The IDMEFv2 prototype is an alert manager compatible with the IDMEFv2 format.
The aim of this prototype is to demonstrate the capacity to build a (cyber and physical) cyphy-siem on top of IDMEFv2 (Incident Detection Message Exchange Format v2)
The prototype is partially based on Prelude OSS (IDMEFv1) and still under heavy development.
The prototype will offer:
- A communication bus based on kakfa
- JSON Alert storage in Elasticsearch
- Web user operating interface (based on Prewikka OSS)
- Python rules based correlator engine (based on Prelude OSS Correlator)
- Log management analysis with Logstash
- A test environment with local Linux logs and local webserver
IDMEFv2-prototype is an effort provided by the SECEF (SECurity Exchange Format) consortium toward IDMEFv2 standardisation.
A pre-release is expected for T2 2023.
More information about IDMEFv2 at :
This repository provide docker files and docker-compose files for theses services:
- Kafka
- Zookeeper
- Kafdrop
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- SIEM Web Interface
- PostgreSQL
- NGINX test Webserver
You need :
- podman version 4 or higher
- podman-compose version 1 or higher
Run the following command:
make up
Run the following command:
make down
Run the following command:
make clean
Following services are exposed:
- Web interface: http://localhost
- Alert's database: http://elastic:elastic@localhost:9200
- Syslog input: tcp://localhost:6514
- IDMEFv2 input: http://localhost:4690
- Kafka status: http://localhost:9201
- Kafka broker: http://localhost:9092
- NGINX test Webserver: http://localhost:8080
By default, the prototype is listen on localhost on port 6514 port to get logs on TCP (no SSL) and UDP.
You can configure your own localhost logs to go to the prototype. For example with rsyslog:
- Edit /etc/rsyslog.conf
- At the end of the file, add the following line:
- . @@
- Restart the rsyslog process:
- systemctl restart rsyslog
A web server is available by default and already configured to send logs to prototype. NGINX test webserver has 4 possibles URL:
- http://localhost to get 200 access code
- http://localhost/test_403 to get 403 error
- http://localhost/test_404 to get 404 error
- http://localhost/test_500 to get 500 error
- All other URL to get 404 error
To manage the test webwerver, you can use the following commands:
make up-test
make down-test
make clean-test
Your prototype is listening on 4690 for IDMEFv2 alerts.
For example, if you have this file /tmp/test.json
with the following content:
"Description": "Potential bruteforce attack on root user account",
"Priority": "Medium",
"CreateTime": "2024-10-18T20:55:29.196408+00:00",
"StartTime": "2021-05-10T16:55:29+00:00",
"Category": [
"Analyzer": {
"Name": "SIEM",
"Hostname": "",
"Type": "Cyber",
"Model": "Concerto SIEM 5.2",
"Category": [
"Data": [
"Method": [
"IP": ""
"Sensor": [
"IP": "",
"Name": "syslog",
"Hostname": "",
"Model": "rsyslog 8.2110",
"Location": "Server room A1, rack 10"
"Target": [
"IP": "",
"Hostname": "",
"Location": "Server room A1, rack 10",
"User": "root"
You can send this alert to the prototype using the following command:
curl -X POST -sSv -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @/tmp/test.json
For exeample, you can send a log that content a failed login from SSH
Mar 11 11:00:35 itguxweb2 sshd[24541]: Failed password for root from port 1806
with the netcat tool:
echo 'Mar 11 11:00:35 itguxweb2 sshd[24541]: Failed password for root from port 1806' | nc -N localhost 6514
or with embeded test container:
make tests_logs
Note: logs are in tests/example_logs
You can also try to send an IDMEFv2 alert with embeded test container:
make tests_idmefv2
Note: IDMEFv2 alerts are in tests/example_idmefv2
For example, you want to parse the following log:
Mar 1 12:13:22 rhel7 sshd[70149]: Failed password for invalid user goro from port 55662 ssh2
First of all, you need to create the associated pattern in Grok format. It is nearly like REGEX but with high level framework to help parsing logs.
Here is an explication of Grok:
Logstash add a lot of pre-built patterns:
Here is a Grok validator to help you build Grok patterns:
In our case, the Grok pattern we want is:
Failed %{NOTSPACE:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][SSH][auth_method]} for (invalid|illegal) user (?=%{USERNAME:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][related][user]})%{USERNAME:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]} from %{IPORHOST:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][address]} port %{POSINT:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][port]:int} ssh2
The expected output is:
- [Attachment][RawLog][Content][SSH][auth_method] => password
- [Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name] => goro
- [Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][address] =>
- [Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][port] => 55662
Then, you need to create the "Match" rule for your parsing rule. Create a new file in logstash/rulesets/<my_file>.yml
<my_file> is an arbitrary name for your ruleset file.
Inside your file, you must follow the following format:
name: <ruleset_name>
description: <A description of your ruleset. Generally, what does the software that generate logs you want to parse>
field: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][message]"
- id: <rule_id, must be unique in your whole SIEM installation>
pattern: <grok_pattern>
- <Example of log>
The predicate part is here to increase performance. It allow you to execute the rule only on specific logs. For example, if you want to execute the rule only if field "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][process][name]" is equal to "sshd", the predicate is as this:
operator: equal
- operator: variable
operands: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][process][name]"
- operator: constant
operands: "sshd"
In the end, for our example, the ruleset is as follow:
name: ssh
description: "SSH, is a cryptographic (encrypted) network protocol to allow remote login and other network services to operate securely over an unsecured network."
field: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][message]"
operator: equal
- operator: variable
operands: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][process][name]"
- operator: constant
operands: "sshd"
- id: 1912
pattern: "Failed %{NOTSPACE:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][SSH][auth_method]} for (invalid|illegal) user (?=%{USERNAME:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][related][user]})%{USERNAME:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]} from %{IPORHOST:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][address]} port %{POSINT:[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][port]:int} ssh2"
outcome: "failure"
- "Mar 1 12:13:22 rhel7 sshd[70149]: Failed password for invalid user goro from port 55662 ssh2"
- "Jan 14 11:29:17 ras sshd[18163]: Failed publickey for invalid user fred from fec0:0:201::3 port 62788 ssh2"
At this stage, all cut-out fields are available inside the log so you can found them in "ARCHIVE" in the web interface.
To create an alert based on this, you need to create a second file here: logstash/to_idmef/<my_file>.yml
Here, the file format is similar:
name: <ruleset_name>
- id: <rule_id>
<translate if needed>
<list_of fields to fill based on IDMEFv2 format>
Remember that IDMEFv2 RFC is available here:
allow you to fill a field conditionally, based on other available fields. For example, if you want to fill the field "Priority" to "Low" all the time but with "Medium" if the user ([Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]) is root, you need to use the following synthax:
- source: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]"
target: "[Priority]"
"root": "Medium"
fallback: "Low"
In the end, for our example, the rule is as follow:
name: ssh
- id: 1912
- source: "[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]"
target: "[Priority]"
"root": "Medium"
fallback: "Low"
"[@metadata][IDMEFv2][source]": "source"
"[@metadata][IDMEFv2][target]": "host"
"[Category][0]": "Attempt.Login"
- "Log"
- "Auth"
"[Analyzer][Type]": "Cyber"
- "tcp"
- "ssh"
"[Target][0][Service]": "%{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][process][name]}"
"[Target][0][User]": "%{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]}"
"[Description]": "Someone tried to log in as '%{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][destination][user][name]}' from %{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][address]} port %{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][source][port]} using the %{[Attachment][RawLog][Content][SSH][auth_method]} method"