The notebook is designed to be run top-down. Settings in early cells are used in later cells. Some variables are also cleared to free up memory. So, although you can often run single cell repeatedly while testing changes, you may want to start over from the top if anything seems to be missing.
This notebook was designed to be built and run on an IBM Power Systems platform. Since this environment is not readily available for most developers, the notebook has been packaged up and hosted on the Nimbix Cloud Platform. All of the data required by the notebook (financial indexes, New York Times articles, IBM Watson service processing) have already been collected and can be directly imported into the notebook.
If a developer wishes to run this notebook locally, all of the user files can be found in this repository:
- /notebooks/Clean_Energy_Watson_V1.0.ipynb - python notebook.
- /data/*.csv - data files referenced in the notebook.
- /data/nyt_article_results.json - NTY articles processed by the IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding service.
The notebook should run as long as all of the python packages listed in the notebook are installed. Note that running on a standard x86 sytem will result in significantly slower processing times due to the lack of system GPUs and processor speed.