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In this document you will find how to use Teknologi Umum Bot. Its' commands and available parameters.
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- 💙 Teknologi Umum group only
- 🌏 Available on groups
- 🛩 Available on groups less than 500 members
- 📬 Available on private chats
- 🚧 Experimental feature
- 🚨 Deprecated
Will send you the definition of bliding ej.
Available only on Teknologi Umum Group.
/blidingej indo
or/blidingej id
- Indonesian translation
Will send you a random quiz. Whether it'd be TOKI, general programming, or some tech-related trivia.
Available only on Teknologi Umum Group.
Will send you Covid-19 statistic information
- Global & Indonesia statistic/covid <country>
- That specific country statistic
Will send you a collection of developer articles and posts around a certain topic from pulo.dev.
/devread <topic>
Suhu is an Indonesian term for shaman or sorcerer. It's kind of a joke for specifying those who could answer a given problem without any details about it whatsoever.
Not available on private chats.
Reply to other person's message with /suhu +<point>
or /suhu -<point>
to give them a suhu point.
Maximum point given for a person is +10 and -10.
Be careful of using this, it's a competitive life.
- Shows suhu leaderboard/suhu +<point>
- Increment someone's suhu point/suhu -<point>
- Decrement someone's suhu point
Evaluate javascript expression and shows the output. Bear in mind we limit the usage of a lot of stuff. If you want to produce more powerful things, please create it on JSBin,JSFiddle, Codepen, Codesandbox, or even Repl.it.
/eval <javascript expression>
Shows you 10 results from a DuckDuckGo search. As simple as that. No ads. Filtered clean search results by the algorithm.
/search <query>
Snap a given code snippets with Carbon.now.sh.
Send a code snippet, and reply to that message with /snap
. You will get the code captured and served beautifully.
Gives information about the bot
Sends you a Soeharto's "Kok kamu tanya begitu, siapa yang suruh?" meme.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you an illuminati GIF.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you a random Indonesian dad jokes in picture format.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you a random quote from someone famous. Or at least, the API think they are famous.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you a Jokowi's "Yo ndak tahu kok tanya saya" meme.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you a Chef Arnold Poernomo's "hilih" meme.
Only available in groups less than 500 members and private chats.
Sends you his (yes, it's a HE) own answer of your problem.
/laodeai <query>