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PhantomIsolation is a plugin allow player choose phantom should spawn on them self.

Key Features:

  1. In-game command to check, enabled, disabled setting.

  2. Permission-based access: Server administrators can control which players have access to the plugin's features by configuring permissions.

  3. Configurable messages and settings

  4. Support Mysql , Flat Flies storage type

In summary, PhantomIsolation is help player don't like phantom still enjoy the game.

Permissions & Commands

Command Description Permission Default
/pil usage command list ``
/pil check check current settings
/pil status check current settings
/pil enable disable phantom to spawn on you
/pil on disable phantom to spawn on you
/pil disable enable phantom to spawn on you
/pil off enable phantom to spawn on you
/phantomisolationreload reload configuration flies phantomisolation.reload false
/pilr reload configuration flies phantomisolation.reload false
/phantomisolation <usage> alias command for easy to using command


# PhantomIsolation2 Configuration

# PhantomIsolation command messages
    status: "&aPhantom Isolation is currently %status%"
    status_enabled: "&aenabled"
    status_disabled: "&cdisabled"
    not-player: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player!"
    enabled: "&aPhantom Isolation is now enabled."
    disable: "&cPhantom Isolation is now disabled."
    usage: "&6Usage: /phantomisolation &a[check|disable|enable]"

# PhantomIsolationReload command messages
    reload-config: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully."
    reload-config-error: "&cAn error occurred while reloading the configuration."

# Database settings and error messages
  # Database type
  datatype: "flatfile" # Options: "flatfile" or "mysql"

  # MySQL database settings (only used if datatype is "mysql")
  address: "localhost:3306"
  user: "username"
  password: "password"
  database: "phantom_isolation"

  # Flat file error messages
    fail-load: "&cFailed to load data from the flat file."
    fail-save: "&cFailed to save data to the flat file."

  # MySQL error messages
    fail-connect: "&cFailed to connect to MySQL database."
    fail-load: "&cFailed to load data from the MySQL database."
    fail-save: "&cFailed to save data to the MySQL database."


If you would like to contribute to PhantomIsolation, feel free to submit a pull request with your changes. All contributions are welcome and appreciated.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT license. See for more information.