- To develop a page showing all the repositories for the student github account
- To create a page for 404
- To create a page demonstrating error boundary
- Ensure the website is SEO compliance
- React
- Octokit
- Github Apis
- Material UI
- React Router Dom
- Error Boundary Package
- Process Variable
- Helmet
- How to configure and consume Github Apis on the frontend
- How to configure and use process variable
- Deeper understanding on how to use Material UI
- How to handle error in react using Error Boundary
- How to handle Not found page if a user input url to it doesn't exist
- How to display data using pagination
- Deeper understanding on React Router Dom
- The app comprises of a page where user can used to view a github profile, also another page to test out error boundary
- The My repositories page display my profile and all repositories that I have on github
- The search page can be used to search a repository(ies) on github using the name of the repository
- Created a 404 page the redirect user back to home page if incase a user typed in a wrong url
- A big appreciation goes to Alt School Africa for providing a platform for me to access the quality education system
- Also to my tutor Oluwasetemi (That is Github username) for impacting and teaching with great and influencing passion
- And to my circle and other colleagues in the school for support pushing me to get better THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!