This is the AI core engine behind the project Skin-Detective AI which is published on Diagnostics (Scopus Impact Factor 3.9)
Article links
Reproduce the exact environment
docker pull hthquan28/skin-detective
Run Jupyterlab in container, with expose port 8080 and using NVIDIA Driver
docker run -it --gpus all -p 8080:8080 --name skin_container hthquan28/skin-detective
Run on detached mode
docker run -d --gpus all -p 8080:8080 --name skin_container hthquan28/skin-detective
Using terminal in container
docker exec -it skin_container bash
Build container
Note: Due to different architectures of your Graphic Card, you might not able to run it, for more information please refer this article
pip install -r requirements.txt
Object detection dataset should be organized in COCO format
| - bbox <contain COCO format files info>
| - img1 <coco info of img1>
| - img2 <coco info of img2>
| - image <contain images>
| - img1.jpg <img1>
| - img2.jpg <img2>
| - models <store model files>
| - mAP <eval package>
Look at help for more detail parameters Model will be trained and stored in ./models folder
Run acne_circle_final.ipynb This should output lightgbm model for grade classifer
Run file present2.ipynb to present the result and evaluation