Spring Boot application that implements a Log Server. Using RabbitMQ it is possible to send log messages from other applications to this Server. The GUI to visualize the logs is made with Vaadin framework.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot Web
- Vaadin - Java web framework - https://vaadin.com
- H2 In-Memory Database
- Spring Boot amqp
- RabbitMQ (https://www.rabbitmq.com/)
./gradlew build
java -jar build/libs/log-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
In order to receive the sended log messages when a CRUD operation is made, you need:
- install RabbitMQ and start the service
- start the Server Log (receives the log messages).
- Download and Start the service that will send the logs. See the other applications that use RabbitMQ in my repositories.
The project consists of two Http Serves:
- http://localhost:8080/books - Restful web Service
- http://localhost:8090 Log Server RabbitMQ send the messages between these two servers.
Connect to the server via http://localhost:8080/books using for example a Restful API tester, like Postman, to check the CRUD operations and check the logs sended to the other server http://localhost:8090
Note: the json input for PUT or POST should be like:
{ "author" : "book´s author", "title" : "book´s title" }