This C++ repository contains multiple algorithms to track people in multiple postures (walking/standing, crouching/squatting) using multimodal sensing (radar and/or LoDAR). The package contains diverse algorithms combined in the tracking pipeline:
- leg detectors
- leg trackers
- track fusion
- and more
- mlpack
- openCV
- Boost
- Eigen
The original repository is located here.
The repository is related to a journal publication. Please refer to the repository as: Mandischer, Nils; Hou, Ruikun; Corves, Burkhard Multi-Posture Leg Tracking for Temporarily Vision Restricted Environments Based on Fusion of Laser and Radar Sensor Data Journal of Field Robotics, 40(6), Wiley, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/rob.22195.