Snipe is a chat application for android built using Kotlin and Firestore. Snipe Uses clean architecture and jetpack components alongside Kotlin Coroutines and flows for a smooth experience and efficient functioning.
- Clone the repository
- Create new Firebase project, and link the cloned project with it (You can either do it manually or use Tools > Firebase Assistant )
- If the above step is done manually, make sure to copy-paste services.json file to your app directory
- Open terminal and run
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Now login to Firebase CLI by running
firebase login
- Go to the Cloned Project directory and run
firebase init firestore
, and follow on the screen steps to select the Firebase project you have just created - To initialize your cloud functions, run
firebase init functions
- When prompted to choose between Javascript and Typescript, select Typescript
- When prompted to overwrite index.ts, select no
- 🚧 🚧 Work in Progress - Some features may not work 🚧 🚧
- Cloud Functions requires Firebase Blaze plan for your project, to know more, visit Firebase Pricing