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Form,Section,Variable,Type,Question,Answer Options,Validation,Minimum,Maximum,List,Skip Logic,Body System,Definition,Completion Guideline,Standardized Term Codelist,Standardized Term Code,Metathesaurus,Identifier,Research Category,preset_Disease_Covid,preset_Disease_Dengue,preset_Disease_Mpox,preset_Disease_H5Nx,preset_UserGenerated_Oropouche,preset_Score_CharlsonCI,preset_Score_SOFA
presentation,,subjid,text,Participant Identification Number (PIN),,,,,,,,The Participant Identification Number or PIN is a unique number used to identify the patient's (participant's) data.,Write the Participant Identification Number (PIN).,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_disease,user_list,Suspected or confirmed infection,,,,,inclusion_Diseases,,,This refers to any suspected or confirmed infection(s).,"If more than one infection is suspected, select the most likely and complete the PATHOGEN TESTING section with laboratory confirmation.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_reason,radio,Is the suspected or confirmed infection the reason for hospital admission?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to whether suspected or confirmed infection with the pathogen of interest if the reason (indication) for the hospital admission.,Indicate 'Yes' if suspected or confirmed infection with the pathogen of interest if the reason (indication) for the hospital admission. Indicate 'No' if the suspected or confirmed infection with the pathogen of interest is not the reason (indication) for hospital admission.,,,,,,1,,,,1,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_case,radio,Status of case,"1, Confirmed | 2, Probable | 3, Suspected | 4, Discarded | 5, Error",,,,,,,"Confirmed refers to a case that is laboratory confirmed and may fulfil the clinical criteria as described in the case definition. Probable refers to a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case without laboratory confirmation of infection with pathogen of interest. Suspected refers to a clinically compatible illness without epidemiological link or laboratory confirmation. Discarded refers to a patient with a negative laboratory test and has failed to fulfill the criteria for a suspect, probable or confirmed case. ",Select the most appropriate option that represents the status of the case. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_testreason,radio,Reason why the patient was tested," 1, Symptomatic | 2, Asymptomatic, contact-traced | 3, Asymptomatic, mass testing campaign | 4, Not tested",,,,,,,This refers to the reason the patient was tested for the pathogen of interest.,Select the most appropriate option which corresponds to the reason the patient was tested for the pathogen of interest.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consent,radio,Participant (or their representative) has provided consent to participate in this study.,"1, Yes | 0, No, participant did not agree to participate in the study | 2, No, the ethics committee approved a waiver of consent | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to provision of informed consent by the patient or their representative for participation in this study.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient or their representative has provided their informed consent for participation in this study.,SNOMED,"61861000000100, Consent (record artifact)","C5702721, Consent (record artifact)",,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consent_date,date_dmy,Date of consent,,date_dmy,,today,,[inclu_consent]='1',,This refers to date on which informed consent was given for the participants inclusion in this study.,Write the date on which informed consent was given for the participants inclusion in this study. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,"C2985782, Informed Consent Date",,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consent_who,radio,Consent provided by,"1, Participant | 2, Parent/guardian | 3, Consultee | 4, Independent clinician ",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,This refers to who provided the consent for participation in this study.,Select the most appropriate option that represents who provided the consent for participation in this study.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consent_whopg,radio,If parent/guardian provide consent: does the child or young person give their assent?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 2, Not competent",,,,,[inclu_consent_who]='2',,"This refers to assent given by a minor or adult who is unable to give consent on their own behalf, to participate in a study. Assent must be accompanied by consent from a parent or legal guardian for full participation in the study.",Select the most appropriate option that represents whether assent was provided for participation in this study.,,,"C5205794, Informed Assent",,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsec,,"Secondary use of data collected, the participant agreed with the following statements: ",,,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsec_rsch,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised data in ethically approved research, including research in other countries","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised data in ethically approved research,This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsec_prod,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised data to manufacture tests, treatments or other products, including commercial products","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,"Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised data to manufacture tests, treatments or other products, including commercial products",This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsec_gen,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised genetic data in ethically approved research, including research in other countries","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised genetic data in ethically approved research,This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsecsamp,,"Secondary use of samples collected, the participant agreed with the following statements: ",,,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsecsamp_rsch,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised samples in ethically approved research, including research in other countries","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,"Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised samples in ethically approved research, including research in other countries",This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsecsamp_prod,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised samples or materials or data dervied from those samples to manufacture tests, treatments or other products, including commercial products","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,"Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised samples or materials or data dervied from those samples to manufacture tests, treatments or other products, including commercial products",This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentsecsamp_gen,radio,"Future use of pseudonymised genetic samples in ethically approved research, including research in other countries","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,"Refers to consent for future secondary use of pseudonymised genetic samples in ethically approved research, including research in other countries",This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentcont,,Contact ,,,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,INCLUSION CRITERIA,inclu_consentcont_nstudy,radio,"To be contacted to participate in future work, including research studies","1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[inclu_consent]='1',,"Refers to contact to be contacted to participate in future work, including research studies",This is an optional consent question and is not required for completion of the remaining CRF.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_onsetdate,date_dmy,Onset date of first / earliest symptom,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the date of onset of the first / earliest symptom which is clinically related to the current episode of illness.,Provide the date of the first symptom that you clinically believe was related to this episode of illness in DD/MM/YYYY format.,SNOMED,"405795006, Time of symptom onset (observable entity)","C3897410, Symptom Onset Date",,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_firstsym,multi_list,Symptom(s) during first 24 hours of illness (select all that apply),,,,,conditions_Symptoms,,,"This refers to the first symptom, or symptoms (if multiple occurred at the same time), that you clinically believe was related to this episode of illness.",Select all symptoms which the patient experienced during the first 24 hours of illness (select all that apply).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_consultdate,date_dmy,Date of first clinical consultation,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the date of first clinical consultation related to the current episode of illness.,Provide the date of first clinical consultation related to the current episode of illness in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,,1,1,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_adm,radio,Admitted to hospital,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to admission of the patient to your site for the current illness.,"Indicate 'Yes', if that patient was admitted to your site.",SNOMED,"32485007, Hospital admission (procedure)",,,,,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_adm_reas,text,Reason for hospitalisation,,,,,,[dates_adm] = '1',,This refers to the reason (indication) for hospitalisation.,"If 'Yes', specify the reason (indication) for hospitalisation.",,,,,,,,,1,1,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_admdate,date_dmy,Date of hospital admission,,date_dmy,,today,,[dates_adm] = '1',,This refers to the date of hospitalisation / admission of the patient to your site for the current illness.,Enter the date of hospitalisation / admission to your site (in DD/MM/YYYY format).,SNOMED,"32485007, Hospital admission (procedure)",,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_admtime,text,Time of hospital admission,,time,,,,[dates_adm] = '1',,This refers to admission of the patient to your site for the current illness.,Enter the time of admission to your site in 24-hour format (00:00 - 24:00 hours).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,ONSET & PRESENTATION,dates_enrolmentdate,date_dmy,Date of enrolment / start of data collection,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the date of enrolment / start of data collection.,Enter date of patient study enrolment in the format of day/month/year (DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_prevadm,radio,Was the patient admitted previously or transferred from any other facility during this illness episode?,"1, YES-admitted previously to this facility and discharged | 2, YES-admitted to other facility and discharged | 3, YES-admitted to another facility, then transferred to this facility | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to previous admission to a health facility or transfer from another health facility during the current episode of illness.,Select the most appropriate option that represents whether or not the patient admitted previously or transferred from any other facility during this illness episode.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_prevsite,text,Name of transfer facility,,,,,,[readm_prevadm] = '1' or [readm_prevadm]='2' or [readm_prevadm]='3' ,,This refers to the name of the facility from which the patient was previously admitted or transferred.,Enter the name of the facility from which the patient was previously admitted or transferred.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_numprev,number,Total number of previous admissions for this infection,,number,1,,,[readm_prevadm] = '1' or [readm_prevadm]='2' or [readm_prevadm]='3' ,,This refers to the number of times (for this infection) the patient has been admitted to a health facility.,Indicate the number of times (for this infection) the patient has been admitted to a health facility.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_firstadmdate,date_dmy,Date of earliest admission for this infection,,date_dmy,,today,,[readm_prevadm] = '1' or [readm_prevadm]='2' or [readm_prevadm]='3' ,,"This refers to the date of the first admission for this illness. If the patient was first 'admitted to other facility, then transferred to this facility' record the date the patient was admitted to the other health facility.",Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,1,1,,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_difpin,radio,Has the patient's data been previously collected under a different participant identification number (PIN)? ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient's data has been previously collected under a different participant identification number (PIN),,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_prevpin,text,Previous Participant Identification Number (PIN),,,,,,[readm_difpin] = '1',,The Participant Identification Number or PIN is a unique number used to identify the patient's (participant's) data.,Write the Participant Identification Number (PIN).,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,RE-ADMISSION AND PREVIOUS PIN,readm_reas,radio,Is the patient being re-admitted with or due to infection with pathogen of interest?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to re-admission of the patient with or due to infection with pathogen of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient is being re-admitted with or due to infection with pathogen of interest.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_sex,radio,Sex at birth,"1, Male | 2, Female | 88, Other | 99, Not specified/Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the physical sexual characteristics at birth.,Select the most appropriate option that represents the physical sexual characteristics at birth.,SNOMED,"281053000, Sex of baby at delivery (observable entity)",,,risk_factor_demo,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_sex_oth,text,If other: specify sex at birth,,,,,,[demog_sex]='88',,This refers to the physical sexual characteristics at birth.,"If 'Other', specify the physical sexual characteristics at birth.",SNOMED,"281053000, Sex of baby at delivery (observable entity)",,,risk_factor_demo,1,,1,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_birthdate,date_dmy,Date of birth,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the calendar date on which the patient was born.,Record the participants date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.,SNOMED,"184099003, Date of birth (observable entity)","C0421451, Patient date of birth",1,risk_factor_demo,,,,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_gender,radio,Gender,"1, Man | 2, Woman | 3, Transgender | 4, Non-binary | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to a person's internally held sense of their gender, which may or may not correspond to the individual's genotypic or phenotypic sex. ",Select the most appropriate option that represents the patient's gender identity.,SNOMED,"263495000, Gender (observable entity)","C0079399, Gender",,,,,,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_gender_oth,text,If other: specify gender,,,,,,[demog_gender]='88',,"This refers to a person's internally held sense of their gender, which may or may not correspond to the individual's genotypic or phenotypic sex. ",If 'Other' specify patient's gender identity.,SNOMED,"263495000, Gender (observable entity)","C0079399, Gender",,,,,,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_age,text,Age,,number,0,,,,,This refers to the patient's age.,"For participants over the age of two years, please report age in years. For children under the age of one year, please report in months. For neonates below the age of one month, please report in days.",SNOMED,"424144002, Current chronological age (observable entity)",,,risk_factor_demo,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_age_units,radio,Age units,"1, Years | 2, Months | 3, Days",,,,,,,This refers to the patient's age at presentation to the health facility.,Select the most appropriate units for age.,SNOMED,"424144002, Current chronological age (observable entity)",,,risk_factor_demo,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_country,user_list,Country,,,,,demographics_Country,,,,Indicate the country of enrolment,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_height,,Height (select units),,,,,,,,Actual or closest estimate to height at time of admission.,,,,,,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_height_cm,number,Height (cm),,number,0,250,,,,"This refers to the distance from the sole to the crown of the head with body standing on a flat surface and fully extended, measured in centimetres. For children under the age of 2, please use body length (measured while lying supine).","Indicate the patient's height in centimetres (cm). For children under the age of 2, please use length.",SNOMED,"1153637007, Body height (observable entity)","C0489786, Height",,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_height_in,number,Height (in),,number,0,98,,,,"This refers to the distance from the sole to the crown of the head with body standing on a flat surface and fully extended, measured in inches. For children under the age of 2, please use body length (measured while lying supine).","Indicate the patient's height in inches (in). For children under the age of 2, please use length.",,"1153637007, Body height (observable entity)","C0489786, Height",,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_weight,,Weight (select units),,,,,,,,Actual or closest estimate to weight at time of admission.,,,,,,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_weight_kg,number,Weight (kg),,number,0,800,,,,"This refers to the weight of a subject, expressed in kilograms (kg).",Indicate the patient's weight in kilograms (kg).,SNOMED,"27113001, Body weight (observable entity)","C0005910, Body Weight",,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_weight_lb,number,Weight (lb),,number,0,1763,,,,"This refers to the weight of a subject, expressed in pounds (lb).",Indicate the patient's weight in pounds (lb).,,"27113001, Body weight (observable entity)","C0005910, Body Weight",,,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_race,checkbox,Race (select all that apply),"1, Arab | 2, Black | 3, East Asian | 4, South Asian | 5, South-East Asian | 6, West Asian | 7, Latin American | 8, White | 9, Aboriginal/First Nations/Indigenous | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to a geographic ancestral origin category that is assigned to a population group based mainly on physical characteristics that are thought to be distinct and inherent.,Select all that apply.,SNOMED,"103579009, Race (observable entity)","C3853635, Race",,,1,1,,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_race_other,text,If other: specify race,,,,,,[demog_race(88)]='1',,This refers to a geographic ancestral origin category that is assigned to a population group based mainly on physical characteristics that are thought to be distinct and inherent.,"If 'Other', specify the race.",SNOMED,"103579009, Race (observable entity)","C3853635, Race",,,1,1,,1,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_healthcare,radio,Employed as a healthcare worker,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to a patient that is employed in the healthcare industry. ,Select the most appropriate option.,SNOMED,"223366009, Healthcare professional (occupation)",,,risk_factor_socio,1,,1,,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_healthcare_ptfacing,radio,Patient facing,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[demog_healthcare] = '1',,This refers to a patient that is employed in the healthcare industry delivering care in patient-facing settings (i.e. roles that involve interaction directly with patients). ,Select the most appropriate option.,SNOMED,"223366009, Healthcare professional (occupation)",,,risk_factor_socio,1,,1,,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_healthcare_expbiosample,radio,Exposed to biological samples,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[demog_healthcare] = '1',,"This refers to a patient that is employed in the healthcare industry delivering care in non-patient facing settings but are exposed to biological samples (e.g. laboratory staff, medical waste handlers). ",Select the most appropriate option.,SNOMED,"223366009, Healthcare professional (occupation)",,,risk_factor_socio,1,,1,,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_riskoccupa,user_list,Patient's occupation,,,,,demographics_Occupation,,,This refers to the principal activity that a person does to earn a living.,Select all that apply.,,,,,risk_factor_socio,,,,1,,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_occupation,radio,Primary location of occupation,"1, Home-working or unemployed | 2, Indoors-office/health/education/hospitality/business/homes | 3, Indoors-factory | 8, Outdoors-animal contact (vet, animal farmer, abattoir worker) | 4, Outdoors-agriculture/forestry/fisheries | 5, Outdoors-construction/industrial/mining | 6, Armed Forces | 7, Student | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the location in which the patient conducts the majority of work related to their current occupation. ,Select the most appropriate option that represents the primary location of occupation.,,,,,risk_factor_socio,,1,,,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_occupation_oth,text,If other: specify primary location of occupation,,,,,,[demog_occupation]='88',,This refers to the location in which the patient conducts the majority of work related to their current occupation. ,"If 'Other', specify the primary location of occupation.",,,,,risk_factor_socio,,1,,,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_residence,radio,Patient's city of residence,"1, Same as health care facility | 2, Different from health care facility | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the city which a person dwells more than temporarily or lives permanently. ,"If the patient's city of residence is different to the city in which this healthcare facility is located, Specify the patient's region of residence below.",SNOMED,"433178008, City of residence (observable entity)","C2316883, City of residence",,risk_factor_socio,,1,,,1,,
presentation,DEMOGRAPHICS,demog_residence_oth,text,"If different from health case facility, specify the patient's region of residence.",,,,,,[demog_residence]='2',,This refers to the city which a person dwells more than temporarily or lives permanently. ,"If 'Different from health case facility', specify the patient's region of residence.",SNOMED,"433178008, City of residence (observable entity)","C2316883, City of residence",,risk_factor_socio,,1,,,1,,
presentation,TRAVEL HISTORY,travel_travel14d,radio,Did the patient travel outside of their home region in the past 14 days?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to travel to another city/town or region, another part of the country or abroad to another country within 14 days before symptoms relating to the current illness began.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient travelled to another city/town or region, another part of the country or abroad to another country within 14 days before symptoms relating to the current illness began.",SNOMED,"129018004, Traveling (observable entity)","C0040802, travel",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,TRAVEL HISTORY,travel_loc,notes,If yes: specify all city / cities or town(s) and region(s) of travel,,,,,,[travel_travel14d] = '1',,"This refers to all city / cities or town(s) and region(s), which the patient travelled to within 14 days before symptoms relating to the current illness began.","If the patient has travelled away from their usual place of residence within 14 days of symptom onset, enter the location(s) that were visited.",,,,,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_yn,radio,History of contact with suspected or confirmed human case of same pathogen?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to the patient having a history of contact with anyone presenting with similar symptoms or with known confirmed case, or with contaminated material from a suspected or confirmed case (e.g. body fluids, objects, bedding etc.).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has a history of contact with anyone presenting with similar symptoms or with known confirmed case, or with contaminated material from a suspected or confirmed case (e.g. body fluids, objects, bedding etc.).",,,,,,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typecomm,radio,Community contact ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1',,This refers to the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case. Community contact refers to exposure event outside of healthcare setting. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typevert,radio,Vertical transmission,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1' and ([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case. Vertical transmission refers to transmission from mother-to-child. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typehcw,radio,Healthcare worker exposure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1',,This refers to the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case. Healthcare worker exposure refers to an exposure event in a healthcare setting.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typesext,radio,Sexual transmission,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1',,This refers to the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case. Sexual transmission refers to infection propagated by sexual contact.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typefaml,radio,Family / household contacts,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1',,This refers to the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case. Family / household contact refers to infection transmission from individuals who expect to share living accommodation on most days (and therefore for whom continuing close contact is unavoidable),Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typeoth,radio,Other type of human exposure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_yn]='1',,This refers to other mode(s) of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case not specified above.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed human case.,SNOMED,"277057000, Community acquired (qualifier value) | 1290740005, Vertical transmission (qualifier value) | 8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","C5392207, Community Transmission | C0242648, Vertical Disease Transmission | C0036916, Sexually Transmitted Diseases",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_typeoth_other,text,If other: specify type of human exposure,,,,,,[expo14_typeoth]='1',,This refers to other mode(s) of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case not specified above.,"If 'Other', specify the mode of exposure to a suspected or confirmed case.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_date,date_dmy,Date of contact with suspected or confirmed case,,date_dmy,,today,,[expo14_yn]='1',,"This refers to the date of contact with anyone presenting with similar symptoms or with known confirmed case, or with contaminated material from a suspected or confirmed case (e.g. body fluids, objects, bedding etc.).",Write the date of contact with suspected or confirmed human case in format DD/MM/YYYY.,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_setting,radio,Contact setting,"1, Household | 2, Occupational | 4, Healthcare facility | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the environment within which the person may have come into contact with a suspected or confirmed case.,Select the most appropriate option that represents the contact setting with a confirmed or suspected human case.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_setting_oth,text,If other: specify contact setting,,,,,,[expo14_setting]='88',,This refers to the environment within which the person may have come into contact with a suspected or confirmed case.,"If 'Other', specify the contact setting with a confirmed or suspected case.",,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon,radio,"Any contact with animals, animal homes, meats or other animal products in the last 14 days?","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to contact with animals, animal homes, meats or other animal products which occurred in the last 14 days.","Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was in contact with animals, animal homes, meats or other animal products which occurred in the last 14 days.",,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_date,date_dmy,Date of contact with suspected or confirmed animal source,,date_dmy,,today,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to the date of contact with animals, animal homes, meats or other animal products which occurred in the last 14 days.","Write the date of contact with animals, animal homes, meats or other animal products which occurred in the last 14 days, in format DD/MM/YYYY.",,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestock,group,Contact with livestock,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestockyn,radio,Contact with livestock,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to contact with live bird (e.g. chickens, turkeys, ducks) which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestockbird,radio,"If yes to contact with livestock: Contact with poultry (e.g. chickens, turkeys, ducks)","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_livestockyn] = '1',,"This refers to contact with live bird (e.g. chickens, turkeys, ducks) which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestockcow,radio,If yes to contact with livestock: Contact with dairy cows and/or milking equipment,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_livestockyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with dairy cows and/or milking equipment which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestockothercow,radio,If yes to contact with livestock: Contact with cattle other than dairy cows ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_livestockyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with cattle other than dairy cows which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestockpig,radio,If yes to contact with livestock: Contact with pigs,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_livestockyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with pigs which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_livestocktype,checkbox,If yes to contact with livestock: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_livestockyn] = '1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_nhprim,group,Contact with non-human primates,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_nhprimyn,radio,Contact with non-human primates,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to contact with non-human primates (a group of mammals composed of simians monkeys and apes and prosimians, such as lemurs) which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_nhprimmonkeys,radio,If yes to contact with non-human primates: Contact with monkeys,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_nhprimyn]='1',,This refers to contact with monkeys which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_nhprimapes,radio,If yes to contact with non-human primates: Contact with apes,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_nhprimyn]='1',,This refers to contact with apes which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_nhprimtype,checkbox,If yes to contact with non-human primates: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_nhprimyn]='1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodent,group,Contact with rodents,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodentyn,radio,Contact with rodents,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to contact with rodents (e.g. rats, mice, squirrels) which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodentrat,radio,If yes to contact with rodents: Contact with rats,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_rodentyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with rats which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodentmice,radio,If yes to contact with rodents: Contact with mice,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_rodentyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with mice which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,2,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodentsquirrel,radio,If yes to contact with rodents: Contact with squirrels,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_rodentyn] = '1',,This refers to contact with squirrels which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,3,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_rodenttype,checkbox,If yes to contact with rodents: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_rodentyn] = '1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_pets,group,Contact with pets,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_petsyn,radio,Contact with pets,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,This refers to contact with household pets (excluding rodents) which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_petscats,radio,If yes to contact with pets: Contact with cats,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_petsyn]='1',,This refers to contact with cats which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_petsdogs,radio,If yes to contact with pets: Contact with dogs,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_petsyn]='1',,This refers to contact with dogs which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_petstype,checkbox,If yes to contact with pets: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_petsyn]='1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_wildlife,group,Contact with wildlife,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_wildlifeyn,radio,Contact with wildlife,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,This refers to contact with animals considered to be wild or feral or not adapted for domestic use which occurred in the last 14 days. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_wildelifebat,radio,If yes to contact with wildlife: Contact with bats,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_wildlifeyn]='1',,This refers to contact with bats which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_wildlifetype,checkbox,If yes to contact with wildlife: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_wildlifeyn]='1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_unpasteur,radio,Contact with or consumption of unpasteurised milk or dairy products,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,This refers to contact with or consumption of unpasteurised milk or dairy products which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_visitzoo,radio,"Visit to live animal market, farm or zoo","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to visit to live animal market, farm or zoo which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_animalsurg,radio,Participated in animal surgery or necropsy,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,This refers to participation in animal surgery or necropsy which occurred in the last 14 days.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_other,radio,Other animal contact not listed above ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon]='1',,"This refers to other animal contact, not listed above, which occurred in the last 14 days.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experienced this in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_oth,text,If other animal contacts: Specify animal contacts not listed above,,,,,,[expo14_animalcon_other]='1',,"This refers to other animal contact, not listed above, which occurred in the last 14 days.","If 'Yes', specify any other animal contact with occurred in the last 14 days.",,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_animalcon_othtype,checkbox,If other animal contacts: Specify type of contact,"1, Hunting | 2, Preparing | 3, Handling | 4, Consumption (unprocessed / undercooked / raw) | 5, Trading | 6, Animal faeces or nests | 7, Sick or dead animal | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_animalcon_other]='1',,"This refers to the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days. Hunting includes findings or killing animal(s) for food or sport. Preparing incudes skinning, dressing or butchering animal(s) for consumption. Handling includes touching, petting or sharing living area with animal(s). Consumption includes ingesting unprocessed, undercooked or raw animal part(s). Trading includes animal contact from selling, buying or exchanging animal(s). Animal faeces or nests includes contact with faeces, nests or homes of animal(s). Sick or dead animals refers to contact with a sick or dead animal but not participation in animal surgery or nercopsy (seperate question). ",Select all the type(s) of animal contact which occurred in the last 14 days.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_house,radio,Any unwell household members in the two weeks prior to the admission of case?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to any household members of the suspected/confirmed case being unwell in the two weeks prior to the admission of the case. ,Indicate 'Yes' if any household members of the suspected/confirmed case were unwell in the two weeks prior to the admission of the case. ,,,,,,,,,,1,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_house_spec,checkbox,If yes: Which system(s) are affected? (tick all that apply),"1, Respiratory | 2, Gastrointestinal | 3, Cardiovascular | 4, Central Nervous system | 5, Peripheral Nervous system | 6, Mucocutaneous | 7, Ocualar | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[expo14_house]='1',,This refers to the body system(s) of the unwell household members which were affected during the illness.,Select all the system(s) which were affected.,,,,,,,,,,1,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_house_oth,text,If other: Specify system(s) affected,,,,,,[expo14_house_spec(88)]='1',,This refers to the body system(s) of the unwell household members which were affected during the illness.,"If 'Other', specify the system(s) which were affected.",,,,,,,,,,1,,
presentation,EXPOSURE HISTORY IN PREVIOUS 14 DAYS,expo14_housecon,radio,Have household members had any contact with a confirmed case of the same infection?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to any household member(s) having any form of contact with a confirmed case of the pathogen of interest. ,Indicate 'Yes' if any household member(s) had any form of contact with a confirmed case of the pathogen of interest. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_pregnant,radio,Pregnant,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[demog_sex]='2' ,,This refers to women who reports to be pregnant and/or have had a positive pregnancy test in recent days. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient is pregnant. If the patient is of fertile age with no negative pregnancy test select 'Unknown'. ",SNOMED,"77386006, Pregnant (finding)","C0549206, Pregnant",,risk_factor_demo,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_geswek,number,Gestational weeks assessment,,number,0,,,[preg_pregnant] = '1',,This refers to the gestational age of the foetus (written in weeks). It can be calculated from the woman's last menstrual period (LMP) or calculated using the best obstetrical estimated due date (EDD) based on the following formula: Gestational Age = (280 - (EDD - Reference Date)). The reference date is the date in which you are trying to determine the gestational age.,Indicate the estimated gestational age of the foetus (in weeks).,SNOMED,57036006 |Fetal gestational age (observable entity)|,"CL1385889, Gestational weeks",,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_postpartum,radio,Post-partum (within 6 weeks of delivery),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[demog_sex]='2' and [preg_pregnant]<>'1' and [demog_age_units]='1',,This refers to the temporal period relating to mother from completion of labour until six weeks post-delivery.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient is in post-partum period (within 6 weeks of delivery).",SNOMED,"86569001, Postpartum state (finding)","C0086839, Postpartum Period",,risk_factor_demo,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_delvdate,date_dmy,Delivery date,,date_dmy,,today,,[preg_postpartum] = '1',,This refers to the actual date of delivery.,Enter the date of delivery in DD/MM/YYYY format.,SNOMED,"386216000, Human parturition, function (observable entity)",,,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_bboutc,radio,Pregnancy outcome,"1, Live birth | 2, Stillbirth | 4, Miscarriage | 3, Termination | 5, Neonatal death",,,,,[preg_postpartum]='1',,This refers to the outcome of previous conception and ensuing pregnancy.,Indicate the outcome of the previous pregnancy.,SNOMED,"1, 281050002 Livebirth (finding)| 2, 237364002 Stillbirth (finding) | 4, 17369002 Miscarriage (disorder) | 3, 386639001 Termination of pregnancy (procedure) |","C0032972, Pregnancy Outcome | 1, C0419373 Livebirth | 2, C0595939 Stillbirth | 4, C4552766 Miscarriage | 3, C0392535 Termination of pregnancy",,,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_gesweekout,number,Gestational weeks at pregnancy outcome,,number,0,,,[preg_postpartum] = '1',,This refers to the gestational age (in weeks) at the pregnancy outcome (livebirth / stillbirth / miscarriage / termination of pregnancy).,Indicate the estimated gestational age in weeks.,SNOMED,57036006 |Fetal gestational age (observable entity)|,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_bbtest,radio,Baby tested for mother's infection of interest,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[preg_postpartum] = '1',,This refers to testing the baby for the mother's infection of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if the baby was tested for the mother's infection of interest.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
presentation,PREGNANCY,preg_bbresl,radio,If yes: specify test result from mother's infection of interest ,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[preg_bbtest] = '1',,This refers to the result of testing the baby for the mother's infection of interest.,Indicate the test result.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_brtwei,,Birth weight (select units),,,,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,,,SNOMED,"47340003, Birth weight (finding)","C0005612, Birth weight",,,1,,,1,,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_brtwei_kg,number,Birth weight (kg),,number,0,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the first weight of a newborn obtained after birth in kilograms (kg).,Indicate the birth weight in kilograms (kg).,SNOMED,"364589006, Birth weight (observable entity)","C0005612, Birth weight",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_brtwei_lb,number,Birth weight (lb),,number,0,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the first weight of a newborn obtained after birth in pounds (lb).,Indicate the birth weight in pounds (lb).,SNOMED,"364589006, Birth weight (observable entity)","C0005612, Birth weight",,,1,,,1,,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_outcome,radio,Gestational outcome,"1, Term birth (>=37wk GA) | 2, Preterm birth (< 37wk GA) | 99, Unknown",,,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the gestational age (GA) of the infant at delivery. Pre-term refers to an infant born before 37 weeks and 0 days gestational age.,Indicate 'Term birth' if gestational age (GA) at delivery >= 37 weeks and 'Preterm birth' if GA at delivery < 37 weeks. ,SNOMED,"1, 21243004 |Term birth of newborn (finding)| 2, 367494004 |Premature birth of newborn (finding)|","1, C0233324 Term birth| 2, C4011994 Preterm birth",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_brefed,radio,Breastfed,"1, Yes-currently breastfeeding | 2, Yes-breastfeeding discontinued | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the current breastfeeding regimen for the infant. ,Indicate the breastfeeding status of infant.,SNOMED,"1, 1260078007 | Maternal breastfeeding (finding) | 2, 169746009 | Breastfeeding stopped (finding) |","C0006147, Breast feeding",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,INFANT: less than 12 months old,infa_aprvac,radio,Vaccinations appropriate for age/country,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,([demog_age] < 12 and [demog_age_units]='2') or [demog_age_units]='3',,This refers to the vaccination status according to the age of the infant and country-specific recommendations.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the infant is appropriately vaccinated for age with respect to country-specific recommendations.",SNOMED,"713404003, Vaccination given (situation)","C0042196, Vaccination",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrneurolo,radio,Chronic neurological disorder,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Includes disorders of the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscle. This can include any of cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, and severe learning difficulty.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"118940003, Disorder of the nervous system (disorder)","C0027765, Nervous system disorder",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_dementia,radio,Dementia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as evidence from the history and mental status examination that indicates major impairment in learning and memory as well as impairment in at least one of the following: handling complex tasks; reasoning ability; spatial ability and orientation; language. The cognitive symptoms must significantly interfere with the individual's work performance, usual social activities, or relationships with other people. This must represent a significant decline from a previous level of functioning. The disturbances are not occurring exclusively during the course of delirium, and the disturbances are not better accounted for by a major psychiatric diagnosis. Chronic cognitive deficit is included.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"52448006, Dementia","C1969275, Dementia",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,1,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_strokecva,radio,Stroke / cerebrovascular accident,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as a sudden loss of neurological function secondary to haemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event. Stroke may be a clinical diagnosis, with or without supportive radiological findings.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"230690007, Cerebrovascular accident","C3554760, Stroke",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hemipleg,radio,Hemiplegia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"This refers to severe or complete loss of motor function on one side of the body; often caused by brain diseases that are localized to the cerebral hemisphere opposite to the side of weakness; less frequently, brain stem lesions; cervical spinal cord diseases, peripheral nervous system diseases, and other conditions may manifest as hemiplegia. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"50582007, Hemiplegia (disorder)","C0018991, Hemiplegia",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_parapleg,radio,Paraplegia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"This refers to complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, often caused by damage to the spinal cord.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"60389000, Paraplegia (disorder)","C0030486, Paraplegia",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrcardiac,radio,Chronic cardiac disease (not hypertension),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,Defined as a disease that progressively causes deterioration of the heart and its functioning.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"128238001, Chronic heart disease (disorder)","C1290386, Chronic heart disease",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrcardiac_mi,radio,Myocardial infarction,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_chrcardiac]='1',Cardiovascular,"Defined as gross necrosis of the myocardium, as a result of interruption of the blood supply to the area, as in coronary thrombosis. This includes previous (history of) myocardial infarction.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"22298006, Myocardial infarction (disorder)","C0027051, Myocardial Infarction",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrcardiac_chf,radio,Congestive heart failure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_chrcardiac]='1',Cardiovascular,"Defned as failure of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to meet the needs of the body tissues, resulting in tissue congestion and edema.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"42343007, Congestive heart failure (disorder)","C0018802, Congestive heart failure",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hypertensi,radio,Hypertension (physician diagnosed),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Defined as elevated arterial blood pressure diagnosed clinically (systolic blood pressure >140mmHg systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure >90mmHg), or for which a patient is prescribed an anti-hypertensive.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"38341003, Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial (disorder)","C0020538, Hypertensive disease",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_perivascdis,radio,Peripheral vascular disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,This refers to deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of the blood vessels outside the heart; diseases of the peripheral as opposed to the cardiac circulation. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"400047006, Peripheral vascular disease (disorder)","C0085096, Peripheral Vascular Diseases",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrpulmona,radio,Chronic pulmonary disease (not asthma),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Respiratory,"Defined as any pulmonary condition other than asthma, that is a disease or disorder of slow progression and long duration which causes continuous or episodic periods of illness and/or incapacity.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"413839001, Chronic lung disease","C0746102, Chronic Lung Disorder",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_asthma,radio,Asthma (physician diagnosed),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Respiratory,"This is defined as clinician-diagnosed asthma, a chronic airway disorder characterized by variable and recurring symptoms of airflow obstruction, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and/or underlying inflammation. Current pharmaceutical intervention - for prevention or treatment of symptoms - is not a pre-requisite for the inclusion of this diagnosis.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"195967001, Asthma (disorder)","C4229310, Asthma",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_peptulcdis,radio,Peptic ulcer disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"This refers to acid peptic injury of the digestive tract, resulting in mucosal break reaching the submucosa. Peptic ulcers are usually located in the stomach or proximal duodenum, but they can also be found in the oesophagus or Meckel's diverticulum.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"13200003, Peptic ulcer (disorder)","C0030920, Peptic ulcer",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrkidney,radio,Chronic kidney disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Renal,"This is defined as a clinician-diagnosed chronic kidney disease (CKD, also known as chronic kidney failure). The KDIGO and KDOQI definition of chronic kidney disease is kidney damage for 3 months, as defined by structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney, with or without decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR), that can lead to decreased GFR, manifest by either: Pathologic abnormalities; or Markers of kidney damage, including abnormalities in the composition of the blood or urine, or abnormalities in imaging tests; or GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m^2 for 3 months, with or without kidney damage.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"709044004, Chronic kidney disease (disorder)",C1561643,,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrkidney_stag,radio,Stage of chronic kidney disease,"1, Stage 1 | 2, Stage 2 | 3, Stage 3a | 4, Stage 3b | 5, Stage 4 | 6, Stage 5 | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_chrkidney]='1',Renal,"This refers to the stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD) based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). CKD Stages: 1 - Kidney damage, normal eGFR (90ml/min); 2 - Kidney damage, mild GFR decrease (60-89ml/min); 3a - Moderate GFR decrease (45-59ml/min); 3b - Moderate to severe GFR decrease (30-44ml/min); 4 - Severe GFR decrease (15-29ml/min); 5 - Kidney failure (<15ml/min or on dialysis).",Select the most appropriate option that corresponds to the stage of CKD based on eGFR.,SNOMED,,,,risk_factor_comor,,,,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_liverdisease,radio,Liver disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,"Defined as any disorder of the hepatobiliary system. Manifestations may include signs and symptoms of cholestasis, portal hypertension, and/or abnormal liver function tests. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission and is ongoing.",SNOMED,235856003 | Disorder of liver (disorder),"C0023895, Liver diseases ",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_liverdisease_type,radio,Type of liver disease,"1, Mild | 2, Moderate or severe | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_liverdisease]='1',Hepatobiliary,"Defined as mild - chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis without portal hypertension, and moderate or severe - cirrhosis with portal hypertension, with or without bleeding or a history of variceal bleeding.","Indicate the type of liver disease. Mild: chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis without portal hypertension. Moderate or severe: cirrhosis with portal hypertension, with or without bleeding or a history of variceal bleeding.",SNOMED,"235856003 Disorder of liver (disorder) | 2448400 | 1, Mild (severity modifier) (qualifier value) | 2, 371924009 Moderate to severe (qualifier value)|","C0023895, Liver diseases | C2945599, mild (qualifier value) | C1299393, moderate to severe (qualifier value)",,risk_factor_comor,1,,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hepbc,radio,Chronic hepatitis B/C infection,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,Defined as chronic hepatitis due to infection by hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV) virus. Do not include those with a documented cure of hepatitis C.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,66870002 |Chronic active viral hepatitis (disorder)|,C0276625,,risk_factor_comor,,1,,,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids,group,HIV,,,,,,,Infection,"Defined as a person living with laboratory-confirmed Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 1 or 2 infection, or a patient with an Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) defining illness. This is irrespective of the CD4 lymphocyte count/percentage or HIV viral load in blood. ART refers to anti-retroviral therapy and is distinct from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).",Indicate the single most appropriate option that reflects the HIV/AIDS status of the patient and whether they are taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART).,SNOMED,"19030005, Human immunodeficiency virus | 62479008, Acquired immune deficieny syndrome","C0019693, HIV Infection | C0001175, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_yn,radio,HIV,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Infection,"Defined as a person living with laboratory-confirmed Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 1 or 2 infection, or a patient with an Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) defining illness. This is irrespective of the CD4 lymphocyte count/percentage or HIV viral load in blood. ART refers to anti-retroviral therapy and is distinct from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).",Indicate the single most appropriate option that reflects the HIV/AIDS status of the patient and whether they are taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART).,SNOMED,"19030005, Human immunodeficiency virus | 62479008, Acquired immune deficieny syndrome","C0019693, HIV Infection | C0001175, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_art,radio,If HIV positive: Is the patient on anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_aids_yn] = '1',Infection,"Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) refers to drug therapy, for patients with HIV infection, which targets retrovirus function by multiple mechanisms to aggressively suppress HIV replication. It is distinct from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).",Indicate the single most appropriate option that reflects the HIV/AIDS status of the patient and whether they are taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART).,SNOMED,416234007 |Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (procedure)|,"C1963724, Antiretroviral therapy",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_arttype,text,If yes: Specify ART,,,,,,[comor_aids_art] = '1',Infection,"This refers to antiretroviral therapy (ART) used in treatment of HIV infections with medications that target the virus directly, limiting the ability of infected cells to produce new virus particles. It is distinct from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).",Write the antiretroviral therapy (ART) drugs being used in treatment of HIV.,SNOMED,"416234007, Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (procedure)",,,risk_factor_comor,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_cd4v2,radio,If HIV positive: Most recent CD4 count (cells/uL),"1, Less than 50 | 2, 50-99 | 3, 100-199 | 4, 200-499 | 5, 500 and over | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_aids_yn] = '1',Infection,Defined as the most recent laboratory-based CD4 cell count available expressed in cells/uL,Indicate the range in which the most recent laboratory-based CD4 cell count available (cells/uL) falls.,SNOMED,"313660005, Absolute CD4 count procedure (procedure)","C3541261, CD4 expressing cell count",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_cd4date,date_dmy,If HIV positive: CD4 count date,,date_dmy,,today,,[comor_aids_yn] = '1',Infection,This refers to the date of the most recent laboratory-based CD4 cell count available.,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,risk_factor_comor,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_vrl,radio,If HIV positive: Is HIV viral load detectable,"1, Yes-detectable | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_aids_yn] = '1',Infection,Detectable typically includes suppressed (detected but <= 1000 copies/mL) and unsuppressed (>1000 copies/mL). Undetectable refers to viral load not detected by test used.,Indicate 'Yes' if detectable (includes; suppressed (detected but <= 1000 copies/mL) and unsuppressed (>1000 copies/mL)). Indicate 'No' if undetectable (viral load not detected by test used).,SNOMED,"165816005, Human immunodeficiency virus detected (finding)",,,risk_factor_comor,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_aids_vrlno,number,If HIV positive: Most recent HIV viral load (copies/mL),,number,1,5000000,,[comor_aids_vrl] = '1',Infection,Defined as the most recent laboratory-based HIV viral load available expressed in copies/mL.,Indicate the most recent laboratory-based HIV viral load available expressed in copies/mL.,SNOMED,"315124004, Human immunodeficiency virus viral load (procedure)",,,risk_factor_comor,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_tuberculos,radio,Tuberculosis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Infection,"Defined as patients currently receiving treatment for tuberculosis, an infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Latent tuberculosis should not be included here. Patients who have been cured of tuberculosis should not be included here. Those who have chronic pulmonary sequelae following their tuberculosis should be included as chronic pulmonary disease.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"56717001, Tuberculosis","C0041296, Tuberculosis",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_tuberculos_spec,checkbox,If yes: Specify tuberculosis type,"1, Active pulmonary | 4, Active extra-pulmonary | 3, Latent | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_tuberculos]='1',Infection,"This refers to the type of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Active pulmonary TB refers to bacterial infection that affects the lungs and is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with signs and symptoms including chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, night sweats, fever, fatigue, and weight loss. Active extra-pulmonary TB refers to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection involving organs other than the lungs (e.g., pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen, genitourinary tract, skin, joints and bones, or meninges). Latent TB refers to the asymptomatic presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, which is determined by a positive result to a tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma release assay. ",Select the most appropriate option(s) that represents the type of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.,SNOMED,"154283005, Pulmonary tuberculosis (disorder) | 423997002, Tuberculosis, extrapulmonary (disorder) | 11999007, Inactive tuberculosis (finding)",,,risk_factor_comor,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_obesity,radio,Obesity,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Refers to body weight grossly above recommended standard. BMI >= 30 kg/m2 or other locally appropriate BMI cut off can be used to define obesity.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"414916001, Obesity (disorder)","C3809449, Obesity",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_asplenia,radio,Asplenia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the anatomical absence of the spleen or functional asplenia secondary to a variety of disease states. This can include congenital absence (born without a spleen), or acquired absence, for example secondary to surgical removal. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"707147002, Asplenia","CL534652, asplenia following surgical procedure; C3810472, Congenital absence of spleen; C0272405 functional asplenia",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_benignn,radio,Benign neoplasm,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to a neoplasm characterized by the absence of atypical or malignant cytological and architectural features, and absence of invasive features or metastatic potential.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"20376005, Benign neoplastic disease (disorder)","C0086692, Benign Neoplasm",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malignantn,group,Malignant neoplasm,,,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as a tumour composed of atypical neoplastic, often pleomorphic cells that invade other tissues. Includes haematological malignancies, that are considered to be biologically active. The most common malignant neoplasms are carcinomas (adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas), Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, leukaemias, melanomas, and sarcomas. It specifically does not include malignancies that have been cured or where there is no evidence of on-going disease relating to that malignancy following treatment.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"363346000, Malignant neoplastic disease","C1861853, Malignant Neoplasm",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,1,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malignantn_yn,radio,Malignant neoplasm,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as a tumour composed of atypical neoplastic, often pleomorphic cells that invade other tissues. Includes haematological malignancies, that are considered to be biologically active. The most common malignant neoplasms are carcinomas (adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas), Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, leukaemias, melanomas, and sarcomas. It specifically does not include malignancies that have been cured or where there is no evidence of on-going disease relating to that malignancy following treatment.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"363346000, Malignant neoplastic disease","C1861853, Malignant Neoplasm",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,1,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malignantn_sol,radio,Malignant solid neoplasm,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_malignantn_yn]='1',Systemic/General,Defined as a malignant neoplasm arising from tissues that do not include fluid areas. Representative examples include carcinomas (adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas) and sarcomas. Hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue malignancies are not considered solid neoplasms.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",,,,,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malignantn_leuk,radio,Leukemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_malignantn_yn]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as a progressive, malignant disease of the blood-forming organs, characterized by distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow. Leukemias were originally termed acute or chronic based on life expectancy but now are classified according to cellular maturity.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"93143009, Leukemia, disease (disorder)","C0023418, leukemia",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malignantn_lymp,radio,Lymphoma,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_malignantn_yn]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as a malignant (clonal) proliferation of B- lymphocytes or T- lymphocytes which involves the lymph nodes, bone marrow and/or extranodal sites. This category includes Non-Hodgkin lymphomas and Hodgkin lymphomas.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"118600007, Malignant lymphoma (disorder)","C0024299, Lymphoma",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_chrhematol,radio,Chronic hematologic disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to chronic disorders of the blood and blood forming tissues. Does not include leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma, which should be entered under malignancy. Does not include iron-deficiency anaemia which is explained by diet or chronic blood loss. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"398983000, Chronic disease of hematopoietic system","C1275398, Chronic disease of hematopoietic system",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_rheumatolo,radio,Rheumatologic disorder,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as an disorders of connective tissue, especially the joints and related structures characterised by inflammation, degeneration or metabolic derangement. It includes chronic arthropathies and arthritis, connective tissue disorders and vasculitides.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,396332003 | Rheumatism (disorder) |,"C0035435, Rheumatologic disorder",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes,group,Diabetes mellitus,,,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels due to diminished production of insulin or insulin resistance or desensitization. This includes Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, or Gestational diabetes requiring oral or subcutaneous treatment.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"73211009, Diabetes mellitus (disorder)","C4013416, Diabetes mellitus",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes_yn,radio,Diabetes mellitus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels due to diminished production of insulin or insulin resistance or desensitization. This includes Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, or Gestational diabetes requiring oral or subcutaneous treatment.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"73211009, Diabetes mellitus (disorder)","C4013416, Diabetes mellitus",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes_type1,radio,Type 1 diabetes mellitus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,"Refers to a subtype of diabetes mellitus that is characterized by insulin deficiency; it is manifested by the sudden onset of severe hyperglycemia, rapid progression to diabetic ketoacidosis, and death unless treated with insulin; the disease may occur at any age, but is most common in childhood or adolescence.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"46635009, Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder)","C5435660, TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS 1",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes_type2,radio,Type 2 diabetes mellitus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,Refers to a subtype of diabetes mellitus that is characterized by insulin resistance or desensitization and increased blood glucose levels. This is a chronic disease that can develop gradually over the life of a patient and can be linked to both environmental factors and heredity.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"44054006, Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder)","C4014362, Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D)",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes_gdm,radio,Gestational diabetes mellitus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,Refers to diabetes mellitus induced by pregnancybut resolved at the end of pregnancy. It does not include previously diagnosed diabetics who become pregnant (pregnancy in diabetes). Gestational diabetes usually develops in late pregnancy when insulin antagonistic hormones peaks leading to insulin resistance; glucose intolerance; and hyperglycemia.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"11687002, Gestational diabetes mellitus (disorder)","C0085207, Gestational Diabetes",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_diabetes_endorg,radio,End organ damage from diabetes,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,"Refers to irreparable damage to multiple organs/systems which is the result of chronic complications of diabetes. The affected organs/systems include the cardiovascular system, kidneys, eyes, nervous system, joints and feet.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",,,"C3830315, End Organ Damage from Diabetes",,risk_factor_comor,,,,,,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hba1c,,HbA1C result within last 6 months (select units),,,,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,"Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) is a blood test that measures average blood glucose level over the three months preceding the test result. It can be reported in different units (mmol/mol, mmol/L or %).",Select the option that best fits the result. If there is no result for the patient in the last six months proceed onto the next question.,SNOMED,"43396009, Hemoglobin A1c measurement (procedure)","C0474680, Hemoglobin A1c measurement",,risk_factor_comor,1,,,,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hba1c_mmolmol,number,HbA1C result within last 6 months (mmol/mol),,number,0,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,"Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) is a blood test that measures average blood glucose level over the three months preceding the test result. It can be reported in different units (mmol/mol, mmol/L or %).",Enter the numerical value for HbA1C level expressed in mmol/mol.,SNOMED,"43396009, Hemoglobin A1c measurement (procedure)","C0474680, Hemoglobin A1c measurement",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hba1c_mmoll,number,HbA1C result within last 6 months (mmol/L),,number,0,,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,Estimated average glucose (eAG) can be calculated from HbA1C or reported separately in the units of mmol/L (similar to blood glucose levels). The relationship between HbA1C and eAG is described by: 28.7 x HbA1C - 46.7 = eAG.,Enter the numerical value for eAG level expressed in mmol/L.,SNOMED,996491000000105 |Estimated average glucose level (observable entity)|,"C2591489, Estimated average glucose measurement",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_hba1c_porc,number,HbA1C results within last 6 months (%),,number,0,100,,[comor_diabetes_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,"Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) is a blood test that measures average blood glucose level over the three months preceding the test result. It can be reported in different units (mmol/mol, mmol/L or %).",Enter the numerical value for HbA1C level expressed as a percentage %.,SNOMED,"43396009, Hemoglobin A1c measurement (procedure)","C0474680, Hemoglobin A1c measurement",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,,,,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_malnutriti,radio,Malnutrition,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to any clinically identified deficiency in intake, either of total energy or of specific nutrients, that led to a dietetic intervention or referral prior to this admission.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"2492009, Nutritional disorder (disorder)","CL1378604, Malnutrition",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,1,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_smoking,group,Ever smoked,,,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or equivalent. Never smoker is defined as a person who has never smoked at the time of the assessment or has smoked less than 100 of the above items in their life. Do not include smoke-free tobacco products such as chewed tobacco or electronic nicotine delivery devices. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. Indicate 'No' if the patient has never smoked (defined as a person who has never smoked at the time of the assessment or has smoked less than 100 of the above items in their life).",SNOMED,"77176002, Smoker (finding) | 266919005, Never smoked tobacco (finding)","C0302836, Smoking tobacco | C0425293, Never Smoker",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_smoking_yn,radio,Ever smoked,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or equivalent. Never smoker is defined as a person who has never smoked at the time of the assessment or has smoked less than 100 of the above items in their life. Do not include smoke-free tobacco products such as chewed tobacco or electronic nicotine delivery devices. ","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. Indicate 'No' if the patient has never smoked (defined as a person who has never smoked at the time of the assessment or has smoked less than 100 of the above items in their life).",SNOMED,"77176002, Smoker (finding) | 266919005, Never smoked tobacco (finding)","C0302836, Smoking tobacco | C0425293, Never Smoker",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_smoking_cr,radio,If yes: Current smoker,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_smoking_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,Current smoker is defined as daily (smoking at least one of the above items per day) and non-daily smokers who has smoked 100 items in their life.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"77176002, Smoker (finding); 266919005","C3241966, Current Smoker",,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_smoking_form,radio,If yes: Former smoker,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[comor_smoking_yn] = '1',Systemic/General,Former smoker is defined as a person who has quit smoking at the time of the assessment but has smoked at least 100 of the above items in their life.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"8517006, Ex-smoker",C0337671 Former Smoker,,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_orgtrans,radio,Transplant recipient ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to an individual receiving (or has received) tissues or organs transferred from another individual of the same or different species, or from within the same individual.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"737294004, Transplant present",,,risk_factor_comor,,,,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_orgtrans_organ,checkbox,If yes: Specify transplanted organ(s),"1, Lung | 2, Heart | 3, Kidney | 4, Liver | 5, Bone ",,,,,[comor_orgtrans]='1',Systemic/General,"This refers to the specific tissue(s) or organ(s) transferred from another individual of the same or different species, or from within the same individual. ",Select all that apply.,,,,,risk_factor_comor,,,,1,1,,
presentation,CO-MORBIDITIES AND RISK FACTORS: Existing prior to this current illness and is ongoing,comor_unlisted,list,Other relevant comorbidity(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,conditions_Comorbidities,,Other,This refers to a comorbid condition(s) not listed above. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition(s) existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition. ",SNOMED,"398192003, Co-morbid conditions (finding)",,,risk_factor_comor,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf,radio,Is the patient known to have had previous infection(s) with this pathogen? ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Defined as a previous diagnosis with the same pathogen in a clinical episode distinct from this presentation or admission.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has previously been infected with the same pathogen.",,,,,,1,1,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_firstadm,radio,If yes: Was the patient ever hospitalised in a previous episode of the same infection?,"1, Yes-admitted to hospital or ICU | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medic_previnf] = '1',,This refers to the patient's previous history of infection(s) with the same pathogen and whether the patient was ever admitted to hospital or ICU.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to hospital or ICU for infection with the same pathogen.,,,,,,1,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_infstartdate,date_dmy,When did the previous episode begin?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf]='1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen begun.",,,,,,1,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_infenddate,date_dmy,When did the previous episode end?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf]='1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen ended.",,,,,,1,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_labtest,radio,Was the previous episode confirmed by laboratory testing?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medic_previnf]='1',,This refers to confirmation of the previous infection episode with a laboratory test.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the previous episode was confirmed with laboratory testing.",,,,,,1,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf2,radio,Is the patient known to have had an infection(s) before the last reported with this pathogen? ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Defined as a previous diagnosis with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has previously had an infection with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf2_adm,radio,If yes: Was the patient ever hospitalised in this previous episode of the same infection?,"1, Yes-admitted to hospital or ICU | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medic_previnf2] = '1',,This refers to the patient's previous history of infection with the same pathogen and whether the patient was ever admitted to hospital or ICU.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to hospital or ICU for an infection with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf2_startdate,date_dmy,When did this previous episode begin?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf2]='1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen begun.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf2_enddate,date_dmy,When did this previous episode end?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf2]='1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen ended.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf3,radio,Is the patient known to have had an infection(s) before the last reported with this pathogen? ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Defined as a previous diagnosis with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has previously had an infection with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf3_adm,radio,If yes: Was the patient ever hospitalised in this previous episode of the same infection?,"1, Yes-admitted to hospital or ICU | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medic_previnf3] = '1',,This refers to the patient's previous history of infection with the same pathogen and whether the patient was ever admitted to hospital or ICU.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to hospital or ICU for an infection with the same pathogen in a clinical episode before the last reported infection.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf3_startdate,date_dmy,When did this previous episode begin?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf3] = '1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen begun.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_previnf3_enddate,date_dmy,When did this previous episode end?,,date_dmy,,today,,[medic_previnf3] = '1',,,"Write the exact date in DD/MM/YYYY format, or if not known write an approximate date, at which the previous infection with the same pathogen ended.",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_cpoxpast,radio,Known to have previous chickenpox infection(s)?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to a previous chickenpox infection. It does not include a history of reactived Varicella zoster virus (VZV) i.e. Shingles.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"161423008, History of chickenpox (situation)","C0455469, H/O: chickenpox",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_cpox,radio,Active chickenpox,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to active chickenpox infection caused by varicella-zoster virus. Clinical manifestations are fever and pruritic, vesicular skin rash occurring ten to twenty-one days after exposure. Do not include those with reactived Varicella zoster virus (VZV) i.e. Shingles.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"38907003, Varicella (disorder)","C0008049, Chicken Pox",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_actshingles,radio,Active shingles (herpes zoster),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to an active case of shingles or herpes zoster dues to the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus that has remained dormant, after the patient's initial exposure to the virus in the form of varicella (chickenpox). ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient currently has shingles (herpes zoster), a reactivation of varicella-zoster virus. Indicate 'No' if the patient has only had chickenpox in the past, or if the patient does not have a history of this condition.",SNOMED,4740000 | Herpes zoster (disorder) |,"C0019360, Herpes zoster",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_sti,radio,Active sexually transmitted infection,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Defined as infections due to or propagated by sexual contact including, chlamydia, genital herpes/warts, gonorrhea, HPV, public lice, syphilis, trichomoniasis, lymphogranuloma venereum. Do not include HIV/AIDS and chronic hepatitis, as specified in separate questions.","Indicate 'Yes', if this is condition existed prior to admission with this current illness and remains an active medical condition.",SNOMED,"8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)","CL1399179, Sexually transmitted infections",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_sti_type,checkbox,Specify active STI,"1, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) | 2, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) | 3, Chlamydia | 4, Gonorrhoea | 5, Syphilis | 6, Mycoplasma genitalium | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medic_sti]='1',,"Defined as infections due to or propagated by sexual contact including, chlamydia, genital herpes/warts, gonorrhea, HPV, public lice, syphilis, trichomoniasis, lymphogranuloma venereum. Do not include HIV/AIDS and chronic hepatitis, as specified in separate questions.",Select all that apply.,SNOMED,"721585006, Sexually transmissible infection caused by Herpes simplex virus (disorder) | 240532009, Human papillomavirus infection (disorder) | 105629000, Chlamydial infection (disorder) | 15628003, Gonorrhea (disorder) | 76272004, Syphilis (disorder) | 1163504003, Infection caused by Mycoplasma genitalium (disorder)",,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICAL HISTORY,medic_sti_oth,text,If yes: specify other active STI,,,,,,[medic_sti_type(88)]='1',,"Defined as infections due to or propagated by sexual contact including, not listed above. Do not include HIV/AIDS and chronic hepatitis, as specified in separate questions.","If 'Other', specify the other active STI. ",SNOMED,"8098009, Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder)",,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antiviral,radio,Antiviral,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antiviral_type,user_list,Select Antiviral,,,,,drugs_Antiviral,[drug7_antiviral] = '1',,"An antiviral agent refers to any agent(s) prescribed to treat or prevent viral infections by interfering with the viral replication cycle. Examples of neuraminidase inhibitors include oseltamivir, ribavirin, acyclovir and lopinavir/ritonavir. Topical preparations are not included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an antiviral in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"788081006, Medicinal product acting as antiviral agent (product)|","C0003451, Antiviral agent",,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antiviral_route,radio,Antivirals administration route,"1, Oral | 2, Inhaled | 3, IV | 4, Topical | 99, Unknown",,,,,[drug7_antiviral] = '1',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. Topical refers to administration by application of drug preparations to the surfaces of the body, especially the skin or mucous membranes.",Indicate the route of administration for the antiviral agent.,SNOMED,"386359008, Administration of drug or medicament via oral route (procedure) | 243132000, Inhaled drug administration (procedure) | 386358000, Administration of drug or medicament via intravenous route (procedure) | 431695009, Administration of drug or medicament to skin via topical route (procedure)",,,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antiviraldate,date_dmy,Antiviral start date,,date_dmy,,today,,[drug7_antiviral]='1',,This refers to the date the medication was started / first dose was administered. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antiviralday,text,Number of days antivirals taken,,number,0,,,[drug7_antiviral]='1',,Includes all calendar days in which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,Enter the total number of days for which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_steroid,radio,Corticosteroid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken a 'steroid' in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,788326005 |Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|,"CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_steroid_type,user_list,Corticosteroid,,,,,drugs_Steroids,[drug7_steroid] = '1',,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken a 'steroid' in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,788326005 |Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|,"CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_steroid_route,radio,Corticosteroid administration route,"1, Oral | 2, Inhaled | 3, IV |4, Topical | 99, Unknown",,,,,[drug7_steroid] = '1',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. ",Indicate the route of administration for the corticosteroid.,SNOMED,"394898006, Administration of treatment via specific route (navigational concept)","C0013153, Drug Administration Routes",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_immunusupp,radio,Immunosuppressant agents (not corticosteroids),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to a patient who is known to have taken prescribed medications that are known to have an immunosuppressing effect (excluding steroids/corticosteroids). Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an immunosuppressant agent in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,69431002 |Medicinal product acting as immunosuppressant (product)|,"CL942512, Immunosuppressant agent",,risk_factor_comor,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_immunusupp_type,user_list,Select Immunosuppressant agents (not corticosteroids),,,,,drugs_Immunosuppressants,[drug7_immunusupp]='1',,This refers to a patient who is known to have taken prescribed medications that are known to have an immunosuppressing effect (excluding steroids/corticosteroids). Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an immunosuppressant agent in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,69431002 |Medicinal product acting as immunosuppressant (product)|,"CL942512, Immunosuppressant agent",,risk_factor_comor,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antibiotic,radio,Antibiotics,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Antibiotic' refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria. Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an Antibiotic in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,346325008 |Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|,"C0279516, Antibacterial",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_antibiotic_type,user_list,Antibiotics,,,,,drugs_Antibiotics,[drug7_antibiotic]='1',,Antibiotic' refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria. Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an Antibiotic in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,346325008 |Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|,"C0279516, Antibacterial",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_nsaid,radio,NSAIDs,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs refers to any agent that is not a corticosteroid and has potential anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-platelet activities. Topical preparations should not be recorded.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an NSAID in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,16403005 |Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (product)|,"C0003211, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_nsaid_type,user_list,NSAIDs,,,,,drugs_NSAIDs,[drug7_nsaid]='1',,"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs refers to any agent that is not a corticosteroid and has potential anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-platelet activities. Topical preparations should not be recorded.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an NSAID in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,16403005 |Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (product)|,"C0003211, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_anticoagul,radio,Anticoagulant,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"An anticoagulant refers to any agent capable of preventing blood clot formation, or platelet aggregation. This includes agents such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel, and subcutaneously administered anticoagulants, among many others. Topical preparations are not included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an anticoagulant in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",SNOMED,81839001 |Medicinal product acting as anticoagulant agent (product)|,"C0003280, Anticoagulant agent",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_anticoagul_type,user_list,Anticoagulant,,,,,drugs_Anticoagulant,[drug7_anticoagul]='1',,"An anticoagulant refers to any agent capable of preventing blood clot formation, or platelet aggregation. This includes agents such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel, and subcutaneously administered anticoagulants, among many others. Topical preparations are not included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an anticoagulant in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",SNOMED,81839001 |Medicinal product acting as anticoagulant agent (product)|,"C0003280, Anticoagulant agent",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid,radio,Intravenous fluid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Intravenous fluids may be used for rehydration, maintenance requirements or resuscitation.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient received intravenous fluids in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.,SNOMED,354078009 |Intravenous fluids and electrolytes (product)|,"CL524079, IV fluid",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_type,dropdown,Intravenous fluid type,"1, Crystalloid | 2, Albumin | 3, Gelatin | 4, Starches | 5, Fibrinogen concentrate | 88, Other fluid",,,,,[drug7_ivfluid] = '1',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others. Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others. Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others. Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the parenteral fluid(s) administered.,SNOMED,"52454007, Albumin (substance) | 776088002, Product containing only gelatin (medicinal product) | 713371009, Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (substance) | 312063004, Product containing human fibrinogen (medicinal product)","C0056562, crystalloid solutions | C0001924, Albumins | C0017237, gelatin | C3495650, hydroxyethyl starch 130-0.4 60 MG/ML Injectable Solution | C2587184, fibrinogen, human",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_otyp,text,If other: Specify intravenous fluid type,,,,,,[drug7_ivfluid_type]='88',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Intravenous fluids may be used for rehydration, maintenance requirements or resuscitation.","If 'Other', write the type of intravenous fluid(s) used.",SNOMED,354078009 |Intravenous fluids and electrolytes (product)|,"CL524079, IV fluid",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_vol,number,Total intravenous fluid volume in the previous 24 hours (mL),,number,0,,,[drug7_ivfluid] = '1',,"Parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Intravenous fluids may be used for rehydration, maintenance requirements or resuscitation.",Specify the total volume of the intravenous fluid received by the patient over the previous 24 hours. Record the volume in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_reas,checkbox,Indication / reason,"1, Shock | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[drug7_ivfluid] = '1',,"This refers to the indication for intravenous fluids. Shock refers to circulatory failure, causing inadequate oxygen delivery to meet cellular metabolic needs. It is characterised by any two of the following: evidence of hypoperfusion (e.g. slow capillary refill, cold skin, and rapid and weak pulse), narrow pulse pressure (less than or equal to 20mmHg), hypotension for age, and tachycardia.",Indicate the indication for intravenous fluids.,SNOMED,"27942005, Shock (disorder)","C0036974, Shock",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_oth,text,If other: Specify reason,,,,,,[drug7_ivfluid_reas(88)]='1',,"This refers to the indication for intravenous fluids. Shock refers to circulatory failure, causing inadequate oxygen delivery to meet cellular metabolic needs. It is characterised by any two of the following: evidence of hypoperfusion (e.g. slow capillary refill, cold skin, and rapid and weak pulse), narrow pulse pressure (less than or equal to 20mmHg), hypotension for age, and tachycardia.","If 'Other', write the indication for intravenous fluids.",,,,,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_add,radio,Additional intravenous fluid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[drug7_ivfluid] = '1',,This refers to additional intravenous fluids (not recorded above) in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient received any additional intravenous fluids (not recorded above) in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_agent2,dropdown,Intravenous fluid type,"1, Crystalloid | 2, Albumin | 3, Gelatin | 4, Starches | 5, Fibrinogen concentrate | 88, Other fluid",,,,,[drug7_ivfluid_add] = '1',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others. Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others. Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others. Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the parenteral fluid(s) administered.,SNOMED,"52454007, Albumin (substance) | 776088002, Product containing only gelatin (medicinal product) | 312063004, Product containing human fibrinogen (medicinal product)","C0056562, crystalloid solutions | C0001924, Albumins | C0017237, gelatin | C3495650, hydroxyethyl starch 130-0.4 60 MG/ML Injectable Solution | C2587184, fibrinogen, human",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_otyp2,text,If other: Specify intravenous fluid type,,,,,,[drug7_ivfluid_agent2]='88',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Intravenous fluids may be used for rehydration, maintenance requirements or resuscitation.","If 'Other', write the type of intravenous fluid(s) used.",SNOMED,354078009 |Intravenous fluids and electrolytes (product)|,"CL524079, IV fluid",,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_ivfluid_vol2,number,Total intravenous fluid volume in the previous 24 hours (mL),,number,0,,,[drug7_ivfluid_add] = '1',,"Parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Intravenous fluids may be used for rehydration, maintenance requirements or resuscitation.",Specify the total volume of theadditional intravenous fluid received by the patient (not recorded above) in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.. Record the volume in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_unlisted,radio,Other pathogen-targeted medications,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,,"Indicate 'Yes', if pathogen-targeted medications (other than those specified above) have been taken in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 7-DAYS,drug7_unlisted_type,user_list,If yes: Specify other pathogen-targeted medications,,,,,drugs_Other,[drug7_unlisted]='1',,,"Indicate 'Yes', if pathogen-targeted medications (other than those specified above) have been taken in the 7 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antiviral,radio,Antiviral,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antiviral_type,user_list,Antiviral,,,,,drugs_Antiviral,[drug14_antiviral] = '1',,"An antiviral agent refers to any agent(s) prescribed to treat or prevent viral infections by interfering with the viral replication cycle. Examples of neuraminidase inhibitors include oseltamivir, ribavirin, acyclovir and lopinavir/ritonavir. Topical preparations are not included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an antiviral in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"788081006, Medicinal product acting as antiviral agent (product)|","C0003451, Antiviral agent",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antiviral_route,radio,Antiviral administration route,"1, Oral | 2, Inhaled | 3, IV | 4, Topical | 99, Unknown",,,,,[drug14_antiviral] = '1',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. Topical refers to administration by application of drug preparations to the surfaces of the body, especially the skin or mucous membranes.",Indicate the route of administration for the antiviral agent.,SNOMED,"386359008, Administration of drug or medicament via oral route (procedure) | 243132000, Inhaled drug administration (procedure) | 386358000, Administration of drug or medicament via intravenous route (procedure) | 431695009, Administration of drug or medicament to skin via topical route (procedure)",,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antiviraldate,date_dmy,Antiviral start date,,date_dmy,,today,,[drug14_antiviral]='1',,This refers to the date the medication was started / first dose was administered. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antiviralday,text,Number of days antivirals taken,,number,0,,,[drug14_antiviral]='1',,Includes all calendar days in which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,Enter the total number of days for which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_steroid,radio,Corticosteroid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid, made in the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the adrenal gland). They are also made in the laboratory. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken a 'steroid' in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"788326005, Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|","CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_steroid_type,user_list,Corticosteroid,,,,,drugs_Steroids,[drug14_steroid]='1',,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid, made in the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the adrenal gland). They are also made in the laboratory. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken a 'steroid' in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"788326005, Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|","CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_immunusupp,radio,Immunosuppressant agents (not corticosteroids),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to a patient who is known to have taken prescribed medications that are known to have an immunosuppressing effect (excluding steroids/corticosteroids). Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an immunosuppressant agent in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"69431002, Medicinal product acting as immunosuppressant (product)|","CL942512, Immunosuppressant agent",,risk_factor_comor,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_immunusupp_type,user_list,Immunosuppressant agents (not corticosteroids),,,,,drugs_Immunosuppressants,[drug14_immunusupp]='1',,This refers to a patient who is known to have taken prescribed medications that are known to have an immunosuppressing effect (excluding steroids/corticosteroids). Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an immunosuppressant agent in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"69431002, Medicinal product acting as immunosuppressant (product)|","CL942512, Immunosuppressant agent",,risk_factor_comor,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antibiotic,radio,Antibiotics,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Antibiotics refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria. Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an antibiotic in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"346325008, Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|","C0279516, Antibacterial",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_antibiotic_type,user_list,Antibiotics,,,,,drugs_Antibiotics,[drug14_antibiotic]='1',,Antibiotics refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria. Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an antibiotic in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"346325008, Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|","C0279516, Antibacterial",,,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_nsaid,radio,NSAIDs,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS refers to any agent that is not a corticosteroid and has potential anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-platelet activities. Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act by inhibiting the conversion of arachidonic acid to the precursors of prostaglandin and thromboxane by cyclooxygenase enzymes. Topical preparations should not be recorded.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an NSAID in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",,16403005 |Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (product)|,"C0003211, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug",,,,,,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_nsaid_type,user_list,NSAIDs,,,,,drugs_NSAIDs,[drug14_nsaid]='1',,"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS refers to any agent that is not a corticosteroid and has potential anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-platelet activities. Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act by inhibiting the conversion of arachidonic acid to the precursors of prostaglandin and thromboxane by cyclooxygenase enzymes. Topical preparations should not be recorded.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken an NSAID in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",,16403005 |Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (product)|,"C0003211, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug",,,,,,1,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_herb,radio,Herbal or traditional treatment,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Herbal or traditional treatment refers to herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished herbal products, that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, and other knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used to treat physical or mental illness.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has taken a 'Herbal or traditional treatment in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation",SNOMED,"349365008, Herbal medicine (product)","C2240391, Herbal medicine (product)",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_herbreas,text,If yes: Specify active ingredient in herbal or traditional treatment,,,,,,[drug14_herb]='1',,This refers to the pharmaceutically active component(s) of a preparation of herbal or traditional medication(s).,"If 'Yes', specify the pharmaceutically active component(s) of a preparation of herbal or traditional medication(s).",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_hivprep,radio,HIV PrEP / PEP,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received anti-retroviral therapy, for the purposes of PrEP and PEP to prevent HIV, in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",SNOMED,"1287783000, Administration of human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis (procedure) | 235921000112100, Administration of human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure prophylaxis (procedure)",,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_unlisted,radio,Other pathogen-targeted medications,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to other pathogen-targeted medication, not listed above.","Indicate 'Yes', if pathogen-targeted medications (other than those specified above) have been taken in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",,,,,,1,,1,,,,
presentation,MEDICATION PREVIOUS 14-DAYS,drug14_unlisted_type,user_list,If yes: Specify other pathogen-targeted medications,,,,,drugs_Other,[drug14_unlisted]='1',,"This refers to other pathogen-targeted medication, not listed above.","Indicate 'Yes', if pathogen-targeted medications (other than those specified above) have been taken in the 14 days prior to this most recent admission / presentation.",,,,,,1,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19,group,COVID 19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_yn,radio,Vaccinated for COVID-19 (ever),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Ever received a vaccine targeted against SARS-Cov-2. Examples include Spikevax (Moderna), Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Nuvaxovid (Novavax), Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford), Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), Valneva (Valneva).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has ever received a vaccine targetted against SARS-Cov-2",,,,,risk_factor_comor,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_date1,date_dmy,Date of first COVID-19 vaccine ,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,"This refers to the date on which the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date of first COVID-19 vaccine in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type1,radio,Type of first COVID-19 vaccine ,"1, Pfizer/BioNTech | 2, AstraZeneca/University of Oxford (Covishield in India) | 3, Moderna | 4, Novavax |5, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) | 6, Sinopharm | 7, Sinovac | 8, Sputnik V | 9, Covaxin | 10, CanSinoBIO | 99, Unknown | 0, Other, please specify",,,,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,Refers to the type of the first COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Select the type of first COVID-19 vaccine.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type1other,text,If other: Specify type of COVID-19 vaccine,,,,,,[vacci_covid19_type1] = '0',,Refers to the type of the first COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Specify if other ,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_date2,date_dmy,Date of second COVID-19 vaccine ,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,"This refers to the date on which the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date of second COVID-19 vaccine in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type2,radio,Type of second COVID-19 vaccine ,"1, Pfizer/BioNTech | 2, AstraZeneca/University of Oxford (Covishield in India) | 3, Moderna | 4, Novavax |5, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) | 6, Sinopharm | 7, Sinovac | 8, Sputnik V | 9, Covaxin | 10, CanSinoBIO | 99, Unknown | 0, Other, please specify",,,,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,Refers to the type of the second COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Select the type of second COVID-19 vaccine.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type2other,text,If other: Specify type of COVID-19 vaccine,,,,,,[vacci_covid19_type2] = '0',,Refers to the type of the second COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Specify if other ,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_date3,date_dmy,Date of third COVID-19 vaccine ,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,"This refers to the date on which the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date of third COVID-19 vaccine in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type3,radio,Type of third COVID-19 vaccine ,"1, Pfizer/BioNTech | 2, AstraZeneca/University of Oxford (Covishield in India) | 3, Moderna | 4, Novavax |5, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) | 6, Sinopharm | 7, Sinovac | 8, Sputnik V | 9, Covaxin | 10, CanSinoBIO | 99, Unknown | 0, Other, please specify",,,,,[vacci_covid19_yn] = '1',,Refers to the type of the third COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Select the type of third COVID-19 vaccine.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_covid19_type3other,text,If other: Specify type of COVID-19 vaccine,,,,,,[vacci_covid19_type3] = '0',,Refers to the type of the third COVID-19 vaccine the patient received.,Specify if other ,,,,,,1,,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_influenza_yn,radio,Vaccinated for seasonal influenza (ever),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Ever received a vaccine targeting seasonal influenza.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has ever received a seasonal influenza vaccine.",,,,,risk_factor_comor,1,,,1,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_influenza_date,date_dmy,If yes: Date of most recent seasonal influenza vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_influenza_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of the most recent seasonal influenza vaccine,"Write the date of the most recent seasonal influenza vaccine in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,risk_factor_comor,1,,,1,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_aviinflue_yn,radio,Vaccinated for avian influenza ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Ever received a vaccine targeting avian influenza.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has ever received an avian influenza vaccine.",,,,,risk_factor_comor,1,,,1,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_aviinflue_date,date_dmy,If yes: Date of most recent avian influenza vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_aviinflue_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of the most recent avian influenza vaccine,"Write the date of the most recent avian influenza vaccine in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,risk_factor_comor,1,,,1,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue,group,DENGUE,,,,,,,,This question group pertains to previous dengue vaccination(s).,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_yn,radio,Vaccinated for dengue,"1, YES-once | 2, YES-twice | 3, YES-thrice | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Identifies whether the patient has ever received the dengue vaccine prior to this illness episode.,Select the most appropriate option that represents whether the patient has ever received the dengue vaccine prior to this illness episode.,SNOMED,"827179001, Administration of vaccine product containing only Dengue virus antigen (procedure)","C5231315, Administration of dengue vaccine",,risk_factor_comor,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_date1,date_dmy,Date of first dengue vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='1' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='2' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,"This refers to the date on which the first dose of dengue vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date on which the first dose of vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_type1,radio,Type of first dengue vaccine,"1, CYD-TVD (Dengvaxia) | 2, TAK-003 (QDENGA)",,,,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='1' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='2' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,Refers to the type of the first dengue vaccine the patient received.,Select the most appropriate option that represents the type of the first dengue vaccine the patient received.,,,"C5196214, Dengvaxia | ",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_date2,date_dmy,Date of second dengue vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='2' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,"This refers to the date on which the second dose of dengue vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date on which the second dose of vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_type2,radio,Type of second dengue vaccine,"1, CYD-TVD (Dengvaxia) | 2, TAK-003 (QDENGA)",,,,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='2' or [vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,Refers to the type of the second dengue vaccine the patient received.,Select the most appropriate option that represents the type of the second dengue vaccine the patient received.,,,"C5196214, Dengvaxia | ",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_date3,date_dmy,Date of third dengue vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,"This refers to the date on which the third dose of dengue vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ","Write the date on which the third dose of vaccine was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If precise date unknown, estimate. ",,,,,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_dengue_type3,radio,Type of third dengue vaccine,"1, CYD-TVD (Dengvaxia) | 2, TAK-003 (QDENGA)",,,,,[vacci_dengue_yn]='3',,Refers to the type of the third dengue vaccine the patient received.,Select the most appropriate option that represents the type of the third dengue vaccine the patient received.,,,"C5196214, Dengvaxia | ",,,,1,,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_1980,radio,Received smallpox vaccine prior to 1980?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to receiving a smallpox vaccine prior to 1980 and thus unrelated to the current event.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient recieved a smallpox vaccine prior to 1980.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_year,text,If yes: Year vaccinated (estimate if uncertain),,number,,1980,,[vacci_mpox_1980]='1',,This refers to receiving a smallpox vaccine prior to 1980 and thus unrelated to the current event.,Write the year in which the patient received the smallpox vaccine. Estimate if uncertain. Note it must not exceed 1980. Leave response empty if year is unknown.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_scar,radio,If yes: Is a smallpox vaccination scar visible (usually on the upper arm if present)?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[vacci_mpox_1980]='1',,"This refers to a scar at the site of smallpox vaccination (usually on the upper arm if present)) which is generally round, may have irregular edges and appear lower than the skin around it.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has a visible smallpox vaccine scar.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_recent,radio,Received smallpox or mpox vaccination after 1980?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to any smallpox or mpox vaccination after 1980.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received the smallpox vaccination after 1980.",SNOMED,"229881000001106, Smallpox vaccine (product) | ","C0037355, smallpox vaccine | C5703650, Mpox Vaccine",,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_type,checkbox,If yes: Mpox or smallpox vaccine type,"1, Imvanex/Imvamune/Jyneos (MVA-BN) | 2, ACAM2000 | 3, LC16m8 | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[vacci_mpox_recent]='1',,This refers to the type of Mpox or smallpox vaccine.,"Select the option(s) corresponding to the vaccine(s) received. If 'Other', Specify the other vaccine(s) below.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_other,text,If yes: Name of mpox or smallpox vaccine,,,,,,[vacci_mpox_type(88)]='1',,This refers to the type of Mpox or smallpox vaccine.,"If 'Other', Write the name(s) of the other smallpox/mpox vaccine(s).",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_number,number,If yes: Number of mpox or smallpox vaccines received,,number,1,4,,[vacci_mpox_recent]='1',,This refers to the number of Mpox or smallpox vaccines received.,Write the number of Mpox or smallpox vaccines received.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_date1,date_dmy,Date of first mpox or smallpox vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_mpox_number] >= 1,,This refers to the first Mpox of smallpox vaccine. ,Write the exact date of first vaccine if known (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_date2,date_dmy,Date of second mpox or smallpox vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_mpox_number] >= 2,,This refers to the second Mpox of smallpox vaccine. ,Write the exact date of second vaccine if known (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_date3,date_dmy,Date of third mpox or smallpox vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_mpox_number] >= 3,,This refers to the third Mpox of smallpox vaccine. ,Write the exact date of third vaccine if known (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,VACCINATION,vacci_mpox_date4,date_dmy,Date of fourth mpox or smallpox vaccine,,date_dmy,,today,,[vacci_mpox_number] >= 4,,This refers to the fourth Mpox of smallpox vaccine. ,Write the exact date of fourth vaccine if known (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_lymph,radio,Lymphadenopathy,"1, Yes-painful | 2, Yes-not painful | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as a clinical finding of abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"30746006, Lymphadenopathy","C4014613, Lymphadenopathy",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_lymphspec,checkbox,If yes: Specify lymphadenopathy site(s),"1, Axillary (arm pits) | 2, Cervical (neck)| 3, Inguinal (groin) | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adasses_lymph]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.,Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location of lymphadenopathy. ,SNOMED,"127189005, Axillary lymphadenopathy | 127086001, Cervical lymphadenopathy | 127199000, Inguinal Lymphadenopathy","C0578735, Axillary lymphadenopathy | C0235592, Cervical lymphadenopathy | C0578736, Inguinal lymphadenopathy",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_lymphoth,text,If other: Specify lymphadenopathy site(s),,,,,,[adasses_lymphspec(88)]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.,"If 'Other', write the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.",,,,,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_bacsi_yn,radio,Bacterial super-infection,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as a physician-diagnosed secondary bacterial infection that occurs during an existing infection or immediately following an earlier infection.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"264569006, Secondary infection","C0442886, Secondary infections",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_bacsi_spec,checkbox,If yes: Specify bacterial super-infection.,"7, Deep tissue abscess | 1, Folliculitis / cellulitis | 2, Pneumonia | 3, Gastroenteritis | 4, CNS | 5, Bacteraemia | 6, Urinary tract | 88, Other",,,,,[asses_bacsi_yn]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the type or location of the bacterial super-infection.,Select the most appropriate option(s) represents the type or location of the bacterial super-infection. ,SNOMED,"19824006, Infection of skin and/or subcutaneous tissue | 308906005, Secondary bacterial pneumonia | 274080003, Bacterial gastroenteritis| 128119004, Bacterial infection of the central nervous system | 312124009, Bacterial urinary tract infection","C0037278, Skin Infection | C0339952, Secondary bacterial pneumonia | C0558348, Bacterial gastroenteritis | C0752180, Bacterial infection of central nervous system | C1096222, Urinary tract infection bacterial",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_bacsi_oth,text,If other: Specify bacterial super-infection,,,,,,[asses_bacsi_spec(88)]='1',Systemic/General,"This refers to the other type(s) or location(s) of the bacterial super-infection, not specified above.","If 'Other', write the type or location of the bacterial super-infection. ",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_phary,radio,Pharyngitis / tonsillitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,This refers to the presence of inflammation of the throat and/or tonsils.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"405737000, Pharyngitis | 281795003, Inflamed tonsils","C0031350, Pharyngitis | C0040425, Tonsillitis",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
presentation,ASSESSMENT,adasses_mastitis,radio,Mastitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Breast,"Defined as a inflammation of the breast, with or without accompanying infection","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"82789004, Acute mastitis","C0149613, Acute mastitis",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_feverplus,radio,Fever / chills / rigors,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as the sensation of elevated body temperature (fever) and associated involuntary muscle twitching/contractions (chills/rigors).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"386661006, Fever | 248456009, Shivering or rigors (finding)","C0015967, Fever | C0036973, Shivering",,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_fever,radio,Fever,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the sensation of elevated body temperature without formal measurement, or a measured body temperature greater or equal to 38-degrees Celsius (38°C) or 100.4-Fahrenheit (100.4°F). ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"386661006, Fever","C0015967, Fever",,clinical_features,1,,,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_restlessne,radio,Restlessness,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the inability to rest, relax or be still. A state of unease characterized by diffuse motor activity or motion subject to limited control, nonproductive or disorganized behaviour, and subjective distress.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"162221009, Restlessness ","C3887611, Restlessness",,clinical_features,,1,,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_fatigue,radio,Fatigue / malaise / lethargy,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the constellation of non-specific sensations: the feeling of tiredness characterised by a lack of energy or motivation; general discomfort or uneasiness; disinterestedness, listlessness, and indifference, resulting in difficulty performing simple tasks or concentrating.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"84229001, Fatigue |367391008, Malaise |214264003, Lethargy","C0015672, Fatigue | C0231218, Malaise | C0023380 Lethargy",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_weight,radio,Weight loss,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the reduction in total body weight that has occurred since the onset of this illness and has been unintentional or not attributable to active dieting, exercise or dedicated medication based weight-loss interventions. This can include patient-reported weight loss with or without objective measurements of weight.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,448765001 Unintentional weight loss,C2363736 Unintentional Weight loss,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_anosmia,radio,Loss of smell / anosmia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,This refers to patient reported and/or clinician-diagnosed inability of the patient to perceive odours,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"44169009, Loss of sense of smell","C0003126, Anosmia",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_ageusia,radio,Loss of taste / ageusia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,This refers to patient reported and/or clinician-diagnosed loss of taste function of the tongue.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"36955009, Loss of taste","C2364111, Ageusia",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_dizzy,radio,Feeling dizzy / faint,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to the subjective feeling of light-headedness or dizziness which may precede an episode of syncope or a sensation of unsteadiness, spinning or rocking.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"248223005, Feeling faint","C0581879, Felt faint",,clinical_features,,,,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_myalgia,radio,Muscle aches / myalgia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as pain localised to a muscle or group of muscles.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"68962001, Muscle pain","C0231528, Myalgia",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_arthralgia,radio,Joint pain / arthralgia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as a sensation of marked discomfort or pain localised to one or more joints, including small and big joints.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"57676002, Joint pain ","C3805780, Arthralgia",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_skinrash,group,Skin rash,,,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as any change in the skin which affects its appearance or texture. A rash may be localized to one part of the body or affect all the skin. Rashes may cause the skin to change colour, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked, or blistered, swell and may be painful.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"271807003, Eruption of skin","C4227880, Skin Rash",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_skinrash_yn,radio,Skin rash,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as any change in the skin which affects its appearance or texture. A rash may be localized to one part of the body or affect all the skin. Rashes may cause the skin to change colour, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked, or blistered, swell and may be painful.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"271807003, Eruption of skin","C4227880, Skin Rash",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_skinrash_loc,checkbox,Site where rash first occurred,"1, Skin, genital | 2, Skin, non-genital | 3, Mucosa, genital | 4, Mucosa, non-genital | 5, Mouth | 6, Perianal skin | 7, Rectum | 99, Unknown| 88, Other",,,,,[adsym_skinrash_yn]='1',Skin,This refers to the location where the rash first occurred. ,Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location where the rash first occurred.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_skinrash_locoth,text,If other: Specify first rash other location,,,,,,[adsym_skinrash_loc(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the location where the rash first occurred. ,"If ""other', Specify the first location a relevant rash developed.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_skinrash_date,date_dmy,Date first rash was observed by patient,,date_dmy,,today,,[adsym_skinrash_yn]='1',Skin,This refers to the date the patient reports to have first identified the rash. ,Write the date the patient reports to have first identified the rash (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_pruritus,radio,Itch / pruritus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as an unpleasant or intense itching sensation that produces the urge to rub or scratch the skin to obtain relief. Itching is an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch your skin.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"418363000, Itching of skin","C0033774, Pruritus",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_mobilchg,radio,Change in mobility from baseline,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,This refers to the patient's ability to walk or mobilise. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"282145008, Unable to walk","C4228638, Unable to walk",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_mobile,radio,Mobility status,"1, Fully ambulant | 2, Ambulant, but with some assistance | 3, Bedridden",,,,,[adsym_mobilchg]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the patient's ability to walk or mobilise. ,Indicate the patient's mobility status at the time of presentation. ,SNOMED,"160680006, Fully mobile | 427512004, Dependent for walking | 160685001, Bed-ridden","C0231435, Mobile | CL573260, Walks with assistance | C0425251, Bed-ridden",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_cough,group,Cough,,,,,,,Cardiorespiratory,"This refers to the presence of a cough and its characteristics. A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus), while a non-productive cough refers to one which is not accompanied by expectorated secretions. Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"49727002, Cough (finding)","C0010200, Coughing",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_cough_yn,radio,Cough,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiorespiratory,"This refers to the presence of a cough and its characteristics. A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus), while a non-productive cough refers to one which is not accompanied by expectorated secretions. Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"49727002, Cough (finding)","C0010200, Coughing",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_cough_prod,radio,Productive,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adsym_cough_yn] = '1',Cardiorespiratory,A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus),"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,28743005 Productive Cough,C0451597 Productive Cough ,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_cough_hemop,radio,Hemoptysis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adsym_cough_yn] = '1',Cardiorespiratory,Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,66857006 Hemoptysis ,C0019079 Hemoptysis,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_palpitations,radio,Palpitations,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiorespiratory,Refers to the unpleasant awareness of one's own heartbeat.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"80313002, Palpitations (finding)",,,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_sorethroat,radio,Sore throat,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as an unpleasant sensation characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching) and perceived to originate in the throat.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"267102003, Sore throat","C3854544, Sore throat",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_rhinorrhoe,radio,Runny nose / rhinorrhoea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,Defined as increased mucosal discharge of the nose.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"64531003, Nasal Discharge","C1260880, Rhinorrhea",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_wheezing,radio,Wheezing,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,Defined as a high-pitched breath sound resulting from a narrowing or obstruction of the small airway.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"56018004, Wheezing","C0043144, Wheezing",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_shortbreat,radio,Shortness of breath ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,Defined as the uncomfortable sensation of difficult or laboured breathing that is out of proportion to the patient's level of physical activity.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"267036007, Dyspn","C4230442, Dyspnea",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_chestindrw,radio,Lower chest wall indrawing,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as a clinical sign of respiratory distress, distinguished by the abnormal inward movement of the lower chest wall during inspiration. If only the soft tissue between the ribs or above the clavicle goes in when the patient breathes, this is not lower chest wall in-drawing.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"67909005, Chest wall retraction","C0231906, Chest wall retraction",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_chestpain,radio,Chest pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as the unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation characterised by physical discomfort localised to the chest.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"29857009, Chest pain","C3807341, Chest pain",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_abdpain,radio,Abdominal pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"Defined as an unpleasant sensation of discomfort, distress or agony in the abdominal region.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"21522001, Abdominal pain","C3553274, Abdominal pain",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_diarrhoea,radio,Diarrhoea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,Defined as abnormally increased frequency (usually defined as three or more) loose or liquid bowel movement per day (or more frequent passage than is normal for the individual).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"62315008, Diarrhea","C3554472, Diarrhea",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_consti,radio,Constipation,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,Defined as irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"14760008, Constipation","C3551741, Constipation",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_vomit,radio,Vomiting,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,Defined as the expulsion of the stomach or small intestines through the mouth.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"422400008, Vomiting","C4230730, Vomiting",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_vomit2d,radio,Persistent vomiting? (>=2/day),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adsym_vomit]='1',Gastrointestinal,Persistent vomiting is defined here as vomiting two times or more per day.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"196746003, Persistent vomiting","C0152165, Persistent vomiting",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_nausea,radio,Nausea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,Defined as the the unpleasant painless subjective feeling that one will imminently vomit.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"422587007, Nausea","C3554470, Nausea",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_anorexia,radio,Anorexia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,Defined as lack or loss of appetite.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"79890006, Loss of appetite","C3554473, Anorexia",,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_exsal,radio,Excessive salivation,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"Defined as excessive salivation or sialorrhea, is a symptom best assessed by the patient.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,53827007 | Excessive salivation (disorder) |,"C0037036, Sialorrhea",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_diffswallow,radio,Difficulty swallowing / dysphagia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"Defined as difficulty swallowing food, liquids, or saliva.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"40739000, Dysphagia (disorder)","C0011168, Deglutition Disorders",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_urine,radio,Urinary retention,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Genitourinary,Defined as the accumulation of urine within the bladder because of the inability to urinate.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"267064002, Retention of urine","C0080274, Urinary retention",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_dyspareunia,radio,Painful intercourse/ Dyspareunia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Genitourinary,Defined as recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"71315007, Dyspareunia (finding)","C1384606, Dyspareunia",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_haemorrhag,group,Bleeding / haemorrhage,,,,,,,Haematology,"Defined as the presence of blood in a location in which it is not physiologically normal or loss of blood from the circulation, either internally or externally. This can include epistaxis (blood from nose), gingival bleeding (blood from gums/gingiva), blood from any part of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal bleeding) or genitourinary tracts (vagina or urethra) including hematuria. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"131148009, Bleeding","C3163616, Blood loss",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_haemorrhag_yn,radio,Bleeding / haemorrhage,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Haematology,"Defined as the presence of blood in a location in which it is not physiologically normal or loss of blood from the circulation, either internally or externally. This can include epistaxis (blood from nose), gingival bleeding (blood from gums/gingiva), blood from any part of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal bleeding) or genitourinary tracts (vagina or urethra) including hematuria. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"131148009, Bleeding","C3163616, Blood loss",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_haemorrhag_sev,radio,Severe bleeding / haemorrhage (requires intervention),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adsym_haemorrhag_yn] = '1',Haematology,Defined as the severe bleeding / hemorrhage requiring medical intervention for hemostasis and/or hemodynamic support.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_haemorrhag_site,checkbox,If yes: Specify bleeding / haemorrhage site(s),"1, Skin | 7, Petechiae | 2, Nose | 3, Gums | 4, GI tract | 5, Urinary tract | 6, Vagina | 88, Other(s) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[adsym_haemorrhag_yn] = '1',Haematology,"This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s). Petechiae refer to small reddish or purplish spots in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localised haemorrhage. Nose bleeding refers to haemorrhage localized in the nose. Gum bleeding refers to haemorrhage affecting the gingiva. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to haemorrhage in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from oesophagus to rectum. Urinary tract bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from any part of the urinary system. Vaginal bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from vagina, unrelated to normal menstruation.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,SNOMED,"297968009, Bleeding skin | 271813007 Petechiae | 249366005, Bleeding from nose | 86276007, Bleeding gums | 74474003, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |34436003, blood in urine | 289530006, Bleeding from vagina","C0574741, Bleeding skin | C3808808, Epistaxis | C0017565, Gingival haemorrrhage | C0017181, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |C3805433, haematuria | C0566961, Fresh bleeding from vagina",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_haemorrhag_oth,text,If other: Specify bleeding / haemorrhage site(s),,,,,,[adsym_haemorrhag_site(88)]='1',Haematology,This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,"If 'Other', Write the other location of site(s) where the patient has experienced bleeding/haemorrhage at any time from onset of this illness and presentation or admission.",,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_jaund,radio,Jaundice,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,"Defined as a clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, characterized by the yellowish staining of the skin, mucous membrane and/or sclera. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"18165001, Jaundice (finding)","C3549846, Jaundice",,clinical_features,,,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_headache,radio,Headache,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Defined as the experience of pain in various parts of the head.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"25064002, Headache","C0018681, Headache",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_neckstiff,radio,Neck stiffness,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as a sensation of tightness in the neck when attempting to move it, especially after a period of inactivity. Neck stiffness often involves soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when trying to turn the head to the side.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,161882006 | Stiff neck (finding) |,"C0151315, Neck Stiffness",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_photoph,radio,Photophobia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Refers to increased sensitivity of the eyes to light.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,409668002 | Photophobia (finding) |,"C3807325, Photophobia",,clinical_features,,,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_retroorbit,radio,Retro-orbital pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Defined as the experience of pain in the retro-orbital region (behind the eyes).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",MedDRA,"10050741, retro-orbital pain","C0743724, Retro-orbital pain",,clinical_features,,1,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_seizconv,radio,Seizures / convulsions,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"91175000, Seizure","C2748942, Seizure",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_confusion,radio,Altered consciousness / confusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Defined as a level of awareness or arousal other than the patient's normal baseline.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"443371007, Decreased level of consciousness","C0150450, Altered level of consciousness",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_neurodist,radio,Psychological disturbance,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"This refers to the presence of signs or symptoms that affect an individual's thoughts, emotions, behaviours or mental well-being. The presence of psychological disturbances should be identified through a Mental Status Examination (MSE) or equivalent tool.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"81659004, Psychological sign or symptom","C0233395, Psychological sign or symptom",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_cerebesig,radio,Cerebellar signs,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,Nervous system,"Refers to the presence of a constellation of neurological signs typically indicate cerebellar dysfunction. Signs include dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, ataxia, nystagmus, intention tremor, slurred or scanning speech, hypotonia.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",,,"C3807868, Cerebellar signs",,clinical_features,,,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_tremor,radio,Tremor,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,Nervous system,"Refers to an unintentional, oscillating to-and-fro muscle movement about a joint axis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,26079004 | Tremor (finding) |,"C0040822, Tremor",,clinical_features,,,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_neurologic,radio,Other neurological abnormality,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,This refers the presence of an alternative neurological abnormality not listed above.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has another neurological abnormality not listed above.",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_neurologic_other,text,If yes: Specify other neurological abnormality,,,,,,[adsym_neurologic] = '1',Nervous system,This refers the presence of another neurological abnormality not listed above.,"If 'Other', specify neurological abnormality.",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,1,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_ocular,radio,Ocular complaints,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"This refers to issues or problems that arise in the eye or its related structures. It includes complaints of a red and or itchy eye, or visual disturbance.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,308923001 |Eye symptom (finding)|,"C0586406, Eye symptom",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_ocularspec,checkbox,If yes: Specify ocular complaint(s),"1, Red eye(s) | 2, Itchy eye(s)| 3, Eye pain | 4, Visual disturbance | 88, Other",,,,,[adsym_ocular]='1',Ocular,"Red eye refers to any condition with dilated conjunctival or ciliary blood vessels, typical of irritation and infection. Itchy eye or ocular pruritis refers a sensation that makes a person want to scratch, in this case abnormally increased sensation of itching is in the region of the eye. Eye pain refers to an unpleasant sensation characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching) localized to the eye. Visual disturbance refers to an interference to normal eyesight without necessarily affecting visual acuity.",Select the ocular compaints which the patient has experienced at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ,SNOMED,"1, 703630003, Red eye| 2, 74776002, Itching of eye|3, 41652007, Pain in eye| 4, 63102001, Visual distrubance|","1, CL473769, Red eye| 2, C0022281, Itching of eye| 3, C0151827 Eye pain| 4, C0547030, Visual distrubance|",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_ocularoth,text,If other: Specify ocular complaint(s),,,,,,[adsym_ocularspec(88)]='1',Ocular,This refers to other ocular complaint(s) not specified above.,"If 'Other', Write the other ocular complaint(s) the patient has experienced at any time from onset of this illness and presentation or admission.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_itchyeye,radio,Itching of eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,Defined as itching of one or both eyes.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"74776002, Has an itchy eye",Has an itchy eye,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_redeye,radio,Red / Pink eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"Defined as inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness in one or both eyes.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"703630003, Red eye",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_conjunhemor,radio,Conjunctival haemorrhage,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"Defined as the accumulation of blood underneath the conjunctiva, presenting as a bright red or dark patch in the eye.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"21117005, Conjunctival hemorrhage",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_paineyes,radio,Pain in eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,Defined as discomfort or aching localized within or around the eye area.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"41652007, Pain in eye",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_eyelidedema,radio,Edema of eyelid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,Defined as swelling due to fluid accumulation in the tissues of the eyelid.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"89091004, Edema of eyelid",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_eyedischarg,radio,Discharge from eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"Defined as the release of fluids ranging from clear to pus-like from the eye, often indicative of infection or irritation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"246679005, Discharge from eye",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_hazyvision,radio,Hazy / Blurred vision,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"Defined as a loss of visual acuity, resulting in unclear or distorted sight.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"246636008, Hazy vision",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_eyelightsensi,radio,Sensitivity of eye to light,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,"Defined as an abnormal intolerance to light, causing discomfort or pain in the eyes when exposed to bright light.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"1285284009, Sensitivity of eye to light",,,,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_conjunctiv,radio,Conjunctivitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,Defined as inflammation of the conjunctiva,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"9826008, Conjunctivitis","C4011653, Conjunctivitis",,clinical_features,1,,,,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_reduvisiacu,radio,Newly reduced visual acuity,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Ocular,Defined as decreased clarity or sharpness of vision.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",SNOMED,"13164000, Reduced visual acuity",,,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
presentation,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ON ADMISSION: Indicate if experienced at any time from onset of this illness to the day of presentation.,adsym_unlisted,list,Other sign(s) or symptom(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,conditions_Symptoms,,Other,This refers to the presence of an alternative sign or abnormality not listed above.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced this at any time from onset of this illness to presentation. ",,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
daily,DAILY DATE,daily_date,date_dmy,DATE OF ASSESSMENT,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This indicates the day of data collection and sampling (may not be the date of completion). This may be retrospective information at the time of discharge (transfer to other hospital or dead in hospital). ,Enter the date. Use the format DD/MM/YYYY.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_lvlcare,radio,Current level of care,"1, Outpatient | 2, Admitted to normal ward for isolation only | 3, Admitted to normal ward for clinical care | 4, High dependency | 5, Intensive care admission",,,,,,,Refers to the level of care on date of assessment.,Select the highest level of care on the date of assessment.,SNOMED,"737492002, Outpatient care management (procedure) | 305342007, Admission to ward (procedure) | 398162007, Admission to high dependency unit (procedure) | 305351004, Admission to intensive care unit (procedure)","C4545175, Outpatient care management | C0583229, Admission to ward | C1301858, Admission to high dependency unit | C0583239, Admission to intensive care unit",,,1,1,1,1,1,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_lymph,radio,Lymphadenopathy,"1, Yes-painful | 2, Yes-not painful | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as a clinical finding of abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"30746006, Lymphadenopathy","C4014613, Lymphadenopathy",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_lymphspec,checkbox,Specify lymphadenopathy site(s),"1, Axillary (arm pits) | 2, Cervical (neck)| 3, Inguinal (groin) | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[asses_lymph]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.,Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location of lymphadenopathy. ,SNOMED,"127189005, Axillary lymphadenopathy | 127086001, Cervical lymphadenopathy | 127199000, Inguinal Lymphadenopathy",,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_lymphoth,text,Specify other lymphadenopathy site(s),,,,,,[asses_lymphspec(88)]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.,"If 'Other', write the location in which lymphadenopathy was identified.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_bacsi_yn,radio,Bacterial super-infection,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,Defined as a physician-diagnosed secondary bacterial infection that occurs during an existing infection or immediately following an earlier infection.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"264569006, Secondary infection","C0442886, Secondary infections",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_bacsi_spec,checkbox,If yes: Specify bacterial super-infection.,"7, Deep tissue abscess | 1, Folliculitis / cellulitis | 2, Pneumonia | 3, Gastroenteritis | 4, CNS | 5, Bacteraemia | 6, Urinary tract | 88, Other",,,,,[asses_bacsi_yn]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the type or location of the bacterial super-infection.,Select the most appropriate option(s) represents the type or location of the bacterial super-infection. ,SNOMED,"19824006, Infection of skin and/or subcutaneous tissue | 308906005, Secondary bacterial pneumonia | 274080003, Bacterial gastroenteritis| 128119004, Bacterial infection of the central nervous system | 312124009, Bacterial urinary tract infection","C0037278, Skin Infection | C0339952, Secondary bacterial pneumonia | C0558348, Bacterial gastroenteritis | C0752180, Bacterial infection of central nervous system | C1096222, Urinary tract infection bacterial",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_bacsi_oth,text,If other: Specify other bacterial super-infection,,,,,,[asses_bacsi_spec(88)]='1',Systemic/General,"This refers to the other type(s) or location(s) of the bacterial super-infection, not specified above.","If 'Other', write the type or location of the bacterial super-infection. ",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_phary,radio,Pharyngitis / tonsillitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"This refers to pain in the throat, typically in the presence of inflammation of the throat (pharynx) and/or tonsils.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"405737000, Pharyngitis | 281795003, Inflamed tonsils","C0031350, Pharyngitis | C0040425, Tonsillitis",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,ASSESSMENT,asses_mastitis,radio,Mastitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Breast,"Defined as a inflammation of the breast, with or without accompanying infection","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"82789004, Acute mastitis","C0149613, Acute mastitis",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_dailydata,radio,Enter Vital Signs data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,,"Indicate 'Yes', if you want to record vital sign data for this day of assessment. If 'Yes', for the following questions unless otherwise specified, Record the value furthest from the normal physiological range recorded between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. Results that were rejected by the clinical team should not be included.",SNOMED,"61746007, Taking patient vital signs (procedure)","C0150404, Taking vital signs",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_highesttem,,Highest temperature (select units),,,,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Refers to the highest peripheral body temperature (rectal if <3 months) between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,Select the most appropriate units for temperature.,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_highesttem_c,number,Highest temperature (°C),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Refers to the highest peripheral body temperature (rectal if <3 months) in degrees Celsius (°C) between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,Enter the highest peripheral body temperature (°C) recorded between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"386725007, Body temperature (observable entity) |",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_highesttem_f,number,Highest temperature (°F),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Refers to the highest peripheral body temperature (rectal if <3 months) in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,Enter the highest peripheral body temperature (°F) recorded between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"386725007, Body temperature (observable entity) |",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_hr,number,HR (beats/minute),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Refers to heart rate measured in beats per minute. This may be measured manually or by electronic monitoring.,Enter the heart rate measured in beats per minute. Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,364075005 |Heart rate (observable entity)|,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_rr,number,RR (bpm),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"Refers to respiratory rate in breaths per minute. Manual rather than electronic measurement is preferred where possible (this is achieved by counting the number of breaths for one minute, counting how many times the chest rises within this time period). If both abnormal low and high rate observed, record the abnormally high rate.","Enter the respiratory rate measured in breaths per minute. Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment. If both abnormal low and high rate observed, record the abnormally high rate.",SNOMED,"86290005, Respiratory rate (observable entity)|",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_systolicbp,number,Systolic BP (mmHg),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the systolic blood pressure from the observation with the lowest mean arterial pressure (if mean arterial pressure has not been calculated, report the measurement with lowest systolic blood pressure). For example, if the blood pressure is 120/85 mmHg, enter 120 in the section marked 'systolic BP'.","Enter the systolic blood pressure measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). Record the systolic blood pressure from the observation with the lowest mean arterial pressure (MAP) (if mean arterial pressure has not been calculated, report the measurement with lowest systolic blood pressure) that occurred between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"271649006, Systolic blood pressure (observable entity)|",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_diastolicbp,number,Diastolic BP (mmHg),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the diastolic blood pressure from the observation with the lowest mean arterial pressure (if mean arterial pressure has not been calculated, report the measurement with lowest systolic blood pressure). For example, if the blood pressure is 120/85 mmHg, enter 85 in the section marked 'diastolic BP'.","Enter the diastolic blood pressure measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). Record the diastolic blood pressure from the observation with the lowest mean arterial pressure (MAP) (if mean arterial pressure has not been calculated, report the measurement with lowest systolic blood pressure) that occurred between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"271650006, Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)|",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_meanbp,number,Mean arterial blood pressure (mmHg),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) may be directly measured (via intra-arterial catheter) or be approximated without an invasive procedure using the following formula: diastolic pressure plus 1/3 of the pulse pressure, where pulse pressure is systolic pressure - diastolic pressure.",Enter the lowest recorded MAP that occurred between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,1285244000 |Mean arterial pressure (observable entity)|,,,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,1
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_spo2,number,Lowest oxygen saturation SpO2 (%),,number,0,100,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the oxygen saturation, that may be measured by pulse oximetry or by arterial blood gas analysis. It is irrespective of ventilation or supplemental oxygen requirement.",Enter the percentage oxygen saturation. Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"103228002, Haemoglobin saturation with oxygen (observable entity)|",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_o2supp_type,radio,Supplemental oxygen at point of SpO2 measured,"2, Yes-nasal prongs | 3, Yes-simple mask | 4, Yes-HFNO | 5, Yes-NIV | 6, Yes-IMV / ECMO | 0, No (Room air) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) delivered at the time of the above, lowest SpO2 (%), recording.","Indicate 'Yes', if the FiO2 was measured along-side the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2) reported above.",SNOMED,"261974006, Nasal prongs (physical object) | 371908008, Oxygen administration by mask (procedure) | 1259025002, Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (procedure) | 428311008, Non-invasive ventilation (regime/therapy) | 233573008, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure)","C0445087, Nasal prongs | C1299377, Oxygen administration by mask | C4761117, High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy | C1997883, Noninvasive Ventilation | C0015357, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_fio2spo2,,FiO2 at time of lowest SpO2 (select units),,,,,,[vital_o2supp_type] = '2' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '3' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '4' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '5' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '6',,FiO2 can be reported as either a fraction or a percentage. Note that 0.21 and 21% are equivalent to the FiO2 of room-air.,Select the most appropriate units for FiO2.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_fio2spo2_02110,number,"FiO2 at time of lowest SpO2 (Fraction, 0.21-1.0)",,number,0.21,1,,[vital_o2supp_type] = '2' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '3' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '4' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '5' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '6',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) delivered at the time of the above, lowest SpO2 (%), recording.",Enter the FiO2 (0.21-1.0) that was measured along-side the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2) reported above.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_fio2spo2_pcnt,number,"FiO2 at time of lowest SpO2 (%, 21-100)",,number,21,100,,[vital_o2supp_type] = '2' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '3' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '4' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '5' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '6',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) delivered at the time of the above, lowest SpO2 (%), recording.",Enter the FiO2 (21-100%) that was measured along-side the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2) reported above.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_fio2spo2_ltr,number,FiO2 at time of lowest SpO2 (Highest L/min),,number,0,100,,[vital_o2supp_type] = '2' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '3' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '4' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '5' or [vital_o2supp_type] = '6',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) delivered at the time of the above, lowest SpO2 (%), recording.",Enter the FiO2 (L/min) that was measured along-side the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2) reported above.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_capillaryr,radio,Capillary refill time >2 seconds,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Capillary refill time is measured by pressing on the sternum for five seconds with a finger or thumb until the underlying skin turns white and then noting the time in seconds needed for the colour to return once the pressure is released. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the capillary refill time was greater than 2 seconds at any time between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,50427001 |Increased capillary filling time (finding)|,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_avpu,radio,ACVPU,"1, Alert | 5, Confusion | 2, Verbal | 3, Pain | 4, Unresponsive",,,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,Refers to the scoring system for consciousness: alert; confused (new-onset or worsening); responding to voice; responding to pain; unresponsive.,Select the single option corresponding to the least responsive condition of the patient between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment. If the patient is being sedated on the day of assessment record the value before the sedation.,SNOMED,"1, 271591004 |Fully conscious (finding)| 2, 300202002 |Responds to voice (finding)| 3, 450847001 |Responds to pain (finding)|4, 422768004 |Unresponsive (finding)| ",,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_gcs,number,Glasgow Coma Score (GCS / 15) ,,number,3,15,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,The Glasgow Coma Scale is a scoring system for consciousness. It is scored out of 15 and requires an assessment of responsiveness to stimulus. Glasgow Coma Score: https://www.glasgowcomascale.org/downloads/GCS-Assessment-Aid-English.pdf?v=3,"Enter the lowest GCS recorded between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment. For intubated patients and patients with a non-fenestrated tracheostomy, give 1 point for the voice component and calculate the total as usual. Suffixes such as 't' for tracheostomy cannot be entered on to the database. If the patient is sedated on the day of assessment these parameters should correspond to the values observed before sedation.",SNOMED,444323003 |Modified Glasgow coma score (observable entity)|,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_rass,number,Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) ,,number,-5,4,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) is a medical scale used to measure the agitation or sedation level of a person. It ranges from -5 to +4, where 0 refers to an 'Alert and calm' patient that spontaneously pays attention. ","If performed, enter the lowest value (between -5 and +4) between 00:00 to 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",,,"C4720839, Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale",,clinical_features,1,,,,,,
daily,VITAL SIGNS & ASSESSMENTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,vital_urineflow,number,Urine flow rate (mL/24 hours),,number,0,,,[vital_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the amount of urine the patient has produced over a 24-hour period, specifically the date of assessment. This may be measured e.g. via use of a urinary catheter or estimated.",Record the patient's urine output (in ml/24hours) over the day of assessment,SNOMED,"364202003, Measure of urine output (observable entity)",,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_dailydata,radio,Enter signs and symptoms data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,,"Indicate 'Yes', if you want to record signs and symptoms data for this day of assessment. ",SNOMED,"404684003, Clinical finding (finding)","C0037088, Signs and Symptoms",,,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_feverplus,radio,Fever / chills / rigors,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,Defined as the sensation of elevated body temperature and associated involuntary muscle twitching/contractions (chills/rigors).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"386661006, Fever | 248456009, Shivering or rigors (finding)","C0015967, Fever | C0036973, Shivering",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_fever,radio,Fever,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as the sensation of elevated body temperature without formal measurement, or a measured body temperature greater or equal to 38-degrees Celsius (38°C) or 100.4-Fahrenheit (100.4°F). ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"386661006, Fever","C0015967, Fever",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_fatigue,radio,Fatigue / malaise / lethargy,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as the constellation of non-specific sensations: the feeling of tiredness characterised by a lack of energy or motivation; general discomfort or uneasiness; disinterestedness, listlessness, and indifference, resulting in difficulty performing simple tasks or concentrating.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"84229001, Fatigue |367391008, Malaise |214264003, Lethargy","C0015672, Fatigue | C0231218, Malaise | C0023380 Lethargy",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_restlessne,radio,Restlessness,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as the inability to rest, relax or be still. A state of unease characterized by diffuse motor activity or motion subject to limited control, nonproductive or disorganized behaviour, and subjective distress.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"162221009, Restlessness ","C3887611, Restlessness",,clinical_features,,1,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_weight,radio,Weight loss,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as the reduction in total body weight that has occurred since the onset of this illness and has been unintentional or not attributable to active dieting, exercise or dedicated medication-based weight-loss interventions. This can include patient-reported weight loss with or without objective measurements of weight.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,448765001 Unintentional weight loss,C2363736 Unintentional Weight loss,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_anosmia,radio,Loss of smell / anosmia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to patient reported and/or clinician-diagnosed inability of the patient to perceive odours,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"44169009, Loss of sense of smell","C0003126, Anosmia",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_ageusia,radio,Loss of taste / ageusia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to patient reported and/or clinician-diagnosed loss of taste function of the tongue.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"36955009, Loss of taste","C2364111, Ageusia",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_dizzy,radio,Feeling dizzy / faint,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"This refers to the subjective feeling of light-headedness or dizziness which may precede an episode of syncope or a sensation of unsteadiness, spinning or rocking.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"248223005, Feeling faint","C0581879, Felt faint",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_myalgia,radio,Muscle aches / myalgia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,Defined as pain localised to a muscle or group of muscles.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"68962001, Muscle pain","C0231528, Myalgia",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_arthralgia,radio,Joint pain / arthralgia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,Defined as a sensation of marked discomfort in a joint.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"57676002, Joint pain ","C3805780, Arthralgia",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_skinrash,radio,Skin rash,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,"Defined as any change in the skin which affects its appearance or texture. A rash may be localized to one part of the body or affect all the skin. Rashes may cause the skin to change colour, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked, or blistered, swell and may be painful.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"271807003, Eruption of skin","C4227880, Skin Rash",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_pruritus,radio,Itch / pruritus,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,Defined as an unpleasant or intense itching sensation that produces the urge to rub or scratch the skin to obtain relief.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"418363000, Itching of skin","C0033774, Pruritus",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_mobilchg,radio,Change in mobility from baseline,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the patient's ability to walk or mobilise. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"282145008, Unable to walk","C4228638, Unable to walk",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_mobile,radio,Mobility status,"1, Fully ambulant | 2, Ambulant, but with some assistance | 3, Bedridden",,,,,[sympt_mobilchg]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the patient's ability to walk or mobilise. ,Select the most appropriate option(s) represents patient's mobility status.,SNOMED,"160680006, Fully mobile | 427512004, Dependent for walking | 160685001, Bed-ridden","C0231435, Mobile | CL573260, Walks with assistance | C0425251, Bed-ridden",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_cough,group,Cough,,,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Cardiorespiratory,"This refers to the presence of a cough and its characteristics. A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus), while a non-productive cough refers to one which is not accompanied by expectorated secretions. Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"49727002, Cough (finding)","C0010200, Coughing",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_cough_yn,radio,Cough,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Cardiorespiratory,"This refers to the presence of a cough and its characteristics. A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus), while a non-productive cough refers to one which is not accompanied by expectorated secretions. Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"49727002, Cough (finding)","C0010200, Coughing",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_cough_prod,radio,Productive,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_cough_yn] = '1',Cardiorespiratory,A productive cough refers to a cough accompanied by expectorated secretions (phlegm or mucus),"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,28743005 Productive Cough,C0451597 Productive Cough ,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_cough_hemop,radio,Hemoptysis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_cough_yn] = '1',Cardiorespiratory,Haemoptysis refers to the presence of blood or blood-streaked sputum from the respiratory tract.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,66857006 Hemoptysis ,C0019079 Hemoptysis,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_palpitations,radio,Palpitations,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Cardiorespiratory,Refers to the unpleasant awareness of one's own heartbeat.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"80313002, Palpitations (finding)",,,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_sorethroat,radio,Sore throat,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,"Defined as an unpleasant sensation characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching) and perceived to originate in the throat.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"267102003, Sore throat","C3854544, Sore throat",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_rhinorrhoe,radio,Runny nose / rhinorrhoea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,Defined as increased mucosal discharge of the nose.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"64531003, Nasal Discharge","C1260880, Rhinorrhea",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_wheezing,radio,Wheezing,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,Defined as a high-pitched breath sound resulting from a narrowing or obstruction of the small airway.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"56018004, Wheezing","C0043144, Wheezing",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_shortbreat,radio,Shortness of breath ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,Defined as the uncomfortable sensation of difficult or laboured breathing that is out of proportion to the patient's level of physical activity.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"267036007, Dyspn","C4230442, Dyspnea",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_chestindrw,radio,Lower chest wall indrawing,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,"Defined as a clinical sign of respiratory distress, distinguished by the abnormal inward movement of the lower chest wall during inspiration. If only the soft tissue between the ribs or above the clavicle goes in when the patient breathes, this is not lower chest wall in-drawing.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"67909005, Chest wall retraction","C0231906, Chest wall retraction",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_chestpain,radio,Chest pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Pulmonary,"Defined as the unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation characterised by physical discomfort localised to the chest.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"29857009, Chest pain","C3807341, Chest pain",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_abdpain,radio,Abdominal pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,"Defined as an unpleasant sensation of discomfort, distress or agony in the abdominal region.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"21522001, Abdominal pain","C3553274, Abdominal pain",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_diarrhoea,radio,Diarrhoea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,Defined as three or more loose or liquid bowel movement per day (or more frequent passage than is normal for the individual).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"62315008, Diarrhea","C3554472, Diarrhea",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_consti,radio,Constipation,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,This refers to irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"14760008, Constipation","C3551741, Constipation",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_vomit,radio,Vomiting,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,Defined as the expulsion of the stomach or small intestines through the mouth.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"422400008, Vomiting","C4230730, Vomiting",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_vomit2d,radio,Persistent vomiting? (>=2/day),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_vomit]='1',Gastrointestinal,Persistent vomiting is defined here as vomiting two times or more per day.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"196746003, Persistent vomiting","C0152165, Persistent vomiting",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_nausea,radio,Nausea,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,Defined as the the unpleasant painless subjective feeling that one will imminently vomit.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"422587007, Nausea","C3554470, Nausea",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_anorexia,radio,Anorexia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,Defined as lack or loss of appetite.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"79890006, Loss of appetite","C3554473, Anorexia",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_exsal,radio,Excessive salivation,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,Excessive salivation or sialorrhea is a symptom best assessed by the patient.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,53827007 | Excessive salivation (disorder) |,"C0037036, Sialorrhea",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_diffswallow,radio,Difficulty swallowing / dysphagia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Gastrointestinal,"Defined as difficulty swallowing food, liquids, or saliva.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"40739000, Dysphagia (disorder)","C0011168, Deglutition Disorders",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_urine,radio,Urinary retention,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Genitourinary,Defined as the accumulation of urine within the bladder because of the inability to urinate.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"267064002, Retention of urine","C0080274, Urinary retention",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_dyspareunia,radio,Painful intercourse/ Dyspareunia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Genitourinary,Defined as recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"71315007, Dyspareunia (finding)","C1384606, Dyspareunia",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_haemorrhag,group,Bleeding / haemorrhage,,,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Haematology,"Defined as the presence of blood in a location in which it is not physiologically normal or loss of blood from the circulation, either internally or externally. This can include epistaxis (blood from nose), gingival bleeding (blood from gums/gingiva), blood from any part of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal bleeding) or genitourinary tracts (vagina or urethra) including hematuria. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"131148009, Bleeding","C3163616, Blood loss",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_haemorrhag_yn,radio,Bleeding / haemorrhage,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Haematology,"Defined as the presence of blood in a location in which it is not physiologically normal or loss of blood from the circulation, either internally or externally. This can include epistaxis (blood from nose), gingival bleeding (blood from gums/gingiva), blood from any part of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal bleeding) or genitourinary tracts (vagina or urethra) including hematuria. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"131148009, Bleeding","C3163616, Blood loss",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_haemorrhag_sev,radio,Severe bleeding / haemorrhage (requires intervention),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_haemorrhag_yn]='1',Haematology,Defined as the severe bleeding / hemorrhage requiring medical intervention for hemostasis and/or hemodynamic support.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_haemorrhag_site,checkbox,If yes: Specify bleeding / haemorrhage site(s),"1, Skin | 7, Petechiae | 2, Nose | 3, Gums | 4, GI tract | 5, Urinary tract | 6, Vagina | 88, Other(s) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_haemorrhag_yn] = '1',Haematology,"This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s). Petechiae refer to small reddish or purplish spots in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localised haemorrhage. Nose bleeding refers to haemorrhage localized in the nose. Gum bleeding refers to haemorrhage affecting the gingiva. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to haemorrhage in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from oesophagus to rectum. Urinary tract bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from any part of the urinary system. Vaginal bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from vagina, unrelated to normal menstruation.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,SNOMED,"297968009, Bleeding skin | 271813007 Petechiae |249366005, Bleeding from nose | 86276007, Bleeding gums | 74474003, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |34436003, blood in urine | 289530006, Bleeding from vagina","C0574741, Bleeding skin | C3808808, Epistaxis | C0017565, Gingival haemorrrhage | C0017181, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |C3805433, haematuria | C0566961, Fresh bleeding from vagina",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_haemorrhag_other,text,If other: Specify bleeding / haemorrhage site(s),,,,,,[sympt_haemorrhag_site(88)]='1',Haematology,This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,"If 'Other', write the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).",,,,,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_jaund,radio,Jaundice,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Hepatobiliary,"Defined as a clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, characterized by the yellowish staining of the skin, mucous membrane and/or sclera. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"18165001, Jaundice","C3549846, Jaundice",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_headache,radio,Headache,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"Defined as the experience of pain in various parts of the head, not confined to the area of distribution of any nerve.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"25064002, Headache","C0018681, Headache",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_neckstiff,radio,Neck stiffness,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"Defined as a sensation of tightness in the neck when attempting to move it, especially after a period of inactivity. Neck stiffness often involves soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when trying to turn the head to the side.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,161882006 | Stiff neck (finding) |,"C0151315, Neck Stiffness",,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_photoph,radio,Photophobia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,Refers to increased sensitivity of the eyes to light.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,409668002 | Photophobia (finding) |,"C3807325, Photophobia",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_retroorbit,radio,Retro-orbital pain,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,Defined as the experience of pain in the retro-orbital region (behind the eyes).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",MedDRA,"10050741, retro-orbital pain","C0743724, Retro-orbital pain",,clinical_features,,1,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_seizconv,radio,Seizures / convulsions,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"Defined as an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"91175000, Seizure","C2748942, Seizure",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_confusion,radio,Altered consciousness / confusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,Defined as a level of awareness or arousal other than the patient's normal baseline.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"443371007, Decreased level of consciousness","C0150450, Altered level of consciousness",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_neurodist,radio,Psychological disturbance,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"This refers to the presence of signs or symptoms that affect an individual's thoughts, emotions, behaviours or mental well-being. The presence of psychological disturbances should be identified through a Mental Status Examination (MSE) or equivalent tool.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"81659004, Psychological sign or symptom","C0233395, Psychological sign or symptom",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_cerebesig,radio,Cerebellar signs,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"Refers to the presence of a constellation of neurological signs typically indicate cerebellar dysfunction. Signs include dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, ataxia, nystagmus, intention tremor, slurred or scanning speech, hypotonia.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,"C3807868, Cerebellar signs",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_tremor,radio,Tremor,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,"Refers to an unintentional, oscillating to-and-fro muscle movement about a joint axis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,26079004 | Tremor (finding) |,"C0040822, Tremor",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_neurologic,radio,Other neurological abnormality,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,This refers the presence of an alternative neurological abnormality not listed above.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_neurologic_other,text,If yes: Specify other neurological abnormality,,,,,,[sympt_neurologic] = '1',Nervous system,This refers the presence of another neurological abnormality not listed above.,"If 'Other', specify neurological abnormality.",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_ocular,radio,Ocular complaints,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"This refers to issues or problems that arise in the eye or its related structures. It includes complaints of a red and or itchy eye, or visual disturbance.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,308923001 |Eye symptom (finding)|,"C0586406, Eye symptom",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_ocularspec,checkbox,If yes: Specify ocular complaints,"1, Red eye(s) | 2, Itchy eye(s)| 3, Eye pain | 4, Visual disturbance | 88, Other",,,,,[sympt_ocular]='1',Ocular,"This refers to issues or problems that arise in the eye or its related structures. Red eye refers to any condition with dilated conjunctival or ciliary blood vessels, typical of irritation and infection. Itchy eye or ocular pruritis refers a sensation that makes a person want to scratch, in this case abnormally increased sensation of itching is in the region of the eye. Eye pain refers to an unpleasant sensation characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching) localized to the eye. Visual disturbance refers to an interference to normal eyesight without necessarily affecting visual acuity.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the ocular complaint(s).,SNOMED,"1, 703630003, Red eye| 2, 74776002, Itching of eye|3, 41652007, Pain in eye| 4, 63102001, Visual distrubance|","1, CL473769, Red eye| 2, C0022281, Itching of eye| 3, C0151827 Eye pain| 4, C0547030, Visual distrubance|",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_ocularoth,text,If other: Specify other ocular complaint,,,,,,[sympt_ocularspec(88)]='1',Ocular,This refers to other ocular complaint(s) not specified above.,"If 'Other', write the ocular complaints.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_itchyeye,radio,Itching of eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,Defined as itching of one or both eyes.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"74776002, Has an itchy eye",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_redeye,radio,Red / Pink eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"Defined as inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness in one or both eyes.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"703630003, Red eye",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_conjunhemor,radio,Conjunctival haemorrhage,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"Defined as the accumulation of blood underneath the conjunctiva, presenting as a bright red or dark patch in the eye.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"21117005, Conjunctival hemorrhage",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_paineyes,radio,Pain in eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,Defined as discomfort or aching localized within or around the eye area.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"41652007, Pain in eye",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_eyelidedema,radio,Edema of eyelid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,Defined as swelling due to fluid accumulation in the tissues of the eyelid.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"89091004, Edema of eyelid",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_eyedischarg,radio,Discharge from eye,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"Defined as the release of fluids ranging from clear to pus-like from the eye, often indicative of infection or irritation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"246679005, Discharge from eye",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_hazyvision,radio,Hazy / Blurred vision,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"Defined as a loss of visual acuity, resulting in unclear or distorted sight.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"246636008, Hazy vision",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_eyelightsensi,radio,Sensitivity of eye to light,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,"Defined as an abnormal intolerance to light, causing discomfort or pain in the eyes when exposed to bright light.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"1285284009, Sensitivity of eye to light",,,,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_conjunctiv,radio,Conjunctivitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,Defined as inflammation of the conjunctiva,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"9826008, Conjunctivitis","C4011653, Conjunctivitis",,clinical_features,1,,,,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_newvision,radio,Newly reduced visual acuity,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Ocular,Defined as decreased clarity or sharpness of vision.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another neurological abnormality not listed above, between the hours of 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"13164000, Reduced visual acuity",,,clinical_features,,,,1,,,
daily,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Indicate if experienced between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,sympt_unlisted,list,Other sign(s) or symptom(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,conditions_Symptoms,[sympt_dailydata]='1',Other,This refers the presence of an alternative sign(s) or symptom(s) not listed above.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has experienced another sign or symptom not listed above between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_dailydata,radio,Enter Skin and Mucosa Assessment data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,The following questions pertain to clinical inspection of skin lesions. Data recorded in this section should detail the conditions present on the date of assessment. This section should be completed for date of admission and any subsequent day as per the local protocol.,"Indicate 'Yes', to enter information pertaining to clinical inspection of skin lesions on the day of assessment.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_dist,radio,Rash distribution,"1, Generalised | 2, Localised around the genitals | 3, Centrifugal-more on the extremities | 4, Centripetal-more on the trunk | 88, Other distribution | 99, Unknown distribution",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',Skin,"This refers to the pattern of distribution of the skin rash. Generalised rash refers to a widespread rash covering the entire surface of the skin. Centrifugal rash is concentrated on the distal extremities, with fewer lesions on the trunk. Centripetal rash is concentrated on the trunk, with fewer lesions on the extremities. Localised around the genitals refers to a rash concentrated around the skin on the genitals. ",Select the most appropriate pattern of distribution of the skin rash on the day of assessment. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_distoth,text,Specify other rash distribution,,,,,,[lesion_dist]='88',Skin,This refers to the pattern of distribution of the skin rash. ,"If 'Other', write the pattern of distribution of the skin rash on the day of assessment. ",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_morph,radio,Rash morphology,"1, Mostly discrete lesions | 2, Semi-confluent lesions | 3, Confluent lesions | 4, Mixed morphology | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',Skin,"This refers to the predominant morphology of the skin rash. Discrete lesions refer to separate, distinct lesions that are not joined to one another. Confluent lesions refer to lesions that are joining or running together.",Select the most appropriate morphology of the skin rash on the day of assessment. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_morphsize,radio,Rash size (skin) - widest diameter of any lesion,"1, Less than 0.5cm | 2, 0.5-0.99cm | 3, 1-1.99cm | 4, 2+ cm",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',Skin,"This refers to the size of the skin rash, recorded as the widest diameter of any lesion in centimetres (cm).",Indicate the widest diameter of any skin lesion measured in centimetres (cm) on the day of assessment.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_skinles,radio,Current skin lesion status,"1, There are active skin lesions | 2, There are skin lesions and none of them are active (lesions in the process of healing & resolving, including scabbed lesions) | 3, All skin lesions have completely resolved (all scabs have fallen off with intact skin) | 4, No skin lesions have developed to date",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',Skin,"This refers to the status of the skin lesions. Active skin lesions refer to macules (flat lesions), papules (raised lesions), vesicles (raised and filled with clear fluid) or pustules (raised and filed with pus, an opaque fluid) which can develop a depression in the centre (umbilication) or ulcerate. Skin lesions which are not active refer to those which have begun to crust (dry) over, in the process of healing & resolving, to form scabs (consisting of dried serum, blood, or pus). Skin lesions which have completely resolved refer to all scabs having fallen off, leaving intact underlying skin. ",Indicate the most appropriate dermatological status of the skin lesions on the day of assessment. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_res,radio,Is there residual evidence of resolved skin lesions (scar/discolouration)?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='2' or [lesion_skinles]='3' or [lesion_skinles]='4',,This refers to the presence of sequalae secondary to resolved or resolving skin lesions i.e. lesions that are no longer active (including scabbed lesions and lesions where all scabs have fallen off with intact skin). This can include scars or discoloration.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there is residual evidence of resolved skin lesions on the day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_mucos,radio,Current mucosal lesion status,"1, There are mucosal lesions | 2, There is a history of mucosal lesions but none at present (all have resolved and mucosa is healed) | 3, No mucosal lesions have developed to date",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to the presence of mucosal membrane involvement. It includes the lining of the digestive tract, respiratory tract and genitourinary tract.",Select the single most appropriate option that represents the extent of mucosal involvement between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_orophar,radio,If there are mucosal lesions: Persistent symptoms or signs of mucosal oropharyngeal lesions,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,"This refers to the presence of mucosal membrane involvement in the oropharyngeal cavity, as evidenced by active mucosal lesions, erythema, inflammatory changes. Symptoms may include sore throat, painful ulcerations, painful or difficult swallowing.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient had symptoms of mucosal oropharyngeal lesions between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_pharyn,radio,If yes: Pharyngitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_orophar]='1',,"This refers to pain in throat, typically in the presence of inflammation of the throat (pharynx).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient has a diagnosis of pharyngitis between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"405737000, Pharyngitis","C0031350, Pharyngitis",,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_oropharles,radio,If yes: Oro-pharyngeal ulcerated lesion (active),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_orophar]='1',,This refers to active ulcerated mucosal lesions in the area between the soft palate and the upper portion of the epiglottis.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_head,radio,"Are there any lesions on the head, face or neck?","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',,"This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the head, face or neck.","Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_headt,checkbox,"If yes: Type of head, face or neck lesions","1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_head]='1',,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the head, face or neck. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_heado,text,"If other: Specify other type of head, face or neck lesions",,,,,,[lesion_headt(88)]='1',,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the head, face or neck.","If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_headnum,text,"Number of head, face or neck lesions",,,,,,[lesion_head]='1',,"This refers to the number of skin lesions involving the head, face or neck.","Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_ocular,radio,Are there any ocular lesions within the orbit?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Ocular,This refers to the presence of ocular lesions. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_oculart,checkbox,If yes: Type of ocular lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_ocular]='1',Ocular,"This refers to the type of ocular lesion. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_ocularo,text,If other: Specify other type of ocular lesions,,,,,,[lesion_oculart(88)]='1',Ocular,This refers to the type of ocular lesion. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_ocularnum,text,Number of ocular lesions,,,,,,[lesion_ocular]='1',Ocular,This refers to the number of ocular lesions.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_torso,radio,Are there any lesions on the torso / trunk?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the torso / trunk.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_torsot,checkbox,If yes: Type of torso / trunk lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_torso]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the torso / trunk. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_torsoo,text,If other: Specify other type of torso / trunk lesions,,,,,,[lesion_torsot(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the torso / trunk. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_torsonum,text,Number of torso / trunk lesions,,,,,,[lesion_torso]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of skin lesions involving the torso / trunk.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_arms,radio,Are there any lesions on the arms and/or hands?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the arms and/or hands.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_armst,checkbox,If yes: Type of arms / hands lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_arms]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the arms and/or hands. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_armso,text,If other: Specify other type of arms / hands lesions,,,,,,[lesion_armst(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the arms and/or hands. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_armsnum,text,Number of arms / hands lesions,,,,,,[lesion_arms]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of skin lesions involving the arms and/or hands.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_legs,radio,Are there any lesions on the legs and/or feet?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the legs and/or feet.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_legst,checkbox,If yes: Type of legs / feet lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_legs]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the legs and/or feet. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_legso,text,If other: Specify other type of legs / feet lesions,,,,,,[lesion_legst(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the legs and/or feet. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_legsnum,text,Number of legs / feet lesions,,,,,,[lesion_legs]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of skin lesions involving the legs and/or feet.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_palm,radio,Are there any lesions on the palms?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the palms.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_palmt,checkbox,If yes: Type of palm lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_palm]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the palms. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_palmo,text,If other: Specify other type of palm lesions,,,,,,[lesion_palmt(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the palms. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_palmnum,text,Number of palm lesions,,,,,,[lesion_palm]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of skin lesions involving the palms.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_sole,radio,Are there any lesions on the soles?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the soles.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_solet,checkbox,If yes: Type of sole lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_sole]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the soles. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_soleo,text,If other: Specify other type of sole lesions,,,,,,[lesion_solet(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the soles. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_solenum,text,Number of sole lesions,,,,,,[lesion_sole]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of involving the soles.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_genit,radio,Are there any lesions on the external genitalia?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the external genitalia.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_genitt,checkbox,If yes: Type of external genitalia lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_genit]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the external genitalia. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_genito,text,If other: Specify other type of external genitalia lesions,,,,,,[lesion_genitt(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the external genitalia. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_genitnum,text,Number of external genitalia lesions,,,,,,[lesion_genit]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of involving the external genitalia.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_peri,radio,Are there any perianal lesions?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_skinles]='1',Skin,This refers to presence of skin lesions involving the perianal region.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_perit,checkbox,If yes: Type of perianal lesions,"1, Vesicle | 2, Pustule | 3, Ulcerated lesions | 4, Necrotising lesions | 5, Fungating lesions | 6, Haemorrhagic lesions | 88, Other",,,,,[lesion_peri]='1',Skin,"This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the perianal region. Vesicle refers to raised lesion and filled with clear fluid. Pustule refers to raised lesion and filed with pus, an opaque fluid. Ulcerated lesion refers to a lesion with break in the skin. Necrotising lesion refers to a lesion with necrotic (dead) tissue. Fungating lesion refers to a lesion from underlying tissues which is breaking through the skin's surface. ","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_perio,text,If other: Specify other type of perianal lesions,,,,,,[lesion_perit(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the type of skin lesions involving the perianal region. ,"If 'Other'. Write the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_perinum,text,Number of perianal lesions,,,,,,[lesion_peri]='1',Skin,This refers to the number of involving the perianal region.,"Write the number of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_mouth,radio,Are there any lesions inside the mouth?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions inside the mouth (oral cavity).,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_mouthstat,checkbox,If yes: Inside mouth lesion status,"1, Causing pain | 2, Bleeding or Discharge | 3, Ulceration",,,,,[lesion_mouth]='1',,"This refers to the status of mucosal lesions in the mouth (oral cavity). A lesion causing pain is associated with an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site of the lesion. A lesion which is bleeding or discharging is associated with bleeding from blood vessels or serous / purulent fluid discharge at the site of the lesion. An ulcerated lesion is associated with erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth, showing local excavation of the surface at the site of the lesion.","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_vagin,radio,Are there any lesions in the vaginal canal?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions in the vaginal canal.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_vaginstat,checkbox,If yes: Vaginal canal lesion status,"1, Causing pain | 2, Bleeding or Discharge | 3, Ulceration",,,,,[lesion_vagin]='1',,"This refers to the status of mucosal lesions in the vaginal canal. A lesion causing pain is associated with an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site of the lesion. A lesion which is bleeding or discharging is associated with bleeding from blood vessels or serous / purulent fluid discharge at the site of the lesion. An ulcerated lesion is associated with erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth, showing local excavation of the surface at the site of the lesion.","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_rectum,radio,Are there any lesions in the rectum?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions in the rectum.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_rectumstat,checkbox,If yes to lesions in the rectum: Rectal lesion status,"1, Causing pain | 2, Bleeding or Discharge | 3, Ulceration | 4, Tenesmus",,,,,[lesion_rectum]='1',,"This refers to the status of mucosal lesions in the rectum. A lesion causing pain is associated with an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site of the lesion. A lesion which is bleeding or discharging is associated with bleeding from blood vessels or serous / purulent fluid discharge at the site of the lesion. An ulcerated lesion is associated with erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth, showing local excavation of the surface at the site of the lesion.","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_anorec,radio,If yes to lesions in the rectum: Ano-rectitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_rectum]='1',Gastrointestinal,Defined as inflammation of the mucosal membranes of the anus and/or rectum which can be accompanied by pain or bleeding.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during the date of assessment.",SNOMED,"3951002, Proctitis","C0033246, Proctitis",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_penis,radio,Are there any lesions on the penis?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions on the penis.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving this area between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_penisstat,checkbox,If yes: Penile lesion status,"1, Causing pain | 2, Bleeding or Discharge | 3, Ulceration",,,,,[lesion_penis]='1',,"This refers to the status of mucosal lesions on the penis. A lesion causing pain is associated with an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site of the lesion. A lesion which is bleeding or discharging is associated with bleeding from blood vessels or serous / purulent fluid discharge at the site of the lesion. An ulcerated lesion is associated with erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth, showing local excavation of the surface at the site of the lesion.","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_locoth,radio,Other site(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_mucos]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions involving other site(s).,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are active lesions involving other site(s) between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment, not specified above.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_spec,text,If yes to other site(s): Specify other site(s),,,,,,[lesion_locoth]='1',,This refers to presence of mucosal lesions involving other site(s).,"If 'Yes', write the location of mucosal lesions involving other site(s).",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_othstat,checkbox,If yes to other site(s): Other site(s) lesion status,"1, Causing pain | 2, Bleeding or Discharge | 3, Ulceration",,,,,[lesion_locoth]='1',,"This refers to the status of mucosal lesions involving other site(s). A lesion causing pain is associated with an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site of the lesion. A lesion which is bleeding or discharging is associated with bleeding from blood vessels or serous / purulent fluid discharge at the site of the lesion. An ulcerated lesion is associated with erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth, showing local excavation of the surface at the site of the lesion.","Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of lesions involving this area, between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_24hr,radio,Have new skin or mucosal lesions appeared in the previous 24 hours? (may be best assessed by patients),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,This refers to appearance of a new skin or mucosal lesion(s) in the previous 24-hours.,"Indicate 'Yes', if new lesions have appeared in the previous 24-hours.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_sl,radio,Estimated total number of skin lesions on the body,"0, None | 1, 1 | 2, 2-5 | 3, 6-9 | 4, 10-24 | 5, 25-49 | 6, 50-99 | 7, 100-250 | 8, 251-1000 | 9, >1000 ",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,"Document only skin lesions related to infection by pathogen of interest. Healed lesions (scab absent, fresh skin present) should not be included. Rash from erythema multiform or any other cause should not be included.",Select the single most appropriate option that best represents the number of skin lesions between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_ml,radio,Estimated total number of mucosal lesions on the body,"0, None | 1, 1 | 2, 2-5 | 3, 6-9 | 4, 10-24 | 5, 25-49 | 6, 50-99 | 7, 100-250 | 8, 251-1000 | 9, >1000 ",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,"Document only mucosal lesions related to infection by pathogen of interest. Healed lesions (scab absent, fresh skin present) should not be included. Rash from erythema multiform or any other cause should not be included.",Select the single most appropriate option that best represents the number of mucosal lesions between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_slpainyn,radio,Pain at any skin lesion site(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site(s) of the skin lesion.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_slpain,text,"If yes: Maximal pain score, where 0 means ""no pain"", and 10 means ""the worst possible pain.""",,number,0,10,,[lesion_slpainyn]='1',,"This refers to the patient's objective rating of the severity of pain at the site(s) of the lesion, on a scale of 0 to 10. Where 0 represents ""no pain"" and 10 represents the ""worst imaginable pain"".",Indicate the patient's rating of the severity of the pain at the site(s) of lesion.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_mlpainyn,radio,Pain at any mucosal lesion site(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to an unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensation at the site(s) of the mucosal lesion.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_mlpain,text,"If yes: Maximal pain score, where 0 means ""no pain"", and 10 means ""the worst possible pain.""",,number,0,10,,[lesion_mlpainyn]='1',,"This refers to the patient's objective rating of the severity of pain at the site(s) of the lesion, on a scale of 0 to 10. Where 0 represents ""no pain"" and 10 represents the ""worst imaginable pain"".",Indicate the patient's rating of the severity of the pain at the site(s) of lesion.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,SKIN & MUCOSA ASSESSMENT: Record the information furthest from normal between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,lesion_desc,text,Describe any other lesion complication(s),,,,,,[lesion_dailydata]='1',,This refers to other lesion complication(s) which have not been specified above. ,"Describe other lesion complication(s) that occurred or were first identified between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment, that have not been specified above.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_dailydata,radio,Enter Treatments & Interventions data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,This section refers to treatments or interventions that are typically conducted and recorded in the emergency room and/or the ward or acute medical unit to which the patient was admitted between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,"Indicate 'Yes', if treatments or interventions were conducted and recorded between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",,,,,,,1,,1,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid,group,FLUIDS,,,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_yn,radio,Any fluids prescribed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to any prescribed fluids (oral, or parenteral/intravenous), excluding those the patient consumes in a non-prescribed dietary manner.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient was prescribed and received fluids between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",,"711133000, Administration of fluid therapy (procedure)","C4040192, Administration of fluid therapy",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_oral,radio,Oral rehydration,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,This refers to enteral/oral fluids for the purposes of rehydration.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received oral rehydration between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,243222002 | Oral rehydration therapy (procedure) |,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_oralvol,text,If yes: Oral rehydration volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_oral] = '1',,This refers to enteral/oral fluids for the purposes of rehydration.,"If 'Yes', record the amount of eneteral/oral fluids for the purposes of rehydration given between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).",SNOMED,243222002 | Oral rehydration therapy (procedure) |,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_parent,radio,Parenteral IV fluid?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to intravenous fluid which includes crystalloid, albumin, gelatin, starches or other solutions.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received intravenous fluids between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on the day of assessment.",SNOMED,103744005 | Administration of intravenous fluids (procedure) |,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_parentyp,checkbox,If yes: Select all parenteral fluid administered,"1, Crystalloid | 2, Albumin | 3, Gelatin | 4, Starches | 88, Other",,,,,[treat_fluid_parent] = '1',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others. Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others. Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others. Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the parenteral fluid(s) administered.,SNOMED,"52454007, Albumin (substance) | 776088002, Product containing only gelatin (medicinal product) | 713371009, Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (substance) | 312063004, Product containing human fibrinogen (medicinal product)","C0056562, crystalloid solutions | C0001924, Albumins | C0017237, gelatin | C3495650, hydroxyethyl starch 130-0.4 60 MG/ML Injectable Solution | C2587184, fibrinogen, human",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_cryst,text,Crystalloid volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(1)] = '1',,"Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others.",Record the volume of crystalloid fluid the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_album,text,Albumin volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(2)]='1',,"Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others.",Record the volume of albumin fluid the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"52454007, Albumin (substance) ","C0001924, Albumins",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_gelat,text,Gelatin volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(3)]='1',,"Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others.",Record the volume of gelatin fluid the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"776088002, Product containing only gelatin (medicinal product) ","C0017237, gelatin",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_starch,text,Starches volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(4)]='1',,"Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Record the volume of starches the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"713371009, Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (substance)","C3495650, hydroxyethyl starch 130-0.4 60 MG/ML Injectable Solution",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_unlisted,text,Other fluid type,,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(88)]='1',,"This refers to the type of other fluids the patient received, not mentioned above.",Write the other type of fluid the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on the day of assessment.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_fluid_oth,text,Other fluid volume (mL/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_fluid_parentyp(88)]='1',,"This refers to the volume of other fluids the patient received, not mentioned above.",Record the volume of other fluid the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood,group,BLOOD PRODUCTS,,,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_occur,radio,Blood / blood products transfusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to a transfusion of blood (whole blood or packed red blood cells) or other blood products excluding human normal immunoglobulin (e.g. albumin, granulocytes, platelets, fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), FP24, PF-24, cryoprecipitate, protein C concentrate, cryosupernatant, or a specific non-recombinant clotting factor) at any time on the date of assessment. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received blood products or blood product transfusion any time between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. If 'Yes' Select the product(s) below.",SNOMED,116859006 | Transfusion of blood product (procedure) |,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all blood products that were administered.,"1, Platelets | 2, Cryoprecipitate | 3, Whole blood/packed RBC | 4, Frozen fresh plasma | 5, Fibrinogen concentrate",,,,,[treat_blood_occur] = '1',,"This refers to a transfusion of blood (whole blood or packed red blood cells) or other blood products excluding human normal immunoglobulin (e.g. albumin, granulocytes, platelets, fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), FP24, PF-24, cryoprecipitate, protein C concentrate, cryosupernatant, or a specific non-recombinant clotting factor) at any time on the date of assessment. Platelets refers to the transfer of blood platelets from a donor to a recipient or reinfusion to the donor. Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin. Whole blood refers to intravenous administration of whole blood (blood that contains plasma and red blood cells) into an individual. Packed RBC refers to red blood cells from a unit of whole blood following removal of most of the plasma, leaving a unit with a haematocrit of about 60%. Fresh frozen plasma refers to the plasma that is separated from the whole blood and frozen quickly after a blood donation in order to be used for blood transfusions. Fibrinogen concentrate is a haemostatic agent used for the treatment of acute bleeding episodes in patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiency, including afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the blood product(s) that were administered.,SNOMED,"1, 12719002 | Platelet transfusion (procedure) |2, 116795008 | Transfusion of cryoprecipitate (procedure) |3, 180207008 | Intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells (procedure) |4, 116861002 | Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (procedure) | 5, 776201000 | Product containing only human fibrinogen (medicinal product) |",,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_plate,text,Platelets (units/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_blood_type(1)] = '1',,Platelets refers to the transfer of blood platelets from a donor to a recipient or reinfusion to the donor.,Record the number of units the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,12719002 | Platelet transfusion (procedure),,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_cryo,text,Cryoprecipitate (units/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_blood_type(2)]='1',,"Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin.Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin.",Record the number of units the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,116795008 | Transfusion of cryoprecipitate (procedure) ,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_whole,text,Whole blood / packed RBC volume (units/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_blood_type(3)]='1',,"Whole blood refers to intravenous administration of whole blood (blood that contains plasma and red blood cells) into an individual. Packed RBC refers to red blood cells from a unit of whole blood following removal of most of the plasma, leaving a unit with a haematocrit of about 60%.",Record the number of units the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,180207008 | Intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells (procedure,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_plasma,text,Frozen fresh plasma (units/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_blood_type(4)]='1',,Fresh frozen plasma refers to the plasma that is separated from the whole blood and frozen quickly after a blood donation in order to be used for blood transfusions.,Record the number of units the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,116861002 | Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (procedure) ,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_blood_fibrin,text,Fibrinogen concentrate (units/24 hours),,,,,,[treat_blood_type(5)]='1',,"Fibrinogen concentrate is a haemostatic agent used for the treatment of acute bleeding episodes in patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiency, including afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia.",Record the number of units the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,776201000 | Product containing only human fibrinogen (medicinal product),,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_intravenim,radio,Intravenous immunoglobulin,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to immunoglobulin preparations used in intravenous infusion, containing primarily Immunoglobulin G (IgG).Examples of commercial intravenous immunoglobulin IVIG preparations include Octagam®, Intragam P®, KIOVIG®, Flebogamma 5% DIF®, Carimune NF®, Gamunex®, Gammagard S/D®, Gammagard Liquid®, Gammaked® and Privigen®.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received intravenous immunoglobulin between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on the day of assessment.",SNOMED,698802001 | Administration of immunoglobulin by intravenous route (procedure) |,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_plasmapher,radio,Plasmapheresis / plasma exchange,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) refers to the extracorporeal separation of blood components, resulting in a filtered product. Methods include discontinuous flow centrifugation, continuous flow centrifugation and plasma filtration.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received plasmapheresis between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on the day of assessment.",SNOMED,"20720000, Plasmapheresis (procedure)","C0032134, Plasmapheresis",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_antibiotic,radio,Antibiotics,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,Antibiotic refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria. Topical preparations should not be recorded.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received antibiotics between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment",SNOMED,346325008 |Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|,"C0279516, Antibacterial",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_steroids,radio,Corticosteroids,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid, made in the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the adrenal gland). They are also made in the laboratory. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received 'steroids' between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,788326005 |Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|,"CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp,group,RESPIRATORY SUPPORT,,,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_suppleo2,radio,Supplemental oxygen,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to any method of oxygen therapy that may be delivered via nose cannula, mask or non-invasive or invasive ventilation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received supplemental oxygen between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)|","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all types of respiratory support the patient received (from 00:00 to 24:00) on the day of assessment,"1, Nasal prong | 2, Face mask | 3, High-flow nasal oxygen | 4, Non-invasive ventilation | 5, Invasive ventilation | 6, ECLS/ ECMO | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_o2supp_suppleo2] = '1',,"This refers to the mode in which the patient received supplemental oxygen on day of assessment. Non-invasive ventilation refers to the provision of ventilatory support through the patient's upper airway using a mask or similar device. Invasive ventilation means that patient has undergone tracheal intubation, for the purpose of invasive mechanical ventilation. Invasive ventilation is a method to mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing in patients by use of a powered device that forces oxygenated air into the lungs. The mode of intubation may be orotracheal, nasotracheal, or via a cricothyrotomy or tracheotomy. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) also called to as Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) refers to application of a life support system that circulates the blood through an oxygenating system, which may consist of a pump, a membrane oxygenator, and a heat exchanger.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the type(s) of respiratory support the patient received between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"261974006, Nasal prongs (physical object) | 371908008, Oxygen administration by mask (procedure) | 1259025002, Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (procedure) | 428311008, Non-invasive ventilation (regime/therapy) | 233573008, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure)","C0445087, Nasal prongs | C1299377, Oxygen administration by mask | C4761117, High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy | C1997883, Noninvasive Ventilation | C0015357, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_pao2yn,radio,PaO2 sample type,"1, Arterial | 2, Capillary | 3, Venous | 99, Unknown | 0, Not done",,,,,[treat_o2supp_type(4)]='1' or [treat_o2supp_type(5)]='1' or [treat_o2supp_type(6)]='1' ,,This refers to the type of blood sample used to measure partial pressure of oxygen in blood (PaO2) using blood gas analysis.,Select the type of blood sample used to measure partial pressure of oxygen.,SNOMED,"122552005, Arterial blood specimen (specimen) | 122555007, Venous blood specimen (specimen) | 122554006, Capillary blood specimen (specimen)","C0444253, Arterial blood specimen | C0444255, Venous blood specimen | C0444254, Capillary blood specimen (specimen)",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_pao2,,PaO2 (select units),,,,,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,,,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_pao2_kpa,number,PaO2 (kPa),,number,0,,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,This refers to the lowest PaO2 (in kPa) between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,Record the lowest PaO2 (in kPa) that was measured between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"250546000, Measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in blood (procedure)","C1318112, Partial pressure of oxygen in blood",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_pao2_mmhg,number,PaO2 (mmHg),,number,0,,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,This refers to the lowest PaO2 (in mmHg) between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,Record the lowest PaO2 (in mmHg) that was measured between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"250546000, Measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in blood (procedure)","C1318112, Partial pressure of oxygen in blood",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_highfio,,FiO2 at time of PaO2 (select units),,,,,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,,,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_highfio_02110,number,"FiO2 at time of PaO2 (Fraction, 0.21-1.0)",,number,0.21,1,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), expressed as a fraction. delivered at the time of the lowest PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen in blood) recorded above.",Write the FiO2 at time of the lowest PaO2 (recorded above) that occurred any time between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_highfio_pcnt,number,"FiO2 at time of PaO2 (%, 21-100)",,number,21,100,,[treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '0' and [treat_o2supp_pao2yn] <> '',,"This refers to the measured fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), expressed as a percentage, delivered at the time of the lowest PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen in blood) recorded above.",Write the FiO2 at time of the lowest PaO2 (recorded above) that occurred any time between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_nivtyp,radio,Type of non-invasive respiratory support,"1, CPAP | 2, BIPAP | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_o2supp_type(4)]='1',,"Non-invasive respiratory support or ventilation (NIV) refers to the provision of ventilatory support through the patient's upper airway using a mask or similar device. It includes high-flow nasal cannula, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP).",Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the type of NIV used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"47545007, Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy) | 243142003, Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support (regime/therapy)","C0199451, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure | C0419004, Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support'",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_nivunlist,text,If other: Specify other type of non-invasive ventilation,,,,,,[treat_o2supp_nivtyp]='88',,"Non-invasive respiratory support or ventilation (NIV) refers to the provision of ventilatory support through the patient's upper airway using a mask or similar device. It includes high-flow nasal cannula, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP).","If 'Other', specify other type of non-invasive ventilation.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_o2supp_ecmotyp,radio,Type of ECLS / ECMO,"1, Veno-venous (VV) | 2, Veno-arterial (VA) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_o2supp_type(6)]='1',,"The two main types of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), also called Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), are veno-venous (venous-venous), which is used to support the lungs and veno-arterial (venous-arterial), which is used to support the lungs and heart.",Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the type of ECLS / ECMO used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"786453001, Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure) | 786451004, Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure)","C5192099, Venovenous ECMO | C5192097, Venoarterial ECMO",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_prone,radio,Prone positioning,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,Prone positioning refers to the act of having the patient lying in the prone position to assist ventilation. This includes both invasive ventilation/intubated patients and non-intubated or self-ventilating patients. ,"Indicate 'Yes', for any patients if they have been in the prone position to aid their ventilation at any time during admission. If 'Yes' Indicate what type of ventilation was occurring while prone positioning below.",SNOMED,431182000 | Placing subject in prone position (procedure) |,"CL1407586, Prone ventilation",,,1,,1,1,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_prone_when,radio,If yes: When was the prone positioning?,"1, During invasive ventilation | 2, Whilst self-ventilating | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_prone] = '1',,This refers to the type of assisted ventilation when the patient was placed in prone position. This may be either invasive ventilation / intubated patients or non-intubated / self-ventilating patients. ,Specify the type of assisted ventilation administered when the patient was placed in prone position.,SNOMED,"1, 431182000 | Placing subject in prone position (procedure) | 2, 431182000 | Placing subject in prone position (procedure) |","CL1407586, Prone ventilation",,,1,,1,1,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_unlisted,radio,Other intervention(s) or procedure(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,This refers to any other specific therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,Indicate 'Yes' if other intervention(s) or procedure(s) were used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. ,SNOMED,"71388002, Procedure (procedure)","C0184661, Interventional procedure",,,1,1,1,,,,
daily,TREATMENTS & INTERVENTIONS: Record all interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,treat_unlisted_oth,text,If other: Please specify other intervention(s) or procedure(s),,,,,,[treat_unlisted] = '1',,This refers to any other specific therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,"If 'Yes', please specify the therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s)not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.",SNOMED,"71388002, Procedure (procedure)","C0184661, Interventional procedure",,,1,1,1,,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_critcare,radio,Were critical care interventions administered on this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[treat_dailydata]='1',,This refers to critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) that were administered between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,"Indicate 'Yes', if critical care inyerventions were administered between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_icu,radio,ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,"This refers to intensive care units (ICU), intensive therapy/treatment units (ITU), critical care units, high dependency units (HDU) or unit of similar level.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient was admitted to ICU (or unit of similar level) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. ",SNOMED,305351004 | Admission to intensive care unit (procedure) |,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_neuromusc,radio,Neuromuscular blocking agents,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,"This refers to the use of neuromuscular blockers. Examples include Atracurium, Cisatracurium, Nimbex, Norcuron, Pancuronium, Pavulon, Rocuronium, Tracrium, Vecuronium, Zemuron.","Indicate 'Yes', if neuromuscular blockers were used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"87586001, Product containing neuromuscular blocker (product) ","C0027866, Neuromuscular Blocking Agents",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_nitricoxide,radio,Inhaled nitric oxide,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,Refers to nitric oxide as in inhalant typically used for hypoxic respiratory failure among other uses.,Indicate 'Yes' if inhaled nitric oxide was used any time between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.,SNOMED,1255879001 | Administration of nitric oxide (procedure) |,"C1135443, Administration of inhaled nitric oxide",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_tracheostmy,radio,Tracheostomy inserted,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,"This refers to the surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck, or the opening so created.",Indicate 'Yes' if this occurred any time between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"232685002, Insertion of tracheostomy tube (procedure)","C0396630, Insertion of tracheostomy tube",,,1,,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_rtt,radio,Renal replacement therapy (RRT) or dialysis / hemofiltration,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,"This refers to treatments that substitute for the blood-filtering function of the kidneys. It includes dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis), hemofiltration, and hemodiafiltration. Kidney transplant may also be considered a renal replacement therapy. It may be intermittent or continuous.",Indicate 'Yes' if this occurred any time between 00:00 and 24:00 on day of assessment.,SNOMED,"714749008, Continuous renal replacement therapy (procedure) | 895382009, Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy (procedure)","C3649547, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy | C5197699, Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_rtt_typ,radio,If yes: Type of renal replacement therapy (RRT) or dialysis / hemofiltration,"1, Intermittent | 2, Continuous",,,,,[critd_rtt]='1',,"This refers to treatments that substitute for the blood-filtering function of the kidneys. It includes dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis), hemofiltration, and hemodiafiltration. Kidney transplant may also be considered a renal replacement therapy. It may be intermittent or continuous. Intermittent refers to procedures with non-continuous blood purification (e.g., dialysis, filtration and/or perfusion) via vascular access by increasing blood flow rate. Continuous refers to procedures with continuous blood purification (e.g., dialysis, filtration or perfusion) via vascular access designed to mimic kidney function in kidney diseases",Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the type of renal replacement therapy (RRT) or dialysis / hemofiltration,SNOMED,"714749008, Continuous renal replacement therapy (procedure) | 895382009, Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy (procedure)","C3649547, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy | C5197699, Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy",,,,1,1,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_vasopress,radio,Any vasopressor / inotropic support,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,"This refers to continuous use of a vasopressor or inotrope for at least one hour. A vasopressor is a pharmaceutical agent that causes vasoconstriction. Agents include norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, terlipressin and phenylephrine. An inotrope is a pharmaceutical agent that alters the force of myocardial contractility. Commonly used 'positive' inotropes include dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone and adrenaline (epinephrine).","Indicate 'Yes', if this agent was used for at least one hour between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. Indicate the amount used below.",SNOMED,"870386000, Vasopressor therapy (procedure) | 1296972008, Inotropic therapy (procedure)","C5396785, Vasopressor therapy | C5880944, Inotropic therapy",,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_vasopress1,radio,If yes to any vasopressor / inotropic support: Dopamine < 5ug/kg/min OR dobutamine OR milrinone OR levosimendan,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_vasopress] = '1',,This refers to the type of vasopressors used.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this agent(s) was used for at least one hour between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. Indicate the amount used below.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_vasopress2,radio,If yes to any vasopressor / inotropic support: Dopamine 5-15ug/kg/min OR epinephrine(adrenaline) / norepinephrine(noradrenaline) < 0.1ug/kg/min OR vasopressin OR phenylephrine,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_vasopress] = '1',,This refers to the type of vasopressors used.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this agent(s) was used for at least one hour between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. Indicate the amount used below.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_vasopress3,radio,If yes to any vasopressor / inotropic support: Dopamine >15ug/kg/min OR epinephrine(adrenaline) / norepinephrine(noradrenaline) > 0.1ug/kg/min,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_vasopress] = '1',,This refers to the type of vasopressors used.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this agent(s) was used for at least one hour between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. Indicate the amount used below.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_critcareunlst,radio,Other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[critd_critcare]='1',,This refers to any other specific critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,Indicate 'Yes' if other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s) were used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. ,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,critd_critcareunlst_oth,text,If other: Please specify other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s),,,,,,[critd_critcareunlst] = '1',,This refers to any other specific critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,"If 'Yes', please specify the critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s)not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.",,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_dailydata,radio,Enter Laboratory Results data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,"This section refers only to those laboratory tests that were performed at the time that the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. In general, results that were rejected by the clinical team (e.g. haemolysed blood samples, contaminated microbiology results) should not be reported.","Indicate 'Yes', if laboratory samples were taken on the date of assessment. If no laboratory samples were taken on the date of assessment indicate 'No' and skip to the next section. In general, do not report results that have been rejected by the clinical team (e.g. haemolysed sample). Unless otherwise specified, if there are multiple measurements, please report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_haemo,,Haemoglobin (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_haemo_gdl,number,Haemoglobin (g/dL),,number,0,200,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,Haemoglobin (Hb or Hgb) refers to haemoglobin concentration measurement in blood.,"Write haemoglobin (g/dL) level. If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,416125006 | Concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocyte (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_haemo_gl,number,Haemoglobin (g/L),,number,0,20,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the haemoglobin concentration measurement in blood.,"Write haemoglobin (g/L) level. If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,416125006 | Concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocyte (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_wbccount,number,WBC count (10^9/L),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the total white blood cell (WBC) count in blood.,"Write the WBC count (10^9/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1027691000000105 | Leucocyte count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_neutrophil,,Neutrophils (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_neutrophil_109l,number,Neutrophils (10^9/L),,number,0,100,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the neutrophil count in blood in 10^9 cells/L.,"Write the Neutrophil count (10^9/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022551000000104 | Neutrophil count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_neutrophil_pcnt,number,Neutrophils (%),,number,0,100,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the neutrophil count in blood in %.,"Write the Neutrophil count (%). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1015471000000105 | Percentage neutrophils (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lymphocyte,,Lymphocytes (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,SNOMED,1027691000000105 | Leucocyte count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lymphocyte_109l,number,Lymphocytes (10^9/L),,number,0,1000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the lymphocyte count in blood in 10^9 cells/L.,"Write the Lymphocyte count (10^9/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022581000000105 | Lymphocyte count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lymphocyte_pcnt,number,Lymphocytes (%),,number,0,100,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the lymphocyte count in blood in %.,"Write the Lymphocyte count (%). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1015481000000107 | Percentage lymphocytes (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_eosinophil,,Eosinophil (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,,,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_eosinophil_109l,number,Eosinophils (10^9/L),,number,0,2,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the eosinophil count in blood. ,"Write the Eosinophil count (10^9/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED ,1022561000000101 | Eosinophil count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_eosinophil_pcnt,number,Eosinophils (%),,number,0,20,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,Eosinophil differential count.,Write the Eosinophil differential count (%),SNOMED ,1015561000000104 | Percentage eosinophils (observable entity) |,"C0200638, Eosinophil count (procedure)",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hematocrit,,Haematocrit (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hematocrit_pcnt,number,Haematocrit (%),,number,0,61,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,"Haematocrit (Ht or HCT), also known as packed cell volume (PCV) or erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), is the volume percentage (%) of red blood cells expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume.","Write the haematocrit (%). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022291000000105 | Haematocrit (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hematocrit_ll,number,Haematocrit (L/L),,number,0,0.61,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,"Haematocrit (Ht or HCT), also known as packed cell volume (PCV) or erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), is the volume percentage (%) of red blood cells in blood.","Write the haematocrit (L/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022291000000105 | Haematocrit (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_platelets,,Platelets (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_platelets_109l,number,Platelets (10^9/L),,number,0,1659,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,This refers to the platelet count in blood. ,"Write the Platelet count (10^9/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022651000000100 | Platelet count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_platelets_106l,number,Platelets (10^6/L),,number,0,1659000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,"Write the Platelet count (10^6/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022651000000100 | Platelet count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_platelets_103ul,number,Platelets (10^3/uL),,number,0,1659,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,,"Write the Platelet count (10^3/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1022651000000100 | Platelet count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_erymeancorvol,number,Ery. mean corpuscular volume (fL),,number,50,120,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,Erythrocyte Mean Corpuscular Volume or MCV.,Write the MCV (fL),SNOMED,1022491000000106 | Mean corpuscular volume (observable entity) |,"C0524587, Mean Corpuscular Volume",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_erymeancorhgb,number,Ery. mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (g/L),,number,200,360,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,Erythrocyte mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration or MCHC.,Write the mean corpuscular hemaglobin concentration (g/L).,SNOMED,1022481000000109 | Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (observable entity) |,"C0474535, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_erymeancorhe,number,Ery. mean corpuscular haemoglobin (pg),,number,20,36,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Full Blood Count,Erythrocyte mean corpuscular haemoglobin or MCH.,Write the mean corpuscular hemaglobin concentration (pg).,SNOMED,1022471000000107 | Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (observable entity) |,"C0369183, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_prothrombin_sec,number,Prothrombin Time / PT (sec),,number,0,100,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,Prothrombin time or PT.,Write the PT (seconds).,SNOMED,852471000000107 | Prothrombin time (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_aptt,number,Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time / APTT (sec),,number,20,300,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,"Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), measured in seconds.",Write the APTT (sec).,SNOMED,852511000000103 | Activated partial thromboplastin time (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_aptr,number,APTR,,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,APTR is the activated partial thromboplastin ratio. The result is a ratio and therefore has no units.,Write the APTR.,SNOMED,1001421000000107 | Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_tqinr,number,INR,,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,Serum INR (international normalised ratio) is a ratio of patient prothrombin time to control prothrombin time. The result is a ratio and therefore has no units.,Write the serum INR.,SNOMED,165581004 | International normalized ratio (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_fibrinogen,,Fibrinogen (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_fibrinogen_gl,number,Fibrinogen (g/L),,number,0,15,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,Fibrinogen is a fibrillar protein present in blood plasma; it converts to fibrin during the process of blood clot formation.,Write the serum Fibrinogen (g/L).,SNOMED,1019301000000109 | Fibrinogen level (observable entity) |,"C0337428, Fibrinogen measurement",,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_fibrinogen_mgdl,number,Fibrinogen (mg/dL),,number,0,1000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,Fibrinogen is a fibrillar protein present in blood plasma; it converts to fibrin during the process of blood clot formation.,Write the serum Fibrinogen (mg/dL).,SNOMED,1019301000000109 | Fibrinogen level (observable entity) |,"C0337428, Fibrinogen measurement",,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ddimer,,D-Dimer (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ddimer_mgl,number,D-Dimer (mg/L),,number,0,67,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,D-Dimer is a measure for the concentration of fibrin degradation products (FDPs) in a sample. FDPs are protein fragments produced by the enzymatic action of plasmin on fibrinogen and fibrin) and are an aid in detecting the presence and degree of intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis (the dissolution of the fibrin in a blood clot) and in monitoring therapy for disseminated intravascular coagulation (nonlocalized clotting in the blood vessels).,Write the serum D-dimer (mg/L),SNOMED,1019221000000107 | D-dimer level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ddimer_ugl,number,D-Dimer (ug/L ),,number,0,67000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Coagulation,D-Dimer is a measure for the concentration of fibrin degradation products (FDPs) in a sample. FDPs are protein fragments produced by the enzymatic action of plasmin on fibrinogen and fibrin) and are an aid in detecting the presence and degree of intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis (the dissolution of the fibrin in a blood clot) and in monitoring therapy for disseminated intravascular coagulation (nonlocalized clotting in the blood vessels).,Write the serum D-dimer (ug/L),SNOMED,1019221000000107 | D-dimer level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_bilirubin,,Total bilirubin (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_bilirubin_umoll,number,Total bilirubin (umol/L),,number,0,718,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,This refers to a measurement of the total concentration of bilirubin in blood.,Write the Bilirubin (umol/L).,SNOMED,1026761000000106 | Total bilirubin level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_bilirubin_mgdl,number,Total bilirubin (mg/dL),,number,0,42,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,This refers to a measurement of the total concentration of bilirubin in blood.,Write the Bilirubin (mg/dL).,SNOMED,1026761000000106 | Total bilirubin level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_altsgpt,number,ALT / SGPT (U/L),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) also called the Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT).,Write the ALT or SGPT (U/L).,SNOMED,1018251000000107 | Serum alanine aminotransferase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_alp,number,ALP (IU/L),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level in blood.,Write the ALP (IU/L).,SNOMED,997611000000101 | Total alkaline phosphatase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_astsgot,number,AST / SGOT (U/L),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) also called the serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT).,Write the AST or SGOT (U/L).,SNOMED,1031101000000102 | Aspartate aminotransferase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ggt,number,Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/GGT (U/L),,number,0,1220,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,Gamma Glutamyl Transferase or GGT level in blood.,Write the GGT (U/L).,SNOMED,1028091000000102 | Gamma-glutamyl transferase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_albumin,,Albumin (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,,,,,,,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_albumin_gl,number,Albumin (g/L),,number,20,80,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,"This refers to the measurement of albumin present in serum, in mmol/L.",Write the serum albumin (g/L).,SNOMED,1000821000000103 | Serum albumin level (observable entity) |,"C0523465, Serum albumin measurement",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_albumin_mmoll,number,Albumin (mmol/L),,number,0,1000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Liver profile,"This refers to the measurement of albumin present in serum, in g/L.",Write the serum albumin (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1000821000000103 | Serum albumin level (observable entity) |,"C0523465, Serum albumin measurement",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_glucose,,Random blood glucose (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood glucose,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_glucose_mmoll,number,Random blood glucose (mmol/L),,number,0,148,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood glucose,"This refers to the measurement of blood sugar (glucose) levels at any given time, regardless of time of last meal, in mmol/L.","Write the random blood glucose (mmol/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,997671000000106 | Blood glucose level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_glucose_mgdl,number,Random blood glucose (mg/dL),,number,0,2656,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood glucose,"This refers to the measurement of blood sugar (glucose) levels at any given time, regardless of time of last meal, in mg/dL.","Write the random blood glucose (mg/dL). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,997671000000106 | Blood glucose level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_glucose_gl,number,Random blood glucose (g/L),,number,0,26.56,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood glucose,"This refers to the measurement of blood sugar (glucose) levels at any given time, regardless of time of last meal, in g/L.","Write the random blood glucose (g/L). If there are multiple, report the measure furthest from the normal physiological or laboratory range between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,997671000000106 | Blood glucose level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ureanitro,,Urea / BUN (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ureanitro_mmoll,number,Urea / BUN (mmol/L),,number,0,89,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,This refers to blood urea nitrogen (BUN) also called blood urea.,Write the urea/BUN (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1028281000000106 | Blood urea (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ureanitro_mgdl,number,Urea / BUN (mg/dL),,number,0,250,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) also called blood urea.,Write the Urea/BUN (mg/dL).,SNOMED,1028281000000106 | Blood urea (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_creatinine,,Creatinine (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_creatinine_umoll,number,Creatinine (umol/L),,number,0,4421,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,This refers to creatinine level in blood.,Write the serum creatinine (umol/L).,SNOMED,1032061000000108 | Creatinine level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_creatinine_mgdl,number,Creatinine (mg/dL),,number,0,50,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,Creatinine level in blood.,Write the serum Creatinine (mg/dL).,SNOMED,1032061000000108 | Creatinine level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,1
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_sodium_mmoll,number,Sodium (mmol/L),,number,98,255,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,This refers to the serum sodium (Na) level in blood.,Write the serum sodium (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1012681000000101 | Blood sodium level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_potassium_mmoll,number,Potassium (mmol/L),,number,2,8,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,This refers to the serum potassium (K) level in blood.,Write the serum potassium (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1028441000000104 | Potassium level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_creatineki_ul,number,Creatine kinase (U/L),,number,0,10000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,Creatine kinase or CPK (creatine phosphokinase) refers to the creatinine kinase level in blood.,Write the creatine kinase (U/L).,SNOMED,1028101000000105 | Creatine kinase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ldh_ul,number,Lactate dehydrogenase/LDH (U/L),,number,0,14000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,Lactate dehydrogenase or LDH refers to the LDH level in blood. ,Write the LDH (U/L).,SNOMED,1028111000000107 | Lactate dehydrogenase level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_glomerular_mlmin,number,"Glomerular filtration rate, estimated (mL/min/1.73m^2)",,number,0,180,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,"This refers to the estimated GFR (eGFR), estimated by laboratory calculation.",Write the estimated GFR (mL/min/1.73m^2),SNOMED,1107411000000104 | Estimated glomerular filtration rate by laboratory calculation (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_calcium,number,Calcium (mmol/L),,number,1.75,4,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Renal profile,This refers to serum calcium (Ca) level in blood.,Write the serum calcium (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1028041000000107 | Calcium level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_procalcito_ngml,number,Procalcitonin (ng/mL),,number,0.01,20,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Inflammatory markers,Procalcitonin or PCT refers to serum procalcitonin. ,Write the Procalcitonin (ng/mL).,SNOMED,1010991000000108 | Serum procalcitonin level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_crp_mgl,number,CRP (mg/L),,number,0,1000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Inflammatory markers,C-reactive protein or CRP refers to the serum CRP. ,Write the CRP (mg/L).,SNOMED,1001371000000100 | Serum C reactive protein level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_esr,number,Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate / ESR (mm/h),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Inflammatory markers,Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or ESR.,Write the ESR (mm/h).,SNOMED,1022511000000103 | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_preg,radio,Pregnancy test,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1' and [demog_sex]='2' ,,This refers to tests to determine whether or not an individual is pregnant. They include either serum- or urine-based tests to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).,Indicate the result of pregnancy test.,SNOMED,"74036000, Pregnancy detection examination (procedure)","C0032976, Pregnancy Tests",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hiv,radio,HIV serology (once only),"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',HIV,This refers to the result of human immunodeficiency virus serology testing.,Indicate the result of human immunodeficiency virus serology testing.,SNOMED,"28804003, Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 antibody (procedure) | 27494001, Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 antibody (procedure)","C5555329, HIV Serology Test Result",,clinical_features,,,1,,1,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_cd4,,CD4 (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',HIV,,,,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_cd4_mm3,number,CD4 (cells/mm^3),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',HIV,"Defined as laboratory-based CD4 expressing lymphocyte count, expressed in cells/mm^3. ",Write the CD4-cell count (cells/mm^3).,SNOMED,1008561000000106 | Absolute CD4 count (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_cd4_106l,number,CD4 (10^6 cells/L),,number,0,2000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',HIV,"Defined as laboratory-based CD4 expressing lymphocyte count, expressed in 10^6 cells/L. ",Write the CD4-cell count (10^6/L).,SNOMED,1008561000000106 | Absolute CD4 count (observable entity) |,"C0243009, CD4 Count determination procedure",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_malaria_yn,radio,Malaria test performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Malaria,Refers to malaria diagnostic tests by point-of-care (e.g. rapid-antigen tests) or standard laboratory methods e.g. microscopic examination of a blood film or detection using an immunochromatographic (ICT) test.,"Indicate 'Yes', if a malaria diagnostic test was performed on the date of assessment. If no malaria diagnostic test was performed on the date of assessment indicate 'No' and skip to the next section. In general, do not report results that have been rejected by the clinical team.",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_malaria_date,date_dmy,If yes to malaria test performed: Malaria test date,,date_dmy,,today,,[labs_malaria_yn]='1',Malaria,This refers to the date when the malaria diagnostic test was performed.,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_malaria_test,radio,If yes to malaria test performed: Malaria test type,"1, Rapid antigen test | 2, Malaria film | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_malaria_yn]='1',Malaria,"This refers to the type of malaria diagnostic test performed. Rapid antigen tests are lateral flow immuno-chromatographic parasite antigen-detection tests, which rely on the capture of dye-labelled antibodies to produce a visible band in the results window. Malaria film refers to a film (smear) of blood examined using microscopy to visualise the malaria parasites in the blood of the patient.",Select the type of malaria diagnostic test performed.,,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_malaria_res,radio,If yes to malaria test performed: Malaria test result,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_malaria_yn]='1',Malaria,This refers to the result of the malaria diagnostic test performed. ,Indicate the result of the malaria diagnostic test performed.,,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hba1c,number,HbA1C (%),,number,0,100,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Diabetes,"Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) is a blood test that measures average blood glucose level over the three months preceding the test result, expressed in %.",Write the HbA1C result (%).,SNOMED,"43396009, Hemoglobin A1c measurement (procedure)","C0474680, Hemoglobin A1c measurement",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf,group,CEREBROSPINAL FLUID,,,,,,,Nervous system,"Refers to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analyses that were performed at the time that the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. In general, results that were rejected by the clinical team (e.g. haemolysed blood samples, contaminated microbiology results) should not be reported.",,,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_yn,radio,Enter CSF analysis for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the date of the CSF analysis.,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_pres,number,Pressure (cm of water),,number,0,60,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the opening pressure (cmH2O).,Indicate the opening pressure (cm H2O),SNOMED,"86189008, Cerebrospinal fluid pressure (observable entity)","C2026642, cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_app,radio,Appearance,"1, Clear and colourless | 2, Turbid / cloudy | 3, Xanthochromic | 4, Blood stained| 88, Other",,,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the macroscopic appearance of the CSF.,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the macroscopic appearance of the CSF.,SNOMED,"167707001, Cerebrospinal fluid appearance clear (finding) | 167710008, Cerebrospinal fluid appearance turbid (finding) | 167710008, Cerebrospinal fluid appearance turbid (finding) | 167708006, Cerebrospinal fluid appearance: blood-stained (finding)","C0427834, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) appearance clear | C0427835, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) appearance turbid | C0427823, CSF appearance: xanthochromia | C0427822, CSF appearance: blood-stained",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_appoth,text,Other appearance,,,,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the macroscopic appearance of the CSF.,"If 'Other', indicate the macroscopic appearance of the CSF.",SNOMED,"167706005, Cerebrospinal fluid appearance (observable entity) ","C1287288, CSF appearance - finding",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_wbc,number,White blood cell count (cells/mm^3),,number,0,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the CSF.,Indicate the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the CSF.,SNOMED,"104112007, White blood cell count, automated, cerebrospinal fluid (procedure)","C0855357, cerebrospinal fluid leukocytes (lab test)",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_rbc,number,Red blood cell count (cells/mm^3),,number,0,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the CSF.,Indicate the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the CSF.,SNOMED,"104111000, Red blood cell count, automated, cerebrospinal fluid (procedure)","C3888459, CSF red blood cell count",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_glu,number,Glucose level (mg/dL),,number,0,3542,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the glucose level in the CSF.,Indicate the glucose level in the CSF.,SNOMED,"69125006, Glucose measurement, cerebrospinal fluid (procedure)","C0202040, Glucose measurement, CSF",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_pro,number,Protein level (mg/dL),,number,0,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the protein level in the CSF.,Indicate the protein level in the CSF.,SNOMED,"84130004, Measurement of protein in cerebrospinal fluid specimen (procedure) ","C0201943, Measurement of protein in cerebrospinal fluid specimen",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_cul,radio,CSF Culture result,"1, Growth| 0, No growth | 99, Not tested",,,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,"Refers to a positive CSF culture result, in which an organism was grown on culture.",Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to CSF culture result.,SNOMED,"104174003, Microbial culture of cerebrospinal fluid (procedure)","C0430403, Cerebrospinal fluid culture (procedure)",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_culres,user_list,If growth on CSF culture: Please specify the CSF culture result,,,,,pathogens_All,[labs_csf_cul]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the organism(s) grown on CSF culture.,Indicate the organism(s) detected on CSF culture.,,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_mm3,number,CSF cell count (/mm^3),,number,,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,Refers to the number of red and white blood cells that are in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).,Indicate the CSF cell count.,,"68866004, Cell count and differential, cerebrospinal fluid (procedure)","C4063897, total CSF cell count",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_unlisted,radio,Other CSF findings,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[labs_csf_yn]='1',Nervous system,"Refers to other CSF findings, not listed above. ",Indicate 'Yes' if there are other CSF findings not listed above.,,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_csf_unlistedoth,text,If other: Please specify other CSF findings,,,,,,[labs_csf_unlisted]='1',Nervous system,"Refers to other CSF findings, not listed above. ","If 'Yes', specify the CSF findings not listed above.",,,,,clinical_features,,,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_tropi,,Troponin I (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Cardiovascular,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_tropi_ngl,number,Troponin I (ng/L),,number,0,1113,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Cardiovascular,"Troponin I, cardiac muscle (210 aa, ~24 kDa) is encoded by the human TNNI3 gene. This protein is involved in muscle filament movement in cardiac cells.",Write the Troponin I (ng/L).,SNOMED,121870001 | Troponin I measurement (procedure) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_tropi_ngml,number,Troponin I (ng/mL),,number,0,1.113,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Cardiovascular,"Troponin I, cardiac muscle (210 aa, ~24 kDa) is encoded by the human TNNI3 gene. This protein is involved in muscle filament movement in cardiac cells.",Write the Troponin I (ng/mL).,SNOMED,121870001 | Troponin I measurement (procedure) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lactate,,Lactate (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lactate_mmoll,number,Lactate (mmol/L),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,This refers to the serum lactate level in blood.,Write the serum lactate (mmol/L).,SNOMED,1028071000000101 | Serum lactate level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_lactate_mgdl,number,Lactate (mg/dL),,number,0,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,This refers to the serum lactate level in blood.,Write the serum Lactate (mg/dL).,SNOMED,1028071000000101 | Serum lactate level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_paco2,,PaCO2 (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_paco2_mmhg,number,PaCO2 (mmHg),,number,10.3,79,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,This refers to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the arterial blood recorded in mmHg.,"Write the PaCO2 (mmHg). If there are multiple, report the measures from the blood gas with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,167028004 | Measurement of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (procedure) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_paco2_kpa,number,PaCO2 (kPa),,number,1.37,12,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,This refers to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the arterial blood recorded in kPa.,"Write the PaCO2 (kPa). If there are multiple, report the measures from the blood gas with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,167028004 | Measurement of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (procedure) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ph,number,pH,,number,6.8,7.8,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,The measurement of the pH of plasma of an arterial blood sample.,"Write the pH. If there are multiple, report the measure with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,"27051004 | pH measurement, arterial (procedure) |",,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hco3,,Bicarbonate / HCO3- (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hco3_mmoll,number,Bicarbonate / HCO3- (mmol/L),,number,0,50,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,The measurement of the bicarbonate of plasma of an arterial blood sample. ,"Write the Bicarbonate (mmol/L). If there are multiple, report the measures from the blood gas with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1032311000000109 | Bicarbonate level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_hco3_meql,number,Bicarbonate / HCO3- (mEq/L),,number,0,50,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,The measurement of the bicarbonate of plasma of an arterial blood sample. ,"Write the Bicarbonate (mEq/L). If there are multiple, report the measures from the blood gas with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1032311000000109 | Bicarbonate level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_baseexcess,number,Base Excess (mmol/L),,number,-9,16,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Blood gas,The measurement of the base excess/deficit of plasma of an arterial blood sample. ,"Write the Base Excess (mmol/L). If there are multiple, report the measures from the blood gas with the lowest pH (most acidotic) between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment.",SNOMED,1007221000000101 | Base excess (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,1,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ferritin,,Ferritin (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,,,,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ferritin_ugl,number,Ferritin (ug/L),,number,0,50000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,"Ferritin refers to an iron protein complex, containing up to 23% iron, formed by the union of ferric iron with apoferritin; it is found in the intestinal mucosa, spleen, bone marrow, reticulocytes, and liver, and regulates iron storage and transport from the intestinal lumen to plasma.",Write the serum Ferritin (ug/L).,SNOMED,993381000000106 | Serum ferritin level (observable entity) |,"C0696113, Serum ferritin measurement",,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_ferritin_ngml,number,Ferritin (ng/mL),,number,0,150000,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,"Ferritin refers to an iron protein complex, containing up to 23% iron, formed by the union of ferric iron with apoferritin; it is found in the intestinal mucosa, spleen, bone marrow, reticulocytes, and liver, and regulates iron storage and transport from the intestinal lumen to plasma.",Write the serum Ferritin (ng/mL).,SNOMED,993381000000106 | Serum ferritin level (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_il6_pgml,number,IL-6 (pg/mL or ng/L),,number,0,2526,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,Refers to a cytokine that stimulates the growth and differentiation of B-lymphocyte and is also a growth factor for hybridomas and plasmacytomas. It is produced by many different cells including T-lymphocytes; monocytes; and fibroblasts.,Write the IL-6 (pg/mL).,SNOMED,22766004 | Interleukin-6 assay (procedure) |,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_protein,,Protein TP (select units),,,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,,,,,,,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_protein_gdl,number,Protein TP (g/dL),,number,5,15,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,"This refers to the amount of total protein in blood, in g/dL.",Write the total plasma protein (g/dL).,SNOMED,1005651000000101 | Plasma total protein (observable entity) |,"C0555903, Total protein measurement",,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_protein_gl,number,Protein TP (g/L),,number,50,150,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,"This refers to the amount of total protein in blood, in g/L.",Write the total plasma protein (g/L).,SNOMED,1005651000000101 | Plasma total protein (observable entity) |,,,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_bloodcult,radio,Blood culture result,"1, Growth| 0, No growth | 99, Unknown",,,,,[labs_dailydata]='1',Other,This refers to results from microbiological culture of blood specimen.,Indicate if microorganism growth was identified on blood culture,SNOMED,"30088009, Blood culture (procedure) |","C0200949, Blood culture |",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,LABORATORY RESULTS: Record the value furthest from normal range between 00:00 to 24:00 on day of assessment.,labs_bloodcult_path,user_list,If growth on blood culture: Please specify the blood culture result,,,,,pathogens_All,[labs_bloodcult]='1',Other,This refers to the specific microorganism(s) identified from the microbiological culture of blood specimen.,Indicate the specific microroganism(s) identified on blood culture.,SNOMED,"30088009, Blood culture (procedure) |","C0200949, Blood culture |",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_dailydata,radio,Enter Imaging data for this date?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,This refers only to those imaging or radiological test(s) that were performed at the time that the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment.,"Indicate 'Yes', if imaging or radiological test(s) were performed at the time that the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment.",,,,,,,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray,group,X-Ray,,,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to any chest x-ray that was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. Chest x-ray refers to radiological visualization of the chest and organs of the thoracic cavity; not restricted to visualization of the lungs, using x-rays.",,,,,,,,1,1,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_yn,radio,Chest X-ray performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,"This refers to any chest x-ray that was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. Chest x-ray refers to radiological visualization of the chest and organs of the thoracic cavity; not restricted to visualization of the lungs, using x-rays.","Indicate 'Yes', if any chest x-ray was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ",SNOMED,"399208008, Plain X-ray of chest (procedure)","C0039985, Plain chest X-ray",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_date,date_dmy,If yes to chest X-ray performed: Chest X-ray date ,,date_dmy,,today,,[imagi_xray_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date when the chest x-ray was performed.,Write the date in which the chest x-ray was performed (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,1,1,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_result,radio,If yes chest X-ray performed: Chest X-ray findings associated with this illness.,"1, Normal or no acute change | 5, Abnormal or acute change | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_xray_yn] = '1',,This refers to chest X-ray findings associated with this illness.,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the chest X-ray findings associated with this illness.,SNOMED,"1290959000, Plain X-ray of chest normal (finding) | 1290960005, Plain X-ray of chest abnormal (finding)","C0239026, Standard chest X-ray normal | C0436503, Standard chest X-ray abnormal",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_newinfilt,radio,New infiltrates present on X-ray,"1, Yes, bilateral | 2, Yes, unilateral | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_xray_result]='5',,"This refers to new pulmonary infiltrates present on the current chest x-ray, not visualised on previous chest radiographs of the patient. Pulmonary infiltrates result when a substance denser than air (e.g., pus, oedema, blood, surfactant, protein, or cells) is present within the lung parenchyma. Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates are present in both lungs. Unilateral pulmonary infiltrates are present in one lung only. ","Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the new pulmonary infiltrates present on the current chest x-ray, not visualised on previous chest radiographs of the patient.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_infiltyp,checkbox,Infiltrates on X-ray consistent with,"1, Viral pneumonitis | 2, Bacterial pneumonia |3, Pulmonary oedema| 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_xray_newinfilt] = '1' or [imagi_xray_newinfilt]='2',,"This refers to the pathological condition with which the pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray may be consistent with. Viral pneumonitis characteristically produces bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening and interstitial infiltrates which, particularly in children, due to their small-calibre airways, can result in areas of atelectasis or air trapping. Bacterial pneumonia characteristically produces focal segmental (i.e. bronchopneumonia) or lobar pulmonary opacities (i.e. lobar pneumonia). Pulmonary oedema may be characterised by cephalisation of upper lobe vessels, interstitial opacities, peribronchovascular cuffing, septal lines (Kerley B lines), airspace opacification (filling of the alveoli with fluid) which can have a perihilar or 'batwing' distribution when severe and acute; and pleural effusion. ",Select all that apply.,SNOMED,"75570004, Viral pneumonia (disorder) | 53084003, Bacterial pneumonia (disorder) | 19242006, Pulmonary edema (disorder)","C0032310, Pneumonia, Viral | C0004626, Pneumonia, Bacterial | C0034063, Pulmonary Oedema",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_pleueff,radio,Pleural effusion on X-ray,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_xray_result]='5',,This refers to presence of fluid in the pleural cavity resulting from excessive transudation or exudation from the pleural surfaces.,"Indicate 'Yes', if pleural effusion was visualised on chest x-ray.",SNOMED,"60046008, Pleural effusion (disorder)","C0032227, Pleural effusion (disorder)",,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_resultpleu,radio,If yes: Pleural effusion on X-ray details ,"1, Unilateral | 2, Bilateral",,,,,[imagi_xray_pleueff]='1',,This refers to the location of the pleural effusion.,Indicate the location of the pleural effusion.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_xray_resultpleusite,checkbox,If yes: Side(s) where pleural effusion identified ,"1, Right | 2, Left",,,,,[imagi_xray_pleueff]='1',,This refers to the side where the unilateral pleural effusion is located.,Indicate the side of the pleural effusion.,,,,,,,1,1,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_yn,radio,CT chest performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,This refers to computed tomography imaging of the chest.,"Indicate 'Yes', if any CT chest was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ",,,,,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_result,radio,If yes: CT chest findings associated with this illness,"1, Normal or no acute change | 5, Abnormal or acute change | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ctchest_yn] = '1',,"Refers to the findings identified on the CT chest. Pulmonary infiltrates refers to the presence of pulmonary or lung infiltrates and can include alveolar, air space, interstitial, or nodular infiltrates and typically refers to a substance or type of cell that is foreign to the lung, or accumulates in greater than normal quantity within it.",,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_infiltra,radio,New infiltrates present on CT,"1, Yes, bilateral | 2, Yes, unilateral | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ctchest_result]='5',,"This refers to new pulmonary infiltrates present on the current chest CT scan, not visualised on previous chest radiographs of the patient. Pulmonary infiltrates result when a substance denser than air (e.g., pus, oedema, blood, surfactant, protein, or cells) is present within the lung parenchyma. Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates are present in both lungs. Unilateral pulmonary infiltrates are present in one lung only. ","Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the new pulmonary infiltrates present on the current chest CT scan, not visualised on previous chest radiographs of the patient.",,,,,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_infiltyp,checkbox,Infiltrates on CT chest consistent with,"1, Viral pneumonitis | 2, Bacterial pneumonia |3, Pulmonary oedema| 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ctchest_infiltra] = '1' or [imagi_ctchest_infiltra]='2',,"This refers to the pathological condition with which the pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray may be consistent with. Viral pneumonitis characteristically produces bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening and interstitial infiltrates which, particularly in children, due to their small-calibre airways, can result in areas of atelectasis or air trapping. Bacterial pneumonia characteristically produces focal segmental (i.e. bronchopneumonia) or lobar pulmonary opacities (i.e. lobar pneumonia). Pulmonary oedema may be characterised by cephalisation of upper lobe vessels, interstitial opacities, peribronchovascular cuffing, septal lines (Kerley B lines), airspace opacification (filling of the alveoli with fluid) which can have a perihilar or 'batwing' distribution when severe and acute; and pleural effusion. ",Select all that apply.,SNOMED,"75570004, Viral pneumonia (disorder) | 53084003, Bacterial pneumonia (disorder) | 19242006, Pulmonary edema (disorder)","C0032310, Pneumonia, Viral | C0004626, Pneumonia, Bacterial | C0034063, Pulmonary Oedema",,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_pleueff,radio,Pleural effusion on CT chest,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ctchest_result]='5',,This refers to presence of fluid in the pleural cavity resulting from excessive transudation or exudation from the pleural surfaces.,"Indicate 'Yes', if pleural effusion was visualised on chest CT scan.",SNOMED,"60046008, Pleural effusion (disorder)","C0032227, Pleural effusion (disorder)",,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctchest_resultpleudet,radio,If yes: Pleural effusion on CT chest details ,"1, Unilateral | 2, Bilateral",,,,,[imagi_ctchest_pleueff]='1',,This refers to the location of the pleural effusion.,Indicate the location of the pleural effusion.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctbrain,group,CT BRAIN,,,,,,,,This section refers to any Brain CT (computed tomography) scan that was performed was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctbrain_yn,radio,CT brain performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,This refers to computed tomography imaging of the brain.,"Indicate 'Yes', if any Brain CT scan was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ",,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctbrain_date,date_dmy,CT brain date ,,date_dmy,,today,,[imagi_ctbrain_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of the brain CT scan.,Write the date when the CT was performed (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ctbrain_findings,text,CT brain findings,,,,,,[imagi_ctbrain_yn] = '1',,This refers to the key findings of the brain CT scan.,Write the key findings of the Brain CT scan.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_mrib,group,MRI BRAIN,,,,,,,,This section refers to any MRI Brain scan that was performed was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ,,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_mrib_yn,radio,MRI performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,This refers to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.,"Indicate 'Yes', if any Brain MRI scan was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ",,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_mrib_date,date_dmy,MRI date ,,date_dmy,,today,,[imagi_mrib_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of the brain MRI scan.,Write the date when the MRI was performed (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_mrib_findings,text,MRI findings,,,,,,[imagi_mrib_yn] = '1',,This refers to the key findings of the brain MRI scan.,Write the key findings of the Brain MRI scan.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound,group,ULTRASOUND,,,,,,,,This refers to any ultrasound imaging that was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ,,,,,,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_yn,radio,Ultrasound performed,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,This refers to any ultrasound imaging that was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ,"Indicate 'Yes', if ultrasound imaging was performed at the time the patient stayed in the clinical facility (hospital) and collected on the date of assessment. ",SNOMED,"16310003, Ultrasonography (procedure)","C0041618, Ultrasonography",,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_date,date_dmy,If yes to ultrasound performed: Ultrasound date ,,date_dmy,,today,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date when the ultrasound imaging was performed.,Write the date when the ultrasound imaging test was performed (use the format DD/MM/YYYY).,,,,,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_regi,radio,If yes to ultrasound performed: Ultrasound region,"1, Chest only | 2, Abdomen only | 3, Chest and abdomen | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn]='1',,This refers to the region of the body which was assessed using ultrasound imaging.,Indicate the region of the body which was assessed using ultrasound imaging.,SNOMED,"10321000087109, Ultrasonography of chest and abdomen (procedure)","C0883613, Ultrasound chest | C0203464, Ultrasonography of abdomen | C4750624, Ultrasonography of chest and abdomen",,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_findi,radio,If yes to ultrasound performed: Ultrasound findings associated with this illness,"1, Normal or no acute change | 5, Abnormal or acute change | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn]='1',,This refers to ultrasound imaging findings associated with this illness.,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the ultrasound imaging findings associated with this illness.,SNOMED,"169254007, Ultrasound scan normal (finding) | 169255008, Ultrasound scan abnormal (finding)","C0581117, Ultrasound scan normal | C0581118, Ultrasound scan abnormal",,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_asc,radio,Ascites,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_findi]='5',,Ascites refers to a pathological increase of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.,Indicate 'Yes' If ascites were identified on ultrasound on date of assessment. Indicate 'No' if there was no ascites on ultrasound on date of assessment. If the peritoneal cavity was not examined by ultrasound for ascites on date of assessment indicate 'Unknown'.,SNOMED,"389026000, Ascites (disorder)","C0003962, Ascites",,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_ascsit,radio,If yes: Ascites grading,"1, Small | 2, Moderate | 3, Severe",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_asc] = '1',,"Mild/small ascites (grade 1) is detectable only by ultrasonography and typically requires approximately 100mL of fluid (where normal volume is approximately 25-50mL); Moderate ascites (grade 2) implying at least 500-1000mL of peritoneal fluid and detected with physical examination; Severe ascites (grade 3) refers to the manifestation of grossly distended abdomen, may be described as tense ascites.",Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the grade of ascites detected on ultrasound imaging. ,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_consoli,radio,Consolidation,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_findi]='5',,This refers to the presence of a radio-opaque area in the lung. The opacification is caused by fluid or solid material within the airways or lung parenchyma.,Indicate 'Yes' if consolidation was identified on ultrasound on date of assessment. Indicate 'No' if there was no pleural effusion(s) on ultrasound on date of assessment. Indicate 'Unknown' if the pleural space was not examined by ultrasound for pleural effusion(s) on date of assessment. ,SNOMED,"846749001, Consolidation of lung present (situation)",,,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_pleff,radio,Pleural effusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_findi]='5',,Pleural effusion refers to a pathological increase of fluid in the pleural space.,Indicate 'Yes' if pleural effusion(s) was identified on ultrasound on date of assessment. Indicate 'No' if there was no pleural effusion(s) on ultrasound on date of assessment. Indicate 'Unknown' if the pleural space was not examined by ultrasound for pleural effusion(s) on date of assessment. ,SNOMED,"60046008, Pleural effusion (disorder)","C0032227, Pleural effusion (disorder)",,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_plefr,number,If yes to pleural effusion: Pleural effusion right size (cm),,number,0,,,[imagi_ultrasound_pleff] = '1',,Refers to the depth of the pleural effusion in centimetres (cm).,Indicate the depth of pleural effusion on the right side in centimetres (cm).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_plefl,number,If yes to pleural effusion: Pleural effusion left size (cm),,number,0,,,[imagi_ultrasound_pleff] = '1',,Refers to the depth of the pleural effusion in centimetres (cm).,Indicate the depth of pleural effusion on the left side in centimetres (cm).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_peric,radio,Pericardial effusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_findi]='5',,Pericardial effusion refers to a pathological increase of fluid in the pericardial space.,If pericardial effusion was identified on ultrasound on date of assessment Indicate 'Yes'. If there was no pericardial effusion on ultrasound on date of assessment Indicate 'No'. If the pericardial space was not examined by ultrasound for a pericardial effusion on date of assessment Indicate 'Unknown'. ,SNOMED,"373945007, Pericardial effusion (disorder)",,,,,1,,1,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_perics,number,If yes: Pericardial effusion size (cm),,number,0,,,[imagi_ultrasound_peric] = '1',,Refers to the depth of the pericardial effusion in centimetres (cm).,Indicate the depth of pericardial effusion on the left side in centimetres (cm).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_liversize,number,Liver size (cm),,number,0,,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn] = '1',,"Refers to the craniocaudal length of the liver along the midclavicular line, in centimeters (cm).","Indicate the craniocaudal length of the liver along the midclavicular line, in centimeters (cm).",SNOMED,"249566006, Liver size (observable entity)","C0426688, Liver size (observable entity)",,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_gallbladder,number,Gallbladder wall (mm),,number,0,,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn] = '1',,"Refers to the thickness of the gallbladder wall, in millimeters (mm).","Indicate the thickness of the gallbladder wall, in millimeters (mm).",,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_unlisted,radio,Other finding(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_yn] = '1',,Refers to other ultrasound findings which are clinically relevant.,"Indicate 'Yes', if there are other ultrasound imaging findings which are clinically relevant.",,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ultrasound_unlistedoth,text,If yes: Specify other findings,,,,,,[imagi_ultrasound_unlisted] = '1',,Refers to other ultrasound imaging findings which are clinically relevant.,"If 'Yes', specify the other ultrasound imaging findings which are clinically relevant. ",,,,,,,1,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ecg,group,Electrocardiogram (ECG),,,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,"Refers to a study that evaluates the effect of a treatment on cardiac electrical activity, as assessed by electrocardiography.",Select the most appropriate options which corresponds to the ECG findings.,"164854000, Electrocardiogram normal (finding) | 102594003, Electrocardiogram abnormal (finding)","C0522054, ECG normal | C0522055, Electrocardiogram abnormal (finding)",,,,,,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ecg_yn,radio,Electrocardiogram (ECG),"1, Yes-normal | 2, Yes-abnormal | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[imagi_dailydata]='1',,"Refers to a study that evaluates the effect of a treatment on cardiac electrical activity, as assessed by electrocardiography.",Select the most appropriate options which corresponds to the ECG findings.,"164854000, Electrocardiogram normal (finding) | 102594003, Electrocardiogram abnormal (finding)","C0522054, ECG normal | C0522055, Electrocardiogram abnormal (finding)",,,,,,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ecg_spec,text,ECG summary,,,,,,[imagi_ecg_yn]='2',,Refers to a summary of the key ECG findings,If 'Yes-abnormal' give a summary of the key ECG findings.,,,,,,,,,,,,
daily,IMAGING,imagi_ecg_date,date_dmy,ECG date,,date_dmy,,today,,[imagi_ecg_yn]='1' or [imagi_ecg_yn]='2',,Refers to the date of the ECG,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_medtype,user_list,Select agents administered while hospitalised or at discharge (one form per medication),,,,,drugs_Type,,,"This refers to all medications administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge. ","Indicate the type of agent, for all medications administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge. ",,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_treat,radio,Is this medication treating the disease?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,,Indicate 'Yes' if this medication is being used to treat the disease caused by the pathogen of interest.,,,,,,1,1,1,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antiviralagent,user_list,Antiviral,,,,,drugs_Antiviral,[medi_medtype] = '8',,"Refers to any agent(s) prescribed specifically to treat a suspected or confirmed viral infection. Examples of neuraminidase inhibitors include oseltamivir, ribavirin, acyclovir and lopinavir/ritonavir. Topical preparations are not included.","Select the antiviral agent(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",,,,,"clinical_features, treatment",1,,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antiviralagent_route,radio,Antiviral route,"1, Oral | 2, Inhaled | 3, IV | 4, Topical | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='8',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. Topical refers to administration by application of drug preparations to the surfaces of the body, especially the skin or mucous membranes.",Indicate the route of administration for the antiviral agent.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antibioagent,user_list,Antibiotic,,,,,drugs_Antibiotics,[medi_medtype]='2',,Antibiotics refers to any agent(s) that selectively target bacteria.,"Select the antibiotic agent(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",SNOMED,346325008 |Medicinal product acting as antibacterial agent (product)|,"C0279516, Antibacterial",,"clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_topicantibiotgent,radio,Topical antibiotic,"1, Penicillins | 2, Cephalosporins | 3, Tetracyclines | 4, Aminoglycosides | 5, Macrolides | 6, Sulfonamides and trimethoprim | 7, Quinolones | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='14',,Refers to the antibiotic class of topical antibiotic(s) administered during admission and/or prescribed on discharge.,Indicate the class of topical antibiotic(s) administered during admission and/or prescribed on discharge,,,,,,,,1,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_corticost,user_list,Corticosteroid,,,,,drugs_Steroids,[medi_medtype]='10',,"Corticosteroids (commonly referred to as 'steroids') refers to all types of therapeutic corticosteroid, made in the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the adrenal gland). They are also made in the laboratory. Examples include: prednisolone, prednisone, methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, fluticasone, betametasone. Topical preparations are not included, but inhaled preparations are included.","Select the corticosteroid(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",SNOMED,788326005 |Product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product)|,"CL554601, Therapeutic corticosteroid",,"clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_corticost_route,radio,Corticosteroid route,"1, Oral | 2, IV | 4, Inhaled | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='10',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. ",Indicate the route of administration for the corticosteroid.,SNOMED,"394898006, Administration of treatment via specific route (navigational concept)","C0013153, Drug Administration Routes",,,1,1,1,1,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_anticoaguagent,user_list,Anticoagulation,,,,,drugs_Anticoagulant,[medi_medtype]='3',,"An anticoagulant refers to any agent capable of preventing blood clot formation, or platelet aggregation. This includes agents such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel, and subcutaneously administered anticoagulants, among many others. Topical preparations are not included.","Select the anticoagulant(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",SNOMED,81839001 |Medicinal product acting as anticoagulant agent (product)|,"C0003280, Anticoagulant agent",,,1,,,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_anticoaguagent_route,radio,Anticoagulation route,"1, Oral | 2, Subcutaneous | 3, IV | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='3',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Subcutaneous refers to administration under the skin of liquid medication, nutrient, or other fluid through a hollow needle piercing the skin. IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. ",Indicate the route of administration for the corticosteroid.,SNOMED,"394898006, Administration of treatment via specific route (navigational concept)","C0013153, Drug Administration Routes",,,1,,,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_anticoaguagent_ind,radio,Anticoagulation indication,"1, Therapeutic (treatment of DVT/PE) | 2, Enhanced prophylaxis for infection with pathogen of interest | 3, Routine inpatient prophylaxis | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='3',,This refers to the indication of the anticoagulant(s).,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the indication of the anticoagulant(s).,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antifungagent,user_list,Antifungal agent,,,,,drugs_Antifungal,[medi_medtype]='4',,"Refers to any agent(s) inhibiting the growth of or killing fungi, prescribed specifically to treat a suspected or confirmed fungal infection.","Select the antifungal agent(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_inotropesvasopressor,radio,Inotropes / vasopressor,"1, Vasopressin | 2, Phenylephrine | 3, Epinephrine | 4, Norepinephrine | 5, Dopamine | 6, Angiotensin-II | 7, Terlipressin | 88, Other",,,,,[medi_medtype] = '13',,"This refers to continuous use of a vasopressor or inotrope for at least one hour. Agents include norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, terlipressin and phenylephrine. Commonly used 'positive' inotropes include dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone and adrenaline (epinephrine).","Select the vasopressor or inotrope agent administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",SNOMED,"870386000, Vasopressor therapy (procedure) | 1296972008, Inotropic therapy (procedure)","C5396785, Vasopressor therapy | C5880944, Inotropic therapy",,"clinical_features, treatment",,,,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_analgesi,radio,Analgesic agent,"1, Paracetamol | 2, NSAIDs | 3, Opiates | 4, Ketamine | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='1',,"This refers to any agents that alleviate pain without loss of consciousness. These include opioid, non-opioid and adjuvant analgesic agents.","Indicate the analgesic agent(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",,,,,,,,1,,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_analgesic_route,radio,Analgesic agent route,"1, Oral | 2, Subcutaneous | 3, IV | 4, IM | 5, Rectal | 6, Topical | 7, Sublingual | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='1',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced / administered. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). Subcutaneous refers to administration under the skin through a through a hollow needle piercing the skin surface. IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. IM (intramuscular) refers to administration into a muscle through a hollow needle piercing the muscle and any tissue covering it. Rectal refers to administration into into the gastrointestinal tract by insertion into the rectum. Topical refers to administration by application of drug preparations to the surfaces of the body, especially the skin or mucous membranes. Sublingual refers to administration of a drug beneath the tongue.",Indicate the route of administration for the analgesic agent(s).,,,,,,,,1,,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antipruritic,radio,Antipruritic agent,"1, Hydrocortisone | 2, Calamine | 3, Antihistamines | 4, Hydroxyzine | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='7',,This refers to any agent(s) that relieve itching (pruritus).,"Select the antipruritic agent(s) administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",,,,,,,,1,,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_antipruritic_route,radio,Antipruritic agent route,"1, Topical | 2, Oral | 3, IV | 4, IM | 99, Unknown",,,,,[medi_medtype]='7',,"This refers to the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product (drug) is introduced / administered. Oral refers to administering by mouth. Inhaled refers to administration through the respiratory route (insufflation into the respiratory tract). IV (intravenous) refers to administering into bloodstream through injection into a vein. IM (intramuscular) refers to administration into a muscle through a hollow needle piercing the muscle and any tissue covering it. Topical refers to adminstration by application of drug preparations to the surfaces of the body, especially the skin or mucous membranes. ",,,,,,,,,1,,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_medstartdate,date_dmy,Date agent started / first dose,,date_dmy,,today,,[medi_treat]='1',,This refers to the date the medication was started / first dose was administered. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,"C5236155, Date of First Dose",,treatment,1,1,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_medenddate,date_dmy,Date agent ended / last dose,,date_dmy,,today,,[medi_treat]='1',,This refers to the date the medication was stopped / last dose was administered. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,"C1762893, Date last dose",,treatment,1,1,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_numdays,number,Total number of days treatment given,,number,0,,,[medi_treat]='1',,This refers to the total number of days for which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,Enter the total number of days for which a dose was received or instructed to take on discharge prescription.,,,"C5786895, Treatment Duration in Days",,treatment,1,1,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_frequency,text,Frequency,,,,,,[medi_medtype]='1',,"Refers to the frequency of specified medicine administration in a 24-hour period (00:00 to 24:00 hours). Examples include 'every 4 hours', 'twice daily' etc.",,,,,,treatment,,,,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_dose,text,Dose,,number,0,,,[medi_medtype] = '2' or [medi_medtype]='6' or [medi_medtype]='10',,"This refers to the dosage of the medication administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",Write the dose; do not include units as this is asked in the following question.,,,,,treatment,1,,1,1,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_units,text,Units,,,,,,[medi_medtype] = '2' or [medi_medtype]='6' ,,"This refers to the dosage of the medication administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge.",Write the units of the dosage.,,,,,treatment,,,1,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_numdoses,number,Total number of doses (Number of times the drug was injected / swallowed / infused / inserted / applied / inhaled) ,,number,0,,,[medi_medtype] = '2' or [medi_medtype]='6',,"This refers to the total number of doses of the medication which administered any time during the patient's admission in the clinical facility (hospital), including in the emergency department, and prescribed on discharge. ","Write the total number of doses of the medication. If the same medication was administered through different routes, indicate the total number of doses from all routes of administration (injected / swallowed / infused / inserted / applied / inhaled).",,,,,treatment,,,1,,,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_offlab,radio,Was this an off-label or compassionate use of the medication?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the practice of prescribing or using a drug or a vaccine for an indication that is not specified in the national regulatory licensing.,Select 'Yes' if this medication was used for an indication that is not specified in the national regulatory licensing.,,,,,,1,,1,,1,,
medication,MEDICATION: Record medications administered or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome (one form per medication).,medi_offlab_spec1,text,If yes: Specify the off-label or compassionate use medication,,,,,,[medi_offlab]='1',,This refers to the practice of prescribing or using a drug or a vaccine for an indication that is not specified in the national regulatory licensing.,Specify medication which was used for an indication that is not specified in the national regulatory licensing.,,,,,,1,,1,,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_yn,radio,Were clinical pathogen samples taken on this day?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,This refers to collection of a clinical specimen for pathogen testing.,"Indicate 'Yes', if a clinical sample was collected for pathogen testing. Indicate 'No', if no clinical samples were collected for pathogen testing.",,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_reasno,text,If no: Specify reason(s),,,,,,[test_yn]='0',,This refers to collection of a clinical specimen for pathogen testing.,"If 'No', specify the reason for which clinical samples were not collected for pathogen testing on this day. ",,,,,,,,1,,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_collectiondate,date_dmy,Collection date,,date_dmy,,today,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to the date of collection of a clinical specimen for pathogen testing.,Write the date in which samples were collected. This may be different to the day in which the results are reported. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_biospecimentype,radio,Biospecimen type,"1, Nasal/NP swab | 2, Throat swab | 3, Combined nasal/NP + throat swab | 4, Sputum | 5, BAL (Bronchoalveolar Lavage) | 6, ETA (Endotracheal aspirate) | 7, Lesion/crust (skin) swab | 8, Urine | 9, Faeces/rectal swab | 10, Blood | 11, Eye swab | 12, Breast milk | 13, Semen | 14, Stool sample | 15, Amniotic fluid | 16, Buccal swab | 17, CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) | 18, Neonate-blood | 19, Vaginal swab | 20, Urethral swab | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to the type of a clinical specimen collected for pathogen testing. Nasal / Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab refers to collection biological material from within the nasal passages/nasopharynx. Throat swab refers to collection biological material from within the throat/oropharynx. Combined nasal/NP + throat swab refers to collection using both nasal / nasopharyngeal (NP) swab and throat swab. Sputum refers to material coughed up from the lungs and expectorated via the mouth. Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) refers to washing out of the lungs with saline or mucolytic agents for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Endotracheal aspirate (ETA) refers to collection of specimen from endotracheal tube. Eye swab refers to collection of biological sample from the surface of the eye. Lesion swab refers to collection of biological sample from a lesion on the skin or mucous membrane. Semen refers to the secretion of male reproductive organs discharged upon ejaculation. Faeces / rectal swab refers to biological sample collected from faecal matter or from the rectum by swabbing. ,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of clinical specimen collected for pathogen testing.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_biospecimentypeoth,text,If other: Specify biospecimen type,,,,,,[test_biospecimentype]='88',,This refers to the type of a clinical specimen collected for pathogen testing.,"If 'Other', specify the type of clinical specimen collected for pathogen testing.",,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_labtestmethod,radio,Lab test method,"1, PCR | 2, IgG | 3, Culture | 4, IgM | 6, RDT | 5, Antigen detection | 99, Unknown",,,,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to the laboratory method used to test for the pathogen. ,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the laboratory method used to test for the pathogen.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_pathtested,user_list,Pathogen tested / detected,,,,,pathogens_All,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to the pathogen(s) tested for using the biological sample. ,Indicate the pathogen(s) which were tested for using the biological sample. ,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_result,radio,Pathogen test result,"1, Detected | 0, Not detected | 2, Equivocal | 99, Unknown",,,,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to the results of the pathogen(s) tested for using the biological sample. ,Select the single most appropriate option that represents results of the pathogen(s) tested for using the biological sample.,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_ctvalue,text,CT value,,number,10,50,,[test_result]='1' and [test_labtestmethod]='1',,This refers to the cycle threshold (CT) for nucleic acid detection in specimen using real-time polymerase chain reaction.,Indicate the CT value. ,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_genrep,group,Sequence available in genomic data repository,,,,,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to availability of the pathogen genomic sequence in a data repository.,Indicate 'Yes' if the sequence is available in a genomic data repository.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_genrep_yn,radio,Sequence available in genomic data repository,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,[test_yn]='1',,This refers to availability of the pathogen genomic sequence in a data repository.,Indicate 'Yes' if the sequence is available in a genomic data repository.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_genrep_db,user_list,Genomic repository,,,,,pathogens_GenomicRepository,[test_genrep_yn]='1',,Refers to the genomic repository which contains the pathogen sequence data.,Select the genomic repository which contains the pathogen sequence data.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
pathogen_testing,PATHOGEN TESTING: Results of all types of sample and pathogen testing,test_genrep_ref,text,Repository sequence identifier,,,,,pathogens_GenomicRepository,[test_genrep_yn]='1',,Refers to the identifier of the sequence in the repository.,Write the identiifer of the sequence in the genomic repository.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_date,text,Date of Image,,date_dmy,,today,,,,Refers to date when the image was captured. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_type,radio,What is being photographed?,"1, Skin lesion | 2, Mucosal lesion | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to type of pathology being captured in the photograph. ,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of pathology being captured in the photograph.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_upload,file,Upload image here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_loc,radio,What part of the body is photographed?,"1, Head, neck or face | 2, Inside of mouth | 3, Front torso | 4, Back torso | 5, Right arm or hand | 6, Left arm or hand | 7, Peri-anal | 8, Pubic region | 9, Right leg or foot | 10, Left leg or foot | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the part of the body being captured in the photograph.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the part of the body being captured in the photograph.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_loc_oth,text,Specify other location,,,,,,[photo_loc]='88',,"Refers to the part of the body being captured in the photograph, not specified above.","If 'Other', specify the part of the body being captured in the photograph, not specified above.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_sampleyn,radio,Was a sample of the photographed area taken?,"1, Yes | 2, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to a biological sample of the photographed part of the body. ,Indicate 'Yes' if a biological sample of the photographed part of the body was taken. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_sampleid,text,Please enter the sample ID,,,,,,[photo_sampleyn] = '1',,Refers to identification number (ID) of the sample. ,Write the sample ID.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
photographs,PHOTOGRAPHS,photo_desc,notes,Please provide any other relevant additional description of the photo or it's location.,,,,,,,,"Refers to any other relevant additional description of the photo or it's location, not specified above.",,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_influenza_test,radio,Influenza,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested and no clinical diagnosis | 3, Not tested and clinically diagnosed | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with the influenza virus during this patient's admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with influenza virus in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_influenza_type,radio,Influenza type,"1, A-not typed | 2, A/H3N2 | 3, A/H1N1pdm09 | 4, A/H7N9 | 5, A/H5N1 | 6, B | 88, Other",,,,,[diagn_influenza_test]='1',,Refers to the type of Influenza virus detected in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the type of Influenza virus detected in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_influenza_other,text,If other: Specify other influenza type,,,,,,[diagn_influenza_type]='88',,Refers to the type of Influenza virus detected in this admission.,If 'Other' specify the type of Influenza virus detected in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_influenza_resist,radio,Oseltamivir resistance identified,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_influenza_test]='1',,Refers to identification of Oseltamivir resistance.,Indicate 'Yes' if oseltamivir resistance was identified. ,,,,,,,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_rsv,radio,Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV),"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with RSV in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with RSV in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_covid,radio,SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19),"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested and no clinical diagnosis | 3, Not tested and clinically diagnosed | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) during this patient's admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_adenovirus,radio,Adenovirus,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with Adenovirus in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with Adenovirus in this admission.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_mpox_test,radio,Mpox,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested and no clinical diagnosis | 3, Not tested and clinically diagnosed | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with Mpox virus in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with Mpox virus in this admission.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_mpox_clade,radio,Mpox clade,"1, Ia | 2, Ib | 3, I sub-type unknown | 4, IIa | 5, IIb | 6, II sub-type unknown | 7, Not done | 99, Unknown| 88, Other",,,,,[diagn_mpox_test]='1',,Refers to the clade of Mpox virus identified during mpox testing.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the clade of Mpox virus identified during mpox testing.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_mpox_clade_other,text,Specify other mpox clade,,,,,,[diagn_mpox_clade]='88',,Refers to the clade of Mpox virus identified during mpox testing.,"If 'Other', write the clade of Mpox virus identified during mpox testing.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_chickenpox,radio,Chickenpox / varicella,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested and no clinical diagnosis | 3, Not tested and clinically diagnosed | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an infection with chickenpox virus (Varicella-zoster virus) in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding an infection with chickenpox virus (Varicella-zoster virus) in this admission.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_hepatitis_test,radio,Hepatitis viruses,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an acute infection with a hepatitis virus in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the method of identifying or excluding an acute infection with a hepatitis virus in this admission.,SNOMED,"3738000, Viral hepatitis (disorder)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_hepatitis_type,radio,Hepatitis type,"1, A | 2, B | 3, C | 4, D | 5, E | 88, Other",,,,,[diagn_hepatitis_test] = '1',,"This refers to both DNA and RNA viruses as well viruses from humans and animals, following a non-taxonomic classification of unrelated viruses, that cause liver inflammation and dysfunction.","If 'Lab confirmed' Hepatitis virus infection, select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the type of Hepatitis virus detected.",SNOMED,"40468003, Viral hepatitis, type A (disorder) | 66071002, Viral hepatitis type B (disorder) | 50711007, Viral hepatitis type C (disorder) | 707341005, Viral hepatitis type D (disorder) | 7111000119109, Viral hepatitis type E (disorder)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_hepatitist_other,text,If other: Specify other hepatitis type,,,,,,[diagn_hepatitis_type]='88',,"This refers to both DNA and RNA viruses as well viruses from humans and animals, following a non-taxonomic classification of unrelated viruses, that cause liver inflammation and dysfunction.","If 'Other', specify the type of Hepatitis virus. ",,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_test,radio,Dengue virus infection,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested and no clinical diagnosis | 3, Not tested and clinically diagnosed | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding an acute infection with a Dengue virus in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option corresponding to the method of identifying or excluding an acute infection with a Dengue virus in this admission. If the test was not performed Select 'Unknown'.,SNOMED,"38362002, Dengue (disorder)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_nsi,radio,NS1 RDT,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to a dengue NS1 antigen on the NS1 rapid diagnostic test.,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,"C5849637, Dengue NS1 antigen test",,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_ns1,radio,NS1/IgM/IgG combination test (RDT) - NS1 first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to a dengue NS1 antigen on the combined rapid diagnostic test (NS1/IgM/IgG).,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_igm,radio,NS1/IgM/IgG combination test (RDT) - IgM first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to a dengue IgM antibody on the combined rapid diagnostic test (NS1/IgM/IgG).,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_igg,radio,NS1/IgM/IgG combination test (RDT) - IgG first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to a dengue IgG antibody on the combined rapid diagnostic test (NS1/IgM/IgG).,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_elisa,radio,NS1 ELISA first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_fsdate,date_dmy,IgM/IgG ELISA first sample date,,date_dmy,,today,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to the date the first sample was collected. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_fsigm,radio,IgM ELISA first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_fsigg,radio,IgG ELISA first sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_ns1sec,radio,NS1 ELISA second sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_ssdate,date_dmy,IgM/IgG ELISA second sample date,,date_dmy,,today,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to the date the first sample was collected. ,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_ssigm,radio,IgM ELISA second sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_ssigg,radio,IgG ELISA second sample,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,May be substituted with RDT information if needed,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_pcr,radio,Dengue PCR,"1, Positive | 0, Negative | 99, Unknown",,,,,[diagn_dengue_test] = '1' or [diagn_dengue_test]='0',,This refers to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for Dengue virus.,Indicate either 'Positive' or 'Negative' according to the result. Select 'Unknown' if the test was not performed.,SNOMED,"399302007, Polymerase chain reaction test for Dengue virus (procedure)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_dengue_pcrtyp,radio,Dengue virus type,"1, DENV1 | 2, DENV2 | 3, DENV3 | 4, DENV4",,,,,[diagn_dengue_pcr] = '1',,"This refers to the serotype label of the viral species of Dengue virus, which is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus of the Flaviviridae family and Flavivirus genus, detected using the PCR test.",Select the single most appropriate option that represents the serotype label of the viral species of Dengue virus detected using the PCR test.,SNOMED,"60588009, Dengue virus, type 1 (organism) | 41328007, Dengue virus, type 2 (organism) | 8467002, Dengue virus, type 3 (organism) | 36700002, Dengue virus, type 4 (organism)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_bacte,list,Bacterial infection,"1, Lab confirmed | 0, Lab negative | 2, Not tested | 99, Unknown",,,,pathogens_Bacteria,,,Refers to the method of identifying or excluding a bacterial infection in this admission.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the method of identifying or excluding a bacterial infection in this admission.,SNOMED,"87628006, Bacterial infectious disease (disorder)",,,,1,1,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_pathounlist,list,Other pathogen(s) detected,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,pathogens_Other,,,"This refers to the detection of other pathogens, not listed above.","Specify other detected pathogens, not listed above.",,,,,,1,1,1,,,,
outcome,DIAGNOSIS,diagn_clinpneumonia,radio,Clinical pneumonia diagnosed?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Pneumonia refers to infection of the lung often accompanied by inflammation.,Indicate 'Yes' if pneumonia was clinically diagnosed at any time during hospitalisation.,,,,,,1,,,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_strokecva,radio,Stroke / cerebrovascular accident,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as a sudden loss of neurological function secondary to haemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event. Stroke may be a clinical diagnosis, with or without supportive radiological findings.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"230690007, Cerebrovascular accident","C3554760, Stroke",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severeneuro,radio,Severe neurological disease,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"This refers to various neurological manifestations including meningitis, encephalitis, encephalopathy, acute symptomatic seizures, intracranial haemorrhage or stroke, and Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). Meningitis is an inflammatory disease of the leptomeninges, the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, and is defined by an abnormal number of white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within an appropriate clinical context and with or without supportive radiological findings. Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain. In comparison with meningitis, in encephalitis, abnormalities in brain function are expected, including altered mental status, motor or sensory deficits, altered behaviour and personality changes, and speech or movement disorders. It is defined by an altered mental status lasting ?24 hours along with two of the following criteria: documented fever >/= 38°C (100.4°F); white blood cell count (WBC) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) >/= 5 cells/mm^3; generalized or partial seizures not fully attributable to a preexisting seizure disorder; new onset of focal neurological findings; presence of compatible acute lesion on neuroimaging; abnormality on electroencephalography that is consistent with encephalitis and not attributable to another cause. As outlined by the 2013 International Encephalitis Consortium. Seizures are defined as an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. An established history of epilepsy is not required. Stroke refers to a sudden loss of neurological function secondary to haemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event. Stroke may be a clinical diagnosis, with or without supportive radiological findings. Intracranial haemorrhage refers to haemorrhage/bleeding occurring within the skull. Intracranial haemorrhage encompasses four broad types of haemorrhage: epidural haemorrhage, subdural haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage, and intraparenchymal haemorrhage. Guillain-Barre syndrome refers to a rapidly progressive autoimmune disorder of the peripheral nervous system characterized by limb paraesthesia, areflexia, and generalized muscle weakness or paralysis that often begins in the legs and spreads to the arms, torso, and face. Required features include progressive weakness of the arms and/or legs, ranging from minimal weakness of the legs to total paralysis of all four limbs, and including the trunk, bulbar and facial muscles, and external ophthalmoplegia; and areflexia or decreased deep tendon reflexes in weak limbs. Supportive features include symptom progression over days to four weeks; Relatively symmetric, bilateral symptoms; Pain in the trunk or limbs; Cranial nerve symptoms or signs; Autonomic dysfunction; Sensory dysfunction that is mild; No fever at symptom onset; CSF with elevated protein and normal to mildly elevated leukocyte count (usually <5 cells/mm3); Electrodiagnostic abnormalities consistent with GBS; Recovery starting two to four weeks after progression halts.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,7180009 |Meningitis (disorder)| 45170000 |Encephalitis (disorder)| 81308009 |Disorder of brain (disorder)|41370002 |Myelitis (disorder)|230690007 |Cerebrovascular accident (disorder)|1386000 |Intracranial haemorrhage (disorder)|40956001 |Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) (disorder)|,,,clinical_features,,,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_seizure,radio,Seizure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. An established history of epilepsy is not required.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"91175000, Seizure","C2748942, Seizure",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_focalneuro,radio,Focal neurological signs,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,"Defined as as impairments of nerve, spinal cord, or brain function that affect a specific region of the body, e.g. weakness in the left arm, the right leg, paresis, or plegia, identified in neurological examination.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"264552009, Neurological deficit","C0746857, Focal neurological deficit",,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_encephalitis,radio,Encephalitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain. It is defined by an altered mental status lasting greater or equal to 24 hours along with two of the following criteria: documented fever greater or equal to 38° C (100.4°F); white blood cell count (WBC) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) greater or equal to 5/mm³; generalized or partial seizures not fully attributable to a preexisting seizure disorder; new onset of focal neurological findings; presence of compatible acute lesion on neuroimaging; abnormality on electroencephalography that is consistent with encephalitis and not attributable to another cause. As outlined by the 2013 International Encephalitis Consortium.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"45170000, Encephalitis","C0014038, Encephalitis",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_meningitis,radio,Meningitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Nervous system,Meningitis is defined by an abnormal number of white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within an appropriate clinical context and with or without supportive radiological findings.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"7180009, Meningitis","C0025289, Meningitis",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_myocardial,radio,Myocardial infarction,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Defined as myocardial ischaemia leading to injury/necrosis, diagnosed by clinical findings, altered electrocardiography and elevated cardiac enzymes.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"22298006, Myocardial infarction","C3280935, Myocardial infarction",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cardiacisc,radio,Cardiac ischaemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Defined as diminished blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle as indicated by typical symptomatology (e.g. chest pain) and confirmed by an electrocardiogram (showing ischaemic changes, e.g. ST depression or elevation) and/or cardiac enzyme elevation (e.g. raised troponin I).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"414795007, Myocardial ischaemia","C0746731, Acute myocardial ischaemia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_endocardit,radio,Endocarditis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"This refers to an inflammation of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart). It is often caused by a primary disorder or microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and rickettsiae Diagnosis of infective endocarditis is according to modified Duke criteria, using evidence from microbiological results, echocardiogram and clinical signs.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"56819008, Endocarditis","C0014118, Endocarditis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cardiomyop,radio,Cardiomyopathy,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,This refers to structural and functional disorders of myocardium commonly diagnosed by echocardiography. Cardiomyopathy can be primary (genetic) or secondary (e.g. following myocardial infarction).,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"85898001, Cardiomyopathy","C3809229, Cardiomyopathy",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_chf,radio,Congestive heart failure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Defined as failure of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to meet the needs of the body tissues, resulting in tissue congestion and oedema. Signs and symptoms include shortness of breath, pitting oedema, enlarged tender liver, engorged neck veins, and pulmonary rales. There are many ways to assess cardiac function (e.g. echocardiography, right heart catheterization, functional testing and supportive biochemical tests). However, there is no diagnostic test for heart failure, since it is largely a clinical diagnosis that is based upon a careful history and physical examination.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"42343007, Congestive heart failure","C3551869, Congestive heart failure",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cardiarrhy,radio,Cardiac arrhythmia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Refers to any variation from the normal rate or rhythm (which may include the origin of the impulse and/or its subsequent propagation) in the heart, confirmed by electrocardiographic monitoring.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"698247007, Cardiac arrhythmia","C3275765, Arrhythmia",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cardiarrest,radio,Cardiac arrest,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"Cardiopulmonary arrest or circulatory arrest is defined as the sudden cessation of cardiac activity in an individual who becomes unresponsive, without normal breathing and no signs of circulation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"410429000, Cardiac arrest","C4015675, Cardiac arrest",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_myocarditis,radio,Myocarditis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"This refers to inflammation of the muscle tissue of the heart (myocarditis) / an inflammatory process affecting the pericardium (pericarditis). It may be diagnosed clinically, with assistance from an echocardiogram, EKG, laboratory or radiological tests.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"50920009, Myocarditis;","C0027059, Myocarditis;",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_pericarditis,radio,Pericarditis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Cardiovascular,"This refers to inflammation of the muscle tissue of the heart (myocarditis) / an inflammatory process affecting the pericardium (pericarditis). It may be diagnosed clinically, with assistance from an echocardiogram, EKG, laboratory or radiological tests.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"3238004, Pericarditis;","C4230735, Pericarditis;",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_viralpneum,radio,Viral pneumonia / pneumonitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as pneumonitis (pneumonia) that is believed to occur as a direct consequence of an infecting virus/infecting viruses. Viral pneumonitis may be a clinical diagnosis, with or without radiographic or histopathological evidence of lung consolidation. Although preferred, identification of the infecting viral species is not essential to make the diagnosis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"75570004, Viral pneumonia","C0032310, Viral pneumonia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_bacpneumo,radio,Bacterial pneumonia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as pneumonia (pneumonitis) that is believed to occur as a direct consequence of infecting bacteria. It is an acute infection of the lung parenchyma caused by bacteria (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila). Signs and symptoms include productive cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Bacterial pneumonia may be a clinical diagnosis, with or without radiographic or histopathological evidence of lung consolidation. Although preferred, identification of the infecting bacterial species is not essential to make the diagnosis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"53084003, Bacterial pneumonia","C0004626, Bacterial pneumonia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_pneumothor,radio,Pneumothorax,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as the abnormal presence of air in the pleural cavity (between the lungs and the chest wall), causing collapse of the lung. It may be diagnosed clinically, usually with radiological confirmation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"36118008, Pneumothorax","C3553768, Pneumothorax",,clinical_features,1,,,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_pleuraleff,radio,Pleural effusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Defined as increased amounts of fluid within the pleural cavity. Symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and chest pain. It is usually caused by lung infections, congestive heart failure, pleural and lung tumours, connective tissue disorders, and trauma. It may be diagnosed clinically, with or without radiological or interventional confirmation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"60046008, Pleural effusion","C0032227, Pleural effusion",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_copneumoni,radio,Cryptogenic organising pneumonia (COP),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"This refers to an idiopathic diffuse interstitial lung disease, diagnosed radiologically (multiple consolidative or ground glass opacities) or histologically (granulation tissue and chronic inflammatory infiltrate in alveoli). Formerly known as bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"719218000, Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia","C0242770, Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_bronchioli,radio,Bronchiolitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"This refers to Inflammation of the bronchioles. In adults, bronchiolitis is a general term used to describe a nonspecific Inflammation of the bronchioles characterized by swelling of the bronchioles and mucus accumulation. It is usually caused by the respiratory syncytial virus and affects children. Signs and symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. In the majority of cases, open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy is required to make a definitive diagnosis, although tissue confirmation may not be necessary in patients with a clear predisposition and typical radiological findings. In infants and children, bronchiolitis is defined as an illness in children <2 years of age, characterized by wheezing and airway obstruction due to primary infection or reinfection with a viral or bacterial pathogen, resulting in inflammation of the small airways/bronchioles. This is a clinical diagnosis, generally in children < 2 years old.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"4120002, Bronchiolitis","C0006271, Bronchiolitis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_ards,radio,Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Pulmonary,"Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has been defined by the 2012 Berlin criteria:
1. Respiratory symptoms must have begun within one week of a known clinical insult, or the patient must have new or worsening symptoms during the past week.
2. Bilateral opacities consistent with pulmonary oedema must be present on a chest radiograph or computed tomographic (CT) scan. These opacities must not be fully explained by pleural effusions, lobar collapse, lung collapse, or pulmonary nodules.
3. The patient's respiratory failure must not be fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload. An objective assessment (eg, echocardiography) to exclude hydrostatic pulmonary oedema is required if no risk factors for ARDS are present.
4. A moderate to severe impairment of oxygenation must be present, as defined by the ratio of arterial oxygen tension to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2). The severity of the hypoxaemia defines the severity of the ARDS:
- Mild ARDS: The PaO2/FiO2 is >200 mmHg, but less than (or equal to) 300 mmHg, on ventilator settings that include positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) greater than (or equal to) 5 cm H2O.
- Moderate ARDS: The PaO2/FiO2 is >100 mmHg, but less than (or equal to) 200 mmHg, on ventilator settings that include PEEP ?5 cm H2O.
- Severe ARDS: The PaO2/FiO2 is less than (or equal to) 100 mmHg on ventilator settings that include PEEP greater than (or equal to) 5 cm H2O.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"67782005, Acute respiratory distress","C1848829, Acute respiratory distress",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_ascite,radio,Ascites,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"This refers to pathological increase in amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites). It may be diagnosed clinically, with or without radiological or interventional confirmation. Symptoms associated with ascites include increasing abdominal girth, abdominal discomfort and distension, shortness of breath.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"389026000, Ascites","C3554541, Peritoneal effusion",,clinical_features,,1,,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_pancreatit,radio,Pancreatitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Gastrointestinal,"This refers to acute inflammation of the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis is diagnosed clinically with supporting biochemical (e.g serum amylase or serum lipase) and/or radiological and/or histological evidence. All evidence should be considered together, since no single feature is diagnostic of acute pancreatitis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"75694006, Pancreatitis","C4011703, Pancreatitis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_acutehepat,radio,Acute hepatitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,"This refers to acute hepatic injury resulting from inflammation accompanied by increased serum alanine transaminase (ALT) activity. Etiologies include viral hepatitis, drugs, toxins, and autoimmune disorders.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"37871000, Acute hepatitis","C0267797, Acute hepatitis",,clinical_features,,1,1,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severeliver,radio,Severe liver disease (new onset),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,"Defined as cirrhosis and portal hypertension with variceal bleeding, ascites, jaundice or status post liver transplantation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,235856003 | Disorder of liver (disorder) | 24484000 |Severe (severity modifier) (qualifier value)|,"CL1793619, Severe liver disease",,clinical_features,,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_hepaticenc,radio,If yes to severe liver disease (new onset): Hepatic encephalopathy (any grade),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_severeliver] = '1',Hepatobiliary,"This refers to a constellation of signs and symptoms characterized by changes in personality, consciousness, and reflexes, resulting from neuropsychiatric abnormalities secondary to liver failure and/or portal-systemic blood shunting without evidence of other brain disease. Clinical features include lethargy; confusion (can progress to coma); asterixis; pathologic nystagmus; brisk oculovestibular reflexes; decorticate and decerebrate posturing; muscle spasticity; and bilateral extensor plantar reflexes.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"13920009, Hepatic encephalopathy","C0019151, Hepatic encephalopathy",,clinical_features,,1,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_jaundice,radio,If yes to severe liver disease (new onset): Jaundice,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_severeliver] = '1',Hepatobiliary,"This refers to a clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, characterized by the yellowish staining of the skin, mucous membrane and/or sclera. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"18165001, Jaundice","C3549846, Jaundice",,clinical_features,,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_liverdysfu,radio,Liver dysfunction,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Hepatobiliary,"This refers to a finding that indicates abnormal liver function, may refer to any of the following: Clinical jaundice; Hyperbilirubinemia (blood bilirubin level twice the upper limit of the normal range); An increase in alanine transaminase (ALT) or aspartate transaminase (AST) that is twice the upper limit of the normal range.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"235856003, Disorder of liver (disorder)","C3552261, Liver and intrahepatic bile duct disorder",,clinical_features,1,,,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb,group,Thromboembolism,,,,,,,Haematology,Defined as the occlusion of the lumen of a blood vessel by a thrombus that has migrated from a distal site via the blood stream.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"371039008, Thromboembolic disorder","C3550383, Thromboembolism",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb_yn,radio,Thromboembolism,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Haematology,Defined as the occlusion of the lumen of a blood vessel by a thrombus that has migrated from a distal site via the blood stream.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"371039008, Thromboembolic disorder","C3550383, Thromboembolism",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb_pe,radio,If yes to thromboembolism: Pulmonary embolism (PE),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_thrombemb_yn]=1,Haematology,"Defined as the occlusion of a pulmonary artery by thrombus, air or fat. Physician diagnosis based on clinical signs and/or radiological tests (e.g. computed tomographic pulmonary angiography and/or ventilation/perfusion scanning).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"233935004, Pulmonary thromboembolism","C0524702, Pulmonary thromboembolism",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb_dvt,radio,If yes to thromboembolism: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_thrombemb_yn]=1,Haematology,"Defined as the presence of a blood clot in a deep vein, predominantly in the lower extremity, but may include the pelvis or upper extremity. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, warmth, and redness in the affected area. Physician diagnosis based on clinical signs and/or appropriate diagnostic imaging e.g. ultrasonography.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"128053003, Deep venous thrombosis","C3536663, Acute deep venous thrombosis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb_oth,radio,If yes to thromboembolism: Other thromboembolism (not PE or DVT),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_thrombemb_yn]=1,Haematology,This refers to thromboembolic diagnoses not specified above.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_thrombemb_spec,text,If yes: Specify other thromboembolism,,,,,,[compl_thrombemb_oth]='1',Haematology,This refers to the other thromboembolic diagnoses not specified above.,"If 'Other', write the other thromboembolic diagnoses the patient experienced at any time during hospitalisation. ",,,,,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_anaemia,radio,Anaemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Haematology,"Defined as a reduction in the number of red blood cells, the amount of haemoglobin, and/or the volume of packed red blood cells. Clinically, anaemia represents a reduction in the oxygen-transporting capacity of a designated volume of blood, resulting from an imbalance between blood loss (through haemorrhage or haemolysis) and blood production. Signs and symptoms of anaemia may include pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, palpitations of the heart, soft systolic murmurs, lethargy, and fatigability. The World Health Organization thresholds are used for defining anaemia, for example in adult males aged over 15 years anaemia is defined by a haemoglobin <130g/L (<8.1mmol/L); for non-pregnant females aged over 15 years thresholds are <120g/L (<7.4mmol/L).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"271737000, Anaemia","C4229468, Anaemia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severebleed,group,Severe bleeding (requiring intervention),,,,,,,Haematology,"Defined as bleeding resulting in haemodynamic compromise necessitating intervention, namely transfusion. This includes World Health Organisation (WHO) Bleeding Scale grade 3 or 4.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"10421000132103, Haemorrhage requiring transfusion","C4023144, Bleeding requiring red cell transfusion",,clinical_features,1,1,1,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severebleed_yn,radio,Severe bleeding (requiring intervention),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Haematology,"Defined as bleeding resulting in haemodynamic compromise necessitating intervention, namely transfusion. This includes World Health Organisation (WHO) Bleeding Scale grade 3 or 4.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"10421000132103, Haemorrhage requiring transfusion","C4023144, Bleeding requiring red cell transfusion",,clinical_features,1,1,1,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severebleed_site,checkbox,If yes: Severe bleeding site(s),"1, Skin | 7, Petechiae | 2, Nose | 3, Gums | 4, GI tract | 5, Urinary tract | 6, Vagina | 88, Other(s) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_severebleed_yn] = '1',Haematology,"This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s). Petechiae refer to small reddish or purplish spots in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localised haemorrhage. Nose bleeding refers to haemorrhage localized in the nose. Gum bleeding refers to haemorrhage affecting the gingiva. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to haemorrhage in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from oesophagus to rectum. Urinary tract bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from any part of the urinary system. Vaginal bleeding refers to haemorrhage originating from vagina, unrelated to normal menstruation.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,SNOMED,"297968009, Bleeding skin | 271813007 Petechiae | 249366005, Bleeding from nose | 86276007, Bleeding gums | 74474003, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |34436003, blood in urine | 289530006, Bleeding from vagina","C0574741, Bleeding skin | C3808808, Epistaxis | C0017565, Gingival haemorrrhage | C0017181, Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |C3805433, haematuria | C0566961, Fresh bleeding from vagina",,clinical_features,1,1,,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_severebleed_oth,text,If other: Specify other site(s) of bleeding,,,,,,[compl_severebleed_site(88)]='1',Haematology,This refers to the location of bleeding/haemorrhage site(s).,"If 'Other', Write the other location of site(s) where the patient has experienced bleeding/haemorrhage at any time from onset of this illness and presentation or admission.",,,,,clinical_features,1,1,,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_coagulatio,radio,Coagulation disorder / DIC,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Haematology,Coagulopathy (bleeding disorder) is defined as a condition in which there is a deviation from or interruption of the normal coagulation properties of the blood (normal blood clotting is disrupted). Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is defined as a pathological process where the blood starts to coagulate throughout the whole body. Acute DIC is confirmed by demonstrating increased thrombin generation (e.g. decreased fibrinogen) and increased fibrinolysis (e.g. elevated fibrin degradation products and D-dimer). The diagnosis of chronic DIC may be largely based upon evidence of microangiopathy on the blood film and increased levels of fibrin degradation products and particularly D-dimer.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"64779008, Blood coagulation disorder","C4229995, Coagulation disorder",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_acuterenal,radio,Acute renal injury / acute renal failure,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Renal,"Acute kidney injury is defined when one of the following criteria is met: Serum creatinine rises by >= 26umol/L or 0.3mg/dL within 48 hours; or serum creatinine rises >= 1.5 fold from the reference value, which is known or presumed to have occurred within the prior 7 days; or urine output is <0.5ml/kg/hr for >6 consecutive hours.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,14669001 |Acute kidney injury (disorder)|,C2609414 | Acute kidney injury,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_uti,radio,Urinary tract infection,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Genitourinary,This refers to inflammatory responses of the epithelium of the urinary tract to microbial invasions. They are often bacterial infections with associated bacteruria and pyuria.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"68566005, Urinary tract infectious disease (disorder)","C0042029, Urinary tract infection",,clinical_features,,,,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_rhabdomyol,radio,Rhabdomyolysis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Musculoskeletal,"Rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome characterised by muscle necrosis and the release of myoglobin into the blood, resulting from muscle injury. Diagnosis is made in a patient with either an acute neuromuscular illness or dark urine without other symptoms, plus a marked acute elevation in creatine kinase. The creatine kinase is typically at least five times the upper limit of normal (there is no diagnostic threshold to establish the diagnosis, however). Muscle biopsy, electromyography, radiological imaging and the presence of myoglobinuria are not required for the diagnosis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"240131006, Rhabdomyolysis","C4014084, Rhabdomyolysis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_myositis,radio,Myositis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Musculoskeletal,"Myositis is defined as an inflammatory process affecting the skeletal muscles. Causes include infections, injuries, and autoimmune disorders. It may be a clinical diagnosis with supporting evidence from laboratory tests e.g. elevated serum creatine kinase; histological confirmation is not required to make the diagnosis. Myositis can occur without subsequent progression to rhabdomyolysis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"26889001, Myositis","C4014723, Myositis",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cellulitis,group,Cellulitis,,,,,,,Skin,"Defined as an acute, diffuse, and suppurative inflammation of loose connective tissue, particularly the deep subcutaneous tissues, and sometimes muscle, which is most commonly seen as a result of infection. Diagnosis is made on clinical signs and symptoms, it can be supported by microbiological evidence.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"128045006, Cellulitis","C0007642, Cellulitis",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cellulitis_yn,radio,Cellulitis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Skin,"Defined as an acute, diffuse, and suppurative inflammation of loose connective tissue, particularly the deep subcutaneous tissues, and sometimes muscle, which is most commonly seen as a result of infection. Diagnosis is made on clinical signs and symptoms, it can be supported by microbiological evidence.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"128045006, Cellulitis","C0007642, Cellulitis",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cellulitis_site,checkbox,If yes: Site(s) of cellulitis,"1, Skin | 2, Nose | 3, Gums | 4, GI tract | 5, Urinary tract | 6, Vagina | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_cellulitis_yn] = '1',Skin,This refers to the site(s) in which cellulitis was identified.,"Select the most appropriate site(s) in which cellulitis was identified at any time during hospitalisation. If 'Other', Specify the other site(s) in the space provided below.",SNOMED,128277003 | Cellulitis of head (disorder) |37223007 | Cellulitis of neck (disorder) |46876003 | Cellulitis of trunk (disorder) |449671007 | Cellulitis of upper limb (disorder) |449710006 | Cellulitis of lower limb (disorder) |26330000 | Cellulitis of perineum (disorder),"C0007642, Cellulitis",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_cellulitis_other,text,If other: Specify other site(s) of cellulitis,,,,,,[compl_cellulitis_site(88)]='1',Skin,This refers to the other site(s) in which cellulitis was identified.,"If 'Other', write the site(s) in which cellulitis was identified at any time during hospitalisation. ",,,,,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_eschar,radio,Skin tissue loss or eschar,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Skin,"Eschar is defined as a dry, dark scab or falling away of dead skin, typically caused by a burn, an insect bite (e.g. some rickettsial infections), or infection with anthrax.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"409590008, Skin eschar","C0521172, Skin eschar",,clinical_features,,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_bacteraemi,radio,Bacteraemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Defined as the presence of bacteria in blood, most often detected through blood culture investigation. Episodes of suspected artefactual contamination of a blood culture should not be recorded.","Indicate 'Yes' if bacteraemia occurred at any time during hospitalisation. Indicate 'No', if bacteraemia never occurred or if only bacteria grown were believed to be skin contaminants (e.g. coagulase negative Staphylococci or diphtheroids).",SNOMED,"5758002, Bacteremia","C0004610, Bacteremia",,clinical_features,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_hyperglyce,radio,Hyperglycemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"For adults, is defined as an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood, blood glucose level that is consistently above 126mg/dL or 7 mmol/L. For children, is defined as a blood glucose level consistently above 8.3 mmol/L.",,SNOMED,"80394007, Hyperglycaemia","C4015534, Hyperglycaemia",,clinical_features,1,,,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_hypoglycem,radio,Hypoglycaemia,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"This refers to abnormally low level of glucose in the blood. For adults, is defined as an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood, a blood glucose level that is consistently below 70mg/dL or 4 mmol/L. For children, is defined as a blood glucose level below 3 mmol/L.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"302866003, Hypoglycaemia","C0858246, Hypoglycaemia",,clinical_features,1,,1,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_shock,radio,Shock ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Shock refers to circulatory failure, causing inadequate oxygen delivery to meet cellular metabolic needs. It is defined by the presence of any two of the following: evidence of hypoperfusion (e.g. capillary refill >2 seconds, cold clammy skin, and rapid/weak pulse, altered mental status), narrow pulse pressure (less than or equal to 20mmHg), hypotension for age, and tachycardia (>100bpm).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"27942005, Shock","C0036974, Shock",,clinical_features,,1,,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_reshock,radio,Re-shock episodes,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"Re-shock or recurrent shock is defined as a separate episode of shock which occurs at least 2-6 hours after the clinical resolution of an initial episode of shock, where clinical resolution refers to a pulse pressure >25mmHg without signs of impaired perfusion. This does not include persistent shock (where no resolution is seen).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,clinical_features,,1,,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_reshockep,radio,Number of re-shock episodes,"1, 1 | 2, 2 | 3, 3 | 4, 4+ | 99, Unknown",,,,,[compl_reshock]='1',Systemic/General,This refers to the number of times re-shock was identified while the patient was hospitalised.,"If 'Yes', select the single most appropriate option which corresponds to the number of re-shock episodes the patient has experienced at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,clinical_features,,1,,,,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_sepsis,radio,Sepsis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,Systemic/General,"As defined according to the 2016 SCCM/ESICM task force as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection with the following: Organ dysfunction determined by a Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of greater or equal to 2 points (or quick SOFA/qSOFA score of greater or equal to 2); and a Physician-diagnosed infection (which can be supported by clinical signs and symptoms, radiologic and/or microbiologic evidence).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"91302008, Sepsis","C0243026, Sepsis",,clinical_features,,1,1,,1,,
outcome,COMPLICATIONS: Experienced at any time from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,compl_unlisted,list,Other complication(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,conditions_Complications,,Other,This refers to other complication(s) not specified above.,"Specify all other complication(s), not listed above, the patient experienced at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid,group,PARENTERAL / IV FLUID ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_occur,radio,Parenteral / IV fluid,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to intravenous fluid which includes crystalloid, albumin, gelatin, starches or other solutions.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received intravenous fluids at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all parenteral / IV fluid that were administered,"1, Crystalloid | 2, Albumin | 3, Gelatin | 4, Starches | 88, Other",,,,,[inter_ivfluid_occur]='1',,"This refers to the type of parenteral or intravenous (IV) fluid is prescribed as a replacement of fluid, electrolytes, calories, vitamins, and other nutritional substances. Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others. Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others. Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others. Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the parenteral fluid(s) administered.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_cryst,text,Total crystalloid volume given during admission (mL),,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(1)] = '1',,"Crystalloid fluids refers to solutions of mineral salts, including normal (0.9%) saline, Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution, 5% dextrose in water, 10% dextrose in water, hypotonic and hypertonic saline, among others.",Record the total volume of crystalloid fluid the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_albu,text,Total albumin volume given during admission (mL),,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(2)]='1',,"Albumin refers to intravenous preparations of purified human serum albumin used to replace lost albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia, to treat hypovolemia and ascites, and as a part of some diagnostic imaging kits. Common albumin colloid solutions include Albumin 4%, 5% and 20% among others.",Record the total volume of albumin fluid the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"52454007, Albumin (substance) ","C0001924, Albumins",,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_gelat,text,Total gelatin volume given during admission (mL),,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(3)]='1',,"Gelatin refers to a colloidal, isotonic, physiologically balanced, plasma volume substitute containing succinylated gelatine and electrolytes, with potential nephroprotective properties. Common gelatin parenteral fluids include Gelaspan, Gelofusine, Geloplasma, Isoplex, among others.",Record the total volume of gelatin fluid the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"776088002, Product containing only gelatin (medicinal product) ","C0017237, gelatin",,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_star,text,Total starches volume given during admission (mL),,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(4)]='1',,"Starches refers to an intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), synthetic, nonionic hydroxyethyl derivative of starch used as a plasma expander when prepared in an isotonic solution. Common starch based, synthetic colloid, parenteral fluids include hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products, among others.",Record the total volume of starches the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,SNOMED,"713371009, Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (substance)","C3495650, hydroxyethyl starch 130-0.4 60 MG/ML Injectable Solution",,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_oth,text,If other: Specify other fluid,,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(88)]='1',,"This refers to the type of other fluids the patient received, not mentioned above.",Write the other type of fluid the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_othv,text,Total volume given during admission (mL),,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_type(88)]='1',,"This refers to the volume of other fluids the patient received, not mentioned above.",Record the volume of other fluid the patient received during admission in millilitres (mL).,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_reas,checkbox,Reason(s) for IV fluid (check all that apply),"1, Shock | 2, High/rising haematocrit | 3, Anorexia | 4, Persistent vomiting | 88, Other",,,,,[inter_ivfluid_occur] ='1',,"This refers to the reason(s) (indication(s)) for parenteral / intravenous (IV) fluid therapy at any time during the admission. If multiple indications, select all that apply. Shock refers to circulatory failure, causing inadequate oxygen delivery to meet cellular metabolic needs. It is defined by the presence of any two of the following: evidence of hypoperfusion (e.g. capillary refill >2 seconds, cold clammy skin, and rapid/weak pulse, altered mental status), narrow pulse pressure (less than or equal to 20mmHg), hypotension for age, and tachycardia (>100bpm). High/rising haematorit refers to an elevation above the normal ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood. Anorexia refers to the lack or loss of appetite accompanied by an aversion to food and the inability to eat. ",Select all that apply.,SNOMED,"27942005, Shock | 165413005, Haematocrit above reference range (finding) | 79890006, Loss of appetite (finding) | 196746003, Persistent vomiting (disorder)",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_reasoth,text,If other: Specify other reason for IV fluid,,,,,,[inter_ivfluid_reas(88)]='1',,This refers to the reason(s) (indication(s)) for parenteral / intravenous (IV) fluid therapy at any time during the admission.,"If 'Other', specify the reason(s) (indication(s)) for parenteral / intravenous (IV) fluid therapy at any time during the admission.",,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_start,datetime_dmy,Date first IV fluid started,,datetime_dmy,,today,,[inter_ivfluid_occur] ='1',,This refers to the date when the first parenteral / intravenous (IV) fluid was started.,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivfluid_end,datetime_dmy,Date last IV fluid ended,,datetime_dmy,,,,[inter_ivfluid_occur] ='1',,This refers to the date when the last parenteral / intravenous (IV) fluid was ended.,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt,group,BLOOD PRODUCT TRANSFUSION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_yn,radio,Blood product transfusion,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to a transfusion of blood (whole blood or packed red blood cells) or other blood products excluding human normal immunoglobulin (e.g. albumin, granulocytes, platelets, fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), FP24, PF-24, cryoprecipitate, protein C concentrate, cryosupernatant, or a specific non-recombinant clotting factor) at any time on the date of assessment. ","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received blood products or blood product transfusion at any time during admission. If 'Yes' Select the product(s) below.",SNOMED,"116859006, Transfusion of blood product (procedure) |",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all blood product transfusion that were administered,"1, Platelets | 2, Cryoprecipitate | 3, Whole blood/packed RBC | 4, Frozen fresh plasma | 5, Fibrinogen concentrate",,,,,[inter_bpt_yn] ='1',,"This refers to a transfusion of blood (whole blood or packed red blood cells) or other blood products excluding human normal immunoglobulin (e.g. albumin, granulocytes, platelets, fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), FP24, PF-24, cryoprecipitate, protein C concentrate, cryosupernatant, or a specific non-recombinant clotting factor) at any time on the date of assessment. Platelets refers to the transfer of blood platelets from a donor to a recipient or reinfusion to the donor. Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin. Whole blood refers to intravenous administration of whole blood (blood that contains plasma and red blood cells) into an individual. Packed RBC refers to red blood cells from a unit of whole blood following removal of most of the plasma, leaving a unit with a haematocrit of about 60%. Fresh frozen plasma refers to the plasma that is separated from the whole blood and frozen quickly after a blood donation in order to be used for blood transfusions. Fibrinogen concentrate is a haemostatic agent used for the treatment of acute bleeding episodes in patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiency, including afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia.",Select the most appropriate option(s) corresponding to the blood product(s) that were administered.,SNOMED,"12719002, Platelet transfusion (procedure) | 116795008, Transfusion of cryoprecipitate (procedure) | 180207008, Intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells (procedure) | 116861002, Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (procedure) | 776201000, Product containing only human fibrinogen (medicinal product) |",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_plate,number,"Platelets, total number of units",,number,0,,,[inter_bpt_type(1)] = '1',,Platelets refers to the transfer of blood platelets from a donor to a recipient or reinfusion to the donor.,Record the total number of units the patient received during admission.,SNOMED,"12719002, Platelet transfusion (procedure)",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_cryo,number,"Cryoprecipitate, total number of units",,number,0,,,[inter_bpt_type(2)]='1',,"Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin. Cryoprecipitate refers to a frozen blood product prepared from frozen plasma that contains fibrinogen (factor I), antihemophilic factor (factor VIII), factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibronectin.",Record the total number of units the patient received during admission.,SNOMED,"116795008, Transfusion of cryoprecipitate (procedure) ",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_rbc,number,"Whole blood/packed RBC, total number of units",,number,0,,,[inter_bpt_type(3)]='1',,"Whole blood refers to intravenous administration of whole blood (blood that contains plasma and red blood cells) into an individual. Packed RBC refers to red blood cells from a unit of whole blood following removal of most of the plasma, leaving a unit with a haematocrit of about 60%.",Record the total number of units the patient received during admission.,SNOMED,"180207008, Intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells (procedure",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_ffp,number,"Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), total number of units",,number,0,,,[inter_bpt_type(4)]='1',,Fresh frozen plasma refers to the plasma that is separated from the whole blood and frozen quickly after a blood donation in order to be used for blood transfusions.,Record the total number of units the patient received during admission.,SNOMED,"116861002, Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (procedure) ",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_bpt_fibrin,number,"Fibrinogen concentrate, total number of units",,number,0,,,[inter_bpt_type(5)]='1',,"Fibrinogen concentrate is a hemostatic agent used for the treatment of acute bleeding episodes in patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiency, including afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia.",Record the total number of units the patient received during admission.,SNOMED,"776201000, Product containing only human fibrinogen (medicinal product)",,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ivimmunogl,radio,Intravenous immunoglobulin,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to immunoglobulin preparations used in intravenous infusion, containing primarily Immunoglobulin G (IgG).Examples of commercial intravenous immunoglobulin IVIG preparations include Octagam®, Intragam P®, KIOVIG®, Flebogamma 5% DIF®, Carimune NF®, Gamunex®, Gammagard S/D®, Gammagard Liquid®, Gammaked® and Privigen®.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received intravenous immunoglobulin at any time during admission.",SNOMED,"698802001, Administration of immunoglobulin by intravenous route (procedure) |",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_diuretics,radio,Diuretics,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to class of agents that increases the production of urine by the kidney. Via various mechanism of actions, diuretics retain water in urine, thus provides a means of forced diuresis.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received diuretic therapy at any time during admission.",SNOMED,30492008 | Medicinal product acting as diuretic (product) |,"C0012798, Diuretic",,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_nacetylcys,radio,N-acetyl cysteine,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to N-acetyl derivative of cysteine; used as a mucolytic agent to reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions.,"Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) at any time during admission.",SNOMED,"77731008, Product containing acetylcysteine (medicinal product)","C0001047, acetylcysteine",,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_fluiddrain,radio,Fluid drainage,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to the procedure of removing fluid from the pleural space or peritoneal cavity.,"Indicate 'Yes', if this was fluid drainage from the pleural or peritoneal cavity was performed at any time during admission.",,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_fluiddrain_reas,radio,If yes: Reason for this drainage,"1, Ascites | 2, Pleural effusion",,,,,[inter_fluiddrain] = '1',,This refers to the reason (indication) for fluid drainage. Ascites refers to the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Pleural effusion refers to presence of fluid in the pleural cavity resulting from excessive transudation or exudation from the pleural surfaces.,Select the most appropriate option corresponding to the reason (indication) for fluid drainage.,SNOMED,"389026000, Ascites (disorder) | 60046008, Pleural effusion (disorder)",,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_plasmaex,radio,Plasmapheresis / plasma exchange,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) refers to the extracorporeal separation of blood components, resulting in a filtered product. Methods include discontinuous flow centrifugation, continuous flow centrifugation and plasma filtration.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received plasmapharesis at any time during admission.",SNOMED,"20720000, Plasmapheresis (procedure)","C0032134, Plasmapheresis",,,,1,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_plasmadur,number,If yes: Days on plasma exchange support during admission,,number,0,,,[inter_plasmaex] = '1',,"This refers to the total number of calendar days the patient was on plasma exchange support (plasmapharesis). Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) refers to the extracorporeal separation of blood components, resulting in a filtered product. Methods include discontinuous flow centrifugation, continuous flow centrifugation and plasma filtration.",Write the total number of calendar days the patient was on plasma exchange support (plasmaphe\resis).,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_suppleo2,radio,Any supplemental oxygen?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to any method of oxygen therapy that may be delivered via nose cannula, mask or non-invasive or invasive ventilation.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient experienced this at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"250774007, Inspired oxygen concentration (observable entity)|","C0428648, Inspired oxygen concentration",,"patient_outcome, clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_o2support_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all types of respiratory support the patient received,"1, Nasal prong | 2, Face mask | 3, High-flow nasal oxygen | 4, Non-invasive ventilation | 5, Invasive ventilation | 6, ECLS/ ECMO | 99, Unknown",,,,,[inter_suppleo2]='1',,"This refers to the mode in which the patient received supplemental oxygen at any time during hospitalisation. Non-invasive ventilation refers to the provision of ventilatory support through the patient's upper airway using a mask or similar device. Invasive ventilation means that patient has undergone tracheal intubation, for the purpose of invasive mechanical ventilation. Invasive ventilation is a method to mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing in patients by use of a powered device that forces oxygenated air into the lungs. The mode of intubation may be orotracheal, nasotracheal, or via a cricothyrotomy or tracheotomy. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) also called to as Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) refers to application of a life support system that circulates the blood through an oxygenating system, which may consist of a pump, a membrane oxygenator, and a heat exchanger.",Select all types of respiratory support the patient received at any time during hospitalisation.,SNOMED,"261974006, Nasal prongs (physical object) | 371908008, Oxygen administration by mask (procedure) | 1259025002, Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (procedure) | 428311008, Non-invasive ventilation (regime/therapy) | 233573008, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure)","C0445087, Nasal prongs | C1299377, Oxygen administration by mask | C4761117, High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy | C1997883, Noninvasive Ventilation | C0015357, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation",,"patient_outcome, clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_suppleo2_flow,radio,Maximum O2 flow volume (L/min),"1, <2 L/min | 2, 2-5 L/min | 3, 6-10 L/min | 4, 11-15 L/min | 5, >15 L/min | 99, Unknown",,,,,[inter_suppleo2] = '1',,This refers to the maximum flow volume of O2 delivered to the patient at any time during hospitalisation.,Select the maximum flow volume of O2 delivered to the patient at any time during hospitalisation.,SNOMED,"427081008, Delivered oxygen flow rate (observable entity)","C1960999, Delivered oxygen flow rate",,clinical_features,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_o2therapyd,number,Number of calendar days the patient received any respiratory support during admission,,number,0,,,[inter_suppleo2]='1',,This refers to the total number of calendar days the patient received this respiratory support during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,Write the total number of calendar days the patient received this respiratory support during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,,,,,"clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_hfnodur,number,Number of calendar days the patient received high-flow nasal oxygen,,number,0,,,[inter_o2support_type(3)]='1',,This refers to the total number of calendar days the patient received high-flow nasal oxygen.,Write the total number of calendar days the patient received high-flow nasal oxygen during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,,,,,,1,,,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_nivent,radio,Type of non-invasive ventilation,"1, CPAP | 2, BIPAP | 88, Other | 99, Unknown",,,,,[inter_o2support_type(4)]='1',,"Non-invasive respiratory support or ventilation (NIV) refers to the provision of ventilatory support through the patient's upper airway using a mask or similar device. It includes high-flow nasal cannula, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP).",Select the most appropriate option corresponding to the type of non-invasive ventilation used. ,SNOMED,"47545007, Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy) | 243142003, Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support (regime/therapy)","C0199451, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure | C0419004, Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support'",,"clinical_features, treatment",1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_nivent_oth,text,If other: Specify type of non-invasive ventilation,,,,,,[inter_nivent]='88',,,,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ninventdur,number,Number of calendar days the patient received non-invasive ventilation,,number,0,,,[inter_o2support_type(4)]='1',,This refers to the total number of calendar days the patient received non-invasive ventilation.,Write the total number of calendar days the patient received non-invasive ventilation during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_inventdur,number,Number of calendar days the patient received invasive ventilation,,number,0,,,[inter_o2support_type(5)]='1',,This refers to the total number of calendar days the patient received invasive ventilation.,Write the total number of calendar days the patient received invasive ventilation during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,,,,,,1,,1,1,1,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ecmo,radio,Type of ECLS / ECMO,"1, Veno-venous (VV) | 2, Veno-arterial (VA) | 99, Unknown",,,,,[inter_o2support_type(6)]='1',,"The two main types of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), also called Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), are veno-venous (venous-venous), which is used to support the lungs and veno-arterial (venous-arterial), which is used to support the lungs and heart.",Select the most appropriate option corresponding to the type of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) / Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) used. ,SNOMED,"786453001, Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure) | 786451004, Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure)","C5192099, Venovenous ECMO | C5192097, Venoarterial ECMO",,,,1,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_ecmodur,number,Number of calendar days the patient received ECLS / ECMO,,number,0,,,[inter_o2support_type(6)]='1',,"This refers to the number of calendar days the patient received Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), also called Extracorporeal life support (ECLS).",Write the total number of calendar days the patient received ECLS/ECMO during admission (includes use at any time during admission).,,,,,,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_prone_yn,radio,Prone positioning,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,Prone positioning refers to the act of having the patient lying in the prone position to assist ventilation. This includes both invasive ventilation/intubated patients and non-intubated or self-ventilating patients. ,"Indicate 'Yes', for any patients if they have been in the prone position to aid their ventilation at any time during admission. ",SNOMED,431182000 | Placing subject in prone position (procedure) |,"CL1407586, Prone ventilation",,,1,,1,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_isolation,radio,Was the patient isolated at home or in hospital?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to isolation of the patient at home or in hospital during this admission for pathogen of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was isolation at home or in hospital during this admission for pathogen of interest.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_isolation_date,date_dmy,If yes: Date individual entered isolation,,date_dmy,,today,,[inter_isolation]='1',,This refers to the start date of isolation of the patient at home or in hospital during this admission for pathogen of interest.,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,,1,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg,group,Surgery,,,,,,,,This refers to any surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if a surgical intervention was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg_yn,radio,Any surgical intervention performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to any surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if a surgical intervention was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg_type,text,If yes: What was the surgery? (e.g. debridement of infected tissue),,,,,,[inter_surg_yn]='1',,This refers to any surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,"If 'Yes', write the name of surgical intervention / procedure that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg_date,date_dmy,If yes: Date of first surgery,,date_dmy,,today,,[inter_surg_yn]='1',,This refers to the date of the first surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,"Write the date of the first surgery, use the format DD/MM/YYYY.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg_sec,radio,Was a second surgical intervention performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[inter_surg_yn]='1',,This refers to any surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,Indicate 'Yes' if a second surgical intervention was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_surg_secdate,date_dmy,If yes: Date of second surgery,,date_dmy,,today,,[inter_surg_sec]='1',,This refers to the date of the second surgical intervention that was performed in relation to the infection with pathogen of interest.,"Write the date of the second surgery, use the format DD/MM/YYYY.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_unlisted,radio,Other intervention(s) or procedure(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to any other specific therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) administered at any time during the admission, not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.",Indicate 'Yes' if other intervention(s) or procedure(s) were used between 00:00 and 24:00 hours on day of assessment. ,SNOMED,"71388002, Procedure (procedure)","C0184661, Interventional procedure",,,1,1,1,,,,
outcome,INTERVENTIONS: Record interventions given or prescribed from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,inter_unlisted_oth,text,If other: Please specify other intervention(s) or procedure(s),,,,,,[inter_unlisted] = '1',,"This refers to any other specific therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) administered at any time during the admission, not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.","If 'Yes', please specify the therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s)not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.",SNOMED,"71388002, Procedure (procedure)","C0184661, Interventional procedure",,,1,1,1,,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_critcare,radio,Were critical care interventions administered during admission?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) that were administered at any time during hospitalisation.,"Indicate 'Yes', if critical care interventions were administered at any time during hospitalisation.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu,group,ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission,,,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to intensive care units (ICU), intensive therapy/treatment units (ITU), critical care units, high dependency units (HDU) or unit of similar level.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to ICU (or unit of similar level) at least once at any time during their hospitalisation.,,,,,"patient_outcome, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_yn,radio,ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to intensive care units (ICU), intensive therapy/treatment units (ITU), critical care units, high dependency units (HDU) or unit of similar level.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to ICU (or unit of similar level) at least once at any time during their hospitalisation.,,,,,"patient_outcome, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_date,date_dmy,Date of first ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission,,date_dmy,,today,,[crito_icu_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of first admission to the ICU (or unit of similar level).,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,treatment,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_disdate,date_dmy,Date of first ICU discharge,,date_dmy,,today,,[crito_icu_yn] = '1',,This refers to the date of first discharge from the ICU (or unit of similar level).,Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,1,,,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_dur,number,Duration of first ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission (days),,number,0,,,[crito_icu_yn] = '1',,This refers to the total duration of first admission to the ICU (or unit of similar level).,Write the total number of calendar days the patient was admitted to ICU.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_readm,radio,Was the patient admitted to ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit more than once? ,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_icu_yn] = '1',,Refers to any admission to an intensive care unit (or unit of similar level) at any time during the patient's admission.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient was admitted to ICU more than once at any time during their hospitalisation.,,,,,treatment,,1,1,,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_findate,date_dmy,Date of final ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission,,date_dmy,,today,,[crito_icu_readm] = '1',,This refers to the date of first admission to the ICU (or unit of similar level).,Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,treatment,,1,1,,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_icu_findur,number,Duration of final ICU / ITU / HDU / Intermediate Care Unit admission (days),,number,0,,,[crito_icu_readm] = '1',,This refers to the total duration of final admission to the ICU (or unit of similar level).,Write the total number of calendar days the patient was admitted to ICU.,,,,,treatment,,1,1,,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_neuromuscu,radio,Neuromuscular blocking agents,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to the use of neuromuscular blockers. Examples include Atracurium, Cisatracurium, Nimbex, Norcuron, Pancuronium, Pavulon, Rocuronium, Tracrium, Vecuronium, Zemuron.","Indicate 'Yes', if neuromuscular blockers were used any time during this admission.",SNOMED,"87586001, Product containing neuromuscular blocker (product) ","C0027866, Neuromuscular Blocking Agents",,,,1,1,,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_nitricoxid,radio,Inhaled nitric oxide,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,This refers to nitric oxide as in inhalant typically used for hypoxic respiratory failure among other uses.,Indicate 'Yes' if inhaled nitric oxide was used any time during this admission.,SNOMED,1255879001 | Administration of nitric oxide (procedure) |,"C1135443, Administration of inhaled nitric oxide",,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_tracheosto,radio,Tracheostomy inserted,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to the surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck, or the opening so created.",Indicate 'Yes' if a tracheostomy was inserted on the patient at any time during admission.,SNOMED,"232685002, Insertion of tracheostomy tube (procedure)","C0396630, Insertion of tracheostomy tube",,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_rtt,radio,Renal replacement therapy (RRT) or dialysis,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to treatments that substitute for the blood-filtering function of the kidneys. It includes dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis), hemofiltration, and hemodiafiltration. Kidney transplant may also be considered a renal replacement therapy. It may be intermittent or continuous.","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received continuous renal replacement therapy or intermittent haemodialysis at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"714749008, Continuous renal replacement therapy (procedure) | 895382009, Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy (procedure)","C3649547, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy | C5197699, Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy",,treatment,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_rtt_dur,text,Number of calendar days on RRT or dialysis duration during admission,,number,0,,,[crito_rtt] = '1',,This refers to the total number of days the patient received RRT or dialysis at any time during this admission.,"Write the total number of calendar days the patient received RRT or dialysis at any time during this admission. Even if the patient received this more than once in one calendar day (i.e. between 00:00 and 24:00 hours), this counts as one to the total number of days.",,,,,treatment,,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_inotropesv,radio,Inotropes / vasopressors,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,"This refers to continuous use of a vasopressor or inotrope for at least one hour. Agents include norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, terlipressin and phenylephrine. Commonly used 'positive' inotropes include dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone and adrenaline (epinephrine).","Indicate 'Yes', if the patient received Inotropes / vasopressors for at least one hour at any time during hospitalisation.",SNOMED,"870386000, Vasopressor therapy (procedure) | 1296972008, Inotropic therapy (procedure)","C5396785, Vasopressor therapy | C5880944, Inotropic therapy",,"patient_outcome, treatment",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_inotropesv_dur,text,Total inotropes / vasopressor duration during admission (days),,,,,,[crito_inotropesv] = '1',,The refers to the total number of days during this admission that the patient received inotropic/vasoactive therapy.,Write the total number of calendar days the patient received inotropic or vasoactive therapy at any time during this admission.,,,,,treatment,,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_critcareunlst,radio,Other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s),"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[crito_critcare]='1',,This refers to any other specific critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,Indicate 'Yes' if other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s) were used at any time during hospitalisation.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,CRITICAL CARE INTERVENTIONS: Record all critical care interventions given from day of presentation to day of discharge / outcome.,crito_critcareunlst_oth,text,If other: Please specify other critical care intervention(s) or procedure(s),,,,,,[crito_critcareunlst] = '1',,This refers to any other specific critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s) not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.,"If 'Yes', please specify the critical care therapeutic intervention(s) or procedure(s)not otherwise characterised that you believe may be relevant.",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng,group,DENGUE OUTCOME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_diag,radio,Was the patient's main diagnosis dengue?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"Referring to this presentation or admission, was this patient's main or primary diagnosis dengue?",Indicate 'Yes' if this patient's main or primary diagnosis dengue at presentation or admission.,,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_diagmain,text,If no to was the patient's main diagnosis dengue: What was the main diagnosis?,,,,,,[outco_deng_diag]='0',,"Referring to this presentation or admission, if not dengue, what was the patient's main or primary diagnosis?","If not dengue, write the patient's main or primary diagnosis during presentation or admission.",,,,,,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_diagclass,radio,If yes to was the patient's main diagnosis dengue: What was the final classification of dengue?,"1, Uncomplicated dengue | 2, Dengue with warning signs | 3, Severe dengue",,,,,[outco_deng_diag] = '1',,"This refers to the 2009, World Health Organisation dengue classification. ",Select the most appropriate option corresponding to the final classification of dengue (based on the 2009 World Health Organisation dengue classification).,SNOMED,"722862003, Dengue without warning signs (disorder) | 722863008, Dengue with warning signs (disorder) | 20927009, Dengue hemorrhagic fever (disorder)",,,patient_outcome,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_dss,radio,Dengue shock syndrome,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_deng_diagclass]='3',,Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) refers to severe plasma leakage leading to shock and/or fluid accumulation with respiratory distress.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experiences this complication of severe dengue which the patient experienced during this admission.,SNOMED,"409671005, Dengue shock syndrome (disorder) | ",,,patient_outcome,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_sevbl,radio,Severe bleeding,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_deng_diagclass]='3',,This refers to severe bleeding as evaluated by clinician.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experiences this complication of severe dengue which the patient experienced during this admission.,,,,,patient_outcome,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_deng_sevorgimp,radio,Severe organ impairment,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_deng_diagclass]='3',,"This refers to severe organ involvement which can include; Liver involvement is indicated by an AST or ALT greater or equal to 1000 IU/L, nervous system involvement evidenced by impaired consciousness, cardiac involvement (myocarditis), or other organ system involvement.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient experiences this complication of severe dengue which the patient experienced during this admission.,,,,,patient_outcome,,1,,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_secondiag,radio,Was there any secondary diagnosis?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,"This refers to a condition(s) that coexists at the time of admission, that develops subsequently, or that affects the treatment received and/or length of stay in addition to the primary or main diagnosis.",Indicate 'Yes' if this patient had a secondary diagnosis at presentation or admission.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_secondiag_oth,text,If yes: Specify secondary diagnosis,,,,,,[outco_secondiag] = '1',,"This refers to a condition(s) that coexists at the time of admission, that develops subsequently, or that affects the treatment received and/or length of stay in addition to the primary or main diagnosis.",If 'Yes' specify the secondary diagnosis.,,,,,,,1,,,1,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_date,date_dmy,Outcome date,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the date of the outcome.,Write the date of the outcome in the format DD/MM/YYYY.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_outcome,radio,Outcome,"1, Discharged alive | 2, Still hospitalised | 3, Transfer to other facility | 4, Death |5, Palliative care | 6, Discharged against medical advice | 7, Alive, not admitted",,,,,,,This refers to the outcome.,Select the outcome that is true on the outcome date. Palliative care includes palliative discharge.,,,,,"patient_outcome, clinical_features",1,1,1,1,1,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_selfcare,radio,Ability to self-care at discharge versus before illness,"1, Same as before illness | 2, Worse | 3, Better | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_outcome] = '1',,This refers to the ability to perform basic personal care activities and instrumental activities of daily living at discharge compared to before onset of illness.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the ability to perform basic personal care activities and instrumental activities of daily living at discharge compared to before onset of illness.,,,,,,1,,1,,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_oxyth,radio,Oxygen therapy post-discharge treatment,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_outcome] = '1' or [outco_outcome]='2',,This refers to the patient's need for oxygen therapy post-discharge from hospital facility.,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient needs oxygen therapy post-discharge from the hospital facility.,,,,,,1,,,1,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_carerel,radio,Ongoing health care needs relating to this admission for pathogen of interest,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_outcome] = '1' or [outco_outcome]='2',,This refers to the need for ongoing health care relating to this admission for pathogen of interest,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient needs ongoing health care relating to this admission for pathogen of interest.,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_carenonrel,radio,Ongoing health care needs NOT related to pathogen episode,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_outcome] = '1' or [outco_outcome]='2',,This refers to the need for ongoing health care not relating to this admission for pathogen of interest,Indicate 'Yes' if the patient needs ongoing health care not relating to this admission for pathogen of interest.,,,,,,1,1,,1,,,
outcome,OUTCOME,outco_carefordif,radio,"Medically fit for discharge (pathogen resolved) but remains in hospital for other reason (e.g. awaiting alternate care, resident in long term health care or mental health facility)","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[outco_outcome]='2' or [outco_outcome]='3',,"This refers to the patient being medical fit for discharge (pathogen infection has resolved) but remaining in hospital for other reasons (e.g. awaiting alternate care, resident in long term health care or mental health facility).","Indicate 'Yes' if the patient is medical fit for discharge (pathogen infection has resolved) but remains in hospital for other reasons (e.g. awaiting alternate care, resident in long term health care or mental health facility)",,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_folup_date,date_dmy,Date of follow up,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to the date of the patient follow-up.,Write the date of follow up. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_generaloutco,radio,Patient outcome,"1, All lesions are completely resolved and no serious complications | 2, All lesions are no longer active and no serious complications | 3, No lesions ever developed and no serious complications | 4, One or more lesion(s) are active and no serious complications | 5, Serious complication and/or re-hospitalisation due to infection with pathogen of interest | 6, Transfer to other facility | 7, Discharged alive | 8, Discharged against medical advice | 9, Death | 10, Early withdrawal | 11, Loss to follow-up",,,,,,,This refers to an assessment of the patient outcome on follow-up.,Select the single most appropriate option that represents the patient outcome.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_outcome_date,date_dmy,First / earliest date on which the selected outcome was true,,date_dmy,,today,,[follow_generaloutco]='1' or [follow_generaloutco]='2' or [follow_generaloutco]='4' or [follow_generaloutco]='6' or [follow_generaloutco]='7' or [follow_generaloutco]='8',,This refers to the first / earliest date on which the selected outcome was true.,Write the first or earliest date in which the selected outcome occurred. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_hosp_date,date_dmy,Date of hospitalisation,,date_dmy,,today,,[follow_generaloutco]='5',,This refers to re-hospitalisation due to infection with pathogen of interest.,Write the reason for hospitalisation.,SNOMED,"399423000, Date of admission (observable entity)","C1302393, Date of admission",,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_hospreas,text,Reason for hospitalisation,,,,,,[follow_generaloutco]='5',,This refers to re-hospitalisation due to infection with pathogen of interest.,Write the date of hospitalisation. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,SNOMED,"1269557005, Reason for hospital admission (observable entity)","C5817481, Reason for hospital admission",,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_death_date,date_dmy,Date of death,,date_dmy,,today,,[follow_generaloutco]='9',,This refers to death.,Write the date of death. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,SNOMED,"399753006, Date of death (observable entity)","C1148348, Date of death",,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_deathcause,text,Cause of death,,,,,,[follow_generaloutco]='9',,"This refers to the cause of death. It is conventional in many countries to list the disease or condition leading directly to death first (primary cause of death), followed by any other disease or condition, if any, that lead to the primary cause of death. This should be followed by other significant conditions contributing to death (contributory or secondary causes of death) but not related to the disease or condition causing it. This information is typically recorded in the patient notes or on the death certificate.",Clearly write the primary cause of death as is detailed in the patient notes or on the death certificate.,SNOMED,"184305005, Cause of death (observable entity)","C0007465, Cause of Death",,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_fulostreas,text,Reason for loss to follow-up,,,,,,[follow_generaloutco]='11',,This refers to loss or lack of continuation of patient follow-up.,Write the reason for loss to follow-up.,SNOMED,"399307001, Lost to follow-up (finding)","C1302313, Lost to Follow-Up",,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_skindamage,group,Skin damage,,,,,,[follow_generaloutco]<>'9' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'10' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'11' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'3',,"This refers to the presence of scarring, altered pigmentation, contractures or other deformities secondary to resolved skin lesions.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient has any skin damage related to the resolution of active skin lesions.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_skindamage_yn,radio,Is the patient's skin damaged following resolution of acute illness,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[follow_generaloutco]<>'9' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'10' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'11' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'3',,"This refers to the presence of scarring, altered pigmentation, contractures or other deformities secondary to resolved skin lesions.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient has any skin damage related to the resolution of active skin lesions.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_skindamage_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all that apply,"1, Atrophic scars | 2, Hypertrophic scars | 3, Deformities | 4, Hypopigmentation | 5, Hyperpigmentation | 6, Contractures | 88, Other ",,,,,[follow_skindamage_yn]='1',,"This refers to the presence of scarring, altered pigmentation, contractures or other deformities secondary to resolved skin lesions. Atrophic scars refer to scars that form a depression compared to the level of the surrounding skin because of damage to the collagen, fat or other tissues below the skin. Hypertrophic scar refers to a permanent mark on the skin caused by deposits of excessive amounts of collagen during wound healing. It is elevated and does not extend beyond the original boundaries of the wound; the elevation may stabilize or regress spontaneously. Deformities refer to alterations or deviations from normal shape or size which result in a disfigurement to normal body structures. Hypopigmentation refers to abnormal lightening of skin due to decreased melanin production or deposition. Hyperpigmentation refers to darkening of the skin due to excessive melanin deposition. Contracture refers to a prolonged shortening of the muscle or other soft tissue around a joint, preventing movement of the joint.",Select all type(s) of skin damage following resolution of acute illness.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_skindamage_other,notes,If other: Specify other type of skin damage,,,,,,[follow_skindamage_type(88)]='1',,"This refers to the presence of any other type(s) of skin damage that you feel is secondary to infection with pathogen of interest, and is pertinent to include here.",Write the other type(s) of skin damage following resolution of acute illness.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_seque,group,Does the patient have any sequelae?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[follow_generaloutco]<>'9' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'10' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'11',,"This refers to any other complication(s) or sequalae, not specified above.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient has any other complication(s) or sequalae not specified above.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_seque_yn,radio,Does the patient have any sequelae?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,[follow_generaloutco]<>'9' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'10' and [follow_generaloutco]<>'11',,"This refers to any other complication(s) or sequalae, not specified above.",Indicate 'Yes' if the patient has any other complication(s) or sequalae not specified above.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_seque_type,checkbox,If yes: Select all that apply,"1, Decreased vision | 2, Blindness | 3, Urethral stricture | 4, Vaginal stricture | 5, Rectal stricture |6, Dyspareunia | 7, Depression | 88, Other ",,,,,[follow_seque_yn]='1',,"This refers to any other complication(s) or sequalae, not specified above. Decreased vision refers to vision considered to be inferior to normal vision as represented by accepted standards of acuity, field of vision, or motility. Blindness refers to the inability to see or the loss or absence of perception of visual stimuli. Urethral stricture refers to the narrowing of the urethra associated with inflammation or scar tissue. Vaginal stricture refers to narrowing of the vagina owing to scar formation. Rectal stricture refers to narrowing of the rectum secondary to scar formation. Dyspareunia refers to recurrent genital pain occurring during, before, or after sexual intercourse in either the males or the females. Depression refers to an affective disorder manifested by either a dysphoric mood or loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities and the mood disturbance is prominent and relatively persistent.","Select all other complication(s) or sequalae, not specified above. ",,,,,,,,1,,,,
follow_up,FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT,follow_seque_other,notes,If other: Specify other complication(s) or sequelae,,,,,,[follow_seque_type(88)]='1',,"This refers to any other complication(s) or sequalae, not specified above.","If 'Other', Write the other complication(s) or sequalae in the space provided.",,,,,,,,1,,,,
withdrawal,WITHDRAWAL,withd_date,date_dmy,Date of withdrawal,,date_dmy,,today,,,,This refers to withdrawal of the patient consent. ,Write the date of withdrawal of patient consent. Use DD/MM/YYYY format.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
withdrawal,WITHDRAWAL,withd_reas,text,Reason for withdrawal,,,,,,,,This refers to withdrawal of the patient consent. ,Write the reason for withdrawal of patient consent. ,,,,,,,,1,,,,
withdrawal,WITHDRAWAL,withd_active,radio,Did the participant withdraw from active participation in the study?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to withdrawal of the patient consent. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the participant withdrew from active participation in the study.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
withdrawal,WITHDRAWAL,withd_datacoll,radio,Did the participant withdraw consent to use data collected up until the point of withdrawal?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to withdrawal of the patient consent. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the participant withdrew consent to use data collected up until the point of withdrawal.,,,,,,,,1,,,,
withdrawal,WITHDRAWAL,withd_datasample,radio,Did the participant withdraw consent to use samples collected up until the point of withdrawal?,"1, Yes | 0, No | 99, Unknown",,,,,,,This refers to withdrawal of the patient consent. ,Indicate 'Yes' if the participant withdrew consent to use samples collected up until the point of withdrawal.,,,,,,,,1,,,,