'ExternalLink' is a utility plugin for Piwik open source web analytics. It adds configurable external links to the top menu of a Piwik installation.
- PHP 5.2+
- Piwik 1.8+
cd {PIWIK}/plugins
git clone git@github.com:IET-OU/piwik-externallink-plugin.git ExternalLink
# Or, get our Piwik fork, with plugin submodules,
git clone --recursive git@github:IET-OU/piwik-trackoer.git piwik
# Enable the plugin in the Piwik administrator interface..
- Piwik plugins: piwik.org/faq/plugins
- Project site: track.olnet.org
- Project blog: cloudworks.ac.uk/tag/view/TrackOER
piwik-externallink-plugin: Copyright 2012 The Open University.
- License: GNU General Public License v2 or later.
ExternalLink (piwik-externallink-plugin) was developed by the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, for the Track OER project with support from JISC.