This document provides the steps to provision multi NIC using F5 IBM Schematics API Curl Commands .
IBM Cloud Schematics API can be found here
access_token and refresh_token need to be created first.
Command to create them is
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
The "access_token" is considered as iam_token or bearer token. It can be used by appending "Bearer" keyword before it.
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx | jq
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 2469 100 2368 100 101 380 16 0:00:06 0:00:06 --:--:-- 607
"access_token": "eyJraxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"refresh_token": "OKDSlxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ims_user_id": 8009626,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"expiration": 1593170371,
"scope": "ibm openid"
2. Export the access_token and refresh_token obtained in step 1 as environment variables as ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN respectively.
export ACCESS_TOKEN=<access_token>
export REFRESH_TOKEN=<refresh_token>
Create a schematic workspace in Frankfurt as show below,
curl --request POST --url -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -d '{"name":"","type": ["terraform_v0.12"],"description": "","resource_group": "","tags": [],"template_repo": {"url": ""},"template_data": [{"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v0.12","variablestore": [{"name": "variable_name1","value": "variable_value1"},{"name": "variable_name2","value": "variable_value2"}]}]}'
request.json : This is the json file ,which contains the request payload data for creating workspace with the required parameters.
"type": ["terraform_v0.12"],
"location": "eu-de",
"description": "Test schematics",
"resource_group": "37bb11cc41794f52adebc2e2b0d583ee",
"tags": [],
"template_repo": {
"url": ""
"template_data": [
"folder": ".",
"type": "terraform_v0.12",
"variablestore": [
"name": "primary_subnet_id",
"value": "02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5"
"name": "secondary_subnet_id_1",
"value": "02k7-c84c0c1a-4602-45df-8836-d0960bcacc69"
"name": "secondary_subnet_id_2",
"value": "02k7-0cd7c739-dbb9-4b2c-ba07-89ed3867aa6c"
"name": "ssh_key_name",
"value": "my-key-1"
"name": "image_name",
"value": "bigip-15-1-0-4-0-0-6-ltm-1slot"
"name": "vnf_instance_name",
"value": "f5-bnpp-sch-vsi"
"name": "vnf_profile",
"value": "bx2-2x8"
"name": "region",
"value": "eu-fr2"
"name": "vnf_security_group",
"value": "f5-schapi-security-group33"
curl --request POST --url -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @request.json | jq
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 4140 0 2931 100 1209 156 64 0:00:18 0:00:18 --:--:-- 673
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:04 --:--:-- 0
## "id": "catalog-sample1-2338c1ba-e914-42",
"name": "catalog-sample1",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:eu-de:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632:273d1665-25ab-447d-997f-4a957ed83fc2:workspace:catalog-sample1-2338c1ba-e914-42",
"type": [
"description": "Test schematics",
"resource_group": "Default",
"location": "eu-de",
"tags": [],
"created_at": "2020-10-07T06:25:34.197963319Z",
"created_by": "",
"status": "DRAFT",
"workspace_status_msg": {
"status_code": "",
"status_msg": ""
"workspace_status": {
"frozen": false,
"locked": false
"template_repo": {
"url": "",
"branch": "master",
"full_url": "",
"has_uploadedgitrepotar": false
"template_data": [
## "id": "catalog_img_id_multinic_vsi-6d9da9ff-b7da-45",
"folder": "catalog_img_id_multinic_vsi",
"type": "terraform_v0.12",
"values_url": "",
"values": "",
"variablestore": [
"name": "primary_subnet_id",
"secure": false,
"value": "02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "secondary_subnet_id_1",
"secure": false,
"value": "02k7-c84c0c1a-4602-45df-8836-d0960bcacc69",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "secondary_subnet_id_2",
"secure": false,
"value": "02k7-0cd7c739-dbb9-4b2c-ba07-89ed3867aa6c",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "ssh_key_name",
"secure": false,
"value": "my-key-1",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "image_name",
"secure": false,
"value": "bigip-15-1-0-4-0-0-6-ltm-1slot",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "vnf_instance_name",
"secure": false,
"value": "f5-bnpp-sch-vsi",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "vnf_profile",
"secure": false,
"value": "bx2-2x8",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "region",
"secure": false,
"value": "eu-fr2",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"name": "vnf_security_group",
"secure": false,
"value": "f5-schapi-security-group33",
"type": "",
"description": ""
"has_githubtoken": false
"runtime_data": [
"id": "catalog_img_id_multinic_vsi-6d9da9ff-b7da-45",
"engine_name": "terraform",
"engine_version": "v0.12.20",
"state_store_url": "",
"log_store_url": ""
"shared_data": {
"resource_group_id": ""
"applied_shareddata_ids": null,
"updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Terraform Plan
Terraform Plan command can be executed using below curl command.
curl -X POST{id}/plan -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
In above command “id” is the schematics id obtained from step 3 output.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "refresh_token: $REFRESH_TOKEN" | jq
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 49 100 49 0 0 14 0 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 14
"activityid": "446b10e893da75987f6e8753e09f2cb6"
Terraform Apply can be performed using below curl command.
curl -X PUT{id}/apply -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "refresh_token:$REFRESH_TOKEN"
Show the Terraform logs for the most recent action of a template that ran against your workspace.
curl -X GET{id}/runtime_data/{template_id}/log_store -H "Authorization: "
In above command “id” : it is the schematics id obtained from step 3 output. ”template_id ” : The ID that was assigned to your Terraform template or IBM Cloud catalog software template and is obtained from step 3 output.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
2020/10/07 06:37:31 ----- New Workspace Action -----
2020/10/07 06:37:31 Request: activitId=0c7249c9fb4e0c3d30d2beac85eb195e, account=322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632,, requestID=a3e6a40e-43a3-4030-a5b3-0633bb4d00d4
2020/10/07 06:37:31 Related Activity: action=APPLY, workspaceID=catalog-sample1-2338c1ba-e914-42, processedBy=orchestrator-5554c87678-s5844
2020/10/07 06:37:31 Related Workspace: name=catalog-sample1, sourcerelease=(not specified), sourceurl=
2020/10/07 06:37:35 --- Ready to execute the command ---
2020/10/07 06:37:36 workspace.template.SecFile: 11999ebb-4d81-4e3b-91c6-a71cc3832f56
2020/10/07 06:37:35 ----- New Action -----
2020/10/07 06:37:35 Request: requestID=a3e6a40e-43a3-4030-a5b3-0633bb4d00d4
2020/10/07 06:37:36 Related Activity: action=Apply, workspaceID=catalog-sample1-2338c1ba-e914-42, processedByOrchestrator=a3e6a40e-43a3-4030-a5b3-0633bb4d00d4_0c7249c9fb4e0c3d30d2beac85eb195e, processedByJob=job12-599bf9678f-2q7c7
2020/10/07 06:37:41 ----- Terraform INIT -----
2020/10/07 06:37:41 Starting command: terraform init -input=false -lock=false -no-color
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | Initializing the backend...
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | Initializing provider plugins...
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | The following providers do not have any version constraints in configuration,
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | so the latest version was installed.
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | changes, it is recommended to add version = "..." constraints to the
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | corresponding provider blocks in configuration, with the constraint strings
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | suggested below.
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | * version = "~> 1.13"
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init |
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Terraform init | Terraform has been successfully initialized!
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Command finished successfully.
2020/10/07 06:37:42 ----- Terraform SHOW -----
2020/10/07 06:37:42 Starting command: terraform show -no-color
2020/10/07 06:37:44 Terraform show | No state.
2020/10/07 06:37:44 Command finished successfully.
2020/10/07 06:37:44 ----- Terraform APPLY -----
2020/10/07 06:37:44 Starting command: terraform apply -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color -lock=false -parallelism=10
2020/10/07 06:37:48 Terraform apply | data.ibm_is_subnet.vnf_primary_subnet: Refreshing state...
2020/10/07 06:37:48 Terraform apply | data.ibm_is_region.region: Refreshing state...
2020/10/07 06:37:48 Terraform apply | data.ibm_is_instance_profile.vnf_profile: Refreshing state...
2020/10/07 06:37:48 Terraform apply | data.ibm_is_ssh_key.vnf_ssh_pub_key: Refreshing state...
2020/10/07 06:37:54 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group.vnf_security_group: Creating...
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group.vnf_security_group: Creation complete after 4s [id=r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc]
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_allow_ssh: Creating...
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_allow_ssh: Creation complete after 0s [id=r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-589fee55-edef-4b92-925e-6889e6d0e1d1]
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_in_all: Creating...
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_in_all: Creation complete after 0s [id=r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-f43da5dd-0c59-4330-80e1-e19975b3fa41]
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_out_all: Creating...
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_out_all: Creation complete after 0s [id=r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-0a2826c7-829d-4d93-82d6-1c05688b6752]
2020/10/07 06:37:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Creating...
2020/10/07 06:38:07 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:38:17 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:38:27 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:38:37 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:38:47 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:38:50 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Provisioning with 'safe-local-exec'...
2020/10/07 06:38:50 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi (safe-local-exec): Executing: ["/bin/sh" "-c" "sleep 30"]
2020/10/07 06:38:57 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [1m0s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:39:07 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [1m10s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:39:17 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Still creating... [1m20s elapsed]
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi: Creation complete after 1m22s [id=02k7_4719bd69-5c11-4b1f-b27e-06c870bb7da1]
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Value for undeclared variable
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | The root module does not declare a variable named "resource_group" but a value
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | was found in file "schematics.tfvars". To use this value, add a "variable"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | block to the configuration.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Using a variables file to set an undeclared variable is deprecated and will
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | become an error in a future release. If you wish to provide certain "global"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | settings to all configurations in your organization, use TF_VAR_...
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | environment variables to set these instead.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Value for undeclared variable
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | The root module does not declare a variable named "zone" but a value was found
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | in file "schematics.tfvars". To use this value, add a "variable" block to the
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | configuration.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Using a variables file to set an undeclared variable is deprecated and will
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | become an error in a future release. If you wish to provide certain "global"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | settings to all configurations in your organization, use TF_VAR_...
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | environment variables to set these instead.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Value for undeclared variable
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | The root module does not declare a variable named "vpc_name" but a value was
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | found in file "schematics.tfvars". To use this value, add a "variable" block
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | to the configuration.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Using a variables file to set an undeclared variable is deprecated and will
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | become an error in a future release. If you wish to provide certain "global"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | settings to all configurations in your organization, use TF_VAR_...
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | environment variables to set these instead.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Values for undeclared variables
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | In addition to the other similar warnings shown, 1 other variable(s) defined
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | without being declared.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | on line 30, in resource "ibm_is_security_group" "vnf_security_group":
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | 30: name = "${var.vnf_security_group}"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | (and 13 more similar warnings elsewhere)
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Warning: Quoted references are deprecated
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | on line 37, in resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "vnf_sg_allow_ssh":
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | 37: depends_on = ["ibm_is_security_group.vnf_security_group"]
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | In this context, references are expected literally rather than in quotes.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Terraform 0.11 and earlier required quotes, but quoted references are now
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Terraform. Remove the
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | quotes surrounding this reference to silence this warning.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere)
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | Outputs:
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply |
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Terraform apply | map_instance = r030-88b35711-82aa-45ae-b0e6-12785e7c2b55
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Command finished successfully.
2020/10/07 06:39:20 ----- Terraform SHOW -----
2020/10/07 06:39:20 Starting command: terraform show -no-color
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # data.ibm_is_instance_profile.vnf_profile:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | data "ibm_is_instance_profile" "vnf_profile" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | family = "balanced"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "bx2-2x8"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "bx2-2x8"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # data.ibm_is_region.region:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | data "ibm_is_region" "region" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | endpoint = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "eu-fr2"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "eu-fr2"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | status = "available"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # data.ibm_is_ssh_key.vnf_ssh_pub_key:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | data "ibm_is_ssh_key" "vnf_ssh_pub_key" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | fingerprint = "SHA256:b5UKj2h+us17bqG4yF3LmU7glDFr2tgDidWLffJswy4"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "r030-f9616aea-8fdf-4fbe-8dca-eb9c29562d80"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | length = 4096
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "my-key-1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_controller_url = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::key:r030-f9616aea-8fdf-4fbe-8dca-eb9c29562d80"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group_name = "37bb11cc41794f52adebc2e2b0d583ee"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_name = "my-key-1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | type = "rsa"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # data.ibm_is_subnet.vnf_primary_subnet:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | data "ibm_is_subnet" "vnf_primary_subnet" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | identifier = "02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ipv4_cidr_block = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "mgmt"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | network_acl = "r030-4bae82de-462d-4f68-8529-870e7c439b52"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_controller_url = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2-1:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::subnet:02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group = "37bb11cc41794f52adebc2e2b0d583ee"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group_name = "Default"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_name = "mgmt"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_status = "available"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | status = "available"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | total_ipv4_address_count = 256
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | vpc = "r030-62a1cb21-9b36-4589-bdc4-a1fc1bbbcce7"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | zone = "eu-fr2-1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # ibm_is_instance.vnf_vsi:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource "ibm_is_instance" "vnf_vsi" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | gpu = []
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7_4719bd69-5c11-4b1f-b27e-06c870bb7da1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | image = "r030-88b35711-82aa-45ae-b0e6-12785e7c2b55"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | keys = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | "r030-f9616aea-8fdf-4fbe-8dca-eb9c29562d80",
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | memory = 8
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "f5-bnpp-sch-vsi"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | profile = "bx2-2x8"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_controller_url = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2-1:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::instance:02k7_4719bd69-5c11-4b1f-b27e-06c870bb7da1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group = "37bb11cc41794f52adebc2e2b0d583ee"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group_name = "Default"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_name = "f5-bnpp-sch-vsi"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_status = "running"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | status = "running"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | tags = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | "schematics:catalog-sample1-2338c1ba-e914-42",
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | vcpu = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | architecture = "amd64"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | count = 2
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | },
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | volume_attachments = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7-6b762731-6283-4dc8-9fc9-500c039b07e3"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "volume-attachment"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | volume_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2-1:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::volume:r030-2fabf38b-4b28-4c59-bf37-90319eaf0b9e"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | volume_id = "r030-2fabf38b-4b28-4c59-bf37-90319eaf0b9e"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | volume_name = "imaging-pasty-survivor-startup"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | },
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | vpc = "r030-62a1cb21-9b36-4589-bdc4-a1fc1bbbcce7"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | zone = "eu-fr2-1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | boot_volume {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | encryption = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2-1:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::volume:r030-2fabf38b-4b28-4c59-bf37-90319eaf0b9e"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | iops = 0
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "volume-attachment"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | size = 0
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | network_interfaces {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7-60aef1fd-5c48-4dcd-8574-18896f3369ff"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "eth1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | primary_ipv4_address = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | security_groups = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc",
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | subnet = "02k7-c84c0c1a-4602-45df-8836-d0960bcacc69"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | network_interfaces {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7-9619580d-22fc-4f67-916c-9c6de3dca4fc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "eth2"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | primary_ipv4_address = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | security_groups = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc",
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | subnet = "02k7-0cd7c739-dbb9-4b2c-ba07-89ed3867aa6c"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | primary_network_interface {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "02k7-053ea3d4-6131-4049-9dec-54e0c756c085"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "eth0"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | port_speed = 0
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | primary_ipv4_address = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | security_groups = [
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc",
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ]
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | subnet = "02k7-71501954-6828-45da-a327-5b15f05e86d5"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | timeouts {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | create = "10m"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | delete = "10m"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # ibm_is_security_group.vnf_security_group:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource "ibm_is_security_group" "vnf_security_group" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | name = "f5-schapi-security-group33"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_controller_url = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-fr2:a/322c285df3be4e90b19faabf6341f632::security-group:r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group = "37bb11cc41794f52adebc2e2b0d583ee"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_group_name = "Default"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource_name = "f5-schapi-security-group33"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | rules = []
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | vpc = "r030-62a1cb21-9b36-4589-bdc4-a1fc1bbbcce7"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_allow_ssh:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "vnf_sg_allow_ssh" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | direction = "inbound"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | group = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-589fee55-edef-4b92-925e-6889e6d0e1d1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ip_version = "ipv4"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | remote = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | rule_id = "r030-589fee55-edef-4b92-925e-6889e6d0e1d1"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | tcp {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | port_max = 22
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | port_min = 22
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_in_all:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "vnf_sg_rule_in_all" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | direction = "inbound"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | group = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-f43da5dd-0c59-4330-80e1-e19975b3fa41"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ip_version = "ipv4"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | remote = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | rule_id = "r030-f43da5dd-0c59-4330-80e1-e19975b3fa41"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | # ibm_is_security_group_rule.vnf_sg_rule_out_all:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "vnf_sg_rule_out_all" {
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | direction = "outbound"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | group = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | id = "r030-d9d66cec-2126-4f0a-bbaa-c0e10cdd35bc.r030-0a2826c7-829d-4d93-82d6-1c05688b6752"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | ip_version = "ipv4"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | remote = ""
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | rule_id = "r030-0a2826c7-829d-4d93-82d6-1c05688b6752"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | }
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | Outputs:
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show |
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Terraform show | map_instance = "r030-88b35711-82aa-45ae-b0e6-12785e7c2b55"
2020/10/07 06:39:21 Command finished successfully.
2020/10/07 06:39:23 Done with the workspace action
In below example ,
target : The network interface this floating IP is to be bound to.The primary network interface id obtained from the output of the step(6) name : The unique user-defined name for this floating IP
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"target": {"id": "02k7-053ea3d4-6131-4049-9dec-54e0c756c085"}
Terraform resources can be destroyed using below curl command.
curl -X PUT{id}/destroy -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "refresh_token:$REFRESH_TOKEN"
Workspace can be deleted using below curl command.
curl -X DELETE{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" | jq
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 0