Telegram: @ILyaCyclone
Skype: ilya.cyclone
Location: Moscow, Russia
Birth: 1988
Open for remote / part-time projects.
- Spring Boot, Spring Framework (MVC, JDBC, Data JPA, Data MongoDB, Security)
- Java 8: streams, lambdas, date/time api
- unit/integration testing: Selenium, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Hamcrest
- Servlets, JSP, Freemarker, Thymeleaf
- Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF)
- SOAP/REST web services
- basics of microservices: Spring Cloud, Eureka, Config Server, Hystrix
- basics of reactive stack: Spring WebFlux, Spring Data Reactive MongoDB
- Javascript, ReactJS, jQuery
- npm, yarn, gulp, bower, basics of webpack
- Bootstrap, CSS, SASS (Scss)
- Handlebars, Nunjucks, adaptive design (mobile first)
- Maven, Nexus OSS, basics of Docker
- Git, Git Flow
- IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse
- Tomcat, WebLogic
- Oracle DB, H2, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server
- Liquibase, Mongock
- nginx, memcached
- BIRT (reporting tool), Google Script (Google Spreadsheet scripts)
- curl, Postman, Chrome Dev Tools
- Russian, English