These short MATLAB functions were written to assist pre-processing of video data prior to surface velocimetry analysis and post-processing of data output from various surface velocimetry codes.
The code is explained the the Selkie Project guidance document 'GUIDELINES FOR USING DRONES TO MAP SURFACE CURRENTS'
Scientific background to the code and approach can be found in:
Fairley, I., et al., A preliminary assessment of the use of drones to quantify current velocities at tidal stream sites, in European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2021. 2021: Plymouth. ( )
Fairley, I., et al., Drone-based large-scale particle image velocimetry applied to tidal stream energy resource assessment. Renewable Energy, 2022. 196: p. 839-855. DOI:
McIlvenny, J., et al., Comparison of dense optical flow and PIV techniques for mapping surface current flow in tidal stream energy sites. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2022. DOI:
Fairley et al. A comparison between surface velocimetry techniques for drone-based marine current characterization. In Prep.