Bazaar is a platform designed to conduct experiments in a general equilibrium framework, in a gamified manner. It includes multiple firms producing multiple commodities, with production functions linking each firm to each other, creating an interconnected web of markets. It is a dice game, with the goal of maximising one's consumption over the period of the game, by producing and consuming consumer goods, for which intermediate and capital goods need to be produced in turn. It has a commercial and central banking system in place, and also tools for taxes, subsidies, price ceilings, floors, quantitative limits, quotas, bans etc. It has tools for randomised implementation of policy tools (in a cross section) as well as over time through "policy shock tiles" (time-series).
This repository currently has 2 files:
- A prototype of the UI with a playable version, but devoid of policy experiments (developed with JS-CSS-HTML)
- A tool that converts some basic parameters (such as the number of players, faces on the die, vector of inventories, number of commodities, number of firms etc.) into an extended form game, in a format compatible with my 'Game Tree Solver' ( (developed with Python)
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