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File metadata and controls

246 lines (166 loc) · 7.07 KB


pre-commit is a useful tool used by developers to ensure code quality and consistency before committing changes to Git. It automates the process of running various checks and tests on your codebase, helping catch potential issues early on and maintaining a clean and reliable codebase.

More concretely, the pre-commit tool is a framework that is capable of managing and running various multi-language tools, called hooks, whenever a specific Git hook runs.

A .pre-commit-commit.yaml file, located in the project root dir, defines exactly which hooks should run, with which arguments, and when.

See our .pre-commit-commit.yaml file in the irnas-zephyr-template repository.

In essence, pre-commit will not allow you to create a commit until the codebase follows our guidelines.


To install pre-commit run:

pip install pre-commit

System setup

You can setup your git to automatically setup hooks on newly cloned repository, that uses pre-commit.

git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template

If you don't want to do that you can do a repository setup below.

Repository setup

To make pre-commit run before every git commit you need to install it into the repository:

pre-commit install

Every time you clone a project that uses pre-commit you should run pre-commit install before doing anything else.

Expected workflow

Developer's workflow with the pre-commit looks something like this:

  1. You made some changes to the repository and you have added them with git add to the staging area.

  2. You run git commit to commit the files.

  3. The pre-commit tool automatically runs all hooks on your staged files and checks your commit message.

  4. If any of the hooks detects that there is a linting error or formatting error, it tries to fix it and then reports an error. In cases where files were modified by the pre-commit hook, you get back the below message:

    - hook id: prettier
    - files were modified by this hook

    In other cases where some error is detected, the pre-commit will print it out.

  5. You fix the error, add newly modified files, run git commit and see pre-commit hooks run again.

  6. Repeat this until all errors are resolved, at that point, the commit is accepted and created.


The following section describes some of the hooks we are using which might require more knowledge from the developers.

General pre-commit tips

Global file exclude

If you have some folders in your repository, which you don't want pre-commit to check you can add exclude key to the top level of .pre-commit-config.yaml to filter them out, for example:

exclude: some/specific/dir/to/ignore

Hook specific exclude

You can also exclude files from specific hooks by adding exclude key to the hook configuration in .pre-commit-config.yaml. The exclude key must be a valid regular expression.

Single entry example:

- repo:
  rev: v3.8.0-1
    - id: shfmt
      stages: [pre-commit]
      exclude: scripts/.*

Multiple entry example:

- repo:
  rev: v3.8.0-1
    - id: shfmt
      stages: [pre-commit]
      exclude: |

Hook specific configuration files

Some hooks have their own configuration files that configure them. Whenever that is a case, a comment in the .pre-commit-config.yaml should mention that.


typos is a source code spell checker. When used in combination with pre-commit tool finds and fixes spelling mistakes in the source code.

If the spelling solution is non-ambiguous the fix is applied automatically. Wherever it is ambiguous, as there is more than one solution, it emits an error message and gives the user a choice of how to resolve it.

If you think that the typos tool made an incorrect fix you can change the typos.toml file in the project's directory to correct that.

Some examples:

# rsource is a word, so don't correct it
rsource = "rsource"

# some_long_variable_name is a identifier, so don't correct it
some_long_variable_name = "some_long_variable_name"

# Ignore all files ending with *.po in 'localized' folder.
extend-exclude = ["localized/*.po"]

Relevant links:


markdownlint tool is a static analysis tool with a library of rules to enforce standards and consistency for Markdown files.

markdownlint checks markdown files in the project folder and, if found, emit any errors emitted with it.

Each error has a rule number. They are explained in the markdownlint documentation.


committed tool checks if your commit message passes commit guidelines.

If the commit message created with the git commit command doesn't pass the check the git will save that message in the ./git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file.

You can then read the error messages output by the committed tool and directly fix the commit message by using below command:

git commit -e --file .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG

Testing and debugging

Manual runs

To manually run pre-commit on all files in the repository you can run:

pre-commit run --all-files

Without the --all-files flag pre-commit runs only on currently staged files.

To run only a specific hook you can run:

pre-commit run --all-files <hook-id>

For example:

pre-commit run --all-files clang-format

Testing commit messages

To test if your commit message passes the rules imposed by the committed tool, first add your commit message to a file and then run:

pre-commit run --hook-stage commit-msg committed --commit-msg-filename <file_with_commit_message>

Skip running pre-commit hooks

Not all hooks are perfect so sometimes you may need to skip execution of one or more hooks. There are two ways how you can do that.

You can skip all pre-commit hooks:

git commit --no-verify

Or you can specify some of them with the SKIP environment variable.

SKIP="markdownlint,typos" git commit --no-verify

The SKIP environment variable should be a comma separated list of hook ids.