The Incident Detection Message Exchange Format version 2 (IDMEFv2) is a universal format to describe any events and incidents detected on cyber and/or physical infrastructures.
The format is agnostic so it can be used in stand-alone or combined cyber (SIEM), physical (PSIM) and availability (NMS) monitoring architectures. IDMEFv2 can also be used to describe natural and man-made hazards threats and incidents.
This IDMEFv2 GitHub hosts documentation, the official IETF Internet Drafts and technical tools and librairies for testing/implementing.
The format is still in definition stage. More information on :
Documentation :
IDMEFv2 in a nutshell: A short introduction of IDMEFv2.
IDMEFv2 Genesis and history: A brief history of IDMEF V1 and V2.
IDMEFv2 Initiative planning: : Macro planning of the IDMEFv2 standardisation initiative planning
IDMEFv2: Standard Definition principles : The principles followed to define IDMEFv2.
IDMEFv2 Glossary: IDMEFv2 related terms glossary.
IDMEFv2 FAQ: Frequently asked questions about IDMEFv2.
IDMEFv2 Specification: V00 15/10/2022
- Format Official IETF Internet Draft : The Incident Detection Message Exchange Format version 2 (IDMEFv2)
- Transport Official IETF Internet Draft: Transport of IDMEFv2 Messages over HTTPS
- Internal IDMEFv2 Définition Cheat Sheet: IDMEFv2 Attributs and enumeration summarized in a excel file
Tools :
Online IDMEFv2 JSON file Validator: A tool to validate IDMEFv2 JSON files. Essential to tune your own JSON files.
IDMEFv2 JSON Schema A JSON Schema for IDMEFv2 message validation.
Python librairies :
IDMEFv2 format python library: A Python library for parsing, handling, and generating JSON IDMEFv2 messages.
IDMEFv2 transport python library: A Python library that provides various transport implementations to exchange IDMEFv2 messages.
Java librairies :
IDMEFv2 format java library: A Java library for serializing, deserializing and validating JSON IDMEFv2 messages.
IDMEFv2 transport java library: A Java library for transporting IDMEFv2 messages over HTTPs.
Swift librairies :
IDMEFv2 format swift library: A swift library for serializing, deserializing and validating JSON IDMEFv2 messages.
IDMEFv2 transport swift library: A swift library for transporting IDMEFv2 messages over HTTPs.