's called BadBank because it has no security.
Installation Guidelines: To run the project, clone the site or download to your computer, open the folder in your favorite code editor. In the terminal, cd into the directory where the file is saved and type npm install to install all project dependencies. This project is currently using http-server as the package to run locally. After npm install is executed, type http-server to see the site running locally on your computer at
Technology used: MERN Stack + Bootstrap. MongoDB, Express, React, Node and Bootstrap. Features: This app lets you create an account, Login, Deposit, Withdraw, View Balance and see all data stored on the server. I'll keep building it out and adding features, eventually resulting in a pretty complete basic full stack banking app! License: MIT