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Ubuntu18.04配置flat remiax

CC edited this page Nov 22, 2018 · 1 revision
  • Ubuntu18.04配置flat-remiax
    1. Author:luoping

    2. Date:2018年 09月 27日 星期四 00:12:55 CST

    3. 校对时间:

      • timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock
    4. 以下操作翻墙体验更好, 下载electron-ssr

      • wget
    5. 安装chrome:

      • wget && sudo dpkg -i *.deb
    6. 卸载firefox以及其他无用的链接方式:

      1. sudo apt-get remove unity-webapps-common
      2. sudo apt-get remove firefox*
      3. sudo apt-get remove onboard deja-dup
      4. sudo apt-get remove gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install
      5. sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot
    7. 安装git等:

      • sudo apt install git vim curl tree glances ncdu mc openssh-server
    8. 安装gnome-tweak-tool:

      • sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
    9. 打开软件商城 --> 附加组件 --> 安装:

      1. user themes
      2. dash to dock
      3. Hide Top Bar
      4. weather in the clock
    10. 安装guake:

      • sudo apt-get install guake
    11. 安装配置oh-my-zsh:

      1. sudo apt-get install zsh && sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
      2. 推荐theme:agnoster
      3. 字体乱码:sudo apt install fonts-powerline
      4. 更改默认shell:chsh -s /bin/zsh
    12. 安装flat-remix主题:

      1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:daniruiz/flat-remix&&sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get install flat-remix
      2. cd /tmp && rm -rf flat-remix-gnome-theme &&\ngit clone &&\nmkdir -p ~/.themes && cp -r /tmp/flat-remix-gnome/Flat-Remix* ~/.themes &&\ngsettings set name "Flat-Remix";
      3. apt install flat-remix-gnome && apt install flat-remix-gtk or apt install flat-remaix-*
    13. 微调:Ubuntu18.04锁屏后dask to dock隐藏:

      1. 将扩展迁移到当前用户目录下:
        • sudo mv /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ .local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
      2. 变更权限:
        • sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
    14. |||更换ubuntu输入密码时的紫色界面:

      1. 编辑以下这个 CSS 文件: sudo vi /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css
      2. 找到 #lockDialogGroup 这一项,原始的应该是这样的:
      3. #lockDialogGroup{
        • background: #2c001e url(resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/noise-texture.png);
        • background-repeat: repeat;
        • }
      4. 把里面的内容改成 :
      5. #lockDialogGroup {
        • background: url(/自己喜欢的图片的路径/);
        • background-repeat: no-repeat;
        • background-size: cover;
        • background-position: center;
        • }
      6. 重启
    15. 安装spacevim:curl -sLf | bash && vim

    16. For Nvidia desktop User:

      1. Software&Updates -> Additional Drivers -> Using recommended driver (tested) -> Apply changes -> Setting "Nvidia X Server Setting" -> reboot
      2. You can see changs in "System Settings -> Details -> About -> Graphics"
      3. 使用Nvidia独显作为唯一输出显卡,关机重启不会卡,集显会卡一分钟再进行关机重启之类的。
      4. 不过就是独显能耗高,发热大,但是性能要强__(especially in machine learning & deep learning)__
    17. Ps:如果想安装其他的主题,操作差不多

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