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Add NetWork

I-Am-Jakoby edited this page May 18, 2022 · 1 revision


Table of Contents
  1. Description
  2. The Function
  3. Examples
  4. Contact
  5. Acknowledgments



This function will add a network profile to your targets PC

The Function


This function will accept 3 parameters, 2 of which are mandatory

You always have to provide the $SSID to give your network a name

The $Security parameter is also mandatory only takes the value of "t"(true) or "f"(false)

This will tell the function whether or not you need a wifi password for your network

If a wifi password is deemed necessary you provide it using the $PW variable

Set-up a new network profile on your targets PC using the following syntax:

For a network profile using a Password use:

Add-NetWork -SSID wifi-name -security t -PW wifi-password

For a network profile NOT using a Password use:

Add-NetWork -SSID wifi-name -security f

function Add-NetWork {

param (	
[Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]

[Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]

[Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$sec = switch ( $Security )
    "t"  { 
    "f" { 



# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$SSIDHEX=($SSID.ToCharArray() |foreach-object {'{0:X}' -f ([int]$_)}) -join''
$xmlfile="<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="""">

$XMLFILE > ($profilefile)
netsh wlan add profile filename="$($profilefile)"

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Listed below are payloads that have used one of these functions:


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I am Jakoby

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