- Use yarn in CI tests if available
- Default to the latest LTS node version (6.x)
- Cache node_modules
- No longer run
yarn check
- Clear caches from the slug
- Warn, rather than failing, on a failed
yarn check
- Use cache directories instead of node_modules
- Use yarn, if available, as part of the cache signature
- Warn about yarn's youth and evolution on build failures
- Link to opt-out of yarn instructions
- Use
yarn list
instead ofyarn ls
- Hide final dep tree listings under a
- Warn on yarn NODE_ENV and NPM_CONFIG incompatibility
- Pass --ignore-engines flag to yarn to avoid hard failures
- Use yarn instead of npm if yarn.lock file is present
- Do not fail build on output errors
- Do not prune before install (shrinkwrap unsupported by prune)
- Extended warnings (missing dependencies, econnreset, no start)
- Remove hard limit on WEB_CONCURRENCY (32)
- Blacklists the LANG env var
- Adds heroku-prebuild script
- Adds heroku-postbuild script
- Retries all curl requests
- Use HTTPS for node binary downloads again
Several edge-case fixes
- Enables compiling the same directory multiple times
- Updates tests for Node v5
- Moves node_modules/.bin binaries to last on the PATH
Fixes piped output buffering issues
Fixes piped output buffering issues (unsuccessful)
Replaces sed with awk for output formatting
- large output (from assets or npm 3) was crashing sed ('resource unavailable')
Caching improvements
- Fixes modules-checked-in reference URL
- When cache restoration is disabled, empties the cache instead of saving it
- Adds bower_components as a default cache target
Detects bower+angular resolution failures Detects missing grunt/gulp/bower failures
Supports WEB_CONCURRENCY=28 for Performance-L dynos
Fixes not defaulting to NODE_ENV=production
during runtime
Supports WEB_CONCURRENCY for Performance-M dynos
Defaults node environment to 'production'; bugfixes
- Fix runtime signature cache invalidation
- Provide error messaging for un-downloadable binaries
- Default to NODE_ENV=production for both build and runtime
- heroku#60
Npm bootstrapping skipped when using iojs.
- Fixes heroku#202
Refactor to bring caching logic to the forefront.
- Fixes cachDirectories issues
- Addresses heroku#231
- Addresses heroku#226
- Simplifies detect (package.json required)
Updated build failure and help messaging.
Updated messaging.
Disables cache restoration if node_modules already exists.
Accepts cacheDirectories
array in package.json to override default node_modules