This is a package for defining and deriving functionality for objects based around interfaces and traits, outside of the Julia type hierarchy. It is heavily inspired by Moshi.@derive, which itself is inspired by Rust's derive functionality, and the design of ArrayLayouts.jl. See also ForwardMethods.jl.
The basic idea is to define implementations of a set of functions for a given interface, and types
can overload, or derive, those implementations by specifying the desired interface. This provides
a systematic way to define implementations of functions for objects that act in a certain way but may
not share convenient abstact supertypes, such as a sparse array object and wrappers around that sparse
array. Like in Moshi.jl
and Rust's derive functionality, traits are simply sets of functions
that can be derived for a certain type.
This package resides in the ITensor/ITensorRegistry
local registry.
In order to install, simply add that registry through your package manager.
This step is only required once.
julia> using Pkg: Pkg
julia> Pkg.Registry.add(url="")
julia> Pkg.Registry.add(url="")
if you want to use SSH credentials, which can make it so you don't have to enter your Github ursername and password when registering packages.
Then, the package can be added as usual through the package manager:
julia> Pkg.add("Derive")
using Derive: Derive, @array_aliases, @derive, @interface, interface
using Test: @test
Define an interface.
struct SparseArrayInterface end
Define interface functions.
@interface ::SparseArrayInterface function Base.getindex(a, I::Int...)
checkbounds(a, I...)
!isstored(a, I...) && return getunstoredindex(a, I...)
return getstoredindex(a, I...)
@interface ::SparseArrayInterface function Base.setindex!(a, value, I::Int...)
checkbounds(a, I...)
iszero(value) && return a
if !isstored(a, I...)
setunstoredindex!(a, value, I...)
return a
setstoredindex!(a, value, I...)
return a
Define a type that will derive the interface.
struct SparseArrayDOK{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
storage(a::SparseArrayDOK) =
Base.size(a::SparseArrayDOK) = a.size
function SparseArrayDOK{T}(size::Int...) where {T}
N = length(size)
return SparseArrayDOK{T,N}(Dict{CartesianIndex{N},T}(), size)
function isstored(a::SparseArrayDOK, I::Int...)
return CartesianIndex(I) in keys(storage(a))
function getstoredindex(a::SparseArrayDOK, I::Int...)
return storage(a)[CartesianIndex(I)]
function getunstoredindex(a::SparseArrayDOK, I::Int...)
return zero(eltype(a))
function setstoredindex!(a::SparseArrayDOK, value, I::Int...)
storage(a)[CartesianIndex(I)] = value
return a
function setunstoredindex!(a::SparseArrayDOK, value, I::Int...)
storage(a)[CartesianIndex(I)] = value
return a
Specify the interface the type adheres to.
Derive.interface(::Type{<:SparseArrayDOK}) = SparseArrayInterface()
Define aliases like SparseMatrixDOK
, AnySparseArrayDOK
, etc.
@array_aliases SparseArrayDOK
Derive the interface for the type.
@derive (T=SparseArrayDOK,) begin
Base.getindex(::T, ::Int...)
Base.setindex!(::T, ::Any, ::Int...)
a = SparseArrayDOK{Float64}(2, 2)
a[1, 1] = 2
@test a[1, 1] == 2
@test a[2, 1] == 0
@test a[1, 2] == 0
@test a[2, 2] == 0
@test a isa SparseMatrixDOK
@test a' isa AnySparseMatrixDOK
Call the sparse array interface on a dense array.
isstored(a::AbstractArray, I::Int...) = true
getstoredindex(a::AbstractArray, I::Int...) = getindex(a, I...)
setstoredindex!(a::AbstractArray, value, I::Int...) = setindex!(a, value, I...)
a = zeros(2, 2)
@interface SparseArrayInterface() a[1, 1] = 2
@test @interface(SparseArrayInterface(), a[1, 1]) == 2
@test @interface(SparseArrayInterface(), a[2, 1]) == 0
@test @interface(SparseArrayInterface(), a[1, 2]) == 0
@test @interface(SparseArrayInterface(), a[2, 2]) == 0
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