From a87ac07b3092fb4101004d9fa6fda6669b463a13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: IbrahimElzahaby Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 18:19:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] project code --- set_report.R | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 200 insertions(+) create mode 100755 set_report.R diff --git a/set_report.R b/set_report.R new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bc7f4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/set_report.R @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +--- +Title: "MicroArray gene expression network analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)" +Authers: "Ibrahim ElZahaby & Luka Lmelias" +Team: "Group_5" + --- +# Libraries required +library(impute) +library(dendextend) +library(minet) +library(RColorBrewer) + +# Read in the file +data <- read.csv('set_5.csv', row.names = 1) + +# explore the data + +# count the number of genes and contions +dim(data) +# get the condition names +colnames(data) + +# Check the size of missing data +missing_data = which(, arr.ind = TRUE) # get row and col with NA + +# Impute missing data +data_impute = impute.knn(as.matrix(data)) +data = data_impute$data +after_impute = which(, arr.ind = TRUE) + +# Check for data normality. +boxplot(data) # turns out to be too large to interpret, we try QQplot + +qqnorm(data) + +## Explore the PCA spaces +pca_gene = prcomp(as.matrix(data), center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE) + +pca_summary = summary(pca_gene) # we need the importance of each PC + +plot(abs(pca_gene$rotation[,1]),abs(pca_gene$rotation[,2])) + +barplot(abs(pca_gene$x)) # check the distribution of PCs + + +# check the % variance explained by each PC +var_expl = (pca_gene$sdev^2)/sum(pca_gene$sdev^2)*100 +barplot(var_expl, main = 'Variance explained', + xlab = 'componet', + ylab = '% variance explained') + + +dim(pca_gene$x) + +scores = pca_gene$x[,1:4] # we added 4 PCs cause each PC explains only little % variance + +# The fisrt and second PCA +plot(scores[,1:2], main = 'PCA scores of the 1st and 2nd PCs', + xlab = paste0("PC1 (",format(100* pca_summary$importance[2,1],digits=2),"%)"), + ylab = paste0("PC2 (",format(100* pca_summary$importance[2,2],digits=2),"%)"), + pch=21 +) + +# The third and fourth PCA +plot(scores[,3:4], main = 'PCA scores of The 3rd and 4th PCs', + xlab = paste0("PC3 (",format(100* pca_summary$importance[2,3],digits=2),"%)"), + ylab = paste0("PC4 (",format(100* pca_summary$importance[2,4],digits=2),"%)"), + pch=21 +) + +# Heatmap of gene correlation +colors<-brewer.pal(7,"RdBu") + +heatmap(cor(t(data)),symm=TRUE, col=colors, + main = "Heatmap of gene correlation") +legend(x = "topright", legend = c("negative", "medium", "high"), fill = colors, + cex = 0.7) # we could not exactly get the legend colors to show blue when there is positive correlation + +# Hierarchical clustering +distance_gene = dist(data, method = 'euclidean') +hclust_gene = hclust(as.dist(distance_gene), method = 'average') # We could also compare 'average' vs 'complete' if time allows + +# Plot the dendrogram +plot(hclust_gene, main = 'clustering in data space', + xlab = '', sub = 'average hclust distance') # data space + +# Network Inference +data = t(as.matrix(data)) +nbins <- sqrt(nrow(data)) # compute mutual information + +# method 1 clr <- minet(data, method="clr", + estimator="mi.empirical", + disc="equalfreq", nbins=nbins) +[1:5,1:5] + +# creating network table <- + +diag( <- 0 +[lower.tri( )] <- 0 +[which(>0)] <- 1 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="clr.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE) +length(xx) + +# set fixed threshold +thrsh <- 0.25 <-[which(<= thrsh)] <- 0[which(> thrsh)] <- 1 +diag( <- 0 +length( + +#to write to a file (that can be imported in cytoscape)[lower.tri( )] <- 0 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="clr_th.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE) + +length(xx) + +# method 2 mrnet <- minet(data, method="mrnet", + estimator="mi.empirical", + disc="equalfreq", nbins=nbins)[1:5,1:5]#have a look at the adjacency matrix + +# create the table <- +diag( <- 0[lower.tri( )] <- 0[which(>0)] <- 1 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="mrnet.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE) +length(xx) + +# fixing the the threshold +thrsh <- 0.1 <-[which(<= thrsh)] <- 0[which(> thrsh)] <- 1 +diag( <- 0 +length( + +#to write to a file (that can be imported in cytoscape)[lower.tri( )] <- 0 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="mrnet_th.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE) +length(xx) + +# method 3 Aracne <- minet(data, method="aracne", + estimator="mi.empirical", + disc="equalfreq", nbins=nbins)[1:5,1:5] + +# write table without threshold <- +diag( <- 0[lower.tri( )] <- 0[which(>0)] <- 1 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="aracne.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE) +length(xx) + +# fix threshold +thrsh <- 0.1 <-[which(<= thrsh)] <- 0[which(> thrsh)] <- 1 +diag( <- 0 +length( + +#to write to a file (that can be imported in cytoscape)[lower.tri( )] <- 0 +xx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE) +write.table(cbind(rownames([xx[,1]], + rownames([xx[,2]]), + file="aracne_th.csv", col.names=FALSE, + row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE) +length(xx) + +