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base repository: IFB-ElixirFr/FAIR-checker
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base: v1.2.4a
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head repository: IFB-ElixirFr/FAIR-checker
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compare: master
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Showing with 73,858 additions and 1,440 deletions.
  1. +59,429 −0 EDAM_1.25.owl
  2. +1 −1
  3. +397 −198
  4. +1 −1 data/usage_stats.json
  5. +1,361 −0 domains.csv
  6. +122 −0 dumps/01166293-97f7-404e-97e5-d1442d944b38.nq
  7. +122 −0 dumps/23838dac-adfe-4aeb-b7c7-97699d2dcb0f.nq
  8. +96 −0 dumps/d9d7f1c6-7b74-462f-947e-eed4ef16427f.nq
  9. +2 −2 environment.yml
  10. +2 −0 input_urls.txt
  11. +72 −7 metrics/
  12. +0 −1 metrics/
  13. +1 −2 metrics/
  14. +1 −4 metrics/
  15. +1 −2 metrics/
  16. +14 −14 metrics/
  17. +1 −1 metrics/
  18. +1 −2 metrics/
  19. +1 −2 metrics/
  20. +1 −1 metrics/
  21. +1 −3 metrics/
  22. +1 −1 metrics/
  23. +1 −2 metrics/
  24. +1 −2 metrics/
  25. +1 −3 metrics/
  26. +18 −18 metrics/
  27. +1 −1 metrics/
  28. +147 −7 metrics/
  29. +2 −0 months.csv
  30. +272 −0 notebooks/Benchmarking FAIR assesment tools.ipynb
  31. +799 −0 notebooks/CDR FAIRness evaluation.ipynb
  32. +104 −174 notebooks/CMD_FC_Demo_Notebook.ipynb
  33. +1 −1 notebooks/Check_Bioschemas_live_deploys.ipynb
  34. +618 −33 notebooks/Consuming the FAIR-Checker API.ipynb
  35. +673 −0 notebooks/DCSO2schema.ipynb
  36. +533 −0 notebooks/
  37. +2,103 −0 notebooks/FAIRness evaluation - Dekalog.ipynb
  38. +88 −0 notebooks/Signposting_Tests.ipynb
  39. +872 −0 notebooks/Untitled.ipynb
  40. +64 −0 notebooks/Untitled1.ipynb
  41. +0 −528 notebooks/Usage Statistics.ipynb
  42. +139 −0 notebooks/bioschemas_harvesting.csv
  43. +140 −0 notebooks/
  44. +104 −0 notebooks/bioschemas_validation.csv
  45. +105 −0 notebooks/
  46. BIN notebooks/boxplot.png
  47. +579 −0 notebooks/dcso.example.4.0.0.ttl
  48. +19 −0 notebooks/domains.csv
  49. BIN notebooks/domains.pdf
  50. BIN notebooks/domains.png
  51. +14 −0 notebooks/fairchecker_dekalog_evals.csv
  52. +14 −0 notebooks/fc_dekalog_evals.csv
  53. +26 −0 notebooks/fc_evals.csv
  54. +393 −0 notebooks/sandbox/bioschemas-profiles-rdf.ipynb
  55. +1,022 −0 notebooks/stats/Usage Statistics.ipynb
  56. +45 −0 notebooks/stats/
  57. +2 −0 notebooks/stats/cumulated_months.csv
  58. BIN notebooks/stats/cumulative_count.pdf
  59. BIN notebooks/stats/cumulative_count.png
  60. BIN notebooks/stats/cumulative_count_log.png
  61. +2 −0 notebooks/stats/cumulative_evals.csv
  62. +48 −0 notebooks/stats/
  63. 0 notebooks/{ → stats}/
  64. 0 notebooks/{ → stats}/
  65. BIN notebooks/stats/monthly.pdf
  66. BIN notebooks/stats/monthly.png
  67. +2 −0 notebooks/stats/months.csv
  68. +140 −0 notebooks/stats/
  69. BIN notebooks/stats/stats.png
  70. BIN notebooks/stats/stats_m.png
  71. +2 −0 notebooks/stats/year.csv
  72. +17 −0 notebooks/
  73. +0 −138
  74. +133 −0
  75. +15 −21 profiles/
  76. +2 −2 profiles/
  77. +3 −3 profiles/
  78. +1 −1 profiles/bs_profiles.json
  79. +1 −1 static/data/
  80. BIN static/favicon.ico
  81. BIN static/favicon_4.ico
  82. BIN static/images/favicon.png
  83. BIN static/images/logo-FAIR-Checker.png
  84. BIN stats.png
  85. BIN stats_m.png
  86. +2,327 −0 taxrefld_singlefile_metadata.ttl
  87. +1 −5 templates/about.html
  88. +144 −86 templates/check.html
  89. +9 −8 templates/footer.html
  90. +28 −25 templates/metrics_table.html
  91. +85 −0 templates/profile_reco.html
  92. +16 −113 templates/radar_chart.html
  93. +85 −0 templates/terms.html
  94. +158 −0
  95. +11 −11 tests/
  96. +1 −2 tests/
  97. +1 −0 tests/
  98. +1 −1 tests/
  99. +2 −2 tests/
  100. +1 −1 tests/
  101. +47 −0 tests/
  102. +24 −0 tests/
  103. +20 −9 tests/
  104. +1 −0 usage_stats.json
  105. +2 −0 year.csv